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249 lines (190 loc) · 6.55 KB

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249 lines (190 loc) · 6.55 KB


update code*** #![no_std] #![no_main]

use cortex_m_rt::entry; use panic_halt as _; use stm32f4xx_hal::{ i2c::Mode, pac::{self}, prelude::*, serial::{config::Config, SerialExt}, }; use defmt_rtt;

#[entry] fn main() -> ! { // Setup handler for device peripherals let dp = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();

// I2C Config steps:
// 1) Need to configure the system clocks
// - Promote RCC structure to HAL to be able to configure clocks
let rcc = dp.RCC.constrain();
// - Configure system clocks
let clocks = rcc.cfgr.use_hse(8.MHz()).freeze();
// 2) Configure/Define SCL and SDA pins
let gpiob = dp.GPIOB.split();
let scl = gpiob.pb8;
let sda = gpiob.pb9;
// 3) Configure I2C peripheral channel
let mut i2c = dp.I2C1.i2c(
    (scl, sda),
    Mode::Standard {
        frequency: 100.kHz(),

// PCF8574 I2C Address
const PCF8574_ADDR: u8 = 0x27;
const RS: u8 = 0x01;
const EN_MASK: u8 = 0x04;
const D4: u8 = 0x10;
const D5: u8 = 0x20;
const D6: u8 = 0x40;
const D7: u8 = 0x80;

// Set RS pin low (command mode)
i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &[0]).unwrap();
// Set EN pin high (pulse)
i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &[EN_MASK]).unwrap();
// Set EN pin low
i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &[0]).unwrap();

// Initialize the LCD (4-bit mode)
let init_commands: [u8; 5] = [0x20 | D5, 0x20 | D5, 0x20 | D4, 0x20 | D4, 0x80];
i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &init_commands).unwrap();

// Clear the display
let clear_display: [u8; 2] = [0x00, 0x01];
i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &clear_display).unwrap();

// Set cursor to the first row
let set_cursor_row1: [u8; 2] = [0x00, 0x80];
i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &set_cursor_row1).unwrap();

// Display text on the first row
let text_row1: [u8; 21] = [
    0x40, b'H', b'e', b'l', b'l', b'o', b',', b' ', b'E', b'm', b'b', b'e', b'd', b'd', b'e',
    b'd', b' ', b'R', b'u', b's', b't',
i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &text_row1).unwrap();

//RS => 1, characters //RS => 0, numbeers

// Application Loop
loop {
    // Set all pins of the PCF8574 as outputs
    // Each bit of the data byte corresponds to a pin on the PCF8574.
    // Set a bit to 0 to configure the corresponding pin as an output.
    // In this example, all pins are set as outputs, so we set the data byte to 0x00.
    //i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &[rs_pin_mask]).unwrap();
    // i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &[output_config]).unwrap();
    //delay.delay_ms(1000_u32); // Wait for 1 second

    // Toggle all pins of the PCF8574
    // To toggle the pins, we first read the current state of the GPIO pins,
    // then complement the bits (1s to 0s and 0s to 1s) and write back the new state.
    let mut input_buffer=[0;1];
    defmt::println!("check-3");, &mut input_buffer).unwrap();


    let current_state = input_buffer[0];
    let new_state = !current_state;
    i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &[new_state]).unwrap();
   // delay.delay_ms(1000_u32); // Wait for 1 second

    let init_commands: [u8; 5] = [0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x06, 0x0C];
    i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &init_commands).unwrap();

    let clear_display: [u8; 2] = [0x00, 0x01];
    i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &clear_display).unwrap();
    defmt::println!("check 4- Gopi");
    // Your name "Santosh"
    let name: [u8; 12] = [0x40, b'S', b'a', b'n', b't', b'o', b's', b'h',b' ',b' ',b'i',b's'];

    // Send your name to the LCD
    i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &name).unwrap();

    // Set cursor to the second row
    let set_cursor_row2: [u8; 2] = [0x00, 0xC0];
    i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &set_cursor_row2).unwrap();
    defmt::println!("check 5- Gopi vemula");
    // Display text on the second row
    let text_row2: [u8; 9] = [0x40, b'I', b'n', b'n', b'o', b'c', b'e', b'n',b't'];
    i2c.write(PCF8574_ADDR, &text_row2).unwrap();


#![no_std] #![no_main]

use stm32f4xx_hal::{ pac, i2c::Mode, prelude::*,

}; // stm32, // delay::Delay, use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs; use pcf857x::Pcf8574; use cortex_m_rt::entry; extern crate core; #[entry]

fn main() -> !{


fn panic_handler(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! { // Customize panic behavior here loop {} }

let dp = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap();

// let gpioa = dp.GPIOA.split();
// let scl = gpioa.pa8.into_alternate().set_open_drain();
// let sda = gpioa.pa9.into_alternate().set_open_drain();

// let i2c = I2c::new(
//     dp.I2C1,
//     (scl, sda),
//     Mode::standard(100.khz()),
//     cp.SYST,
//     &mut rcc.apb1,
//     100_000,
// );

let gpiob = dp.GPIOB.split();
let scl = gpiob.pb8;
let sda = gpiob.pb9;
let rcc = dp.RCC.constrain();
let clocks = rcc.cfgr.use_hse(8.MHz()).freeze();
let mut i2c = dp.I2C1.i2c(
    Mode::Standard {
        frequency: 100.kHz(),

let mut delay = dp.TIM1.delay_ms(&clocks);
// let mut delay = Delay::new(cp.SYST);

let mut display = Pcf8574::new(i2c, 0x27);

loop {
    display.write(b"Hello, World!").unwrap();



commands ra thammudu:

&&&&&&&&&& commands intitalization &&&&&&&&&&&& void lcd_init (void) { // 4 bit initialisation usleep(50000); // wait for >40ms lcd_send_cmd (0x30); usleep(4500); // wait for >4.1ms lcd_send_cmd (0x30); usleep(200); // wait for >100us lcd_send_cmd (0x30); usleep(200); lcd_send_cmd (0x20); // 4bit mode usleep(200);

// dislay initialisation lcd_send_cmd (0x28); // Function set --> DL=0 (4 bit mode), N = 1 (2 line display) F = 0 (5x8 characters) usleep(1000); lcd_send_cmd (0x08); //Display on/off control --> D=0,C=0, B=0 ---> display off usleep(1000); lcd_send_cmd (0x01); // clear display usleep(1000); usleep(1000); lcd_send_cmd (0x06); //Entry mode set --> I/D = 1 (increment cursor) & S = 0 (no shift) usleep(1000); lcd_send_cmd (0x0C); //Display on/off control --> D = 1, C and B = 0. (Cursor and blink, last two bits) usleep(2000); }