All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- update frontend dependencies
- fix backend field validation
- fix frontend build
- update frontend dependencies to gulp 5
- add Silverstripe 5 compatibility
- PHP 8.1 compatibility: ensure field has value before validation attempt
- update frontend dependencies
- remove support for Abstract Geolocation API
- update frontend dependencies
- add js field validation compatible with
- fix submission of data if phone number is not correct or empty
- switch to national mode for better usability, use hidden field to submit complete phone number to the server
- add support for Abstract, ipgeolocation and freegeoip
- update frontend dependencies
- fix db field for empty phone number
- update frontend dependencies
- namespace changes
- add DBPhone database field
- fix form field for usage in CMS
- Fix utils.js and allow setting initial country from back-end
- fix ipstack API URL for js call
- make all paths relative to fix issue with configurable resources path
- fix PHP validation
- improve validation error message
- ugrade frontend build to gulp 4
- fix ipstack API URL
- Upgrade to SilverStripe 4.x
- Change License from MIT to BSD 3-Clause
- Add support for ipstack geo location
- remove jQuery dependency
- fix uppercase country codes in config
- fix loading of empty default config values
- make javascript configurable in SS config. Removed default preferredCountries, to be configured.
- update js field selector to be compatible with BootstrapForms module
- open update libphonenumber-for-php limitation
- add changelog, code-of-conduct, contributing guide
- add token config for ipinfo web service to allow https connection to
- fix validation if field is empty
- update license information
Initial release