We are using Material Theme.
If we want to version the documentation: Setting up versioning
Using mkdocs serve
the website will auto refresh if you modify markdown files.
But you can activate this for a single language.
Execute following command (for english) :
pipenv run mkdocs serve -f config/en/mkdocs.yml
The website will be accessible in local at http://localhost:8000/
Each time you modify markdown files, the website will be refreshed.
Execute following commands :
pipenv shell
mkdocs build -f config/en/mkdocs.yml
mkdocs build -f config/fr/mkdocs.yml
python -m http.server 8000 -d site
The website will be accessible in local at http://localhost:8000/en/
To refreh the website, you'll have to execute again build commands and restart http server.
Deployment: mkdocs gh-deploy -f mkdocs_push.yml
Note: you'll not be able to switch languages as URL is not good in local