A set of Scilab toolboxes for optimization and more:
ampl: An AMPL toolbox for Scilab. conmin: The Conmin fortran optimization method for Scilab. dace-scilab: The Dace Kriging toolbox for Scilab. DoE: Design Of Experiments. femtruss: A set of macros to compute rigid structures. gammatest: The GammaTest to estimate noise level in data sets. Scilab toolbox version. gammatest_exe: The GammaTest to estimate noise level in data sets. Standalone executable version. krigeage: Another Kriging method (to be fixed and improved). lolimot: The LOcal LInear MOdel Tree or "The Fast Neural Network" as Scilab macros. lolimot_cpp: The LOcal LInear MOdel Tree C++ version. Scilab / c++ version. lolimot_exe: The LOcal LInear MOdel Tree C++ version. Standalone executable version. mysql: A MySql Interace for Scilab. newuoa: The NewUOA optimization method for Scilab. oboe: The OBOE (see CoinOR website) optimization method (fixed compilation). scicoinor: Some optimization methods from the CoinOR website for Scilab. scicoinutils: CoinUtils for Scilab (read / write MPS files for Scilab). scicsdp: The CSDP optimization method (Semi-Definite Programming) for Scilab. scifilterSD: The FilterSD optimization for Scilab. scifreefem: An interface between Scilab and an old version of FreeFEM. sciglpk: The GLPK Linear programming method for Scilab. scilpsolve: The LPSolve Linear programming method for Scilab. scinlopt: NLopt non linear optimization method for Scilab. scinox: The NOX non linear system solver for Scilab. scioboe: The OBOE Scilab interface. scisnes: The SNES non linear system solver for Scilab. scisymphony: The Symphony Linear programming method for Scilab. serialize: A tool to serialize data for Scilab (Work In Progress). simplex: The Simplex optimization method for Scilab. tsp: A set of Scilab macros to play with Traveling Salesman Problem.