Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
tint | Color | The main colors used in views provided by ChatUI. | Color(.systemBlue) |
primary | Color | The primary label color. | Color.primary |
secondary | Color | The secondary label color. | Color.secondary |
background | Color | The background color. | Color(.systemBackground) |
secondaryBackground | Color | The secondary background color. | Color(.secondarySystemBackground) |
localMessageBackground | Color | The background color for local user's message body. | Color(.tintColor) |
remoteMessageBackground | Color | The background color for remote user's message body. | Color(.secondarySystemBackground) |
imagePlaceholder | Color | The color used in image placeholder. | Color(.secondarySystemBackground) |
border | Color | The color used in border. | Color(.secondarySystemBackground) |
disabled | Color | The color used for disabled states. | Color.secondary |
error | Color | The color used for error states. | Color(.systemRed) |
prominent | Color | The prominent color. This color is used for text on prominent buttons. | Color.white |
link | Color | The link color. | Color(uiColor: .link) |
prominentLink | Color | The link color that is used in prominent views such as local message body. | Color(uiColor: .systemYellow) |