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Gerald Yeo edited this page Aug 25, 2019 · 18 revisions

v12.x is a huge rewrite in terms of architecture and language.

1-1 Migration

In order to ease migration, a module preset is provided for users coming from v11.x.

// instead of 
import { authenticator, hotp, totp } from 'otplib';

// update to
import { authenticator, hotp, totp } from 'otplib/preset-v11';
// you might need to do a `npm install thirty-two` as it is now moved to devDependencies.


As the package moved towards a more pluggable interface, they are now listed under devDependencies. As such, you would need to install the corresponding npm modules for the plugins. These are listed in the

# Past
npm install otplib

# Now
npm install otplib thirty-two

Removing it from the dependency was to align with the goal of having the library agnostic to base32 and crypto frameworks.


Change of entry points

Previous versions of otplib exposed the initialised classes as an entry point, while you can get the classes via the prototype.

// v11.x imports
import { authenticator, hotp, totp } from 'otplib';

// v11.x get classes
const HOTP = hotp.HOTP; // or hotp.getClass();
const TOTP = totp.TOTP; // or totp.getClass();
const Authenticator = authenticator.Authenticator; // or authenticator.getClass();

In v12, that has been deprecated in favour of a more explicit imports.

Main imports are now the classes, while initialised versions are delegated to presets. This allows the module to have more flexibility in configuration.

// Classes are now the default export
import { HOTP, TOTP, Authenticator } from 'otplib';

// initialised versions are in preset-*
import { authenticator, hotp, totp } from 'otplib/preset-default';

Method rename

hotp.HOTP / hotp.getClass() -> import { HOTP } from 'otplib';
hotp.HOTP / hotp.getClass() -> import { HOTP } from 'otplib';

New Methods


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