No changelog for this release.
- project files should be saved in custom user locations #16
No changelog for this release.
- test bug 3 #15
- test bug 3 #14
No changelog for this release.
No changelog for this release.
- [enhancement] test feature number 2 #12
- [bug] test bug number 2 #13
- chore(version): update version - undefined
- github(workflow): add continue on error - @xetra11
- github(workflow): add test cases for different environments - @xetra11
- chore(update): yes - @xetra11
- chore(readme): rearrange - @xetra11
- chore(readme): add mod support banner - @xetra11
- chore(version): update version - undefined
- chore(readme): add href with anchor - @xetra11
- chore(readme): release logs href - @xetra11
- chore(readme): realign - @xetra11
- chore(readme): add logo - @xetra11
- github(template): adjust feature template - @xetra11
- fix(test): disable test so windows build can run - @xetra11
- chore(version): update version - undefined
- github(release): try adding to checkout action token property - @xetra11
- github(release): add repo admin token - @xetra11
- github(release): add release minor workflow - @xetra11
- fix(test): add utf-8 standard to avoid windows test failure - @xetra11
- chore(scripts): adjust token stuff - @xetra11
- chore(scripts): disable git push for testing reasons - @xetra11
- chore(version): update version - @xetra11
- chore(readme): update discord channel - @xetra11
- chore(version): update version - @xetra11
- github(release): fix discord content string issue - @xetra11
- chore(version): update version - @xetra11
- github(release): add step to publish download link - @xetra11
- github(release): fix typo - @xetra11
- chore(readme): add ugly ui preview - @xetra11
- chore(version): update version - @xetra11
- github(release): fix syntax bs again - @xetra11
- chore(version): update version - @xetra11
- chore(scripts): add echo for git status - @xetra11
- chore(version): update version - @xetra11
- chore(deps): bump junit-jupiter-api from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0 - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump junit-jupiter-engine from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0 - @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt from 1.15.0-RC2 to 1.15.0 - @dependabot[bot]
- github(bot): add dependabot - @xetra11
- github(template): add feature template - @xetra11
- github(template): change bug template and adjust release script - @xetra11
- chore(version): update version - @xetra11
- style(ktlint): fix style issues - @xetra11
- chore(gren): add gren changelog generator - @xetra11
- Update - @xetra11
- chore(gren): add gren changelog generator - @xetra11
- Update - @xetra11
- style(ktlint): fix style issues - @xetra11
- gradle(build): add git version as automatic project version - @xetra11
- github(release): fix typo - @xetra11
- github(release): add checkout action to release - @xetra11
- github(release): and again - @xetra11
- github(release): fix typo - @xetra11
- github(release): add latest tag action - @xetra11
- Update issue templates - @xetra11
- github(release): fix version matcher - @xetra11
- github(release): change back to non v- suffix versions - @xetra11
- github(release): add version refs from git - @xetra11
- github(readme): update readme - @xetra11
- Update - @xetra11
- github(development): exclude check task - @xetra11
- github(release): small trigger fix - @xetra11
- github(workflow): change release workflow only for tags - @xetra11
- github(release): remove windows build for now - @xetra11
- github(release): rename build ids - @xetra11
- github(release): exclude windows release as release dependency - @xetra11
- github(release): fix id error - @xetra11
- github(release): add job separation for macOS build and release - @xetra11
- Update - @xetra11
- github(release): fix path for macos build - @xetra11
- github(workflow): fix release job - @xetra11
- github(workflow): add dependecy for release job - @xetra11
- github(workflow): split debian package with release - @xetra11
- github(workflow): fix macos distribution - @xetra11
- github(workflow): add macos distribution - @xetra11
- github(workflow): add job dependencies - @xetra11
- github(workflow): remove windows only workflow - @xetra11
- github(workflow): add different jobs for releases - @xetra11
- Create windows-release.yml - @xetra11
- github(actions): upgrade to java 14 for whatever reason - @xetra11
- github(actions): add release asset steps - @xetra11
- Update gradle.yml - @xetra11
- fix(linter): fix linter issues - @xetra11
- Update gradle.yml - @xetra11
- refactor(detekt): fix compiler warnings and detekt issue - @xetra11
- Update gradle.yml - @xetra11
- Update gradle.yml - @xetra11
- chore(gradle): add more details to test output - @xetra11
- Update gradle.yml - @xetra11
- Create gradle.yml - @xetra11
- fix(gradle): add missing icon - @xetra11
- refactor(dialog): refactor export dialog buttons - @xetra11
- feat(export): add export dialog - @xetra11
- feat(export): add character script exporter - @xetra11
- refactor(session): extract session logic - @xetra11
- refactor(manager): clean up code of view and dialog manager - @xetra11
- feat(session): add logic to load character state from file - @xetra11
- feat(session): add on exit hook function to save sessions - @xetra11
- feat(session): add kotlinx serialization and update session manager - @xetra11
- feat(gradle): add kotest as new testing framework and add sessionmanager - @xetra11
- refactor(workbench): extract workbench function icons - @xetra11
- feat(character): add simple character creation - @xetra11
- feat(view): add characte creation view and entry view - @xetra11
- refactor(dialog): extract character create dialog - @xetra11
- refactor(dialog): add dialogview - @xetra11
- feat(dialog): add dialog manager - @xetra11
- refactor(style): make border colors grey - @xetra11
- feat(view): add view manager - @xetra11
- feat(workbench): add additional icon layer - @xetra11
- refactor(main): extract layout functions - @xetra11
- feat(workbench): add icons to workbench functions panel - @xetra11
- refactor(main): remove unused functions - @xetra11
- feat(icons): add icons provided by thepinkpanzer - @xetra11
- refactor(app): rearrange packages and classes - @xetra11
- refactor(notifications): extract row for notification - @xetra11
- feat(notifications): extract notifications and add notification object - @xetra11
- feat(state): extract state manager to hold app wide states - @xetra11
- refactor(app): remove stuff that does not work - @xetra11
- feat(notifications): add notification service - @xetra11
- feat(layout): add notification bar at the bottom - @xetra11
- feat(layout): add placeholders for ui layout - @xetra11
- refactor(linter): fix linter issues - @xetra11
- feat(app): add boxes to render different parts of - @xetra11
- refactor(import): clean up character importer code - @xetra11
- refactor(importer): extract character script importer - @xetra11
- refactor(validator): remove old character script validator - @xetra11
- refactor(tokenizer): remove deprecated script tokenizer - @xetra11
- feat(validator): add new script validator to character script import - @xetra11
- refactor(grammar): remove unneeded properties and rename classes - @xetra11
- refactor(grammar): rename matcher to validator - @xetra11
- test(matcher): add test case with sub object missing attr - @xetra11
- feat(matcher): extend matcher to fail for not matched token amount - @xetra11
- test(matcher): adjust unit tests and make small logical change - @xetra11
- feat(matcher): change logic to match now disregarding the order of token - @xetra11
- refactor(linter): fix linter issues - @xetra11
- chore(gradle): update detekt - @xetra11
- wip(matcher): add nested token to matcher logic - @xetra11
- feat(nester): remove blocks in nested grammar and test with complex example - @xetra11
- feat(nester): add grammar nester - @xetra11
- wip(matcher): add new test case - @xetra11
- refactor(parser): add grammar mappings object to reduce complexity - @xetra11