environment | URL |
Production | - |
Staging | - |
Development | - |
Category | Library | Description |
Frontend | TypeScript NextJS MantineUI | - |
Backend | TypeScript NestJS | - |
Testing | Vitest TestingLibrary | - |
Linter | Biome | - |
Edge | Vercel EdgeConfig | - |
Infrastructure | Vercel | - |
Database | - | - |
Authentication | - | - |
CI/CD | GithubActions | - |
Accessibility | Lighthouse | - |
Monitoring | - | - |
Desgin | Figma | - |
Mailer System | - | - |
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm api # generate API schema and document.
$ cd api && vercel env pull .env
$ pnpm dev # start web and api.