- Which tokens do we want to allow for:
- deposit
- borrow
- Do we still do incentives for the users of the lending market?
- If yes, what reward token(s) do we want to use as incentives?
- What network(s) we want to deploy first?
- How will we utilize the lending market product now? (context: in the past the LendingM was used in combination with XaveStrats)
- Will the utility/function of the “XaveLendingToken” be exactly the same with the Aave V2 reward token?
- Will the “XaveLendingToken” be open for market trading?
- Do we want to implement the stkAAVE module/ insurance module?
- FXPool halts at 90% : 10%? Should be at 80% : 20%? Alpha at 0.8
- MockVariableDebtToken included instead of VariableDebtToken
- confirm the Treasury address
- AVAX: no USDC/ETH, EUR/ETH, feed
- add
to the repo + create tests for it- VCHF:
- base: CHF / USD; quote: ETH / USD
- base: USDC / USD; quote: ETH / USD
- Sepolia:
- deploy Mock ETH / USD oracle
- deploy LP Oracle
ETHBorrowable = 107.89206652 + 0.86124305 totalETHBorrowable = 108.75330957 ETH Price = 1448.49 lpPrice 451750444428150 LP Price in ETH = 0.00045175 LP price in USD = 0.00045175 * 1448.49 = 0.65435536
USDC Borrowable = 156,276.802229 USDC Deposited = 167,953.74573
total USD Borrowable = 108.75330957 * 1448.49 = 157528.08137905
156,276.802229 / 167,953.74573 156276.802229 / 167953.74573 = 0.93047524
157528.08137905 / 167953.74573 = 0.93792538
aToken 82658718363 USDC 82658718363
rvs 0 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F rvs 1 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48 rvs 2 0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7 rvs 3 0x2260FAC5E5542a773Aa44fBCfeDf7C193bc2C599 rvs 4 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 rvs 5 0x70e8dE73cE538DA2bEEd35d14187F6959a8ecA96 rvs 6 0x64DCbDeb83e39f152B7Faf83E5E5673faCA0D42A
end liquidity 768442289045999999999998 end supply 603828859502393049596347
supply / liquidity 603828859502393049596347 * 1e18 / 768442289045999999999998
// address[] memory rvs = LP.getReservesList();
// console.log('rvs 0', rvs[0]); // DAI
// console.log('rvs 1', rvs[1]); // USDC
// console.log('rvs 2', rvs[2]); // USDT
// console.log('rvs 3', rvs[3]); // WBTC
// console.log('rvs 4', rvs[4]); // WETH
// console.log('rvs 5', rvs[5]); // XSGD
// console.log('rvs 6', rvs[6]); // XSGD HLP
// console.log('ETH/USD price', uint256(price));
- get price for HLP Token (1)
- manipulate ratio of FXPool
- get price for HLP Token (2)
- (1) should === (2)
- if not then ...
Oracle Network
- Start state FXPool 40% XSGD / 60% USDC
- Bob deposits XSGD / USDC LP tokens as collateral into LendingPool
- Bob draws USDC loan against his LP tokens
- Lending Pool marks his LTV at 60% relative to his collateral
- 1 TX
Swap: Sells XSGD into FXPool (XSGD/USDC) takes it out of BETA
FXPool state: 80% XSGD / 20% USDC
Has price changed?
Calls `liquidationCall` on the lendingPool
Lending Pool checks price of LP token
[SWAP 1] lpEthPrice2 451896018515278 [SWAP 2] lpEthPrice2 451891824293920 [SWAP 3] lpEthPrice2 451888783425125 [SWAP 4] lpEthPrice2 451884551478237 [SWAP 5] lpEthPrice2 451881480859627 [SWAP 6] lpEthPrice2 451877211893786 [SWAP 7] lpEthPrice2 451874112095126 [SWAP 8] lpEthPrice2 451869806798860 [SWAP 9] lpEthPrice2 451866678373583 [SWAP 10] lpEthPrice2 451862337407098 [SWAP 11] lpEthPrice2 451859180898801 [SWAP 12] lpEthPrice2 451854804914416
--- WITH MINT FEES --- [SWAP 1] lpEthPrice2 451967559880610 [SWAP 2] lpEthPrice2 451922424678916 [SWAP 3] lpEthPrice2 451898336528399 [SWAP 4] lpEthPrice2 451850213913532 [SWAP 5] lpEthPrice2 451822231674150 [SWAP 6] lpEthPrice2 451771567479617 [SWAP 7] lpEthPrice2 451740426050435 [SWAP 8] lpEthPrice2 451687574648662 [SWAP 9] lpEthPrice2 451653820432194 [SWAP 10] lpEthPrice2 45159906815667 [SWAP 11] lpEthPrice2 45156311844918 [SWAP 12] lpEthPrice2 45101353137727
S2 - S3: 451922424678916 - 451898336528399 = 24088150517 S3 - S4: 451898336528399 - 451850213913532 = 48122614867
--- WITH Oracle Update Unclaimed Fees Subtraction ---
[SWAP 1] lpEthPrice2 451860496073837 [SWAP 2] lpEthPrice2 451818837695288 [SWAP 3] lpEthPrice2 451787779816214 [SWAP 4] lpEthPrice2 451746134843830 [SWAP 5] lpEthPrice2 451715086959581 [SWAP 6] lpEthPrice2 451673455386891 [SWAP 7] lpEthPrice2 451642417490979 [SWAP 8] lpEthPrice2 451600799311517 [SWAP 9] lpEthPrice2 451569771400786 [SWAP 10] lpEthPrice2 451528166608090 [SWAP 11] lpEthPrice2 451497148676060 [SWAP 12] lpEthPrice2 451090806445253
S2 - S3: 451818837695288 - 451787779816214 = 31057879074 S3 - S4: 451787779816214 - 451746134843830 = 41644972384
452141146998027 - 452141146996359 452141146998027 - 452141146996359
452141146996359 - 452141146995692
--- WITHOUT MINT FEES --- [SWAP 1] lpEthPrice2 451580193343823 [SWAP 2] lpEthPrice2 451496987584777 [SWAP 3] lpEthPrice2 451434964549626 [SWAP 4] lpEthPrice2 451351812295214 [SWAP 5] lpEthPrice2 451289829137777 [SWAP 6] lpEthPrice2 451206730336407 [SWAP 7] lpEthPrice2 451144787016577 [SWAP 8] lpEthPrice2 451061741616724 [SWAP 9] lpEthPrice2 450999838097767 [SWAP 10] lpEthPrice2 450916846047970 [SWAP 11] lpEthPrice2 450854982289879 [SWAP 12] lpEthPrice2 450045334556097
[SWAP 1] lpEthPrice2 451580193343823 [SWAP 2] lpEthPrice2 451496987584777 [SWAP 3] lpEthPrice2 451434964549626 [SWAP 4] lpEthPrice2 451351812295214 [SWAP 5] lpEthPrice2 451289829137777 [SWAP 6] lpEthPrice2 451206730336407 [SWAP 7] lpEthPrice2 451144787016577 [SWAP 8] lpEthPrice2 451061741616724 [SWAP 9] lpEthPrice2 450999838097767 [SWAP 10] lpEthPrice2 450916846047970 [SWAP 11] lpEthPrice2 450854982289879 [SWAP 12] lpEthPrice2 450045334556097
--- Total Supply plus unclaimed fees in numeraire ---
[SWAP 1] lpEthPrice2 451860670008869 [SWAP 2] lpEthPrice2 451819067105016 [SWAP 3] lpEthPrice2 451788055568782 [SWAP 4] lpEthPrice2 451746479417262 [SWAP 5] lpEthPrice2 451715487820313 [SWAP 6] lpEthPrice2 451673938395329 [SWAP 7] lpEthPrice2 451642966716779 [SWAP 8] lpEthPrice2 451601443992569 [SWAP 9] lpEthPrice2 451570492214883 [SWAP 10] lpEthPrice2 451528996165717 [SWAP 11] lpEthPrice2 451498064268061 [SWAP 12] lpEthPrice2 451093240167666
- If simulated on the oracle, the value is bigger than actual swap then mint fee
- totalSupply plus totalUnclaimedFeesInNumeraire is slightly higher than Liquidity minus totalUnclaimedFeesInNumeraire
--- Mint Fees after all swaps VS Liquidity minus totalUnclaimedFeesInNumeraire ---
451580193343823 - 451860496073837 = -280,302,730,014 // 0.000000280476665 451496987584777 - 451818837695288 = -321,850,110,511 451434964549626 - 451787779816214 = -352,815,266,588 451351812295214 - 451746134843830 = -394,322,548,616 451289829137777 - 451715086959581 = -425,257,821,804 451206730336407 - 451673455386891 = -466,725,050,484 451144787016577 - 451642417490979 = -497,630,474,402 451061741616724 - 451600799311517 = -539,057,694,793 450999838097767 - 451569771400786 = -569,933,303,019 450916846047970 - 451528166608090 = -611,320,560,120 450854982289879 - 451497148676060 = -642,166,386,181 450045334556097 - 451090806445253 = -1,045,471,889,156
--- Mint Fees after all swaps VS totalSupply plus totalUnclaimedFeesInNumeraire --- 451580193343823 - 451860670008869 = -280,476,665,046 451496987584777 - 451819067105016 = -322,079,520,239 451434964549626 - 451788055568782 = -353,091,019,156 451351812295214 - 451746479417262 = -394,667,122,048 451289829137777 - 451715487820313 = -425,658,682,536 451206730336407 - 451673938395329 = -467,208,058,922 451144787016577 - 451642966716779 = -498,179,700,202 451061741616724 - 451601443992569 = -539,702,375,845 450999838097767 - 451570492214883 = -570,654,117,116 450916846047970 - 451528996165717 = -612,150,117,747 450854982289879 - 451498064268061 = -643,081,978,182 450045334556097 - 451093240167666 = -1,047,905,611,569
--- Mint Fees after all swaps VS totalSupply plus totalUnclaimedFeesInNumeraire adjusted formula logic --- 451580193343823 - 451636049230145 = -55,855,886,322 451496987584777 - 451627725214178 = -130,737,629,401 451434964549626 - 451621518550204 = -186,554,000,578 451351812295214 - 451613195070680 = -261,382,775,466 451289829137777 - 451606988806069 = -317,159,668,292 451206730336407 - 451598665861271 = -391,935,524,864 451144787016577 - 451592459995985 = -447,672,979,408 451061741616724 - 451584137586694 = -522,395,969,970 450999838097767 - 451577932120694 = -578,094,022,927 450916846047970 - 451569610247691 = -652,764,199,721 450854982289879 - 451563405180937 = -708,422,891,058 450045334556097 - 451555083842506 = -1,509,749,286,409
---Mint Fees after all swaps vs simulating exact math in mintingProtocolFees using ABDK --- 451580193343823 - 451896023954064 = -315,830,610,241 451496987584777 - 451882313369143 = -385,325,784,366 451434964549626 - 451886405497987 = -451,440,948,361 451351812295214 - 451872566899280 = -520,754,604,066 451289829137777 - 451876694117061 = -586,864,979,284 451206730336407 - 451862733231017 = -656,002,894,610 451144787016577 - 451866892461015 = -722,105,444,438 451061741616724 - 451852814766136 = -791,073,149,412 450999838097767 - 451857003083138 = -857,164,985,371 450916846047970 - 451842813819989 = -925,967,772,019 450854982289879 - 451847028442357 = -992,046,152,478 450045334556097 - 451832732622853 = -1,787,398,066,756
-------------------------- Comparison --------------------------
(451580193343823 - 451860496073837) / 1e18 = -2.8E-7 (450045334556097 - 451090806445253) / 1e18 = -1.05E-6 —————————————————————————————————————— (451580193343823 - 451860670008869) / 1e18 = -2.8E-7 (450045334556097 - 451093240167666) / 1e18 = -1.05E-6 —————————————————————————————————————— (451580193343823 - 451636049230145) / 1e18 = -5.59E-8 (450045334556097 - 451555083842506) / 1e18 = -1.51E-6 —————————————————————————————————————— (451580193343823 - 451896023954064) / 1e18 = -3.16E-7 (450045334556097 - 451832732622853 ) / 1e18 = -1.79E-6
- If attacker was to inflate
by doing 1000x swaps then calling joinPool or exitPool to invoke _mintProtocolFees() - What will be the effect of the inflated totalSupply to the latestAnswer()?
Swapping 10,000 247 times 452126696179101 355284872393123
-0.2141917843 (-21.41%)
- how much FXPool swap fees do I pay for % price change vs liquidation bonuses
- can I make a net profit from: liquidationBonuses - FXPoolSwapFees
- pay FXPool swap fees to change LP token price -> liquididate position(s)
- they're making a loss
451750444428150 - 439796093459118
lpEthPrice0 451750444428150 lpEthPrice1 451645026530616
LiquidityNumeraire diff = 126612650000000000000 fees diff = 63306324419696319301
Within the BETA region 70% USDC 30% XSGD
Swap n XSGD for USDC FX price
60% USDC 40% XSGD (FXpool) 58% USDC 42% XSGD (UniV)
- update to use Polygon (same like HLPPriceFeedOracle.t.sol)
- ensure add LP Token instead of HLP
- _deployReserve
- _deployAndSetLPOracle
- luquidate
- profit!!!
551709 - 542450 = 9259
9259 / 542450 = 0.01706885
OPS: [noop] Remove OR Disable the curve / HLP XSGD/USDC from the lending pool [DONE] add LP XSGD/USDC to the lending pool
- deploy AToken Implementation
- deploy StableDebtToken (optional?)
- deploy VariableDebtToken
- deploy DefaultReserveInterestStrategy output: ratio of tokens [DONE] liquidity[DONE] [DONE] price of XSGD/USDC LP token according to HLPOracle swap XSGD for USDC [DONE] output: price of XSGD/USDC LP token according to HLPOracle [DONE]
// intiial unclaimed fees: 0 // intiial oracle price: 452254034096056 // initial liquidity 542450333445999999999998 // initial base liquidity: 401743725007999999999999 // initial quote liquidity: 140706608437999999999999
// post base liquidity: 418321169591999999999999 // post quote liquidity: 159011451129999999999999 // gain in liq: 34882287276000000000000 // gain in base liq: 16577444584000000000000 // gain in quote liq: 18304842692000000000000 // gain in usdcBalance: 6457 // gain in xsgdBalance: 7733
// initial: 2.8551873254 // post: 2.6307612856
// initial liq/totalsupply: 1.0008642884076 // after burn: 0.990942995
// liq / supply
// why is total supply increasing faster than the liquidity? // is something not updated?