diff --git a/pages/about.vue b/pages/about.vue
index 22abdc6d..6293192a 100644
--- a/pages/about.vue
+++ b/pages/about.vue
@@ -85,29 +85,29 @@
"logoTypeGothic": "ロゴたいぷゴシック"
"zh-CN": {
- "aboutTitle": "About this website",
- "aboutDescription": "About the Genshin Dictionary. This website is an online English-Chinese-Japanese dictionary for the proprietary terms used in a computer game Genshin Impact.",
- "aboutIntro": "This website is an online English-Chinese-Japanese dictionary for the proprietary terms used in a computer game {genshinLink}.",
- "wordCount": "Currently, this dictionary has {count} words.",
- "precautionsTitle": "Notice and Disclaimer",
- "precautions1": "Since the translations on this website are the proprietary terms for a computer game, the most of the words are not literally translated.",
- "precautions2": "This website is fanmade and not affiliated or endorsed by miHoYo and HoYoverse (Cognosphere).",
- "operatorTitle": "Owner and Contributors",
- "operator": "Owner: Xicri ({twitterLink} / {githubLink})",
- "contributor": "Initial Chinese translation: Bill Haku ({bilibiliLink} / {twitterLink} / {githubLink})",
- "contact1": "Contact the owner on {twitterLink}. (DM available)",
- "contact2": "If you have any bug report, questions for opendata/API, or any other technical inquiries, GitHub {issuesLink} and {discussionsLink} are also available for the contact.",
- "contact3": "Please use English or Japanese as possible.",
- "creditsTitle": "Credits",
- "credits1": "Japanese pronunciation data for some words are derived from {genshinDictionaryLink} and {genshinKanjiLabLink}.",
- "credits2": "Some translations for the Artifacts added on the early days of this website is referrenced from {genshinWikiLink}.",
- "credits3": "This website uses {octiconsLink} provided by GitHub, Inc. under {licenseLink}",
- "credits4": "The favicon of this website use {logoTypeGothicLink}.",
+ "aboutTitle": "关于本站",
+ "aboutDescription": "关于本站:本站是一个在线的中日英三语词典,收录了《原神》中使用的专有词汇。",
+ "aboutIntro": "本站是一个在线的中日英三语词典,收录了《{genshinLink}》中使用的专有词汇。",
+ "wordCount": "截至目前,本站已收集了 {count} 个专有词汇。",
+ "precautionsTitle": "使用注意事项及免责声明",
+ "precautions1": "由于本站收录的是《原神》中的专有词汇,因此大多数单词并非直译。",
+ "precautions2": "本站是一个由《原神》玩家制作并运营的网站,与开发商上海米哈游网络科技股份有限公司及 Cognosphere Pte., Ltd. (HoYoVerse) 无关。",
+ "operatorTitle": "运营者及贡献者",
+ "operator": "运营者:Xicri ({twitterLink} / {githubLink})",
+ "contributor": "中文翻译:Bill Haku ({bilibiliLink} / {twitterLink} / {githubLink})",
+ "contact1": "通过 {twitterLink} 联系运营者(可发送私信)。",
+ "contact2": "如果您发现错误,或对开放数据、API 及其他技术相关问题有疑问,也可通过 GitHub {issuesLink} 及 GitHub {discussionsLink} 联系。",
+ "contact3": "请尽量使用英语或日语联系运营者。",
+ "creditsTitle": "致谢",
+ "credits1": "本站某些词汇的日语发音数据来自 {genshinDictionaryLink} 及 {genshinKanjiLabLink} 。",
+ "credits2": "本站建立之初添加的一些词汇(如圣遗物)的内容来自 {genshinWikiLink} 。",
+ "credits3": "本站使用了 GitHub, Inc. 基于{licenseLink}提供的 {octiconsLink}。",
+ "credits4": "本站的图标来自 {logoTypeGothicLink}。",
"genshinDictionary": "原神用語辞書",
"genshinKanjiLab": "原神漢字研究所",
"genshinImpact": "原神",
"license": "许可证",
- "logoTypeGothic": "Logo Type Gothic字体"
+ "logoTypeGothic": "Logo Type Gothic 字体"
diff --git a/pages/opendata.vue b/pages/opendata.vue
index 15b5dc15..fca70b2b 100644
--- a/pages/opendata.vue
+++ b/pages/opendata.vue
@@ -197,56 +197,56 @@
"contactText": "ご不明点があれば、{twitterLink} にてお問い合わせ下さい。(フォロー外から DM をお送り頂くことも可能です。)"
"zh-CN": {
- "introText": "The translation data on this website is distributed as CSV (for general public) and JSON (for software engineers) formats. You can modify and re-distribute the data. (See the Terms of Use section)",
- "csvTitle": "CSV (for general public)",
- "csvDownloadUtf8": "Download CSV (UTF-8; recommended for most of non-Japanese speakers)",
- "csvDownloadShiftJis": "Download CSV (Shift_JIS; recommended only for Japanese version of Microsoft Excel)",
- "jsonTitle": "JSON (for software engineers)",
- "jsonUrlTitle": "URL of the Data",
- "jsonUrlText": "You can fetch JSON data from: {url}",
- "jsonFormatTitle": "JSON data format",
- "jsonFormatText": "The JSON data is given as an array of the objects as the following example.",
- "propertyTitle": "Here's the referrence document of the each properties:",
- "propertyId": "A unique slug for the each words. https://genshin-dictionary.com/[ ID ]/ is the URL for the page of the word. This slug can be changed without announcement.",
- "propertyEn": "The English translation",
- "propertyJa": "The Japanese translation",
- "propertyZhCN": "Simplified Chinese translation",
- "propertyPronunciationJa": "Japanese pronunciation in Kana. It can include Hiragana, Katakana, and symbols.",
- "propertyNotes": "Note for Japanese speakers. It can include HTML tags.",
- "propertyNotesZh": "Note for (Simplified) Chinese speakers. It can include HTML tags.",
- "propertyVariants": "Variants such as commonly known typo and unofficial nicknames. For example, \"凌华\", the Chinese mistype of Ayaka (绫华) and \"CW\", a short name of an Artifact \"Crimson Witch of Flames\".",
- "propertyVariantsEn": "English variants",
- "propertyVariantsJa": "Japanese variants",
- "propertyExamples": "Example sentences",
- "propertyExamplesEn": "English example sentences",
- "propertyExamplesJa": "Japanese example sentences",
- "propertyExamplesRef": "The source of the example sentence",
- "propertyExamplesRefURL": "The URL to the source of the example sentence",
- "propertyCreatedAt": "The date we added the word (yyyy-mm-dd format)",
- "propertyUpdatedAt": "The data we updated the word (yyyy-mm-dd format)",
- "propertyTags": "Tags. Here's the list of the tags:",
- "compatibilityTitle": "Compatibility",
- "compatibilityText": "This data is currently β. We might apply breaking changes at anytime without announcement.",
- "usageNotesTitle": "Terms of use",
- "lastUpdated": "Last updated at: 2024/11/21",
+ "introText": "本站的翻译数据以 CSV(适合普通用户)和 JSON(适合开发者)格式提供。您可以自由修改和再分发这些数据。(详细信息请参阅“使用条款”部分)",
+ "csvTitle": "CSV(适合普通用户)",
+ "csvDownloadUtf8": "下载 CSV(UTF-8;建议大多数非日语用户使用)",
+ "csvDownloadShiftJis": "下载 CSV(Shift_JIS;仅推荐使用日语版 Microsoft Excel 的用户使用)",
+ "jsonTitle": "JSON(适合开发者)",
+ "jsonUrlTitle": "数据 URL",
+ "jsonUrlText": "您可以通过以下链接获取 JSON 数据:{url}",
+ "jsonFormatTitle": "JSON 数据格式",
+ "jsonFormatText": "JSON 数据是一个对象数组,格式如下所示:",
+ "propertyTitle": "以下是各属性的说明:",
+ "propertyId": "每个词条的唯一标识。访问 https://genshin-dictionary.com/[ID]/ 可以查看词条的页面。此标识可能会不定期更改。",
+ "propertyEn": "词条的英文翻译",
+ "propertyJa": "词条的日文翻译",
+ "propertyZhCN": "词条的简体中文翻译",
+ "propertyPronunciationJa": "词条的日语发音,可能包含平假名、片假名及符号。",
+ "propertyNotes": "面向日语用户的备注,可包含 HTML 标签。",
+ "propertyNotesZh": "面向中文用户的备注,可包含 HTML 标签。",
+ "propertyVariants": "常见错别字或非官方昵称,例如“凌华”是绫华的中文错别字,“CW”是圣遗物“炽烈的炎之魔女”的简称。",
+ "propertyVariantsEn": "词条的英文变体",
+ "propertyVariantsJa": "词条的日文变体",
+ "propertyExamples": "例句",
+ "propertyExamplesEn": "英文例句",
+ "propertyExamplesJa": "日文例句",
+ "propertyExamplesRef": "例句的来源",
+ "propertyExamplesRefURL": "例句来源的链接",
+ "propertyCreatedAt": "词条添加日期(yyyy-mm-dd 格式)",
+ "propertyUpdatedAt": "词条更新日期(yyyy-mm-dd 格式)",
+ "propertyTags": "标签,以下是可用标签的列表:",
+ "compatibilityTitle": "兼容性",
+ "compatibilityText": "目前数据处于 β 版本,可能会随时进行重大更改,恕不另行通知。",
+ "usageNotesTitle": "使用条款",
+ "lastUpdated": "最后更新:2024/11/21",
"usageNotes": {
- "basic": "You can modify and re-distribute CSVs and JSON data of the English-Chinese-Japanese translations (\"The Data\")",
- "citation": "You don't have to give the credit to this website and provide link to its URL. (However, we welcome if you give the credit)",
+ "basic": "您可以自由修改和再分发本站提供的中日英翻译数据(以下简称“数据”)。",
+ "citation": "无需注明本站为数据的来源或提供链接。(当然,如果您愿意标明,我们将非常感谢。)",
"revocation": {
- "intro": "We cancel the permission to redistribute The Data if:",
- "rights": "you have violate the rights of the HoYoverse companies (i.e. miHoYo, Cognosphere, and their local branches and subsidiaries) and any thirdparties.",
- "terms": "you violate agreements of the Genshin Impact game and its related services such as HoYoLab.",
- "laws": "you violate Japanese law or the law of the country you live.",
- "request": "the owner of this website request to stop redistribution."
+ "intro": "在以下情况下,我们将取消您再分发数据的许可:",
+ "rights": "您侵犯了米哈游(如上海米哈游网络科技股份有限公司、株式会社miHoYo、Cognosphere Pte., Ltd. (HoYoVerse) 及其分支机构或子公司)或第三方的权益。",
+ "terms": "您违反了《原神》游戏及其相关服务(如米游社、HoYoLab)的用户协议。",
+ "laws": "您违反了日本法律或您所在国家/地区的法律。",
+ "request": "本站运营者要求您停止再分发数据。"
- "disclaimer": "The owner of this website and the contributors of The Data assumes no responsibility for any damages while you use, modify, publish, or redistribute The Data."
+ "disclaimer": "本站运营者及数据贡献者对您在使用、修改、发布或再分发数据过程中造成的任何损失概不负责。"
- "contactText": "If you have any questions, contact via {twitterLink}. (You don't have to follow me to send me the DMs.)"
+ "contactText": "如有任何问题,请通过 {twitterLink} 联系运营者。(无需关注即可发送私信)"
@@ -311,4 +311,4 @@ const contactText = computed(() => {
\ No newline at end of file