Solved: 20/28
Improve safety and memory safety!
Simplify compiling process (
) -
Add block, namespace section to README
Replace "minimal" by "easy to learn", "gentle curve" in README
Add section at the start of README about lang-specific features
Add unsigned and floating point types.
no longed needed at bottom of module. -
Global arrays.
C generator backend (
ML generator backend ( ->
ASM generator backend ( ->
Differentiate between pointer types (type system).
Fix type system.
Widen during parsing.
Static type analysis.
Check args in function call.
Include section in README regarding miscellaneous features (references, fixed-len pointers, namespaces)
Update README (#1) (new builtins, elif, ufcs, alias)
Update README (#2) (new operators, function overloading, structs)
Fix array access.
Fix array variable offset.
Implement stack alignment. (align by 16-bytes)
Define operator token types (binary, unary)
Implement right-assoc
Implement lazy loading (gen).
Add an output file parameter to the Gen module.
Improve Def.rev_type_of.