diff --git a/dream-html/Dream_html/Attr/index.html b/dream-html/Dream_html/Attr/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1a13de3..0000000 --- a/dream-html/Dream_html/Attr/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ - -Attr (dream-html.Dream_html.Attr)

Module Dream_html.Attr

Standard, most non-deprecated attributes from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes. Where an attribute name conflicts with an OCaml keyword, the name is suffixed with _. Most attributes are constructed by passing in a value of some type.

All string-valued attributes allow formatting (interpolation):

div [id "section-%d" section_id] []

Or plain strings:

p [id "toast"] []

Most boolean attributes are plain values and don't need to be constructed with function calls:

input [required]

However, boolean attributes which may be inherited and toggled on/off in children, are constructed by passing in a value:

-  [contenteditable true]
-  [p [] [txt "Edit me!"]; p [contenteditable false] [txt "Can't edit me!"]]

Enumerated attributes accept specific values:

input [inputmode `tel]
type enctype = [
| `urlencoded
| `formdata
| `text_plain
type method_ = [
| `GET
val null : attr

An attribute that will not be rendered in the markup. Useful for conditional logic where you sometimes want to render an attribute and sometimes not.

p[if should_show then null else style "display:none"][
-  txt "Show and tell"]
val accept : _ string_attr
val accept_charset : _ string_attr
val accesskey : _ string_attr
val action : _ string_attr
val align : _ string_attr
val allow : _ string_attr
val alt : _ string_attr
val async : attr
val autocapitalize : - [< `off | `none | `on | `sentences | `words | `characters ] to_attr
val autocomplete : - [< `off - | `on - | `name - | `honorific_prefix - | `given_name - | `additional_name - | `honorific_suffix - | `nickname - | `email - | `username - | `new_password - | `current_password - | `one_time_code - | `organization_title - | `organization - | `street_address - | `address_line1 - | `address_line2 - | `address_line3 - | `address_level4 - | `address_level3 - | `address_level2 - | `address_level1 - | `country - | `country_name - | `postal_code - | `cc_name - | `cc_given_name - | `cc_additional_name - | `cc_family_name - | `cc_number - | `cc_exp - | `cc_exp_month - | `cc_exp_year - | `cc_csc - | `cc_type - | `transaction_currency - | `transaction_amount - | `language - | `bday - | `bday_day - | `bday_month - | `bday_year - | `sex - | `tel - | `tel_country_code - | `tel_national - | `tel_area_code - | `tel_local - | `tel_extension - | `impp - | `url - | `photo ] - to_attr
val autofocus : attr
val autoplay : attr
val buffered : _ string_attr
val capture : _ string_attr
val charset : _ string_attr
val checked : attr
val cite : _ string_attr
val class_ : _ string_attr
val color : _ string_attr
val cols : int to_attr
val colspan : int to_attr
val content : _ string_attr
val contenteditable : bool to_attr
val contextmenu : _ string_attr
val controls : attr
val coords : _ string_attr
val crossorigin : [< `anonymous | `use_credentials ] to_attr
val data : _ string_attr
val datetime : _ string_attr
val decoding : [< `sync | `async | `auto ] to_attr
val default : attr
val defer : attr
val dir : [< `ltr | `rtl | `auto ] to_attr
val dirname : _ string_attr
val disabled : attr
val download : _ string_attr
val draggable : attr
val enctype : [< enctype ] to_attr
val for_ : _ string_attr
val form : _ string_attr
val formaction : _ string_attr
val formenctype : [< enctype ] to_attr
val formmethod : [< method_ ] to_attr
val formnovalidate : attr
val formtarget : _ string_attr
val headers : _ string_attr
val height : _ string_attr
val hidden : [< `hidden | `until_found ] to_attr
val high : float to_attr
val href : _ string_attr
val hreflang : _ string_attr
val http_equiv : - [< `content_security_policy - | `content_type - | `default_style - | `x_ua_compatible - | `refresh ] - to_attr
val id : _ string_attr
val integrity : _ string_attr
val inputmode : - [< `none | `text | `decimal | `numeric | `tel | `search | `email | `url ] - to_attr
val ismap : attr
val itemprop : _ string_attr
val kind : - [< `subtitles | `captions | `descriptions | `chapters | `metadata ] to_attr
val label : _ string_attr
val lang : _ string_attr
val list : _ string_attr
val loop : attr
val low : float to_attr
val max : _ string_attr
val maxlength : int to_attr
val media : _ string_attr
val method_ : [< method_ ] to_attr
val min : _ string_attr
val minlength : int to_attr
val multiple : attr
val muted : attr
val name : _ string_attr
val novalidate : attr
val onblur : _ string_attr

Note that the value of this attribute is not escaped.

val onclick : _ string_attr

Note that the value of this attribute is not escaped.

val open_ : attr
val optimum : float to_attr
val pattern : _ string_attr
val ping : _ string_attr
val placeholder : _ string_attr
val playsinline : attr
val poster : _ string_attr
val preload : [< `none | `metadata | `auto ] to_attr
val readonly : attr
val referrerpolicy : - [< `no_referrer - | `no_referrer_when_downgrade - | `origin - | `origin_when_cross_origin - | `same_origin - | `strict_origin - | `strict_origin_when_cross_origin - | `unsafe_url ] - to_attr
val rel : _ string_attr
val required : attr
val reversed : attr
val role : _ string_attr
val rows : int to_attr
val rowspan : int to_attr
val sandbox : _ string_attr
val scope : _ string_attr
val selected : attr
val shape : _ string_attr
val size : _ string_attr
val sizes : _ string_attr
val slot : _ string_attr
val span : int to_attr
val spellcheck : bool to_attr
val src : _ string_attr
val srcdoc : _ string_attr
val srclang : _ string_attr
val srcset : _ string_attr
val start : int to_attr
val step : _ string_attr
val style : _ string_attr

Note that the value of this attribute is not escaped.

val tabindex : int to_attr
val target : _ string_attr
val title : _ string_attr
val translate : [< `yes | `no ] to_attr
val type_ : _ string_attr

Note: this can't be restricted to just the allowed values for <input type>, because it's used on other elements e.g. <link type>.

val usemap : _ string_attr
val value : _ string_attr
val width : _ string_attr
val wrap : [< `hard | `soft ] to_attr
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dream-html/Dream_html/HTML/index.html b/dream-html/Dream_html/HTML/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff482c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dream-html/Dream_html/HTML/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ + +HTML (dream-html.Dream_html.HTML)

Module Dream_html.HTML

All standard HTML attributes and tags. Some attributes and tags have the same name, e.g. style. To disambiguate them, attributes have a _ (underscore) suffix.


Standard, most non-deprecated attributes from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes. Where an attribute name conflicts with an OCaml keyword, the name is suffixed with _. Most attributes are constructed by passing in a value of some type.

All string-valued attributes allow formatting (interpolation):

div [id "section-%d" section_id] []

Or plain strings:

p [id "toast"] []

Most boolean attributes are plain values and don't need to be constructed with function calls:

input [required]

However, boolean attributes which may be inherited and toggled on/off in children, are constructed by passing in a value:

+  [contenteditable true]
+  [p [] [txt "Edit me!"]; p [contenteditable false] [txt "Can't edit me!"]]

Enumerated attributes accept specific values:

input [inputmode `tel]
type enctype = [
  1. | `urlencoded
  2. | `formdata
  3. | `text_plain
type method_ = [
  1. | `GET
  2. | `POST
val null_ : attr

An attribute that will not be rendered in the markup. Useful for conditional logic where you sometimes want to render an attribute and sometimes not.

p[if should_show then null_ else style_ "display:none"][
+  txt "Show and tell"]
val accept : _ string_attr
val accept_charset : _ string_attr
val accesskey : _ string_attr
val action : _ string_attr
val align : _ string_attr
val allow : _ string_attr
val alt : _ string_attr
val async : attr
val autocapitalize : + [< `off | `none | `on | `sentences | `words | `characters ] to_attr
val autocomplete : + [< `off + | `on + | `name + | `honorific_prefix + | `given_name + | `additional_name + | `honorific_suffix + | `nickname + | `email + | `username + | `new_password + | `current_password + | `one_time_code + | `organization_title + | `organization + | `street_address + | `address_line1 + | `address_line2 + | `address_line3 + | `address_level4 + | `address_level3 + | `address_level2 + | `address_level1 + | `country + | `country_name + | `postal_code + | `cc_name + | `cc_given_name + | `cc_additional_name + | `cc_family_name + | `cc_number + | `cc_exp + | `cc_exp_month + | `cc_exp_year + | `cc_csc + | `cc_type + | `transaction_currency + | `transaction_amount + | `language + | `bday + | `bday_day + | `bday_month + | `bday_year + | `sex + | `tel + | `tel_country_code + | `tel_national + | `tel_area_code + | `tel_local + | `tel_extension + | `impp + | `url + | `photo ] + to_attr
val autofocus : attr
val autoplay : attr
val buffered : _ string_attr
val capture : _ string_attr
val charset : _ string_attr
val checked : attr
val cite_ : _ string_attr
val class_ : _ string_attr
val color : _ string_attr
val cols : int to_attr
val colspan : int to_attr
val content : _ string_attr
val contenteditable : bool to_attr
val contextmenu : _ string_attr
val controls : attr
val coords : _ string_attr
val crossorigin : [< `anonymous | `use_credentials ] to_attr
val data_ : _ string_attr
val datetime : _ string_attr
val decoding : [< `sync | `async | `auto ] to_attr
val default : attr
val defer : attr
val dir : [< `ltr | `rtl | `auto ] to_attr
val dirname : _ string_attr
val disabled : attr
val download : _ string_attr
val draggable : attr
val enctype : [< enctype ] to_attr
val fetchpriority : [< `high | `low | `auto ] to_attr
  • since 1.2.0.
val for_ : _ string_attr
val form_ : _ string_attr
val formaction : _ string_attr
val formenctype : [< enctype ] to_attr
val formmethod : [< method_ ] to_attr
val formnovalidate : attr
val formtarget : _ string_attr
val headers : _ string_attr
val height : _ string_attr
val hidden : [< `hidden | `until_found ] to_attr
val high : float to_attr
val href : _ string_attr
val hreflang : _ string_attr
val http_equiv : + [< `content_security_policy + | `content_type + | `default_style + | `x_ua_compatible + | `refresh ] + to_attr
val id : _ string_attr
val integrity : _ string_attr
val inputmode : + [< `none | `text | `decimal | `numeric | `tel | `search | `email | `url ] + to_attr
val ismap : attr
val itemprop : _ string_attr
val kind : + [< `subtitles | `captions | `descriptions | `chapters | `metadata ] to_attr
val label_ : _ string_attr
val lang : _ string_attr
val list : _ string_attr
val loop : attr
val low : float to_attr
val max : _ string_attr
val maxlength : int to_attr
val media : _ string_attr
val method_ : [< method_ ] to_attr
val min : _ string_attr
val minlength : int to_attr
val multiple : attr
val muted : attr
val name : _ string_attr
val novalidate : attr
val onblur : _ string_attr

Note that the value of this attribute is not escaped.

val onclick : _ string_attr

Note that the value of this attribute is not escaped.

val open_ : attr
val optimum : float to_attr
val pattern : _ string_attr
val ping : _ string_attr
val placeholder : _ string_attr
val playsinline : attr
val poster : _ string_attr
val preload : [< `none | `metadata | `auto ] to_attr
val readonly : attr
val referrerpolicy : + [< `no_referrer + | `no_referrer_when_downgrade + | `origin + | `origin_when_cross_origin + | `same_origin + | `strict_origin + | `strict_origin_when_cross_origin + | `unsafe_url ] + to_attr
val rel : _ string_attr
val required : attr
val reversed : attr
val role : _ string_attr
val rows : int to_attr
val rowspan : int to_attr
val sandbox : _ string_attr
val scope : _ string_attr
val selected : attr
val shape : _ string_attr
val size : _ string_attr
val sizes : _ string_attr
val slot_ : _ string_attr
val span_ : int to_attr
val spellcheck : bool to_attr
val src : _ string_attr
val srcdoc : _ string_attr
val srclang : _ string_attr
val srcset : _ string_attr
val start : int to_attr
val step : _ string_attr
val style_ : _ string_attr

Note that the value of this attribute is not escaped.

val tabindex : int to_attr
val target : _ string_attr
val title_ : _ string_attr
val translate : [< `yes | `no ] to_attr
val type_ : _ string_attr

Note: this can't be restricted to just the allowed values for <input type>, because it's used on other elements e.g. <link type>.

val usemap : _ string_attr
val value : _ string_attr
val width : _ string_attr
val wrap : [< `hard | `soft ] to_attr


HTML tags. Most (standard tags) are constructed by passing a list of attributes and a list of children:

div [id "my-div"] [p [] [txt "Hello"]]

Some (void elements) are constructed only with a list of attributes:

input [required; type_ "email"; name "email-addr"]

Finally, a few (text elements) are constructed with a list of attributes and a single text child:

title [] "Document title"
+script [] {|alert('Careful, this is not escaped :-)');|}
val null : node list -> node

A tag that will not be rendered in the markup. Useful for containing a bunch of child nodes inside a single node without having to litter the DOM with an actual node. Also may be called 'splicing'.

+  [ p [] [txt "This paragraph."];
+    p [] [txt "And this paragraph."];
+    p []
+      [txt "Are spliced directly into the document without a containing node."]
+  ]
val a : std_tag
val address : std_tag
val area : void_tag
val abbr : std_tag
val article : std_tag
val aside : std_tag
val audio : std_tag
val b : std_tag
val base : void_tag
val bdi : std_tag
val bdo : std_tag
val blockquote : std_tag
val body : std_tag
val br : void_tag
val button : std_tag
val canvas : std_tag
val caption : std_tag
val cite : std_tag
val code : std_tag
val col : void_tag
val colgroup : std_tag
val data : std_tag
val datalist : std_tag
val dd : std_tag
val del : std_tag
val details : std_tag
val dfn : std_tag
val dialog : std_tag
val div : std_tag
val dl : std_tag
val dt : std_tag
val em : std_tag
val embed : void_tag
val fieldset : std_tag
val figcaption : std_tag
val figure : std_tag
val form : std_tag
val h1 : std_tag
val h2 : std_tag
val h3 : std_tag
val h4 : std_tag
val h5 : std_tag
val h6 : std_tag
val head : std_tag
val header : std_tag
val hgroup : std_tag
val hr : void_tag
val html : std_tag

A <!DOCTYPE html> declaration is automatically prefixed when this tag is printed.

val i : std_tag
val iframe : std_tag
val img : void_tag
val input : void_tag
val ins : std_tag
val kbd : std_tag
val label : std_tag
val legend : std_tag
val li : std_tag
val main : std_tag
val map : std_tag
val mark : std_tag
val menu : std_tag
val meta : void_tag
val meter : std_tag
val nav : std_tag
val noscript : std_tag
val object_ : std_tag
val ol : std_tag
val optgroup : std_tag
val option : _ text_tag
val output : std_tag
val p : std_tag
val picture : std_tag
val pre : std_tag
val progress : std_tag
val q : std_tag
val rp : std_tag
val rt : std_tag
val ruby : std_tag
val s : std_tag
val samp : std_tag
val script : _ text_tag

Note that the content of this tag is not escaped.

val section : std_tag
val select : std_tag
val slot : std_tag
val small : std_tag
val source : void_tag
val span : std_tag
val strong : std_tag
val style : _ text_tag

Note that the content of this tag is not escaped.

val sub : std_tag
val summary : std_tag
val sup : std_tag
val table : std_tag
val tbody : std_tag
val td : std_tag
val template : std_tag
val textarea : _ text_tag
val tfoot : std_tag
val th : std_tag
val thead : std_tag
val time : std_tag
val title : _ text_tag
val tr : std_tag
val track : void_tag
val u : std_tag
val ul : std_tag
val var : std_tag
val video : std_tag
val wbr : void_tag
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dream-html/Dream_html/Tag/index.html b/dream-html/Dream_html/Tag/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index c6d8b8c..0000000 --- a/dream-html/Dream_html/Tag/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ - -Tag (dream-html.Dream_html.Tag)

Module Dream_html.Tag

HTML tags. Most (standard tags) are constructed by passing a list of attributes and a list of children:

div [id "my-div"] [p [] [txt "Hello"]]

Some (void elements) are constructed only with a list of attributes:

input [required; type_ "email"; name "email-addr"]

Finally, a few (text elements) are constructed with a list of attributes and a single text child:

title [] "Document title"
-script [] {|alert('Careful, this is not escaped :-)');|}
val null : node list -> node

A tag that will not be rendered in the markup. Useful for containing a bunch of child nodes inside a single node without having to litter the DOM with an actual node. Also may be called 'splicing'.

-  [ p [] [txt "This paragraph."];
-    p [] [txt "And this paragraph."];
-    p []
-      [txt "Are spliced directly into the document without a containing node."]
-  ]
val a : std_tag
val address : std_tag
val area : void_tag
val abbr : std_tag
val article : std_tag
val aside : std_tag
val audio : std_tag
val b : std_tag
val base : void_tag
val bdi : std_tag
val bdo : std_tag
val blockquote : std_tag
val body : std_tag
val br : void_tag
val button : std_tag
val canvas : std_tag
val caption : std_tag
val cite : std_tag
val code : std_tag
val col : void_tag
val colgroup : std_tag
val data : std_tag
val datalist : std_tag
val dd : std_tag
val del : std_tag
val details : std_tag
val dfn : std_tag
val dialog : std_tag
val div : std_tag
val dl : std_tag
val dt : std_tag
val em : std_tag
val embed : void_tag
val fieldset : std_tag
val figcaption : std_tag
val figure : std_tag
val form : std_tag
val h1 : std_tag
val h2 : std_tag
val h3 : std_tag
val h4 : std_tag
val h5 : std_tag
val h6 : std_tag
val head : std_tag
val header : std_tag
val hgroup : std_tag
val hr : void_tag
val html : std_tag

A <!DOCTYPE html> declaration is automatically prefixed when this tag is printed.

val i : std_tag
val iframe : std_tag
val img : void_tag
val input : void_tag
val ins : std_tag
val kbd : std_tag
val label : std_tag
val legend : std_tag
val li : std_tag
val main : std_tag
val map : std_tag
val mark : std_tag
val menu : std_tag
val meta : void_tag
val meter : std_tag
val nav : std_tag
val noscript : std_tag
val object_ : std_tag
val ol : std_tag
val optgroup : std_tag
val option : _ text_tag
val output : std_tag
val p : std_tag
val picture : std_tag
val pre : std_tag
val progress : std_tag
val q : std_tag
val rp : std_tag
val rt : std_tag
val ruby : std_tag
val s : std_tag
val samp : std_tag
val script : _ text_tag

Note that the content of this tag is not escaped.

val section : std_tag
val select : std_tag
val slot : std_tag
val small : std_tag
val source : void_tag
val span : std_tag
val strong : std_tag
val style : _ text_tag

Note that the content of this tag is not escaped.

val sub : std_tag
val summary : std_tag
val sup : std_tag
val table : std_tag
val tbody : std_tag
val td : std_tag
val template : std_tag
val textarea : _ text_tag
val tfoot : std_tag
val th : std_tag
val thead : std_tag
val time : std_tag
val title : _ text_tag
val tr : std_tag
val track : void_tag
val u : std_tag
val ul : std_tag
val var : std_tag
val video : std_tag
val wbr : void_tag
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dream-html/Dream_html/index.html b/dream-html/Dream_html/index.html index 9b3256b..e4a4b2a 100644 --- a/dream-html/Dream_html/index.html +++ b/dream-html/Dream_html/index.html @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ Dream.response Dream.promise
val set_body : Dream.response -> node -> unit

Type-safe wrapper for Dream.set_body. Sets the body to the given node and sets the Content-Type header to text/html.

val write : Dream.stream -> node -> unit Dream.promise

Type-safe wrapper for Dream.write.

Constructing nodes and attributes

type 'a to_attr = 'a -> attr

Attributes can be created from typed values.

type 'a string_attr = ('a, unit, string, attr) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

Special handling for string-value attributes so they can use format strings i.e. string interpolation.

type std_tag = attr list -> node list -> node

A 'standard' tag with attributes and children.

type void_tag = attr list -> node

A 'void element': https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Void_element with no children.

type 'a text_tag = attr list -> ('a, unit, string, node) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

Tags which can have attributes but can contain only text. The text can be formatted.

val attr : string -> attr

attr name is a new attribute which does not carry any payload. E.g.

let required = attr "required"
val string_attr : string -> ?raw:bool -> _ string_attr

string_attr name fmt is a new string-valued attribute which allows formatting i.e. string interpolation of the value. Note, the fmt argument is required due to the value restriction.

val uri_attr : string -> _ string_attr

Convenience for attributes whose values should be URIs. Takes care of URI- encoding.

a [href "/blog?tags=iamsafe\"></a><script>alert('Pwned')</script>"] [txt "Tags: tag1 | tag2"]


<a href="/blog?tags=iamsafe%22%3E%3C/a%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert('Pwned')%3C/script%3E">Tags: tag1 | tag2</a>
val bool_attr : string -> bool to_attr
val float_attr : string -> float to_attr
val int_attr : string -> int to_attr
val std_tag : string -> std_tag
val void_tag : string -> void_tag
val text_tag : string -> ?raw:bool -> _ text_tag

Build a tag which can contain only text.

val txt : ?raw:bool -> ('a, unit, string, node) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

A text node inside the DOM e.g. the 'hi' in <b>hi</b>. Allows string interpolation using the same formatting features as Printf.sprintf:

b [] [txt "Hello, %s!" name]

Or without interpolation:

b [] [txt "Bold of you."]

HTML-escapes the text value using Dream.html_escape. You can use the ~raw param to bypass escaping:

let user_input = "<script>alert('I like HTML injection')</script>" in
 txt ~raw:true "%s" user_input
val comment : string -> node

A comment that will be embedded in the rendered HTML, i.e. <!-- comment -->. The text is HTML-escaped.

val csrf_tag : Dream.request -> node

Convenience to add a CSRF token generated by Dream into your form. Type-safe wrapper for Dream.csrf_tag.

   [action "/foo"]
-  [csrf_tag req; input [name "bar"]; input [type_ "submit"]]

Accessors for tags

val (+@) : node -> attr -> node

Add an attribute to a tag.

val (-@) : node -> string -> node

Remove an attribute from a tag.

val (.@[]) : node -> string -> string

Get the value of an existing attribute.

let toast = p [id "toast"] [txt "OK."]
-let toast_id = toast.@["id"]

Standard attributes and tags

module HTML : sig ... end

All standard HTML attributes and tags. Some attributes and tags have the same name, e.g. style. To disambiguate them, attributes have a _ (underscore) suffix.

htmx attributes

module Hx : sig ... end

htmx attributes https://htmx.org/reference/#attributes

Interop example–Markdown to HTML

In this section we show an extended example of interoperability of dream-html with other formats, e.g. the Markdown format defined by the omd library:

open Dream_html
+  [csrf_tag req; input [name "bar"]; input [type_ "submit"]]

Accessors for tags

val (+@) : node -> attr -> node

Add an attribute to a tag.

val (-@) : node -> string -> node

Remove an attribute from a tag.

val (.@[]) : node -> string -> string

Get the value of an existing attribute.

let toast = p [id "toast"] [txt "OK."]
+let toast_id = toast.@["id"]

Standard attributes and tags

module HTML : sig ... end

All standard HTML attributes and tags. Some attributes and tags have the same name, e.g. style. To disambiguate them, attributes have a _ (underscore) suffix.

module SVG : sig ... end

htmx attributes

module Hx : sig ... end

htmx attributes https://htmx.org/reference/#attributes

Interop example–Markdown to HTML

In this section we show an extended example of interoperability of dream-html with other formats, e.g. the Markdown format defined by the omd library:

open Dream_html
 open HTML
 let omd_attr (k, opt_v) =
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Binary files a/fonts/KaTeX_Size1-Regular.woff2 and /dev/null differ
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Binary files a/fonts/KaTeX_Size2-Regular.woff2 and /dev/null differ
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Binary files a/fonts/KaTeX_Typewriter-Regular.woff2 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 216e6ce..d2387e4 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

OCaml package documentation

  1. dream-html v1.0.0
  2. +
  3. dream-html v1.1.0
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