From 1a323c016eb2ee8fb59c752bb95deac28f67790c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rechi Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 01:57:10 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] cleanup: remove & ignore generated files Those files are generated during the build process. Therefore they shouldn't be tracked. --- .gitignore | 8 +- dist/addon.xml | 32 - dist/js/kodi-webinterface.js | 23200 ----------------------- dist/lang/_strings/cs.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/de.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/en.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/es.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/fr.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/gr.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/hu.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/lt.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/nl.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/pl.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/pt_br.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/sk.json | 1 - dist/lang/_strings/zh_cn.json | 1 - dist/lang/de/app-readme.html | 121 - dist/lang/de/keybind-readme.html | 25 - dist/lang/de/lang-readme.html | 60 - dist/lang/en/_en-important-readme.html | 11 - dist/lang/en/addons.html | 36 - dist/lang/en/app-changelog.html | 300 - dist/lang/en/app-readme.html | 108 - dist/lang/en/developers.html | 29 - dist/lang/en/help-overview.html | 37 - dist/lang/en/keybind-readme.html | 28 - dist/lang/en/lang-readme.html | 50 - dist/lang/en/license.html | 24 - dist/lang/fr/help-overview.html | 39 - dist/lang/fr/keybind-readme.html | 29 - dist/lang/fr/lang-readme.html | 51 - dist/lang/nl/keybind-readme.html | 26 - dist/lang/pl/addons.html | 40 - dist/lang/pl/app-changelog.html | 269 - dist/lang/pl/app-readme.html | 141 - dist/lang/pl/help-overview.html | 41 - dist/lang/pl/keybind-readme.html | 30 - dist/lang/pl/lang-readme.html | 57 - dist/lang/pl/license.html | 18 - src/lang/en/ | 299 - src/lang/en/ | 147 - 41 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 25262 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 dist/addon.xml delete mode 100644 dist/js/kodi-webinterface.js delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/cs.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/de.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/en.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/es.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/fr.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/gr.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/hu.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/lt.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/nl.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/pl.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/pt_br.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/sk.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/_strings/zh_cn.json delete mode 100644 dist/lang/de/app-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/de/keybind-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/de/lang-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/en/_en-important-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/en/addons.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/en/app-changelog.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/en/app-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/en/developers.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/en/help-overview.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/en/keybind-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/en/lang-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/en/license.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/fr/help-overview.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/fr/keybind-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/fr/lang-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/nl/keybind-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/pl/addons.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/pl/app-changelog.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/pl/app-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/pl/help-overview.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/pl/keybind-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/pl/lang-readme.html delete mode 100644 dist/lang/pl/license.html delete mode 100644 src/lang/en/ delete mode 100644 src/lang/en/ diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 5bff2b9e..db9fb677 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -6,7 +6,13 @@ npm-debug.log /tutorial atlassian-ide-plugin.xml -dist/js/build/* *.mo .vscode webinterface.default*.zip + +dist/addon.xml +dist/js/build/ +dist/js/kodi-webinterface.js +dist/lang/ +src/lang/en/ +src/lang/en/ diff --git a/dist/addon.xml b/dist/addon.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 282229d5..00000000 --- a/dist/addon.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - Default web interface - Browse and interact with your Music, Movies, TV Shows and more via a web browser. Stream music and videos to your browser. Edit and manage your Kodi media library. - all - en - - - - icon.png - images/turntable.jpg - screenshots/now-playing.jpg - screenshots/search.jpg - screenshots/artists.jpg - screenshots/artist.jpg - screenshots/tv.jpg - screenshots/movie.jpg - screenshots/settings.jpg - screenshots/addons.jpg - screenshots/edit-media.jpg - - - diff --git a/dist/js/kodi-webinterface.js b/dist/js/kodi-webinterface.js deleted file mode 100644 index 155925f1..00000000 --- a/dist/js/kodi-webinterface.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23200 +0,0 @@ -/*! Chorus 2 - A web interface for Kodi. 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- return API.openModal(titleHtml, msgHtml, true, 'video'); - }); - App.commands.setHandler("ui:modal:options", function(titleHtml, items) { - var $options; - $options = API.buildOptions(items); - return API.openModal(titleHtml, $options, true, 'options'); - }); - App.commands.setHandler("ui:playermenu", function(op) { - return API.playerMenu(op); - }); - App.commands.setHandler("ui:dropdown:bind:close", function($el) { - return $el.on("click", '.dropdown-menu li, .dropdown-menu a', function(e) { - return $('.dropdown-menu').parent().removeClass('open').trigger(''); - }); - }); - return App.vent.on("shell:ready", (function(_this) { - return function(options) { - return $('html').on('click', function() { - return API.playerMenu('close'); - }); - }; - })(this)); -}); diff --git a/dist/lang/_strings/cs.json b/dist/lang/_strings/cs.json deleted file mode 100644 index ceb65dd7..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/_strings/cs.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{"domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; 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Warning: turning this off can impact performance with large libraries":["V seznamu zpěváků budou vidět zpěváci s alby nebo všichni zpěváci. Upozornění : vypnutí této volby může mít dopad na výkon v případě velkých knihoven"],"is the default":["je vychozí"],"The hostname used for websockets connection. Set to 'auto' to use the current hostname.":["Jméno hostitele pro webosocket připojení. Nastavením na 'auto' se použije současné jméno hostile."],"How often do I poll for updates from Kodi (Only applies when websockets inactive)":["Jak často se mám ptát na aktualizaci stavu z Kodi (platné jen pokud se nepoužívátechnologie websocketů)"],"Enable support for reverse proxy.":["Zapne podporu pro reverzní proxy."],"Web settings saved.":["Nastavení uloženo."],"Just a sec...":["Chvilku strpení..."],"Unable to communicate with Kodi in a long time. I think it's dead Jim!":["Kodi dlouhou dobu neodpovídá."],"Video library scan started":["Prohledávání video knihovny spuštěno"],"Video library scan complete":["Prohledávání video knihovny hotové"],"Audio library scan started":["Prohledávání audio knihovny spuštěno"],"Audio library scan complete":["Prohledávání audio knihovny hotové"],"Kodi has quit":["Kodi ukončeno"],"Sections":["Sekce"],"Back":["Zpět"],"Loading folder...":["Nahrávám adresář..."],"Show more":["Ukaž víc"],"to Kodi":["do Kodi"],"Playlist refreshed":["Playlist obnoven"],"Kodi":["Kodi"],"Local":["Místní"],"Playlists":["Playlisty"],"Existing playlists":["Existující playlisty"],"Empty playlist, you should probably add something to it?":["Tento playlist je zcela prázdný. Přidej do něj něco."],"Create a new list":["Vytvoř nový seznam"],"Add to playlist":["Přidej do playlistu"],"Added to your playlist":["Přidáno do tvého playlistu"],"Give your playlist a name":["Pojmenuj svůj playlist"],"Recently added":["Nedávno přidané"],"Recently played":["Nedávno hrané"],"Season":["Sezóna"],"Episode":["Epizoda"],"Play":["Hrát"],"Queue":["Fronta"],"View on IMDb":["Ukaž na IMDb"],"Stream":["Stream"],"Download":["Stáhni"],"complete":["hotovo"],"Synopsis":["Synopse"],"Full cast":["Plné obsazení"],"Websockets closed":["Websocket uzavřen"],"Websockets host":["Websocket host"],"Default player":["Výchozí přehrávač"],"Ignore article":["Ignoruj artikl"],"Album artists only":["Album artists only"],"Poll interval":["Interval dotazování"],"Reverse proxy support":["Podpora reverzní proxy"],"Language":["Jazyk"],"Preferred language":["Preferovaný jazyk"],"Ignore articles (terms such as \"The\" and \"A\") when sorting lists":["Ignore articles (terms such as \"The\" and \"A\") when sorting lists"],"sec":["sec"],"Your browser doesn't support websockets! Get with the times and update your browser.":["Tvůj browser nepodporuje websockety! Najdi si si čas a aktualizuj svůj browser."],"Failed to connect to websockets":["Failed to connect to websockets, so I am falling back to polling for updates. Which makes things slower and uses more resources. Please ensure you have 'Allow programs on other systems to control Kodi' ENABLED in the Kodi settings (System > Services > Remote control). You may also get this if you are using proxies or accessing via an IP address when localhost will suffice. If websockets normally works, you might just need to refresh your browser."],"Video":["Video"],"Audio":["Audio"],"Cast":["Obsazení"],"Director":["Režisér","Režiséři"],"Writer":["Spisovatel","Spisovatelé"],"Subtitle":["Subtitle","Subtitles"],"Result":["Výsledek","Výsledky"],"Loading things...":["Nahrávám..."],"Scan video library":["Prohledej video knihovnu"],"Scan audio library":["Prohledej audio knihovnu"],"About Chorus":["O Chorus"],"Recent":["Nedávné"],"Artists":["Herci"],"Albums":["Alba"],"Recent movies":["Nedávné filmy"],"All movies":["Všechny filmy"],"Recent episodes":["Nedávné epizody"],"All TV shows":["Všechny Seriály"],"Web settings":["Nastavené webu"],"Kodi settings":["Nastavení Kodi"],"Now Playing Playlists":["Nyné přehrávám playlist"],"Switch between Kodi and local playback via the tabs. You can toggle visibility with the arrow in the top right":["Switch between Kodi and local playback via the tabs. 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Je potřeba obnovit prohlížeč, aby se nastavení stalo platné"],"Ignore articles (terms such as 'The' and 'A') when sorting lists":["Ignore articles (terms such as 'The' and 'A') when sorting lists"],"Vibrant headers":["Vibrant headers"],"Use colourful headers for media pages":["Use colourful headers for media pages"],"Enable support for reverse proxying.":["Zapni podporu pro reverzní proxy."],"songs":["písně"],"artists":["herci"],"albums":["alba"],"movies":["filmy"],"Searching for":["Hledám"],"and":["a"],"tvshows":["seriály"],"no media in this folder":["v tomto adresáři není nic k přehrátí"],"Browse files and add-ons":["Browse files and add-ons"],"This is where you can browse all Kodi content, not just what is in the library. Browse by source or add-on.":["This is where you can browse all Kodi content, not just what is in the library. Browse by source or add-on."],"Send text to Kodi":["Odešli do Kodi"],"The lab":["Laboratoř"],"Chorus lab":["Laboratoř Chorusu"],"Warning":["Varování"],"Experimental code, use at own risk":["Experimentalní kód, používás na vlastní riziko"],"Kodi API browser":["Kodi API browser"],"This is a tool to test out the API. Select a method then execute it with parameters.":["Toto je nástroj na testování API. Vyber metodu, vlož parametry a pusť ji."],"You could potentially damage your system with this and there are no sanity checks. Use at own risk.":["You could potentially damage your system with this and there are no sanity checks. Use at own risk."],"Saved Kodi settings":["Kodi nastavení uloženo"],"General":["Obecné"],"Advanced setting level is recommended for those who know what they are doing.":["Pokročilé nastavení je doporučeno pouze pro ty, kteří vědí, co dělají."],"Kodi settings level":["Úroveň Kodi nastavení"],"Remove":["Odstranit"],"cast":["cast"],"Add-ons":["Doplňky"],"Web interface":["Webové rozhraní"],"Readme":["Čti mě"],"Changelog":["Seznam změn"],"Translations":["Překlady"],"Help topics":["Help topics"],"Overview":["Přehled"],"Lab":["Laboratoř"],"version":["verze"],"Remote control":["Dálkové ovládání"],"Remote control is set up correctly":["Dálkové ovládání je nastaveno korektně."],"About":["O Chorus"],"Local audio":["Místní audio"],"Status report":["Status report"],"in":["v"],"Focus playlist on playing":["Focus playlist on playing"],"Automatically scroll the playlist to the current playing item. This happens whenever the playing item is changed":["Automatically scroll the playlist to the current playing item. This happens whenever the playing item is changed"],"Web Settings saved.":["Nastavení uloženo."],"Keyboard controls":["Ovládání pomocí klávesnice"],"In Chorus, will you keyboard control Kodi, the browser or both":["V Chorusu bude klávesnice ovládat Kodi, prohlížeč nebo oboje"],"Learn more":["Více"],"Resume playback":["Resume playback"],"Resume from":["Obnov od"],"Start from the beginning":["Začni od začátku"],"Click here restore defaults":["Klikni zde pro obnovení výchozích hodnot"],"Main Menu Structure":["Struktura hlavního menu"],"Here you can change the title, url and %1$s for menu items. You can also remove, re-order and add new items.":["Zde můžeš změnit název, URL and %1$s jednotlivých položek menu. Také můžešodstranit, změnit nebo přidat polořky menu."],"Main Nav":["Main Nav"],"Add a new playlist":["Přidání nového playlistu"],"Keyboard":["Klávesnice"],"Music":["Hudba"],"Digital radio":["Digitalní radio"],"Movies":["Filmy"],"TV shows":["Seriály"],"TV":["TV"],"Browser":["Prohlížeč"],"Thumbs up":["Palec nahoru"],"Settings":["Nastavení"],"Help":["Pomoc"],"Disable Thumbs Up":["Disable Thumbs Up"],"Remove the thumbs up button from media. Note: you may also want to remove the menu item from the %1$s":["Remove the thumbs up button from media. Note: you may also want to remove the menu item from the %1$s"],"You need to 'Allow remote control' for Kodi. You can do that":["You need to 'Allow remote control' for Kodi. 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Select a method then execute it with parameters.":["Toto je nástroj na testování API. 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Używasz na własną odpowiedzialność."],"Saved Kodi settings":["Zapisano zmiany ustawień Kodi"],"General":["Ogólne"],"Advanced setting level is recommended for those who know what they are doing.":["Poziom Zaawansowany jest rekomendowany tylko dla tych, którzy wiedzą co robią."],"Kodi settings level":["Poziom ustawień Kodi"],"Remove":["Usuń"],"cast":["obsada"],"Add-ons":["Dodatki"],"Web interface":["Interfejs webowy"],"Readme":["Dokumentacja"],"Changelog":["Dziennik zmian"],"Translations":["Tłumaczenia"],"Help topics":["Tematy pomocy"],"Overview":["Przegląd"],"Lab":["Laboratorium"],"version":["wersja"],"Remote control":["Sterowanie"],"Remote control is set up correctly":["Zdalne sterowanie zostało poprawnie skonfigurowane"],"About":["O Chorusie"],"Local audio":["Dźwięk"],"Status report":["Raport o stanie"],"in":["w"],"Focus playlist on playing":["Zaznaczaj odtwarzaną pozycję na liście"],"Automatically scroll the playlist to the current playing item. 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Nikomu to nepoviem..."],"all media":["všetky média"],"YouTube":["YouTube"],"SoundCloud":["SoundCloud"],"GoogleMusic":["GoogleMusic"],"Radio":["Rádio"],"MixCloud":["MixCloud"],"First aired":["Prvýkrat vysielané"],"Updated %1$s details":["Aktualizovaných %1$s detailov"],"Title":["Názov"],"Plot":["Zápletka"],"Rating":["Hodnotenie"],"Original title":["Pôvodný názov"],"Directors":["Režiséri"],"Writers":["Scenáristi"],"File path":["Cesta k súboru"],"Artist":["Umelec"],"Description":["Popis"],"Label":["Štítok"],"Year":["Rok"],"Genres":["Žánre"],"Styles":["Štýly"],"Themes":["Témy"],"Moods":["Nálady"],"Album artist":["Autor albumu"],"Album":["Album"],"Track":["Stopa"],"Disc":["Disk"],"Tagline":["Tagline"],"Studio":["Štúdio"],"Content rating":["Hodnotenie obsahu"],"Premiered":["Premiéra"],"IMDb":["IMDb"],"Sort title":["Triedenie názvu"],"Country":["Krajina"],"Set":["Nastavenie"],"Tags":["Štítky"],"Trailer":["Ukážka"],"Formed":["Založená"],"Disbanded":["Rozpustená"],"Years Active":["Aktívnych rokov"],"Born":["Narodený/a"],"Died":["Zomrel/a"],"Instruments":["Nástroje"],"more":["viac"],"in progress":["rozpozerané"],"URL":["URL"],"Add an image via an external URL":["Pridať obrázok pomocou externej URL"],"Searching for more images":["Hľadám viac obrázkov"],"Selector":["Selector"],"External Search":["Externé vyhľadávanie"],"Local media":["Miestne médíá"],"Chorus Search":["Vyhľadať v Choruse"],"YouTube Search":["Vyhľadávanie na YouTube"],"Executed addon":["Spustiteľný doplnok"],"all":["všetko"],"video":["video"],"audio":["audio"],"image":["obrázok"],"picture":["fotografia"],"executable":["spustiteľné"],"settings":["nastavenia"],"Refresh":["Obnoviť"],"Confirm refresh":["Potvrdiť obnovenie"],"Refresh Ignore NFO":["Obnoviť Ignore NFO súbory"],"Ignore local NFO files when manually refreshing media.":["Ignorovať miestne NFO soubory pri manuálnom obnovovaní médií."],"Show only":["Iba seriál"],"Show and episodes":["Seriál a epizódy"],"Top music":["Naj hudba"],"%1$s Artists":["%1$s umelcov"],"%1$s Albums":["%1$s albumov"],"%1$s Songs":["%1$s skladieb"],"default":["predvolené"],"Actions":["Akcie"],"play files":["prehrať súbory"],"queue files":["súbory do poradia"],"Sent text":["Poslať text"],"License":["Licencia"],"Main Menu":["Hlavná ponuka"],"Search":["Vyhľadávanie"],"Custom Add-on search":["Vyhľadávanie pomocou doplnkov"],"Add custom add-on searches":["Pridať vyhľadávanie pomocou doplnkov"],"Add-ons help page":["Stránka s pomocníkom pre doplnky"],"No %1$s found":["Žiadne %1$s nenájdené"],"results":["výsledky"],"EPG data":["Údaje EPG"],"PVR":["PVR"],"Recordings":["Nahrávky"],"Channel recording toggled":["Nahrávanie kanálov prepnuté"],"TV Channels":["TV kanály"],"Radio Stations":["Rádio stanice"],"Record":["Nahrávka"],"Toggle timer":["Prepnúť časovač"],"Now":["Teraz"],"Rename playlist":["Premenovať playlist"],"album":["album"],"Videos":["Videá"],"Lost connection to Kodi":["Pripojenie ku Kodi zlyhalo"],"Attempt to reconnect":["Znova sa pokúsiť pripojiť"],"Attempting reconnect":["Skúšam sa pripojiť"],"Top Songs":["Naj skladby"],"Top Albums":["Naj albumy"],"Toggle select all":["Vybrať/zrušiť výber všetkých"],"More like this":["Viac ako toto"],"music videos":["hudba z filmov"],"Related music videos from YouTube":["Súvisiace hudobné klipy z YouTube"],"Lost websocket connection":["Stratené websocket spojenie"],"Attempting websockets reconnect":["Pokúšam sa znova pripojiť"],"This should be the play path for the trailer. Eg. %1$s":["Toto by mala byť cesta k ukážke. Napr. %1$s"],"%1$s party mode toggled":["%1$s párty režim bol prepnutý"]}}} diff --git a/dist/lang/_strings/zh_cn.json b/dist/lang/_strings/zh_cn.json deleted file mode 100644 index e1b543ee..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/_strings/zh_cn.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{"domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"zh-hans"},"Nothing playing":["没有内容正在播放"],"Deselect all":["取消所有勾选"],"Filters":["筛选区"],"Sort":["排序"],"Select a filter":["选取一个筛选条件"],"Select an option":["挑选一个选项"],"filter":["筛选条件"],"Add filter":["添加筛选条件"],"Which player to start with":["用哪一个播放器来开始"],"Ignore terms such as 'The' and 'A' when sorting lists":["排序时忽略像'The'和'A'这样的冠词"],"When listing artists should we only see artists with albums or all artists found. Warning: turning this off can impact performance with large libraries":["当列出艺术家的时候,我们仅列出专辑上的艺术家或者能找到的所有艺术家。警告:库比较大的时候关闭此项可能会影响性能。"],"is the default":["是默认的"],"The hostname used for websockets connection. Set to 'auto' to use the current hostname.":["用于websockets连接的服务器名字。设置为‘auto’(自动)来使用当前的服务器的名字。"],"How often do I poll for updates from Kodi (Only applies when websockets inactive)":["多久从Kodi更新一次(仅当websockets关闭时生效)"],"Enable support for reverse proxy.":["启用对反向代理的支持"],"Web settings saved.":["Web设置已保存"],"Just a sec...":["请稍候......"],"Unable to communicate with Kodi in a long time. I think it's dead Jim!":["现在还仍然无法与Kodi建立连接,怪我咯。"],"Video library scan started":["开始扫描视频库"],"Video library scan complete":["视频库扫描完毕"],"Audio library scan started":["开始扫描音频库"],"Audio library scan complete":["音频库扫描完毕"],"Kodi has quit":["Kodi已退出"],"Sections":["分类"],"Back":["后退"],"Loading folder...":["正在加载文件夹......"],"Show more":["显示更多"],"to Kodi":["到Kodi"],"Playlist refreshed":["已刷新播放列表"],"Kodi":["Kodi"],"Local":["本地"],"Playlists":["播放列表"],"Existing playlists":["现有的播放列表"],"Empty playlist, you should probably add something to it?":["这是空的播放列表,放点东西进去吧?"],"Create a new list":["新建一个列表"],"Add to playlist":["添加到播放列表"],"Added to your playlist":["添加到你的播放列表"],"Give your playlist a name":["给你的播放列表起一个名字"],"Recently added":["最近添加"],"Recently played":["最近播放"],"Season":["季"],"Episode":["剧集"],"Play":["播放"],"Queue":["队列"],"View on IMDb":["去IMDb查看"],"Stream":["流媒体"],"Download":["下载"],"complete":["完成"],"Synopsis":["概要"],"Full cast":["演员表"],"Websockets closed":["Websockets已关闭"],"Websockets host":["Websockets服务器"],"Websockets port":["Websockets端口"],"Default player":["默认播放器"],"Ignore article":["忽略字段"],"Album artists only":["仅专辑艺术家"],"Poll interval":["更新间隔"],"Reverse proxy support":["反向代理支持"],"Language":["语言"],"Preferred language":["首选语言"],"Ignore articles (terms such as \"The\" and \"A\") when sorting lists":["排序时忽略类似'The'和'A'这样的冠词字段"],"sec":["秒"],"Your browser doesn't support websockets! Get with the times and update your browser.":["你的浏览器不支持websockets!该升级浏览器了。"],"Failed to connect to websockets":["Failed to connect to websockets, so I am falling back to polling for updates. Which makes things slower and uses more resources. Please ensure you have 'Allow programs on other systems to control Kodi' ENABLED in the Kodi settings (System > Services > Remote control). You may also get this if you are using proxies or accessing via an IP addess when localhost will suffice. If websockets normally works, you might just need to refresh your browser."],"Video":["视频"],"Audio":["音频"],"Cast":["演员表"],"Director":["导演","导演"],"Writer":["编剧","编剧"],"Subtitle":["字幕","字幕"],"Result":["结果","结果"],"Loading things...":["正在加载......"],"Scan video library":["扫描视频库"],"Scan audio library":["扫描音频库"],"About Chorus":["关于Chorus"],"Recent":["最近"],"Artists":["艺术家"],"Albums":["专辑"],"Recent movies":["最近电影"],"All movies":["所有电影"],"Recent episodes":["最近的电视节目"],"All TV shows":["所有电视节目"],"Web settings":["Web设置"],"Kodi settings":["Kodi设置"],"Now Playing Playlists":["现在正在播放播放列表"],"Switch between Kodi and local playback via the tabs. You can toggle visibility with the arrow in the top right":["在这个标签上切换在Kodi或本计算机上播放媒体。你可以点击右上角的箭头来显示或隐藏它。"],"Current playlist":["当前播放列表"],"Clear playlist":["清空播放列表"],"Refresh playlist":["刷新播放列表"],"Party mode":["派对模式"],"Save Kodi playlist":["保存Kodi播放列表"],"Preferred language, need to refresh browser to take effect":["这是你喜欢的语言,在刷新浏览器后生效"],"Ignore articles (terms such as 'The' and 'A') when sorting lists":["当排序时忽略类似'The'和'A'的冠词字段"],"Vibrant headers":["华丽标头"],"Use colourful headers for media pages":["为媒体页面使用彩色标头"],"Enable support for reverse proxying.":["启用反向代理支持"],"songs":["歌曲"],"artists":["艺术家"],"albums":["专辑"],"movies":["电影"],"Searching for":["搜索"],"and":["和"],"tvshows":["电视节目"],"no media in this folder":["这个文件夹里没有媒体文件"],"Browse files and add-ons":["浏览文件和Kodi插件"],"This is where you can browse all Kodi content, not just what is in the library. Browse by source or add-on.":["这里不仅可以浏览媒体库中的内容,还可以浏览所有的在Kodi上的内容。选择Source(源)或插件来浏览。"],"Send text to Kodi":["像Kodi发送文字消息"],"The lab":["实验室"],"Chorus lab":["Chorus的实验功能"],"Warning":["警告"],"Experimental code, use at own risk":["这些不稳定的代码还在试验中,请谨慎使用"],"Kodi API browser":["浏览Kodi的API"],"This is a tool to test out the API. Select a method then execute it with parameters.":["这是用于测试API的工具。选择一个API,并添加一些参数来执行它。"],"You could potentially damage your system with this and there are no sanity checks. Use at own risk.":["这么做你可能会破坏你的系统。风险自担。"],"Saved Kodi settings":["保存的Kodi设置"],"General":["通用"],"Advanced setting level is recommended for those who know what they are doing.":["高级设置只适合知道自己在做什么的用户"],"Kodi settings level":["Kodi设置级别"],"Remove":["删除"],"cast":["主演"],"Add-ons":["插件"],"Web interface":["Web界面"],"Readme":["自述"],"Changelog":["修改日志"],"Translations":["翻译"],"Help topics":["帮助主题"],"Overview":["概览"],"Lab":["实验室"],"version":["版本"],"Remote control":["远程控制"],"Remote control is set up correctly":["成功设置远程控制"],"About":["关于"],"Local audio":["本地音频"],"Status report":["状态报告"],"in":["在"],"Focus playlist on playing":["播放时聚焦在播放列表上"],"Automatically scroll the playlist to the current playing item. This happens whenever the playing item is changed":["自动滚动播放列表到当前播放内容,当播放内容变化时生效。"],"Web Settings saved.":["网页设置已保存"],"Keyboard controls":["键盘控制"],"In Chorus, will you keyboard control Kodi, the browser or both":["在Chorus里, 你希望用键盘控制Kodi,浏览器或是两者"],"Learn more":["了解更多"],"Resume playback":["继续播放"],"Resume from":["从这里继续"],"Start from the beginning":["重新开始"],"Click here restore defaults":["点击这里恢复默认设置"],"Main Menu Structure":["主菜单结构"],"Here you can change the title, url and icons for menu items. You can also remove, re-order and add new items.":["在这里你可以改变菜单项的标题,url和图标。你也可以删除,排序和添加新的菜单项。"],"Main Nav":["主菜单"],"Add a new playlist":["新建一个播放列表"],"Keyboard":["键盘"],"Music":["音乐"],"Digital radio":["数字广播"],"Movies":["电影"],"TV shows":["电视节目"],"TV":["电视"],"Browser":["浏览"],"Thumbs up":["赞"],"Settings":["设置"],"Help":["帮助"]}}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/lang/de/app-readme.html b/dist/lang/de/app-readme.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8d923f44..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/de/app-readme.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -

Kodi Web Interface - Chorus2


Die Standardoberfläche für die Webansicht von Kodi.


Eine großartige, moderne Weboberfläche für Kodi. Stöbere durch deine Musik, Filme -oder TV-Sendungen - komfortabel mit dem Webbrowser. Du kannst Kodi fernsteuern -oder Medien in deinen Browser streamen. Am Besten funkioniert das mit Chrome, aber -auch gut mit den meisten anderen aktuellen Browsern.


Chorus2 ist der Nachfolger von Chorus. -Von Grund auf neuprogrammiert auf Basis von Coffee Script, Backbone, Marionette -und vielem, vielem, mehr.




Jeremy Graham mit Hilfe von -diesen Typen.


Aktueller Status


Ziemlich gut, das Meiste funktioniert richtig gut. Anderes braucht noch -Politur/Abschluss/Korrektur. -Es steht beta drauf, also erwarte Fehler, Änderungen, den Atomkrieg usw.


An's Laufen bekommen


Ab Kodi v17 ist Chorus2 vorinstalliert, du brauchst es nur zu aktvieren und ein -paar Häkchen zu setzen.


Aktivieren und Einstellen


Kodi > Settings (cog) > Services > Control

- -

Aus Sicherheitsgründen solltest du einen Benutzernamen und ein Passwort -einstellen, um unbefugten Zugriff über die Weboberfläche zu verhinden.


Manuelle Installation


Es gibt Gründe, Kodi als zip zu installieren. Etwa, wenn Kodi v16 oder älter ist -oder wenn du direkt die aktuellste Version installieren möchtest. Lade die -aktuellste Version des von der -Seite mit den Veröffentlichungen -herunter, dann installiere es wie hier beschrieben. -Hinweis: Chorus2 sollte mit der aktuellsten Version von Kodi benutzt werden, -einiges (oder sogar alles) könnte wegen Änderungen in der API mit älteren Versionen -nicht funktionieren.




Rufe mit deinem Webbrowser die Adresse http://localhost:8080 auf - ersetze dabei -localhost mit deiner IP-Adresse, wenn du auf einen anderen Rechner zugreifst. Wenn -du einen anderen Port als 8080 eingestellt hast, passe ihn bitte auch an. -Mehr Informationen und Tipps für fortgeschrittene Benutzung ist im -Kodi Wiki page zu finden.


Feature requests / Bugs


Add them to the list. For bugs please include Kodi version, Web browser version, -Chorus version and any errors that display in the console. For feature requests, checkout the API browser to see if your -request is currently possible.




Disclaimer: The success of this depends on the file formats vs what the browser supports. In general most things work.


Audio streaming


In the top right there are some tabs, two of them are named Kodi and Local, this is how you toggle what player the UI -is controlling. In Local mode the logo and accents are pinky-red, In Kodi mode the logo is the Kodi blue. When you -are in a given mode, actions affect that player, so if you click Play on a track when in Local mode, it will play -through the browser, likewise, when in Kodi mode all commands are sent to Kodi. You can also add media to other -playlists by clicking the menu buttons (three dots vertical) on most media items.


Video streaming


Video streaming via HTML5 "sort of" works, it really depends on the codec used. An embedded VLC player is also available with better codec support. -This looks like the best we can get until Kodi supports transcoding. -Chrome users: Chrome has removed support for vlc/divx plugins so streaming a video requires a Chrome friendly codec. -For best results use Chrome with mp4 video that has 2 channel audio (5.1 audio doesn't seem to work).


Kodi settings via the web interface


You can change most of the settings you would find in Kodi via the settings page in the web interface. -Some settings have been omitted as they require interaction with the GUI and others are just a basic text field with no options.


Kodi API browser


There is a hidden feature in Chorus that allows you to play with the Kodi API and see what is capable via the JSON-RPC -interface. If you are building an app or addon that uses the API this can be super useful for both finding and testing -all the methods and types available. If you are thinking about a new feature for Chorus, this is also a great place to -test if it is possible (and fast track development by adding a working example to an issue). You can find the API browser -via "Chorus Lab" (bottom right 3 vertical dots > "The Lab") or directly via http://localhost:8080/#lab/api-browser.




If you would like to make this project better I would appreciate any help. Please do pull requests against the develop branch. -I am happy to assist with getting an development environment up and running if you are happy to contribute.




I only know English so definitely need help with this. I also don't know heaps about javascript multilingual stuff but -thanks to @mizaki we have a structure ready to go. So it should be nice and easy to translate the UI.


At the moment, there are a handful of languages available -but more can be easily added. More strings are always being added so always consider english as the source of truth.


So if you see something in english but want it in your language, I need you! To contribute, send me a PR on a new branch -against develop, or if you don't know git, a link to the language file.


Language Files here. -English is the only real complete translation file so start with that as your base.




Sass and Grunt are used to compile css and js in the dist folder. -To get your environment setup first install Bundler and npm.

- -

If you are updating (eg. git pull), always do an npm update and bundle update to ensure all the tools are in the toolbox.




A build will also include translation files.

- -



Bist du ein Fan von Chorus2 geworden? Du kannst Jeremy ein Bier kaufen, -um Danke zu sagen. :)




Chorus2 steht unter der Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. -Hier klicken für Informationen.




Homepage (Wiedergabe)


alt text




alt text




alt text


alt text




alt text




alt text




alt text




alt text


Medien bearbeiten


alt text

diff --git a/dist/lang/de/keybind-readme.html b/dist/lang/de/keybind-readme.html deleted file mode 100644 index 836f1240..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/de/keybind-readme.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -



Kodi kann mit der Tastatur bedient werden, unten wird die Standardbelegung beschrieben. Die Tastaturbelegung kann in Einstellungsseite geändert werden, verfügbar sind:




Die Tastaturbedienung von Kodi ist wegen der Standardfunktionen des Browsers zunächst deaktiviert (z.B. werden Pfeil hoch / Pfeil runter zum Scrollen benutzt). [Browser Befehl] = [Kodi Aktion].

Pfeil LINKS = Richtung LINKS
-Pfeil RECHTS = Richtung RECHTS
-Pfeil HOCH = Richtung HOCH
-Pfeil RUNTER = Richtung RUNTER
-ENTER = Auswählen
-TAB = Schließen
-LEERTASTE = Abspielen/Pause
-Taste "C" = Kontextmenü
-Taste "+" = Lauter
-Taste "-" = Leiser
-Taste "X" = Stopp
-Taste "T" = Untertitel umschalten
-Taste ">" = Nächster
-Taste "<" = Vorheriger
-Taste "\" = Vollbild

Verbesserungsverschläge? Klicke hier.




Mit der Tastatur wird erstmal nur der Browser gesteuert. Wenn die Fernbedienung geöffnet ist, steuern die Tasten jedoch nur Kodi.




Tastaturbefehle werden in Kodi und im Browser ausgeführt. Wenn die Fernbedienung geöffnet ist, wird nur Kodi gesteuert. HINWEIS: Viele Tasten sind sowohl im Browser als auch in Kodi belegt, z.B. Rückschritt/Löschen.

diff --git a/dist/lang/de/lang-readme.html b/dist/lang/de/lang-readme.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1bca777b..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/de/lang-readme.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -



Um die Sprachdateien zu aktualisieren, brauchst du nicht viel über GIT zu wissen. -Diese Seite hilft dir dabei, mit Sprachdateien umzugehen.


Wo sind die Sprachdateien?


Die Sprachdateien werden an zwei Orten gespeichert. Das Sprachkürzel LANG_CODE -ist der zweistellige Code für diese Sprache, z.B. en, fr, de, pl, nl.


Zeichenketten (Strings)



- -
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a filter"
-msgstr "Filter wählen"




- -

Eine neue Sprache hinzufügen


Beispiel: Wenn deine Sprache Deutsch ist, würde sie das Kürzel (LANG_KEY) -de haben.


Sag der Anwendung Bescheid


Die neue Sprache muss jetzt in der Anwendung eingetragen werden. Also trage in die -Datei /src/js/helpers/ die neue Sprache de: "Deutsch" in -getLanguages ein. (Für Deutsch schon passiert.)


Ordner- und Dateistruktur von en kopieren


Kopiere die Dateien, die du übersetzen möchtest:

- -



Um deine Version zu testen, muss ein neue Version (build) erstellt werden, -vielleicht klappt es aber auch ohne, wenn du dich an die vorhandene Struktur -gehalten hast.


Wenn du wirklich deine neue Sprache in der Anwendung mit einer neuen Version -testen möchtest, kannst du:

  1. Sicherstellen, dass nodejs, npm installiert sind
  2. -
  3. cd /chorus/folder
  4. -
  5. npm install (nur beim ersten Mal)
  6. -
  7. grunt lang (das wird nur die Sprachen im Ordner dist/lang erneuern)
  8. -
  9. Chorus2 aktualisieren
  10. -

Rückgriff auf Englisch


Solange msgid in deiner LANG_CODE.po noch nicht vorhanden sind, wird die -englische Zeichenkette als Standard verwendet. Gleiches gilt für die Seite -LANG_CODE/, falls sie vorhanden ist.


Eine Aktualisierung einreichen


Einen pull request GitHub von einem -neuen Zweig (fork) aus zu senden, ist der beste Weg. -Aktualisierungen über andere Wege werden aber auch berücksichtigt.

diff --git a/dist/lang/en/_en-important-readme.html b/dist/lang/en/_en-important-readme.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5f155ad3..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/en/_en-important-readme.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -

Warning: Files in this folder get overridden automatically


To edit the following files, you must do it in the original location and NOT in this folder. -These files get get replaced regularly during a build or grunt lang.


Where to edit these files:

- -



This only applies to english.

diff --git a/dist/lang/en/addons.html b/dist/lang/en/addons.html deleted file mode 100644 index 604ce028..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/en/addons.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -

Add-on Support


Chorus supports add-ons, but at a generic level. As each add-on does things differently, not all functionality will be -available. The Add-Ons page lists add-ons that are executable (eg. Global Search) or add-ons that provide -a list of audio/video content (eg. YouTube). Add-ons that provide lists can also be accessed via the browser.

- -

Out of the box, Chorus includes search functionality for some of the more popular add-ons, this allows you to search -content provided by that add-on via the search page. For example you could type in "crazy cat videos" in the search box -and then on the search page, click "YouTube" to get a list of videos provided by YouTube on that subject.


If you wish to search content provided by an add-on that isn't included with Chorus, you can add your own -custom add-on search which tells Chorus how it can search for the content provided by that add-on.


To add a custom search, you need to know what url the add-on is using internally to provide the search results. This -isn't always easy or obvious to find out and may involve looking through the add-on code or kodi logs to determine the -correct url to use. Chorus will substitute the token [QUERY] with the search term.


Examples of add-on search urls

- -



If you find a good custom add-on search that should be included in Chorus out of the box then you should consider -submitting a pull request for it. Look at the SoundCloud module -as an example of the code structure. NOTE: Only add-ons that are in the official repository will accepted.


Enabling and disabling Add-ons


Chorus provides a settings page for enabling and disabling add-ons, be aware that disabling certain -add-ons may have adverse effects so use with care.


Known issues and limitations


A few things that have been observed with using add-ons in Chorus

- diff --git a/dist/lang/en/app-changelog.html b/dist/lang/en/app-changelog.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0166d6ef..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/en/app-changelog.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,300 +0,0 @@ -

Version 18.x-2.4.6

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Version 18.x-2.4.5

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Version 2.4.4

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Version 2.4.3

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Version 2.4.2

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Version 2.4.1

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Version 2.4.0

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Version 2.3.9

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Version 2.3.8

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Version 2.3.7

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Version 2.3.6

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Version 2.3.5

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Version 2.3.4

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Version 2.3.3

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Version 2.3.2

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Version 2.3.1

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Version 2.3.0

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Version 2.0.17

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Version 2.0.17

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Version 2.0.15

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Version 2.0.14

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Version 2.0.13

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Version 2.0.12

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Version 2.0.11

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Version 2.0.10

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Version 2.0.9

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Version 2.0.8

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Version 2.0.7

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Version 2.0.6

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Version 2.0.5

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Version 2.0.4

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Version 2.0.3

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Version 2.0.2

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Version 2.0.1

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Version 2.0.0

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Kodi Web Interface - Chorus2


The default Web Interface for Kodi.


A great modern Web UI for Kodi. Browse your Music, Movies or TV Shows from the comfort of your -own web browser. You can play media via Kodi or stream it in your browser. Works best with Chrome -but plays well with most modern browsers.


Successor to Chorus. -A complete rebuild using Coffee Script, Backbone, Marionette and much, much more.




Jeremy Graham with help from these kind people


Current state


Pretty good, most things work really well. Other things need polish/finishing/fixing. -Still considered beta software, expect bugs, changes, nuclear war, etc.


Getting it working


As of Kodi v17, Chorus2 comes pre-installed out of the box, you just need to enable it and tick a few boxes.


Enabling & Configuring


Kodi > Settings (cog) > Services > Control

- -

For security reasons you should set a username and password to prevent unauthorised access


Manual install


For Kodi v16 and below or if you want to get the latest version ASAP, an install via zip is the easiest way to go. Grab the -latest release of from the releases page then -install it like this. NOTE: Chorus2 is intended to -be used with the latest version of Kodi and some (or all) things might not work in older versions due to API changes.


Using it


Point your web browser to http://localhost:8080 - replace localhost with your IP address if using remotely and if -you have changed your port to something other than 8080 be sure to change that too. More information and advanced -usage can be found over on the Kodi Wiki page.


Feature requests / Bugs


Add them to the list. For bugs please include Kodi version, Web browser version, -Chorus version and any errors that display in the console. For feature requests, checkout the API browser to see if your -request is currently possible.




Disclaimer: The success of this depends on the file formats vs what the browser supports. In general most things work.


Audio streaming


In the top right there are some tabs, two of them are named Kodi and Local, this is how you toggle what player the UI -is controlling. In Local mode the logo and accents are pinky-red, In Kodi mode the logo is the Kodi blue. When you -are in a given mode, actions affect that player, so if you click Play on a track when in Local mode, it will play -through the browser, likewise, when in Kodi mode all commands are sent to Kodi. You can also add media to other -playlists by clicking the menu buttons (three dots vertical) on most media items.


Video streaming


Video streaming via HTML5 "sort of" works, it really depends on the codec used. An embedded VLC player is also available with better codec support. -This looks like the best we can get until Kodi supports transcoding. -Chrome users: Chrome has removed support for vlc/divx plugins so streaming a video requires a Chrome friendly codec. -For best results use Chrome with mp4 video that has 2 channel audio (5.1 audio doesn't seem to work).


Kodi settings via the web interface


You can change most of the settings you would find in Kodi via the settings page in the web interface. -Some settings have been omitted as they require interaction with the GUI and others are just a basic text field with no options.


Kodi API browser


There is a hidden feature in Chorus that allows you to play with the Kodi API and see what is capable via the JSON-RPC -interface. If you are building an app or addon that uses the API this can be super useful for both finding and testing -all the methods and types available. If you are thinking about a new feature for Chorus, this is also a great place to -test if it is possible (and fast track development by adding a working example to an issue). You can find the API browser -via "Chorus Lab" (bottom right 3 vertical dots > "The Lab") or directly via http://localhost:8080/#lab/api-browser.




If you would like to make this project better I would appreciate any help. There is a develop branch for each version of -Kodi. Please do pull requests against the dev branch for the correct version (even better if you can do a PR for both). -Leia (v18) dev branch is 18.x-dev, Krypton (v17) dev branch is 17.x-dev. See the -developers documentation for information about -getting a dev environment up and running then compiling the project using docker.




I only know English so definitely need help with this. I also don't know heaps about javascript multilingual stuff but -thanks to @mizaki we have a structure ready to go. So it should be nice and easy to translate the UI.


At the moment, there are a handful of languages available -but more can be easily added. More strings are always being added so always consider english as the source of truth.


So if you see something in english but want it in your language, I need you! To contribute, send me a PR on a new branch -against 18.x-dev and/or 17.x-dev, or if you don't know git, a link to the language file.


Language Files here. -English is the only real complete translation file so start with that as your base.

- -

Are you a fan of Chorus? You can buy Jeremy a beer to say thanks :)




This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -(at your option) any later version.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -GNU General Public License for more details.


You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -along with this program; -if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, -Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


Click here for more information .




Homepage (now playing)


alt text


Search results


alt text




alt text


alt text


Video library


alt text




alt text




alt text




alt text


Editing media


alt text

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Developers information


Do you want to help with making Chorus even better? Find help below...


This page contains information about getting your dev environment up and running so you can build and test your -changes without the hassle of setting up all the required dependencies.


Docker dev environment


Included in this repo is a Dockerfile which builds the Chorus 2 dev environment image. If you wanted to develop -without using docker, this is a good reference as to what you need installed on your pc.


If you want to make your live much easier, just install docker then grab the pre-built image from docker hub.

docker pull jez500/chorus2-dev:latest

Installing dev dependencies


Once you have the docker dev image, you can use this to do all your development related tasks. The first of these should -be installing all the nodejs/ruby dependencies.

docker run -tiP -v `pwd`:/app jez500/chorus2-dev:latest ./ install

This will run npm install and bundle install inside the dev container.


You should only need to do this once, unless... package.json or Gemfile are updated


Building/Compiling the project


If you have made changes to some coffee script or sass, you can build those changes via executing commands inside -the dev container. To get a command line in the container:

docker run -tiP -v `pwd`:/app jez500/chorus2-dev:latest bash

Once inside the dev container, you can do the following:




This will build languages, documentation, js and css.

grunt build

Watch for changes (continuously build)


This will only build js and css.


Committing your changes


As a rule of thumb, you should not commit any compiled files unless you are building a release. Eg. only commit files -in the src folder.

diff --git a/dist/lang/en/help-overview.html b/dist/lang/en/help-overview.html deleted file mode 100644 index 95b4735e..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/en/help-overview.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -

What is Chorus?


Chorus is a web interface for controlling and interacting with Kodi. It is hosted by your -Kodi installation so anything that can run Kodi should have no problems with Chorus.


With a web interface you could potentially be controlling a Kodi player from the other side of the world. -But more likely, you will be controlling a local Kodi player in your home or office.


Who made this thing?


Chorus was created by Jeremy Graham, a Kodi team member who has been obsessed with -Kodi since its original inception as Xbox Media Player many years ago. He has invested thousands of hours in -the pursuit of the perfect Kodi web interface, all of which has lead to what you are using right now.


To say thanks to Jeremy for making Kodi great to use via a browser or maybe just some encouragement to make it -even better? You can buy him a beer or 2.


Who made it possible?

- -

Bugs and Features


Is something broken?


It happens, it could also be a "Cool idea"? Chorus is a complex app and Kodi is way more complex. For Chorus issues -you can create an issue on Github. It is important that you provide -as much information as possible. Great things to include are:

- -

Cool ideas


Got neat addition or a feature wish list for Chorus? You can add them to the Github -page or even better, send through a pull request..


Tell me more


View the readme for an overview, the changelog -lists notable changes between versions or maybe you can help with translations.

diff --git a/dist/lang/en/keybind-readme.html b/dist/lang/en/keybind-readme.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2b860bd3..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/en/keybind-readme.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -

Key Binds


You can use your keyboard to control Kodi, this is the default setting but you can change what -the keyboard controls on the settings page. The available options are:




The keyboard controls Kodi and default keyboard interaction with the browser is disabled. -(eg. using up and down arrows to scroll a page). [Browser command] = [Kodi action].

Cursor LEFT = Direction LEFT
-Cursor RIGHT = Direction RIGHT
-Cursor UP = Direction UP
-Cursor DOWN = Direction DOWN
-ENTER = Select
-TAB = Close
-SPACE BAR = Play/Pause
-Key "C" = Context menu
-Key "+" = Volume Up
-Key "-" = Volume Down
-Key "X" = Stop
-Key "T" = Toggle subtitles
-Key ">" = Play Next
-Key "<" = Play Prev
-Key "\" = Full screen

Got improvements to add? click here




The keyboard controls the browser only. When the remote is open the keys will control only Kodi.




Keyboard commands are executed in Kodi and in the browser. When the remote is open the keys will -control only Kodi. NOTE: Many commands are shared by both the browser and Kodi. Eg. Backspace.

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To update the language files you just need to know a bit of GIT. This page should help -with the structure of language files.


Where are the language files?


There are two places where language override files are stored. The LANG_CODE is the two -letter code for that language. Eg: en, fr, de





- -




- -

Adding a new language


Example: If your new language is French it would have a LANG_KEY of fr.


Tell the app about it


You also need to tell the application to have it as an option. So you edit this file: -/src/js/helpers/ and add fr: "French" to the languages in getLanguages


Duplicate the folder/file structure of en


Copy the files you want to override with the new language:

- -



To test you need to do a build, however if you follow the existing structure you shouldn't need to.


If do you want to test your language in the app with a build, you can:

  1. Ensure nodejs, npm are installed
  2. -
  3. cd /chorus/folder
  4. -
  5. npm install (only the first time)
  6. -
  7. grunt lang (this will rebuild only the languages in the dist/lang folder)
  8. -
  9. Refresh Chorus
  10. -



Translations should fallback to English unless the msgid is set in a LANG_CODE.po file. -Or if a page LANG_CODE/ exists.


Submitting an update


Send a pull request through GitHub on a new branch is the best way. -Would consider updates via other methods.

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Chorus2 License


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -(at your option) any later version.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -GNU General Public License for more details.


You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -along with this program; -if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, -Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


Included Images


All photos used within Chorus are licensed under Creative Commons Zero -which means you can copy, modify, distribute and use the photos for free. Images have been sourced from:

- -

Other included images and gifs have been hand crafted by Jeremy Graham


Included Libraries


Click here to view the included libraries used by Chorus and -their associated licenses.

diff --git a/dist/lang/fr/help-overview.html b/dist/lang/fr/help-overview.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7db87bf0..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/fr/help-overview.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -

Qu'est-ce que Chorus?


Chorus est une interface web pour contrôler Kodi. Il est hébergé sur votre -installation de Kodi, ainsi n'importe quel appareil pouvant faire marcher Kodi ne devrait pas avoir -de problème avec Chorus.


Avec une interface web vous pourriez si vous le voulez contrôler un lecteur Kodi de l'autre côté de la planête. -Mais plus probablement vous allez contrôler un lecteur Kodi sur votre réseau local à la maison ou au bureau.


Qui a fait cette chose?


Chorus a été créé par Jeremy Graham, un membre de l'équipe Kodi qui est obsédé par -Kodi depuis son lancement original sur Xbox Media Player des années auparavant. Il a investi des milliers -d'heure pour développer l'interface web parfaite pour Kodi. Tout ceci a abouti à ce que vous utilisez aujourd'hui -même.


Pour dire merci à Jeremy d'avoir rendu Kodi super à utiliser via un navigateur ou peut-être quelques encouragements -pour le rendre encore meilleur Vous pouvrez lui payer une bière ou deux.


Qui a rendu cela possible?

- -

Bugs et fonctionnalités


Est-ce que quelque chose est cassé ?


Cela arrive, cela peut aussi être une "idée cool" ? Chorus est une application complexe et Kodi est bien plus complexe. -Pour les problèmes concernant Chorus vous pouvez créer un rapport de bug sur GitHub. -Il est important que vous frounissiez autant d'information que possible. Les bonnes choses à mentionner sont :

- -

Idées cools


Vous avez une idée qui déchire ou une liste de fonctionnalités souhaitées ? Vous pouvez les ajouter sur la page Github -ou encore mieux les proposer dans une "pull request"..


Dites m'en plus


Reagarder le readme pour une vue d'ensemble, le journal des changements -qui liste les changements notables entre les versions ou peut-être pouvez-vous aider pour les traductions ?

diff --git a/dist/lang/fr/keybind-readme.html b/dist/lang/fr/keybind-readme.html deleted file mode 100644 index 60b0f415..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/fr/keybind-readme.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -

Raccourcis clavier


Vous pouvez utiliser le clavier pour contrôler Kodi. C'est le réglage par default mais vous pouvez changer -ce comportement sur la page de paramètres. Les options disponibles sont:




Le clavier contrôle Kodi et les interactions par défaut avec le navigateur sont désactivées (par ex utiliser flèche -haut / bas pour défiler une page). [Commande du navigateur] = [Action Kodi].

Flèche GAUCHE = Direction GAUCHE
-Flèche DROITE = Direction RIGHT
-Flèche HAUT = Direction HAUT
-Flèche BAS = Direction BAS
-BACKSPACE = Retour en arrière
-ENTER = Sélectionner
-TAB = Fermer
-BARRE ESPACE = Jouer/Pause
-Touche "C" = Menu contextuel
-Touche "+" = Agumenter le volume
-Touche "-" = Baisser le volume
-Touche "X" = Arrêter
-Touche "T" = Activer/désactiver les sous-titres
-Touche ">" = Jouer le prochain
-Touche "<" = Jouer le précédent
-Touche "\" = Plein écran

Des améliorations à rajouter? cliquez ici

- -

Le clavier contrôle uniquement le navigateur. Si la télécommande est ouverte les touches ne contrôlent que Kodi.


Les deux


Les commandes clavier sont exécutées dans Kodi et dans le navigateur. Si la télécommande -est ouverte les touches ne contrôlent que Kodi. NOTE: Beaucoup de commandes sont partagées par le navigateur -et Kodi (par ex Backspace).

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Pour mettre à jour les fichiers de langue vous devez juste connaître un petit peu GIT. -Cette page devrait vous éclairer sur la structure des fichiers de langue.


Où sont les fichiers de langue ?


Ces fichiers se trouvent à deux endroits. Le CODE_LANG correspond aux deux premières lettres de votre langue (ex: en, fr, de).


Strings (textes)



- -

Exemple (fr.po) :

msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select a filter"
-msgstr "Sélectionner un filtre"




- -

Rajoute une nouvelle langue


Exemple: Si votre nouvelle langue est French il aura fr fr comme CODE_LANG.


Dites-le à l'application


Vous devez aussi dire à l'application de rajouter cette langue comme option. Pour cela il faut éditer -ce fichier /src/js/helpers/ et rajouter fr: "French" aux langues dans getLanguages.


Dupliquez la structure de fichier et de répertoire de en


Copiez les fichiers que vous voulez traduire:

- -



Pour tester vous devez générer une nouvelle version de l'application, cependant si vous suivez une structure - déjà existante cela n'est pas forcément nécessaire.


Si vous voulez vraiment tester votre langue dans l'application, il faut :

  1. Vous assurer que nodejs, npm sont installés
  2. -
  3. cd /chorus/folder
  4. -
  5. npm install (seulement la première fois)
  6. -
  7. grunt lang (cela va reconstruire les dichiers de langue dans le répertoire dist/lang)
  8. -
  9. Rafraîchir Chorus
  10. -

Solution de repli


Les traductions doivent se rabattre sur l'anglais sauf si msgid est défini dans le fichier -CODE_LANG.po ou si une page LANG_CODE/ existe.


Proposez une mise à jour


Envoyer une pull request sur GitHub sur une nouvelle branche est -la meilleure manière. Je peux envisager des mises à jour par d'autres méthodes.

diff --git a/dist/lang/nl/keybind-readme.html b/dist/lang/nl/keybind-readme.html deleted file mode 100644 index abe4084a..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/nl/keybind-readme.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -



U kan uw toetsenbord gebruiken om Kodi te besturen, dit is de standaard configuratie maar u kan veranderen wat het toetsenbord bestuurd bij de instellingen pagina. De beschikbare opties zijn:




Het toetsenbord bestuurd Kodi en standaard toetsenbord interacties met de browser zijn uitgeschakeld. -(vb. gebruik van pijltjes omhoog en omlaag om door een webpagina te scrollen). [webbrowser commando] = [Kodi actie].

Pijl LINKS = Richting LINKS
-Pijl RECHTS = Richting RECHTS
-Pijl OMHOOG = Richting OMHOOG
-Pijl OMLAAG = Richting OMLAAG
-ENTER = Selecteer
-TAB = Sluit
-SPATIE BALK = Play/Pauze
-Toets "C" = Context menu
-Toets "+" = Volume Omhoog
-Toets "-" = Volume Omlaag
-Toets "X" = Stop
-Toets "T" = Schakel Ondertitels
-Toets ">" = Play Volgende
-Toets "<" = Play Vorige
-Toets "\" = Volledig scherm

Wil u verbeteringen aanbrengen? klik hier




Het toetsenbord bestuurd enkel de webbrowser. Wanneer de afstandsbediening open staat besturen de toetsen enkel Kodi.




Toetsenbord commando's worden uitgevoerd in Kodi en in de webbrowser. Wanneer de afstandsbediening open staat besturen de toetsen enkel Kodi. NOTE: Veel commando's zijn gedeeld bij zowel webbrowser en Kodi. (vb: Backspace)

diff --git a/dist/lang/pl/addons.html b/dist/lang/pl/addons.html deleted file mode 100644 index 95efdf99..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/pl/addons.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -

Obsługa dodatków


Chorus obsługuje dodatki, ale tylko na poziomie podstawowym. Każdy dodatek działa nieco inaczej, więc nie wszystkie -funkcje będą dostępne. Na stronie Dodatki widoczna jest lista dodatków wykonywalnych oraz dodatków, które -udostępniają muzykę/wideo (np. YouTube). Dostęp do dodatków, widocznych na tej liście, można uzyskać za pośrednictwem -przeglądarki.


Wyszukiwanie zawartości dodatków


Po instalacji Kodi, Chorus zawiera wyszukiwanie zawartości dla niektórych popularniejszy dodatków, co umożliwia -przeszukiwanie zawartości dodatków za pomocą strony wyszukiwania. Dla przykładu, możesz wprowadzić wyrażenie -"szalone koty" w polu wyszukiwania, nacisnąć "YouTube", aby pobrać listę odnalezionych materiałów w serwisie YouTube.


Jeśli chciałbyś przeszukiwać zawartość udostępnianą przez dodatki, które nie są zawarte w Chorusie, możesz dodać -swoją własną metodę wyszukiwania dla wybranego dodatku, która poinformuje Chorusa, jak przeszukiwać zawartość -przez niego udostępnianą.


W celu dodania niestandardowego wyszukiwania, musisz znać postać adresu URL używanego wewnętrznie przez dodatek, który służy -do dostarczania wyników wyszukiwania. To nie zawsze jest proste ani oczywiste i może wiązać się z analizą kodu dodatku lub pliku -dziennika Kodi, aby określi poprawny format adresu URL. Przy czym Chorus zastąpi wzorzec [QUERY] szukanym wyrażeniem.


Przykłady adresów URL przeszukiwania zawartości dodatków

- -



Jeśli znasz jakiś dobry dodatek, którego można użyć do wyszukiwania zawartości i uważasz, że powinien być dostępny razem -z instalacją Kodi, powinieneś rozważyć przesłanie modyfikacji kodu za pomocą funkcji Pull Request. -Przyjrzyj się modułowi SoundCloud jako przykład struktury kodu. -UWAGA: Tylko dodatki z oficjalnego repozytorium zostaną zaakceptowane.


Zarządzanie dodatkami


Chorus udostępnia stronę ustawień umożliwiającą aktywację i dezaktywację dodatków, ale pamiętaj, że dezaktywacja -pewnych dodatków może mieć niekorzystne skutki, więc używaj tej funkcji z ostrożnością.


Znane problemy i ograniczenia


Zaobserwowano kilka problemów związanych z używanie dodatków w Chorusie

- diff --git a/dist/lang/pl/app-changelog.html b/dist/lang/pl/app-changelog.html deleted file mode 100644 index 154e4a47..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/pl/app-changelog.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,269 +0,0 @@ -

Wersja 2.4.3

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Wersja 2.4.2

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Wersja 2.4.1

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Wersja 2.4.0

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Wersja 2.3.9

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Wersja 2.3.8

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Wersja 2.3.7

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Wersja 2.3.6

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Wersja 2.3.5

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Wersja 2.3.4

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Wersja 2.3.3

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Wersja 2.3.2

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Wersja 2.3.1

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Wersja 2.3.0

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Wersja 2.0.17

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Wersja 2.0.17

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Wersja 2.0.15

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Wersja 2.0.14

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Wersja 2.0.13

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Wersja 2.0.12

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Wersja 2.0.11

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Wersja 2.0.10

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Wersja 2.0.9

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Wersja 2.0.8

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Wersja 2.0.7

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Wersja 2.0.6

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Wersja 2.0.5

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Wersja 2.0.4

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Wersja 2.0.3

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Wersja 2.0.2

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Wersja 2.0.1

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Wersja 2.0.0

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Chorus 2.0 - interfejs webowy Kodi


Domyślny interfejs webowy Kodi.


Nowoczesny webowy interfejs użytkownika dla Kodi. Umożliwia komfortowe przeglądanie biblioteki Muzyki, -Filmów i Seriali przy pomocy przeglądarki internetowej. -Umożliwia odtwarzanie mediów bezpośrednio w Kodi lub ich transmisję do przeglądarki. -Odtwarzanie transmitowanych mediów najlepiej działa w przeglądarce Chrome, aczkolwiek -nie powinno być żadnych problemów z większością nowoczesnych przeglądarek.


Godny następca poprzedniej wersji Chorusa. -Kompletnie przebudowany, bazujący na bibliotekach Coffee Script, Backbone, Marionette i innych.




Jeremy Graham z pomocą tych osób


Aktualny stan


Całkiem dobry, większość rzeczy działa poprawnie. Inne rzeczy potrzebują dopracowania/dokończenia/naprawienia. -Oprogramowanie ciągle w fazie beta, możliwe błędy, zmiany, wojna nuklearna, etc.


Uruchomienie interfejsu


W przypadku Kodi w wersji 17, Chorus jest dostępny zaraz po zainstalowaniu Kodi, musisz go tylko aktywować i zaznaczyć -kilka opcji.



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Ze względów bezpieczeństwa powinieneś ustawić nazwę użytkownika i hasło, aby zapobiec nieautoryzowanemu dostępowi


Instalacja manualna


W przypadku Kodi w wersji 16 i starszych lub gdy chcesz natychmiast korzystać z najnowszej wersji, instalacja -przy pomocy pliku ZIP jest najprostszym rozwiązaniem. Pobierz najnowszą wersję -ze strony wydań, a następnie zainstaluj ją w opisany sposób. -UWAGA: Chorus2 jest przeznaczony do używania z najnowszą wersją Kodi i niektóre (lub wszystkie) funkcje, -z powodu zmian w API, mogą nie działać ze starszymi wersjami Kodi.




Skieruj swoją przeglądarkę na adres http://localhost:8080 - zastąp adres localhost adresem zdalnego systemu, jeśli -korzystasz z Kodi na nim zainstalowanego, a w przypadku zmiany domyślnego numeru portu, na inny niż 8080, zmień -go także. Więcej informacji na ten temat i opis zaawansowanego użycia może znaleźć na stronach Wiki Kodi.


Zgłoszenia / Błędy


Dodaj je do aktualnej listy zagadnień. Zgłaszając błędy zawrzyj informacje -o wersji Kodi, wersji przeglądarki internetowej, wersji Chorusa i jakiekolwiek błędy pojawiąjące się w konsoli -przeglądarki. Zgłaszając prośby o funkcje, sprawdź w przeglądarce API, czy realizacja Twojej prośby jest w ogóle -możliwa.




Zastrzeżenie: Powodzenie odtwarzania zależy od wspieranych przez przeglądarkę formatów plików. -W większości przypadków nie powinno być z tym żadnych problemów.


Transmisja dźwięku


W prawym górnym roku znajdują się różne zakładki, w tym dwie o nazwie Kodi i Przeglądarka, które służą do -przełączania się między odtwarzaniem mediów w Kodi i przeglądarce. W trybie Lokalnie logo i etykieta są w kolorze -wiśniowym, a w trybie Kodi niebieskie. W poszczególnych trybach wykonywane operacje przekazywane są do aktualnego -odtwarzacza, więc naciśnięcie przycisku Odtwarzaj w trybie Lokalnie, spowoduje rozpoczęcie odtwarzania w przeglądarce. -Podobnie sprawa wygląda z trybem Kodi, w którym naciśnięcie przycisku Odtwarzaj, spowoduje rozpoczęcie odtwarzania -w Kodi. Istnieje także możliwość, dla większości typów mediów, dodania ich do innych list odtwarzania, za pomocą -przycisków dostępnych po wybraniu odpowiedniego menu na pasku odtwarzacza (trzy pionowe kropki).


Transmisja wideo


Odtwarzanie transmisji wideo przy pomocy HTML5 "prawie działa", tak naprawdę wszystko zależy od użytego kodeka. -Dodatkowe możliwości oferuje wtyczka odtwarzacza VLC, który posiada lepszą obsługę kodeków. -Do czasu dodania do Kodi funkcji transkodowania, to wszystko co można uzyskać. -Użytkownicy Chrome: Z przeglądarki Chrome usunięto obsługę wtyczek VLC/DivX, więc transmisja wideo wymaga -kodeka natywnie obsługiwanego przez Chrome.


Najlepszy efekt można uzyskać używając przeglądarki Chrome, w kombinacji z plikami wideo w formacie MP4 i dwukanałową -ścieżką dźwiękową (ścieżki dźwiękowe w formacie 5.1 nie są poprawnie odtwarzane).


Konfiguracja Kodi przy pomocy interfejsu webowego


Za pomocą dedykowanej strony ustawień w interfejsie webowym, możesz zmienić większość ustawień Kodi. -Niektórych ustawień może brakować, gdyż wymagają one interakcji użytkownika w natywnym interfejsie Kodi, -inne natomiast są tylko podstawowymi polami tekstowymi, bez żadnych dostępnych opcji.


Przeglądarka API Kodi


W Chorusie istnieje ukryta funkcja, która umożliwia zabawę z interfejsem programistycznym Kodi za pomocą metod -interfejsu JSON-RPC i sprawdzenie co jest możliwe. Jeśli tworzysz aplikację lub dodatek, który korzysta z API, ta -funkcja może się okazać bardzo użyteczna, podczas odkrywania i testowania wszystkich dostępnych metod i typów. -Jeśli myślisz o nowej funkcji Chorusa, przeglądarka API jest idealnym miejscem, aby przetestować czy w ogóle jest -możliwe jej wdrożenie (i umożliwienie szybkiej rozbudowy przez dodanie działające przykładu dla zagadnienia). -Przeglądarkę API odnajdziesz w "Laboratorium Chorusa" (przycisk z trzema kropkami na dolnym pasku) lub bezpośrednio -poprzez skierowanie przeglądarki internetowej na adres http://localhost:8080/#lab/api-browser.




Jeśli chciałbyś wesprzeć rozwoju projektu, będę wdzięczny za każdą pomoc. -Pamiętaj, aby modyfikacje kodu dodawane za pomocą funkcji Pull Request, znajdowany się w gałęzi develop. -Z przyjemnością pomogę każdemu, kto chciałbym wspomóc mnie w pracach, w uruchomieniu środowiska deweloperskiego.




Znam tylko język angielski, więc niezbędna będzie Wasza pomoc przy tłumaczeniu. -Mimo, że nie wiem wszystkiego na temat obsługi języków przez JavaScript, to dzięki pomocy @mizaki mamy gotowe mechanizmy -obsługi wielu języków. Z tego powodu, tłumaczenie interfejsu użytkownika nie powinno nastręczać problemów.


Aktualnie dostępne są tłumaczenia dla kilku języków, ale -kolejne mogą zostać z łatwością dodane. Kolejne wyrażenia są sukcesywnie dodawane, więc słownik wyrażeń -w języku angielskim, należy traktować jako referencyjne źródło dla tłumaczeń.


Jeśli widzisz coś w języku angielskim, a chciałbyś to zobaczyć w swoim ojczystym języku, potrzebujemy Twojej pomocy! -Jeśli chcesz dodać własne tłumaczenie, stwórz dla niego nową gałąź, a następnie skorzystaj z funkcji Pull Request do gałęzi develop. -Jeśli nie potrafisz posługiwać się GITem, prześlij mi łącze do plików z tłumaczeniem.


Pliki tłumaczeń są dostępne tutaj. -Pliki języka angielskiego są jedynymi kompletnymi źródłami, które powinieneś używać w trakcie tłumaczenia na swój język.




Do kompilowania arkuszy CSS i skryptów JavaScript, w ramach dystrybucji, używane są Sass i Grunt. -W celu skonfigurowania swojego środowiska wymagana jest instalacja Bundlera i npm.

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W przypadku aktualizacji kodu (np. git pull), zawsze uruchamiaj npm update i bundle update, aby mieć pewność, że wszystkie -narzędzia znajdują się w przyborniku.




Wynik budowania zawiera także pliki tłumaczeń.

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Jesteś fanem Chorusa? Możesz zasponsorować Jeremy'iemu piwo, aby okazać swoją wdzięczność. :)




Ta aplikacja jest darmowym oprogramowaniem; możesz ją dystrybuować -i/lub modyfikować na warunkach Powszechnej Licencji Publicznej GNU -opublikowanej przez Fundację Wolnego Oprogramowania, w wersji -drugiej lub późniejszej.


Ten program jest dystrybuowany w nadziei, że będzie użyteczny, -aczkolwiek BEZ ŻADNEJ GWARANCJI, nawet bez domyślnej gwarancji -HANDLOWEJ lub PRZYDATNOŚCI DLA OKREŚLONEGO CELU. Zapoznaj się -z treścią Powszechnej Licencji Publicznej GNU, aby dowiedzieć -się więcej.


Powinienieś otrzymać kopię Powszechnej Licencji Publicznej GNU -razem z programem; -jeśli nie, napisz do Fundacji Wolnego Oprogramowania, Inc, na adres -51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


Naciśnij tutaj, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.


Zrzuty ekranu


Strona startowa (Teraz odtwarzane)


alt text


Wyniki wyszukiwania


alt text




alt text


alt text


Biblioteka wideo


alt text




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alt text


Edycja mediów


alt text

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Czym jest Chorus?


Chorus jest interfejsem webowym umożliwiający sterowanie i interakcję z Kodi. -Jego funkcje udostępniane są przez program Kodi, więc jakikolwiek urządzenie zdolne do jego -uruchomienia, nie powinno mieć z nim problemów.


Za pomocą interfejsu webowego możliwe jest sterowanie, z dowolnego miejsca na świecie, urządzeniem -z zainstalowanym Kodi. Najpewniej jednak, będziesz sterował lokalnym odtwarzaczem Kodi, ze swojego -domu lub pracy.


Kto jest jego autorem?


Chorus został stworzony przez Jeremy'iego Grahama, członka zespołu Kodi, który ma obsesję na punkcie -Kodi od czasów jego początków, jeszcze jako odtwarzacz mediów na Xboxa, wiele lat temu. Zainwestował tysiące -godzin, dążąc do stworzenia perfekcyjnego interfejsu webowego dla Kodi, z czego efektów korzystasz właśnie teraz.


Być może chciałbyś podziękować Jeremy'iemu za umożliwienie używania Kodi przy pomocy przeglądarki lub -zwyczajnie przekazać mu słowa wsparcia, aby zachęcić go do dalszej pracy? -Możesz to zrobić sponsorując piwo - jedno lub dwa.


Kto pomagał przy tworzeniu?

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Błędy i funkcje


Coś nie działa?


To się zdarza, a może to jest także pomysł na "nową funkcję"? Chorus jest skomplikowaną aplikacją, a Kodi jeszcze bardziej. -W przypadku zagadnień związanych z Chorusem, możesz stworzyć nowe zagadnienie na GitHubie. -Bardzo ważne jest to, abyś dostarczył możliwie jak największą ilość informacji. Lista niezbędnych rzeczy obejmuje:

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Nowe pomysły


Masz fajny pomysł lub listę życzeń z funkcjami Chorusa? Możesz je dodać do listy zagadnień, a nawet możesz -przesłać gotowe modyfikacje do repozytorium GitHuba, wykorzystując -funkcji Pull Request.


Powiedz mi więcej


Na początku zajrzyj do dokumentacji, przejrzyj listę zmian pomiędzy wersjami w dzienniku zmian -albo pomóż w procesie tłumaczenia.

diff --git a/dist/lang/pl/keybind-readme.html b/dist/lang/pl/keybind-readme.html deleted file mode 100644 index 71f6980a..00000000 --- a/dist/lang/pl/keybind-readme.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -

Skróty klawiszowe


Możesz używać klawiatury do sterowania działaniem Kodi, to jest domyślne ustawienie, ale możesz -zmienić to ustawienie na stronie ustawień interfejsu. Poniżej lista dostępnych opcji:




Klawiatura służy tylko do sterowania Kodi, a domyślne skróty klawiszowe przeglądarki są nieaktywne. -(np. używanie kursorów do przewijania strony). [Komenda przeglądarki] = [Operacja Kodi].

Kursor LEWO = Kierunek LEWO
-Kursor PRAWO = Kierunek PRAWO
-Kursor GÓRA = Kierunek GÓRA
-Kursor DÓŁ = Kierunek DÓŁ
-ENTER = Wybierz
-TABULATOR = Zamknij
-SPACJA = Odtwarzaj/Wstrzymaj
-Klawisz "C" = Menu kontekstowe
-Klawisz "+" = Zwiększ głośność
-Klawisz "-" = Zmiejsz głośność
-Klawisz "X" = Zatrzymaj
-Klawisz "T" = Przełącz napisy
-Klawisz ">" = Odtwarzaj następne
-Klawisz "<" = Odtwarzaj poprzednie
-Klawisz "\" = Pełen ekran

Dysponujesz poprawką? Naciśnij tutaj




Klawiatura służy tylko do sterowania przeglądarką internetową. -Kiedy otwarta jest strona pilota, klawiatura steruje tylko działaniem Kodi.




Komendy z klawiatury są wykonywane zarówno przez Kodi jak i przeglądarkę. -Kiedy otwarta jest strona pilota, klawiatura steruje tylko działaniem Kodi. -UWAGA: Wiele skrótów jest współdzielonych przez przeglądarkę i Kodi - np. Backspace.

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Mechanizm aktualizacji plików tłumaczeń, wymaga odrobiny wiedzy na temat systemu -kontroli wersji GIT. Ta strona zawiera informacje o strukturze plików tłumaczeń.


Gdzie znajdują się pliki dla danego języka?


Pliki tłumaczeń znajdują się w dwóch miejscach. LANG_CODE - dwuliterowy, niepowtarzalny -kod dla każdego języka. Np.: en, fr, de, pl





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Dodawanie nowego języka


Przykład: Jeśli nowym językiem tłumaczenia jest język polski to jego LANG_CODE jest równy pl.


Poinformuj aplikację o zmianach


Wymagane jest poinformowanie aplikacji o dostępności nowego języka. W tym celu musisz -zmodyfikować plik /src/js/helpers/ i dodać pl: "Polski" do listy -języków w funkcji getLanguages.


Powielanie struktury folderu/plików z języka angielskiego


Skopiuj pliki, które chcesz przetłumaczyć na nowy język:

- -



Testowanie zmiany wymaga zbudowania aplikacji, aczkolwiek w przypadku postępowania w ramach -istniejącej struktury, nie powinno to być potrzebne.


Jeśli naprawdę chcesz przetestować zmiany w aplikacji, możesz to zrobić następująco:

  1. Upewnij się, że nodejs, npm są zainstalowane
  2. -
  3. Przejdź do folderu Chorusacd /chorus/folder
  4. -
  5. Uruchom npm install (tylko za pierwszym razem)
  6. -
  7. Wykonaj grunt lang (to polecenie przebuduje tylko tłumaczenia w folderze dist/lang)
  8. -
  9. Odśwież interfejs Chorusa
  10. -

Działanie awaryjne


Mechanizm obsługi języków powinien awaryjnie wyświetlać wyrażenia w języku angielskim -chyba, że w pliku dla aktywnego języka znajduje się już wyrażenie dla danego msgid -albo strona dla danego kodu języka LANG_CODE/ istnieje.


Przesyłanie aktualizacji


Najlepszym sposobem na przesłanie aktualizacji, jest wykorzystanie funkcji Pull Request, dla zmianach -znajdujących się w dedykowanej gałęzi repozytorium GitHuba. -Aczkolwiek dopuszczam przesyłanie aktualizacji za pomocą innych metod, np. łączą do plików z tłumaczeniem.

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Licencja Chorusa


Licencja i informacje prawne o Chorusie - interfejsie webowym Kodi.


Licencja Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkach 3.0 Stany Zjednoczone


Ten program jest udostępniany na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkach 3.0 Stany Zjednoczone.


Naciśnij tutaj, aby zobaczyć kopię tej licencji lub wyślij list do -organizacji Creative Common na adres: 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, -Stany Zjednoczone.


Wykorzystane obrazy


Wszystkie obrazy użyte w Chorusie są udostępniane na licencji Creative Commons Zero -co oznacza, że możesz je kopiować, modyfikować, dystrybuować i używać za darmo. Pochodzą z następujących źródeł:

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Pozostałe obrazy i animacje GIF zostały wykonane własnoręcznie przez Jeremy'iego Grahama


Wykorzystane biblioteki


Naciśnij tutaj, aby przejrzeć listę wykorzystanych przez Chorusa -bibliotek i powiązane z nimi licencje.

diff --git a/src/lang/en/ b/src/lang/en/ deleted file mode 100644 index 263e7585..00000000 --- a/src/lang/en/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,299 +0,0 @@ -Version 18.x-2.4.6 -------------- -* Added developer documentation and Dockerfile #331 -* Fix lots of XSS due to missing escaping of HTML entities (CVE-2018-8831), thanks @pkerling #340 - -Version 18.x-2.4.5 -------------- -* Fixed issue with unable to view album page in Kodi Leia (v18) #327 -* Updated version scheme to support multiple versions of Kodi -* Updated API keys for external services, allow API key override #309 -* Add OnResume to websockets notifications #328 -* Updated opensans-light font files for improved multilingual support #297 -* Add PAL SD video size to streams helper #315 -* New literals and some corrections #317 -* Improved Chinese translation #321 -* Czech translation #312 -* Portuguese translation #304 -* Hungarian translations #296 -* Add support for vim-like hjkl movement keys. #278 -* Dutch translation of #279 -* Update pngs with optimized versions #263 -* Update fanart with optimized versions #263 - -Version 2.4.4 -------------- -* Added year to movie edit form #231 -* Added additional keys 61/173 for vol control and removed tab from whitelist #242 -* Fixed media progress bar appearing over filters bar #253 -* Fixed issue with volume resetting to 50% in local playback song change #254 #230 #235 -* Removed debugging that was spamming console -* Polish translation - updates #249 - -Version 2.4.3 -------------- -* Fixed context menu in browser #226 -* Fixed BBcode tag stripping in browser #223 -* Added party mode functionality to local browser player #218 -* Updated to latest Soundmanager2 (297a-20150601) -* Fixed selecting kodi/local/auto player on load -* Updated Polish translation #227 -* German language updates #225 - -Version 2.4.2 -------------- -* Added trailer selector to movie editor -* Added ability to quit, shutdown, reboot, suspend and hibernate when remote power button clicked #28 -* Attempt to reconnect to websockets after closed connection #15 -* Added ability to select all items from a set and perform action on items #156 -* Added tooltip with episode air date to episode teaser #170 -* Added ChromeCast support to local video player #220 -* Changed all video player libs to local assets, Minor style and bugfixes #219 -* Volume can now be controlled via - and = keys for keyboards without numpad #202 -* Removed cocktail and mixins as not in use #179 -* Added external videos to music video details page -* Added fanarttv and musicbrainz external lookups for musicvideo fanart and thumb -* Added support for music videos #217 -* Added disconnect notice when kodi has quit #10 -* Updated Polish Translation #216 - -Version 2.4.1 -------------- -* Added album to song table #212 -* Minor regression fixes -* Bugfix for movie page not loading for Kodi v16 #207 -* Added ability to rename playlists #55 -* Lots of PVR updates, improved UX and added recordings -* Fixed direct route to PVR #17 -* Fixed bug with epg not loading #211 -* Updated Polish Translations #205 #210 -* Updated License for Chorus2 to GPL-2+ #179 #208 - -Version 2.4.0 -------------- -* Fixed edge case bug when navigating away from large lists -* Fixed issue with volume bar bouncing around after vol change -* Ensure all strings using sprintf are translatable #198 -* Added ability to thumbs up currently playing item via playlist -* If item is already in playlist when click play, it will play the item in the playlist rather than adding it again -* Fixed bug where you were unable to local play a single song -* Added ability to thumbs up media from details page -* Search artists looks at all artists not just album artists -* Prevented moving the currently playing item within the playlist due to the adverse effects it causes #196 -* Fix playing position after playlist clear then add whilst item is still playing #195 -* Enabled selecting items using command key in osX -* Added workaround for addons and files missing title and thumb in playlist -* Added 'Top music' section to browse most played albums and songs -* Added ability to refresh/re-scrape movies, tv and episodes -* Listen for media updates from Kodi and refresh the UI if that media is visible -* Removed theaudiodb external search -* Rendering performance improvements with large collections, especially songs -* Added section to browse all music genres, added landing page per genre with artist/album/songs in that genre -* Added Spanish translation #194 -* Updated Polish translation #193 -* Spelling Corrections #192 -* New settings page for adding custom add-on search to main Chorus search -* Browser updates: ability to download files, ability to sort #188, added folder actions (queue/play folder) #131 - -Version 2.3.9 -------------- -* Added Add-on section with the ability to browse and execute enabled addons #182 -* Updated and patched backbone-fetch-cache to prevent errors on model fetch when no jqXHR obj -* Added internal, external and youtube search to contextual menus on media details pages -* Lots of improvements to editing with improved live reloading of entities on save. -* Added dropdown menu with edit link to all details views -* Bugfix - movie page not loading if no trailer (introduced in previous release) -* Ability to edit/update poster and fanart images via the media editor -* Added more links to landing page sections -* Added in progress filter to tv and movie lists -* Added lab icon browser to lab so you van view all chorus icons - -Version 2.3.8 -------------- -* Replaced imdb and google images with fontawesome icons. Added License documentation #179 -* Added the ability to edit and view the library metadata for songs, artists, albums, tvshows, episodes and movies. Solves #102 -* Updated API browser to also show types and updated readme re API browser -* Sort albums by year on artist page -* Added season episodes to episode details page -* Improved search UX, added ability to search common addon content (SoundCloud, MixCloud, GoogleMusic, YouTube, Radio) -* Big improvements to search performance -* Added filters to landing page and refined sections -* Updated album and artist details pages to show lots more metadata, improved layout and added action buttons to be more consistent with video pages -* Added random sort to filters for albums, artists, tv and movies. Added ability to set sort via url eg. #music/albums?sort=random -* Added related movies to movie detail page -* Fixed broken images in cast list -* Updated Backbone.RPC to support named params, improved all entity collections to use named params -* Added airdate to episode view -* New and improved landing pages for music, tv and movies with more content to explore #135 -* Merged Polish translation update #184 - -Version 2.3.7 -------------- -* Added ability to sort and remove items in local playlists -* Added context link to season from TV episode #169 -* Added ability to thumbs up tv episodes -* Added ability to clean audio and video library and add actions to Kodi settings form #177 -* Added ability to select multiple items with CTRL+click and perform bulk actions eg. play, queue and add to playlist -* Fixed dropdown menu closing on click #173 -* Added Kodi saved and smart playlists to the Chorus browser #167 -* Added support for exporting and downloading local playlists to m3u -* Fixed issue with addon enable/disable not saving #162 -* String updates and addition of many more translatables that were previously missing -* Merged Polish translation update #166 - -Version 2.3.6 -------------- -* Added filtering by thumbs up to movies, tv, artists and albums -* Fixed bug with newly added thumbs up items not appearing on thumbs up page -* Added ability to show device name as title #98 -* Style and UI improvements for movies and TV with focus on watched status -* Movie details page improvements, added mpaa, added ability to toggle watched -* TV details, list, seasons and episodes have all had an overhaul with many bugfixes and improvements -* Added ability to mark watched, queue or play an entire TV series or season #74 -* Merged updated French and Polish translations #161 and #160 -* Improved play button toggle based on player state #157 -* Improved styling in file/addon browser -* Added ability to queue a file/addon media via context menu -* Aligned album song listing columns #37 -* Added filtering by year for albums and music -* Fixed browser crashing if virtual list was passed an empty collection - -Version 2.3.5 -------------- -* Merged German language updates #139 -* Merged Lithuanian language updates #141 -* Removed some debugging -* Added expert settings level to Kodi settings -* Added sorting of albums by date added #21 - -Version 2.3.4 -------------- -* Fixed bug with playing all songs for an artist via artist page #129 -* Improved breadcrumb handling and fixed base path issue with addon browser #125 and #132 -* Added setting to toggle visibility of thumbs up action #117 -* Fixed issue with help pages not displaying when using a non en language -* Added Chinese translations #130 and #128 - -Version 2.3.3 -------------- -* Added screenshots to addon.xml - -Version 2.3.2 -------------- -* Updated default backgrounds with CC images - -Version 2.3.1 -------------- -* Changed build script to use webinterface.default - -Version 2.3.0 -------------- -* Version bump to be greater than current default web interface - -Version 2.0.17 --------------- -* Moved to official XBMC/Kodi repo and addon id changed to webinterface.default - -Version 2.0.17 --------------- -* Bugfix: Fixed mp4 local video playback in chrome. - -Version 2.0.15 --------------- -* Bugfix: Fixed first playlist item not indicating it's playing after track change #107 -* Bugfix: Fixed incorrect section menu displaying on filtered results page #112 -* Bugfix: Fixed about link in main context menu -* Bugfix: Focus in text input in modal popup #119 -* French language updated #114 -* Minor code cleanup - -Version 2.0.14 -------------- -* Added ability to customise menu links -* de language updates -* Added progress to tvshow and season -* Volume keybind update #91 - -Version 2.0.13 -------------- -* Added video resume UI and functionality #76 -* Volume keys fix for non numpad keyboard #83 -* Added fullscreen to keymap #94 -* Improved key bindings and added docs - -Version 2.0.12 -------------- -* Improved adding to mobile home screen #79 -* Fixed https issue with type #83 -* Sort album by artist #84 -* Auto scroll to current track #88 -* Added keyboard control setting #89 - -Version 2.0.11 -------------- -* String updates - -Version 2.0.10 -------------- -* Bug fixes and refactoring -* Help improvements and added about page -* Added screenshots to readme -* Dev build improvements - -Version 2.0.9 -------------- -* String updates - -Version 2.0.8 -------------- -* Help module with multilingual support and markdown parsing -* Restructure of language files -* Developer build tools improvements -* Fixes and improvements - -Version 2.0.7 -------------- -* Ability to toggle what addons are enabled -* Fixed back button in file browser #40 -* Fixed remote toggle bug #39 -* Settings improvements (addon selection) -* Added fanart background to popup video player -* Added bb code formatting to file/addon browser -* Playing a video respects kodi/local context #11 -* Info toggles osd when playing #57 - -Version 2.0.6 -------------- -* Improvements to settings browser -* Responsive styles for album listings -* Fixes and improvements - -Version 2.0.5 -------------- -* Browse and change Kodi settings with your browser - -Version 2.0.4 -------------- -* Labs -* API browser -* Screenshot - -Version 2.0.3 -------------- -* File browser style and responsive updates -* Added dutch language #56 -* SSL fix for web sockets #54 -* Minor updates and fixes - -Version 2.0.2 -------------- -* Improved search UX to inform user of progress - -Version 2.0.1 -------------- -* Readme and responsive updates -* Added install zip to repo - -Version 2.0.0 -------------- -* Majority of build. See: diff --git a/src/lang/en/ b/src/lang/en/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4d2adfcb..00000000 --- a/src/lang/en/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ -# Kodi Web Interface - Chorus2 -The default Web Interface for Kodi. - -A great modern Web UI for Kodi. Browse your Music, Movies or TV Shows from the comfort of your -own web browser. You can play media via Kodi or stream it in your browser. Works best with Chrome -but plays well with most modern browsers. - -Successor to [Chorus]( -A complete rebuild using Coffee Script, Backbone, Marionette and much, much more. - - -## Author -[Jeremy Graham ]( with help from [these kind people]( - - -## Current state -Pretty good, most things work really well. Other things need [polish/finishing/fixing]( -Still considered beta software, expect bugs, changes, nuclear war, etc. - -## Getting it working -As of Kodi v17, Chorus2 comes pre-installed out of the box, you just need to enable it and tick a few boxes. - -### Enabling & Configuring -Kodi > Settings (cog) > Services > Control - -* Enable "Allow control of Kodi via HTTP" -* Select Web interface -* Select "Kodi web interface - Chorus2" -* Enable "Allow programs on this system to control Kodi" -* Enable "Allow programs on other systems to control Kodi" - -**For security reasons you should set a username and password to prevent unauthorised access** - -### Manual install -For Kodi v16 and below or if you want to get the latest version ASAP, an install via zip is the easiest way to go. Grab the -latest release of `` from the [releases page]( then -install it [like this]( **NOTE:** Chorus2 is intended to -be used with the latest version of Kodi and some (or all) things might not work in older versions due to API changes. - -### Using it -Point your web browser to `http://localhost:8080` - replace `localhost` with your IP address if using remotely and if -you have changed your port to something other than `8080` be sure to change that too. More information and advanced -usage can be found over on the [Kodi Wiki page]( - -## Feature requests / Bugs -Add them to the [list]( For bugs please include Kodi version, Web browser version, -Chorus version and any errors that display in the console. For feature requests, checkout the API browser to see if your -request is currently possible. - - -## Streaming -Disclaimer: The success of this depends on the file formats vs what the browser supports. In general most things work. - -### Audio streaming -In the top right there are some tabs, two of them are named Kodi and Local, this is how you toggle what player the UI -is controlling. In Local mode the logo and accents are pinky-red, In Kodi mode the logo is the Kodi blue. When you -are in a given mode, actions affect that player, so if you click Play on a track when in Local mode, it will play -through the browser, likewise, when in Kodi mode all commands are sent to Kodi. You can also add media to other -playlists by clicking the menu buttons (three dots vertical) on most media items. - -### Video streaming -Video streaming via HTML5 "sort of" works, it really depends on the codec used. An embedded VLC player is also available with better codec support. -This looks like the best we can get until Kodi supports transcoding. -**Chrome users**: Chrome has removed support for vlc/divx plugins so streaming a video requires a [Chrome friendly codec]( -For best results use Chrome with mp4 video that has 2 channel audio (5.1 audio doesn't seem to work). - -## Kodi settings via the web interface -You can change most of the settings you would find in Kodi via the settings page in the web interface. -Some settings have been omitted as they require interaction with the GUI and others are just a basic text field with no options. - -## Kodi API browser -There is a hidden feature in Chorus that allows you to play with the Kodi API and see what is capable via the JSON-RPC -interface. If you are building an app or addon that uses the API this can be super useful for both finding and testing -all the methods and types available. If you are thinking about a new feature for Chorus, this is also a great place to -test if it is possible (and fast track development by adding a working example to an issue). You can find the API browser -via "Chorus Lab" (bottom right 3 vertical dots > "The Lab") or directly via `http://localhost:8080/#lab/api-browser`. - -## Contributing -If you would like to make this project better I would appreciate any help. There is a develop branch for each version of -Kodi. Please do pull requests against the `dev` branch for the correct version (even better if you can do a PR for both). -Leia (v18) dev branch is `18.x-dev`, Krypton (v17) dev branch is `17.x-dev`. See the -[developers documentation]( for information about -getting a dev environment up and running then compiling the project using docker. - -### Translations -I only know English so definitely need help with this. I also don't know heaps about javascript multilingual stuff but -thanks to [@mizaki]( we have a structure ready to go. So it should be nice and easy to translate the UI. - -At the moment, there are [a handful]( of languages available -but more can be easily added. More strings are always being added so always consider english as the source of truth. - -So if you see something in english but want it in your language, I need you! To contribute, send me a PR on a new branch -against `18.x-dev` and/or `17.x-dev`, or if you don't know git, a link to the language file. - -Language Files [here]( -*English is the only real complete translation file so start with that as your base.* - -## Donate -Are you a fan of Chorus? You can [buy Jeremy a beer](¤cy_code=AUD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted) to say thanks :) - -## License - -This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -(at your option) any later version. - -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -GNU General Public License for more details. - -You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -[along with this program](; -if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, -Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - -[Click here for more information ]( - - -## Screenshots - -### Homepage (now playing) -![alt text]( "Homepage/Now Playing") - -### Search results -![alt text]( "Search") - -### Artists -![alt text]( "Artists") - -![alt text]( "Artist") - -### Video library -![alt text]( "TV") - -### Filtering -![alt text]( "Movies") - -### Settings -![alt text]( "Settings") - -### Add-ons -![alt text]( "Add-ons") - -### Editing media -![alt text]( "Editing Media")