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Chap16:Templates and Generic Programming

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第16章 模板与泛型编程

定义模板(Defining a Template)

函数模板(Function Templates)


模板定义以关键字template开始,后跟一个模板参数列表(template parameter list)。模板参数列表以尖括号<>包围,内含用逗号分隔的一个或多个模板参数(template parameter)。

template <typename T>
int compare(const T &v1, const T &v2)
    if (v1 < v2) return -1;
    if (v2 < v1) return 1;
    return 0;


模板参数表示在类或函数定义中用到的类型或值。当使用模板时,需要显式或隐式地指定模板实参(template argument),并将其绑定到模板参数上。


// instantiates int compare(const int&, const int&)
cout << compare(1, 0) << endl;    // T is int
// instantiates int compare(const vector<int>&, const vector<int>&)
vector<int> vec1{1, 2, 3}, vec2{4, 5, 6};
cout << compare(vec1, vec2) << endl;    // T is vector<int>

模板类型参数(type parameter)可以用来指定函数的返回类型或参数类型,以及在函数体内用于变量声明和类型转换。类型参数前必须使用关键字classtypename

// ok: same type used for the return type and parameter
template <typename T>
T foo(T* p)
    T tmp = *p; // tmp will have the type to which p points
    // ...
    return tmp;

// error: must precede U with either typename or class
template <typename T, U> T calc(const T&, const U&);
// ok: no distinction between typename and class in a template parameter list
template <typename T, class U> calc (const T&, const U&);


模板非类型参数(nontype parameter)需要用特定的类型名来指定,表示一个值而非一个类型。非类型参数可以是整型、指向对象或函数类型的指针或左值引用。

template<unsigned N, unsigned M>
int compare(const char (&p1)[N], const char (&p2)[M])
    return strcmp(p1, p2);

int compare(const char (&p1)[3], const char (&p2)[4]);



// ok: inline specifier follows the template parameter list
template <typename T> inline T min(const T&, const T&);
// error: incorrect placement of the inline specifier
inline template <typename T> T min(const T&, const T&);


// expected comparison
if (v1 < v2) return -1;
if (v1 > v2) return 1;
return 0;

// version of compare that will be correct even if used on pointers
template <typename T>
int compare(const T &v1, const T &v2)
    if (less<T>()(v1, v2)) return -1;
    if (less<T>()(v2, v1)) return 1;
    return 0;




类模板(Class Templates)

使用一个类模板时,必须提供显式模板实参(explicit template argument)列表,编译器使用这些模板实参来实例化出特定的类。

template <typename T>
class Blob
    Blob(std::initializer_list<T> il);
    void push_back(const T &t) { data->push_back(t); }
    void push_back(T &&t) { data->push_back(std::move(t)); }
    // ...

    std::shared_ptr<std::vector<T>> data;

Blob<int> ia;   // empty Blob<int>
Blob<int> ia2 = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };    // Blob<int> with five elements
// these definitions instantiate two distinct Blob types
Blob<string> names;     // Blob that holds strings
Blob<double> prices;    // different element type




template <typename T>
ret-type Blob<T>::member-name(parm-list)



template <typename T>
class BlobPtr
    // 类模板作用域内不需要写成BlobPtr<T>形式
    BlobPtr& operator++();

// 类外定义时需要提供模板实参
template <typename T>
BlobPtr<T>& BlobPtr<T>::operator++()
    // 进入类模板作用域
    BlobPtr Ret = *this;


  • 一对一友元关系


    // forward declarations needed for friend declarations in Blob
    template <typename> class BlobPtr;
    template <typename> class Blob;    // needed for parameters in operator==
    template <typename T>
    bool operator==(const Blob<T>&, const Blob<T>&);
    template <typename T>
    class Blob
        // each instantiation of Blob grants access to the version of
        // BlobPtr and the equality operator instantiated with the same type
        friend class BlobPtr<T>;
        friend bool operator==<T>(const Blob<T>&, const Blob<T>&);
  • 通用和特定的模板友元关系


    // forward declaration necessary to befriend a specific instantiation of a template
    template <typename T> class Pal;
    class C
    { // C is an ordinary, nontemplate class
        friend class Pal<C>;    // Pal instantiated with class C is a friend to C
        // all instances of Pal2 are friends to C;
        // no forward declaration required when we befriend all instantiations
        template <typename T> friend class Pal2;
    template <typename T>
    class C2
    { // C2 is itself a class template
        // each instantiation of C2 has the same instance of Pal as a friend
        friend class Pal<T>;    // a template declaration for Pal must be in scope
        // all instances of Pal2 are friends of each instance of C2, prior declaration needed
        template <typename X> friend class Pal2;
        // Pal3 is a nontemplate class that is a friend of every instance of C2
        friend class Pal3;      // prior declaration for Pal3 not needed


template <typename Type>
class Bar
    friend Type;   // grants access to the type used to instantiate Bar
    // ...


template<typename T> using twin = pair<T, T>;
twin<string> authors;   // authors is a pair<string, string>


template <typename T>
class Foo
    static std::size_t count() { return ctr; }

    static std::size_t ctr;

// instantiates static members Foo<string>::ctr and Foo<string>::count
Foo<string> fs;
// all three objects share the same Foo<int>::ctr and Foo<int>::count members
Foo<int> fi, fi2, fi3;


template <typename T>
size_t Foo<T>::ctr = 0;    // define and initialize ctr

模板参数(Template Parameters)


typedef double A;
template <typename A, typename B>
void f(A a, B b)
    A tmp = a;   // tmp has same type as the template parameter A, not double
    double B;    // error: redeclares template parameter B






template <typename T>
typename T::value_type top(const T& c)
    if (!c.empty())
        return c.back();
        return typename T::value_type();


// compare has a default template argument, less<T>
// and a default function argument, F()
template <typename T, typename F = less<T>>
int compare(const T &v1, const T &v2, F f = F())
    if (f(v1, v2)) return -1;
    if (f(v2, v1)) return 1;
    return 0;


template <class T = int>
class Numbers
{ // by default T is int
    Numbers(T v = 0): val(v) { }
    // various operations on numbers
    T val;

Numbers<long double> lots_of_precision;
Numbers<> average_precision;    // empty <> says we want the default type

成员模板(Member Templates)


class DebugDelete
    DebugDelete(std::ostream &s = std::cerr): os(s) { }
    // as with any function template, the type of T is deduced by the compiler
    template <typename T>
    void operator()(T *p) const
        os << "deleting unique_ptr" << std::endl;
        delete p;

    std::ostream &os;


template <typename T>
class Blob
    template <typename It>
    Blob(It b, It e);

template <typename T>   // type parameter for the class
template <typename It>  // type parameter for the constructor
Blob<T>::Blob(It b, It e):
    data(std::make_shared<std::vector<T>>(b, e))
    { }


控制实例化(Controlling Instantiations)


在大型程序中,多个文件实例化相同模板的额外开销可能非常严重。C++11允许通过显式实例化(explicit instantiation)来避免这种开销。


extern template declaration;    // instantiation declaration
template declaration;           // instantiation definition


// instantiation file must provide a (nonextern) definition for every
// type and function that other files declare as extern
template int compare(const int&, const int&);
template class Blob<string>;    // instantiates all members of the class template

// these template types must be instantiated elsewhere in the program
extern template class Blob<string>;
extern template int compare(const int&, const int&);
Blob<string> sa1, sa2;    // instantiation will appear elsewhere
// Blob<int> and its initializer_list constructor instantiated in this file
Blob<int> a1 = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
Blob<int> a2(a1);    // copy constructor instantiated in this file
int i = compare(a1[0], a2[0]);    // instantiation will appear elsewhere


效率与灵活性(Efficiency and Flexibility)


模板实参推断(Template Argument Deduction)


类型转换与模板类型参数(Conversions and Template Type Parameters)



  • 顶层const会被忽略。

  • 可以将一个非const对象的引用或指针传递给一个const引用或指针形参。

  • 如果函数形参不是引用类型,则可以对数组或函数类型的实参应用正常的指针转换。数组实参可以转换为指向其首元素的指针。函数实参可以转换为该函数类型的指针。



long lng;
compare(lng, 1024);   // error: cannot instantiate compare(long, int)


// argument types can differ but must be compatible
template <typename A, typename B>
int flexibleCompare(const A& v1, const B& v2)
    if (v1 < v2) return -1;
    if (v2 < v1) return 1;
    return 0;

long lng;
flexibleCompare(lng, 1024);   // ok: calls flexibleCompare(long, int)


template <typename T>
ostream &print(ostream &os, const T &obj)
    return os << obj;

print(cout, 42);   // instantiates print(ostream&, int)
ofstream f("output");
print(f, 10);      // uses print(ostream&, int); converts f to ostream&

函数模板显式实参(Function-Template Explicit Arguments)


// T1 cannot be deduced: it doesn't appear in the function parameter list
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
T1 sum(T2, T3);

显式模板实参(explicit template argument)可以让用户自己控制模板的实例化。提供显式模板实参的方式与定义类模板实例的方式相同。显式模板实参在尖括号<>中指定,位于函数名之后,实参列表之前。

// T1 is explicitly specified; T2 and T3 are inferred from the argument types
auto val3 = sum<long long>(i, lng);   // long long sum(int, long)


// poor design: users must explicitly specify all three template parameters
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
T3 alternative_sum(T2, T1);
// error: can't infer initial template parameters
auto val3 = alternative_sum<long long>(i, lng);
// ok: all three parameters are explicitly specified
auto val2 = alternative_sum<long long, int, long>(i, lng);


long lng;
compare(lng, 1024);         // error: template parameters don't match
compare<long>(lng, 1024);   // ok: instantiates compare(long, long)
compare<int>(lng, 1024);    // ok: instantiates compare(int, int)

尾置返回类型与类型转换(Trailing Return Types and Type Transformation)


// a trailing return lets us declare the return type after the parameter list is seen
template <typename It>
auto fcn(It beg, It end) -> decltype(*beg)
    // process the range
    return *beg;   // return a reference to an element from the range




// must use typename to use a type member of a template parameter
template <typename It>
auto fcn2(It beg, It end) -> typename remove_reference<decltype(*beg)>::type
    // process the range
    return *beg;  // return a copy of an element from the range

函数指针和实参推断(Function Pointers and Argument Deduction)


template <typename T> int compare(const T&, const T&);
// pf1 points to the instantiation int compare(const int&, const int&)
int (*pf1)(const int&, const int&) = compare;


// overloaded versions of func; each takes a different function pointer type
void func(int(*)(const string&, const string&));
void func(int(*)(const int&, const int&));
func(compare);     // error: which instantiation of compare?
// ok: explicitly specify which version of compare to instantiate
func(compare<int>);    // passing compare(const int&, const int&)

模板实参推断和引用(Template Argument Deduction and References)


template <typename T> void f1(T&);    // argument must be an lvalue
// calls to f1 use the referred-to type of the argument as the template parameter type
f1(i);     // i is an int; template parameter T is int
f1(ci);    // ci is a const int; template parameter T is const int
f1(5);     // error: argument to a & parameter must be an lvalue

当一个函数参数是模板类型参数的常量引用(形如const T&)时,可以传递给它任何类型的实参。函数参数本身是const时,T的类型推断结果不会是const类型。const已经是函数参数类型的一部分了,因此不会再是模板参数类型的一部分。

template <typename T> void f2(const T&);    // can take an rvalue
// parameter in f2 is const &; const in the argument is irrelevant
// in each of these three calls, f2's function parameter is inferred as const int&
f2(i);     // i is an int; template parameter T is int
f2(ci);    // ci is a const int, but template parameter T is int
f2(5);     // a const & parameter can be bound to an rvalue; T is int


template <typename T> void f3(T&&);
f3(42);    // argument is an rvalue of type int; template parameter T is int


  • 如果将一个左值传递给函数的右值引用参数,且此右值引用指向模板类型参数时,编译器推断模板类型参数为实参的左值引用类型。

  • 如果间接创建了一个引用的引用(通过类型别名或者模板类型参数间接定义),则这些引用会被“折叠”。右值引用的右值引用会被折叠为右值引用。其他情况下,引用都被折叠为普通左值引用。

    折叠前 折叠后
    T& &T& &&T&& & T&
    T&& && T&&
f3(i);    // argument is an lvalue; template parameter T is int&
f3(ci);   // argument is an lvalue; template parameter T is const int&

// invalid code, for illustration purposes only
void f3<int&>(int& &&);    // when T is int&, function parameter is int& &&
void f3<int&>(int&);       // when T is int&, function parameter collapses to int&


  • 如果一个函数参数是指向模板类型参数的右值引用,则可以传递给它任意类型的实参。

  • 如果将一个左值传递给这样的参数,则函数参数被实例化为一个普通的左值引用。


template <typename T>
void f3(T&& val)
    T t = val;     // copy or binding a reference?
    t = fcn(t);    // does the assignment change only t or val and t?
    if (val == t) { /* ... */ }    // always true if T is a reference type


template <typename T> void f(T&&);         // binds to nonconst rvalues
template <typename T> void f(const T&);    // lvalues and const rvalues

理解std::move(Understanding std::move)


template <typename T>
typename remove_reference<T>::type&& move(T&& t)
    return static_cast<typename remove_reference<T>::type&&>(t);


string s1("hi!"), s2;
s2 = std::move(string("bye!"));     // ok: moving from an rvalue
s2 = std::move(s1);     // ok: but after the assigment s1 has indeterminate value
  • std::move(string("bye!"))中传递的是右值。

    • 推断出的T类型为string

    • remove_referencestring进行实例化。

    • remove_reference<string>type成员是string

    • move的返回类型是string&&

    • move的函数参数t的类型为string&&

  • std::move(s1)中传递的是左值。

    • 推断出的T类型为string&

    • remove_referencestring&进行实例化。

    • remove_reference<string&>type成员是string

    • move的返回类型是string&&

    • move的函数参数t的类型为string& &&,会折叠成string&




// template that takes a callable and two parameters
// and calls the given callable with the parameters ''flipped''
// flip1 is an incomplete implementation: top-level const and references are lost
template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2>
void flip1(F f, T1 t1, T2 t2)
    f(t2, t1);

void f(int v1, int &v2)   // note v2 is a reference
    cout << v1 << " " << ++v2 << endl;

f(42, i);   // f changes its argument i
flip1(f, j, 42);    // f called through flip1 leaves j unchanged
                    // void flip1(void(*fcn)(int, int&), int t1, int t2)

上例中,j被传递给flip1的参数t1,该参数是一个普通(非引用)类型int,而非int&,因此flip1(f, j, 42)调用会被实例化为void flip1(void(*fcn)(int, int&), int t1, int t2)j的值被拷贝至t1中,f中的引用参数被绑定至t1,而非j,因此j不会被修改。


template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2>
void flip2(F f, T1 &&t1, T2 &&t2)
    f(t2, t1);

对于修改后的版本,若调用flip2(f, j, 42),会传递给参数t1一个左值j,但此时推断出的T1类型为int&t1的类型会被折叠为int&,从而解决了flip1的错误。


void g(int &&i, int& j)
    cout << i << " " << j << endl;

// error: can't initialize int&& from an lvalue
flip2(g, i, 42);  // flip2 passes an lvalue to g's rvalue reference parameter



template <typename Type>
intermediary(Type &&arg)
    // ...
  • 如果实参是一个右值,则Type是一个普通(非引用)类型,forward<Type>返回类型Type&&

  • 如果实参是一个左值,则通过引用折叠,Type也是一个左值引用类型,forward<Type>返回类型Type&& &,对返回类型进行引用折叠,得到Type&


template <typename F, typename T1, typename T2>
void flip(F f, T1 &&t1, T2 &&t2)
    f(std::forward<T2>(t2), std::forward<T1>(t1));


重载与模板(Overloading and Templates)



  • 对于一个调用,其候选函数包括所有模板实参推断成功的函数模板实例。

  • 候选的函数模板都是可行的,因为模板实参推断会排除任何不可行的模板。

  • 和往常一样,可行函数(模板与非模板)按照类型转换(如果需要的话)来排序。但是可以用于函数模板调用的类型转换非常有限。

  • 和往常一样,如果恰有一个函数提供比其他任何函数都更好的匹配,则选择此函数。但是如果多个函数都提供相同级别的匹配,则:

    • 如果同级别的函数中只有一个是非模板函数,则选择此函数。

    • 如果同级别的函数中没有非模板函数,而有多个函数模板,且其中一个模板比其他模板更特例化,则选择此模板。

    • 否则该调用有歧义。


template <typename T> string debug_rep(const T &t);
template <typename T> string debug_rep(T *p);
// the following declaration must be in scope
// for the definition of debug_rep(char*) to do the right thing
string debug_rep(const string &);
string debug_rep(char *p)
    // if the declaration for the version that takes a const string& is not in scope
    // the return will call debug_rep(const T&) with T instantiated to string
    return debug_rep(string(p));


可变参数模板(Variadic Templates)

可变参数模板指可以接受可变数量参数的模板函数或模板类。可变数量的参数被称为参数包(parameter pack),分为两种:

  • 模板参数包(template parameter pack),表示零个或多个模板参数。

  • 函数参数包(function parameter pack),表示零个或多个函数参数。


// Args is a template parameter pack; rest is a function parameter pack
// Args represents zero or more template type parameters
// rest represents zero or more function parameters
template <typename T, typename... Args>
void foo(const T &t, const Args& ... rest);



template<typename ... Args>
void g(Args ... args)
    cout << sizeof...(Args) << endl;    // number of type parameters
    cout << sizeof...(args) << endl;    // number of function parameters

编写可变参数函数模板(Writing a Variadic Function Template)


// function to end the recursion and print the last element
// this function must be declared before the variadic version of print is defined
template<typename T>
ostream &print(ostream &os, const T &t)
    return os << t;   // no separator after the last element in the pack

// this version of print will be called for all but the last element in the pack
template <typename T, typename... Args>
ostream &print(ostream &os, const T &t, const Args&... rest)
    os << t << ", ";    // print the first argument
    return print(os, rest...);   // recursive call; print the other arguments
Call t rest...
print(cout, i, s, 42) i s, 42
print(cout, s, 42) s 42
print(cout, 42)

包扩展(Pack Expansion)



template <typename T, typename... Args>
ostream& print(ostream &os, const T &t, const Args&... rest)   // expand Args
    os << t << ", ";
    return print(os, rest...);   // expand rest
  • 第一个扩展操作扩展模板参数包,为print生成函数参数列表。编译器将模式const Args&应用到模板参数包Args中的每个元素上。因此该模式的扩展结果是一个以逗号分隔的零个或多个类型的列表,每个类型都形如const type&

    print(cout, i, s, 42);   // two parameters in the pack
    ostream& print(ostream&, const int&, const string&, const int&);
  • 第二个扩展操作扩展函数参数包,模式是函数参数包的名字。扩展结果是一个由包中元素组成、以逗号分隔的列表。

    print(os, s, 42);


// call debug_rep on each argument in the call to print
template <typename... Args>
ostream &errorMsg(ostream &os, const Args&... rest)
    // print(os, debug_rep(a1), debug_rep(a2), ..., debug_rep(an)
    return print(os, debug_rep(rest)...);

// passes the pack to debug_rep; print(os, debug_rep(a1, a2, ..., an))
print(os, debug_rep(rest...));   // error: no matching function to call

转发参数包(Forwarding Parameter Packs)


// fun has zero or more parameters each of which is
// an rvalue reference to a template parameter type
template<typename... Args>
void fun(Args&&... args)    // expands Args as a list of rvalue references
    // the argument to work expands both Args and args

模板特例化(Template Specializations)


// first version; can compare any two types
template <typename T> int compare(const T&, const T&);
// second version to handle string literals
template<size_t N, size_t M>
int compare(const char (&)[N], const char (&)[M]);

const char *p1 = "hi", *p2 = "mom";
compare(p1, p2);        // calls the first template
compare("hi", "mom");   // calls the template with two nontype parameters

// special version of compare to handle pointers to character arrays
template <>
int compare(const char* const &p1, const char* const &p2)
    return strcmp(p1, p2);







类模板也可以特例化。与函数模板不同,类模板的特例化不必为所有模板参数提供实参,可以只指定一部分模板参数。一个类模板的部分特例化(partial specialization)版本本身还是一个模板,用户使用时必须为那些未指定的模板参数提供实参。



// 通用版本
template <typename T>
struct remove_reference
    typedef T type;

// 部分特例化版本
template <typename T>
struct remove_reference<T &>   // 左值引用
    typedef T type;

template <typename T>
struct remove_reference<T &&>  // 右值引用
    typedef T type;



template <typename T>
struct Foo
    Foo(const T &t = T()): mem(t) { }
    void Bar() { /* ... */ }
    T mem;
    // other members of Foo

template<>      // we're specializing a template
void Foo<int>::Bar()    // we're specializing the Bar member of Foo<int>
    // do whatever specialized processing that applies to ints

Foo<string> fs;     // instantiates Foo<string>::Foo()
fs.Bar();    // instantiates Foo<string>::Bar()
Foo<int> fi;    // instantiates Foo<int>::Foo()
fi.Bar();    // uses our specialization of Foo<int>::Bar()