We presupose the reader has minimal knowledge on:
- AWS technologies
- Python
- Ansible
First of all you will need to have a proper AWS environment and sufficient authorizations to perform all actions.
All accounts, users, ports or other references are randomly created and are not related to existing ones. :-)
There are five roles:
- common : common tasks
- lb : shunt streams based on rules
- waf : performs security tasks for HTTP/HTTPS streams
- vpn : grant customers access to theirs VPC
- fw : filter access to customers VPC
- met : statistics about this VPC
Tasks implemented:
- Retrieve information about metering instances
- Elastic Load Balancers
- add or remove ports for each configured domain
- grant or revoke ports for VPN streams
- Security Groups:
- grant or revoke ports for each configured domain
- configure metering ports
- configure VPN ports
- configure healthcheck ports
- Configure specific repositories:
- centos
- Grafana
- Influx
- Install softwares:
- epel-release
- vim
- iptables
- filebeat
- haproxy
- telegraf
- Remove softwares:
- firewalld
- Configure system
- change bash behaviour
- add motd
- change vimrc behaviour
- Add healthcheck responder
- Generate technical SSL certificates
Tasks implemented:
- Create self-signed certificates (per domain, needed to start haproxy)
- Generate technical SSL certificates
- Install and configure softwares:
- SELinux
- haproxy (included grant/revoke per domain)
- rsyslog
- Customization of common softwares
Tasks implemented:
- Create self-signed certificates (per domain, needed to start Nginx)
- Generate technical SSL certificates
- Customization of common softwares
- Configure SELinux
- Install and configure softwares:
- Nginx and its dependencies
- Mod Security (WAF module)
- CLAMAV and its dependencies
- HAVP (proxy for AV softwares)
- Configure system
- add special path onto fstab
- create specific loopback
- Configure per domain (grant or revoke):
- Nginx
- iptables
- telegraf
- filebeat
Tasks implemented:
- Generate technical SSL certificates
- Customization of common softwares
- Configure SELinux
- Install and configure softwares:
- Nginx
- Configure sudoers for telegraf
- Configure system
- enable router mode
Tasks implemented:
- Generate technical SSL certificates
- Customization of common softwares
- Install and configure softwares:
- OpenVPN
- Grant/Revoke VPN clients
Tasks implemented:
- Generate technical SSL certificates
- Customization of common softwares
- Install and configure softwares:
- Logstash
- Grafana
- Influxdb
- Add/Remove domain meterings
A CLI is provided. This CLI is one script, linked to itself by each tag.
For exemple, if you link the base script to init, then if you use:
./init -s <stack>
then the CLI will launch all ansible tasks with tag "init".
Eleven usages are available :
- init: initialise an OCTANE stack
- common: common role
- up_lb: load-balancer role on exposed zone
- mid_waf: WAF role on filtered zone
- mid_vpn: VPN role on filtered zone
- low_fw: FW role on private zone
- low_met: Metering role on private zone
- revokedomain: remove an existing domain from an OCTANE stack
- grantdomain: add a new domain to an OCTANE stack
- grantvpnclient: add a new VPN client to an existing domain
- revokevpnclient: remove an existing VPN client from an existing domain
- name: Apply common configuration to "{{ stack }}"
hosts: "{{ stack }}"
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- common
- name: cIAP "{{ stack }}" setup for "up_lb"
hosts: "{{ stack }}:&up:&lb"
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- "up_lb"
- name: cIAP "{{ stack }}" setup for "mid_waf"
hosts: "{{ stack }}:&mid:&waf"
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- "mid_waf"
- name: cIAP "{{ stack }}" setup for "mid_vpn"
hosts: "{{ stack }}:&mid:&vpn"
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- "mid_vpn"
- name: cIAP "{{ stack }}" setup for "low_fw"
hosts: "{{ stack }}:&low:&fw"
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- "low_fw"
- name: cIAP "{{ stack }}" setup for "low_met"
hosts: "{{ stack }}:&low:&met"
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- "low_met"
- name: cIAP "{{ stack }}" checks
hosts: "{{ stack }}:&check"
run_once: true
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- "check"
- name: Manage check instances (start/stop)
hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: no
- manage_check_instances
- "manage_check_instances"
Does not depend on any other roles, but the host need to have:
- the function tag
- the stage tag
- the cloudformation stack name.
An ansible.cfg
is present on the current directory with :
retry_files_enabled = false
inventory = ansible-inventory.py
remote_user = root
stdout_callback = debug
host_key_checking = false