This tool shows my skills and directions in which I intend to develop.
- install dependencies with yarn (or npm):
yarn install
- start local dev server:
yarn dev
- your default browser should automatically open and show the url: http://localhost:3000/
- configure deployment url
export PUBLIC_URL=
- build
yarn lint
yarn build
Private technology radar based on Zalando's tech-radar. Thanks Zalando's team for their code. Base project was completely refactored but visualization concepts still exists :)
- extracted tens of visualization functions
- added React library to render filters & footer
- build based on react-create-app
- deployment on Github pages with Travis
- enabled Typescript support
- radar visualization inside React compontents - d3.js & react, unfortunately both libraries works on DOM :(
- change static data structures into database layer
- entry names visualization withotut d3.js