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--- a/en/docs/about-apk/FAQs.md
+++ b/en/docs/about-apk/FAQs.md
@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
## About WSO2 APK
### 1. What is WSO2 APK?
-WSO2 API Platform for Kubernetes (APK) is WSO2's cloud native API management platform to help you build, deploy, and manage APIs in a cloud environment. It is designed to be highly available and able to handle large numbers of API requests without performance degradation, with features like rate limiting, automatic failover and load balancing. For more information, refer the [What is APK?](./what-is-apk.md) section.
+WSO2 API Platform for Kubernetes (APK) is WSO2's cloud native API management platform to help you build, deploy, and manage APIs in a cloud environment. It is designed to be highly available and able to handle large numbers of API requests without performance degradation, with features like rate limiting, automatic failover, and load balancing. For more information, refer to the What is APK? section.
### 2. What is the open source license of the APK?
-[Apache Software License Version 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
+Apache Software License Version 2.0
### 3. What are the technologies used in WSO2 APK?
-APK natively uses several Kubernetes features. Envoy is used for the API gateway implementation and Helm is used as a package manager. For more details, refer to the [Technologies Used](./architecture.md#technologies-used) section.
+APK natively uses several Kubernetes features. Envoy is used for the API gateway implementation and Helm is used as a package manager. For more details, refer to the Technologies Used section.
### 4. What are the advantages of APK over APIM?
diff --git a/en/docs/about-apk/about-this-release.md b/en/docs/about-apk/about-this-release.md
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--- a/en/docs/about-apk/about-this-release.md
+++ b/en/docs/about-apk/about-this-release.md
@@ -32,20 +32,21 @@ APK is WSO2's cloud native API management platform. APK is designed to help you
## Compatible WSO2 product versions
-- WSO2 APK 1.2.0 is compatible with WSO2 API Manager 4.4.0([APIM](https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/)).
+- WSO2 APK 1.2.0 is compatible with WSO2 API Manager 4.4.0 (APIM).
## Fixed issues
-- For all the fixed issues in WSO2 APK 1.2.0, go to [APK](https://github.com/wso2/apk/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+closed%3A2024-04-10..2024-10-29+)
+- For all the fixed issues in WSO2 APK 1.2.0, go to APK.
## Known issues
-- For all the known issues in WSO2 APK 1.2.0, go to [APK](https://github.com/wso2/apk/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue)
+- For all the known issues in WSO2 APK 1.2.0, go to APK.
## Release Notes
-For more information on each of the APK releases, go to [Releases](https://github.com/wso2/apk/releases) on the APK product repository in GitHub.
+For more information on each of the APK releases, go to Releases on the APK product repository in GitHub.
## Release Planning
-For more information about APK release planning and project management information, go to [APK Project Dashboard](https://github.com/orgs/wso2/projects/80/).
+For more information about APK release planning and project management information, go to APK Project Dashboard.
diff --git a/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/gateway-router-with-one-cpu.md b/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/gateway-router-with-one-cpu.md
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--- a/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/gateway-router-with-one-cpu.md
+++ b/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/gateway-router-with-one-cpu.md
@@ -68,4 +68,4 @@ Below graphs show 90th, 95th and 99th Response Time percentiles for 0ms backend
[![Percentiles 1 CPU](../../assets/img/performance-test-results/percentile-1-cpu.png)](../../assets/img/performance-test-results/percentile-1-cpu.png)
-Test scenario results in CSV format are available [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wso2/apk/main/test/performance/benchmarks/cpus-1/summary.csv).
+Test scenario results in CSV format are available here.
diff --git a/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/gateway-router-with-two-cpus.md b/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/gateway-router-with-two-cpus.md
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--- a/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/gateway-router-with-two-cpus.md
+++ b/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/gateway-router-with-two-cpus.md
@@ -97,4 +97,4 @@ Below graphs show 90th, 95th, and 99th Response Time percentiles for 0ms backend
[![Percentiles 2 CPUs](../../assets/img/performance-test-results/percentile-2-cpu.png)](../../assets/img/performance-test-results/percentile-2-cpu.png)
-Test scenario results in CSV format are available [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wso2/apk/main/test/performance/benchmarks/cpus-2/summary.csv).
\ No newline at end of file
+Test scenario results in CSV format are available here.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/overview.md b/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/overview.md
index 70d23ee8b..42c259b3b 100644
--- a/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/overview.md
+++ b/en/docs/about-apk/performance-test-results/overview.md
@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ Given below are the details of the deployment that was used for the performance
All scripts used to run the performance tests and analyze results are in the following repositories.
-- [https://github.com/wso2/apk/tree/main/test/performance](https://github.com/wso2/apk/tree/main/test/performance)
+- https://github.com/wso2/apk/tree/main/test/performance
## Results
-[APK](https://wso2.com/api-platform-for-k8s/) is powered by the open source project called [Envoy Proxy](https://www.envoyproxy.io/). Envoy allows to change number of worker threads used for the computations. More details regarding the envoy `--concurrency` configuration are available in [here](https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/operations/cli#cmdoption-concurrency). Additionally, an explanation for the **Envoy Threading Model** includes [here](https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/operations/cli#cmdoption-concurrency).
+APK is powered by the open source project called Envoy Proxy. Envoy allows changing the number of worker threads used for computations. More details regarding the Envoy `--concurrency` configuration are available here. Additionally, an explanation for the **Envoy Threading Model** is included here.
Since we used the `Standard F8s v2` instances (CPU count = 4) for the performance tests and to do a test result comparison, we executed the above-mentioned user counts and payload sizes considering two concurrency levels. We assigned below describing `CPU amount` and `concurrency count` to the Router when applying APK test deployments. In order to match the increased concurrency level, we increased the CPU allocation to the Router also. Below table lists the test scenarios explained in this documentation.
diff --git a/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-adapter.md b/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-adapter.md
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--- a/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-adapter.md
+++ b/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-adapter.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Adapter Log Configurations
-To configure Adapter logs, update the `values.yaml`'s `wso2.apk.dp.adapter.logging` section with the following values. Instructions in [Customize Configurations](../../setup/Customize-Configurations.md) will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
+To configure Adapter logs, update the `values.yaml`'s `wso2.apk.dp.adapter.logging` section with the following values. Instructions in the customize configurations section will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
diff --git a/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-enforcer.md b/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-enforcer.md
index 90dc67306..09e8ac2d4 100644
--- a/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-enforcer.md
+++ b/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-enforcer.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ As the Enforcer component is implemented in Java, we are using the `log4j2` fram
## Configuring Log4j2 Properties
-To configure log4j2 properties, update the `values.yaml`'s `wso2.apk.dp.gatewayRuntime.deployment.enforcer.logging` section with the following values. Instructions in [Customize Configurations](../../setup/Customize-Configurations.md) will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
+To configure log4j2 properties, update the `values.yaml`'s `wso2.apk.dp.gatewayRuntime.deployment.enforcer.logging` section with the following values. Instructions in the customize configurations section will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ This section shows you how to configure appenders individually. Log4j2 allows lo
- **ENFORCER_CONSOLE**: Logs to the console when the enforcer is running.
!!! Info
- These appenders are configured by default to use for destinations mentined above. If you want to modify any of the configurations related to that, you can modify them according to log configurations defined in [log4j2 documentation](https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/appenders.html#).
+ These appenders are configured by default to use for destinations mentioned above. If you want to modify any of the configurations related to that, you can modify them according to log configurations defined in log4j2 documentation.
!!! Note
- If the output destination is in another environment (such as a cloud storage), you need to [use custom log appenders](#https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/appenders.html).
+ If the output destination is in another environment (such as a cloud storage), you need to use custom log appenders.
### Configuring Log4j2 Loggers
@@ -172,11 +172,11 @@ appender..layout.pattern = [%d{DEFAULT}][%X{traceId}]%x %5p - {\%
!!! Note
- More details on this pattern specification can be find in the official [log4j2 documentation](https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/layouts.html#PatternLayout).
+ More details on this pattern specification can be find in the official log4j2 documentation.
### JSON format
-The Enforcer can be configured to output logs in JSON format by setting the layout as `CustomJsonLayout` which is a customized implementation of log4j2's [AbstractStringLayout](https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/log4j-core/apidocs/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/layout/AbstractStringLayout.html). You can set it using the following configuration.
+The Enforcer can be configured to output logs in JSON format by setting the layout as `CustomJsonLayout` which is a customized implementation of log4j2's AbstractStringLayout. You can set it using the following configuration.
diff --git a/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-overview.md b/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-overview.md
index be5d4fc72..2311c7841 100644
--- a/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-overview.md
+++ b/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-overview.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Both these files are located in the same ConfigMap file located in the following
-These configurations can be set using the `values.yaml` file. Instructions in [Customize Configurations](../../setup/Customize-Configurations.md) will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file. Follow each section to configure the logs for each of the components.
+These configurations can be set using the `values.yaml` file. Instructions inthe customize configurations section will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file. Follow each section to configure the logs for each of the components.
## Error Codes in Logs
diff --git a/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-router.md b/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-router.md
index 615de7317..60352c6ce 100644
--- a/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-router.md
+++ b/en/docs/administration/configurations/configure-logs-router.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
As the APK uses an Envoy proxy as the Router component, it only supports the logging mechanisms provided by the Envoy proxy. In the following sections, you may find how to enable Router access logs and debug logs.
-To set up Router Logs, start by following the instructions outlined in [Customize Configurations](../../setup/Customize-Configurations.md). These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file, which you will then use to tailor the log configurations to your specific needs.
+To set up Router Logs, start by following the instructions outlined in the customize configurations section. These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file, which you will then use to tailor the log configurations to your specific needs.
## Router Access Logging
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ The following example configuration can log request headers and response headers
value: "--component-log-level http:debug,http2:debug,conn_handler:debug,ext_authz:trace"
-The following are different sections of an example log with the above log configuration. This log is generated by invoking an API request with `/http-bin-api11/1.0.8/get` path in [http-bin](http://httpbin.org) API deployed APK. Different log sections are given in the order same as the order in which they are logged to the console.
+The following are different sections of an example log with the above log configuration. This log is generated by invoking an API request with `/http-bin-api11/1.0.8/get` path in http-bin API deployed APK. Different log sections are given in the order same as the order in which they are logged to the console.
Client to Router request headers:
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ Router to client response headers:
'vary', 'Accept-Encoding'
-Follow [command line options]({{envoy_path}}/operations/cli) for more information.
+Follow command line options for more information.
## Router wire logs
diff --git a/en/docs/administration/distributed-tracing.md b/en/docs/administration/distributed-tracing.md
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--- a/en/docs/administration/distributed-tracing.md
+++ b/en/docs/administration/distributed-tracing.md
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ You will be able to see all traces. The detailed trace view will look like the f
### OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP)
- OTLP is a vendor agnostic protocol defined as a part of [OpenTelemetry](https://opentelemetry.io/) project to publish telemetry data to any telemetry backend that supports OTLP. Most of the open source and commercial telemetry backends have native OTLP support or provide OTLP support in the form of a separate distribution. Refer the [OpenTelemetry vendor support](https://opentelemetry.io/vendors/) documentation for more information.
+ OTLP is a vendor agnostic protocol defined as a part of [OpenTelemetry](https://opentelemetry.io/) project to publish telemetry data to any telemetry backend that supports OTLP. Most of the open source and commercial telemetry backends have native OTLP support or provide OTLP support in the form of a separate distribution. Refer the OpenTelemetry vendor support documentation for more information.
#### Configure APK to publish OTLP traces to a Jaeger backend
diff --git a/en/docs/catalogs/api-catalog.md b/en/docs/catalogs/api-catalog.md
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--- a/en/docs/catalogs/api-catalog.md
+++ b/en/docs/catalogs/api-catalog.md
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
The following are the available API reference catalogs:
-- [Config Deployer APIs](../../catalogs/api-reference-config-deployer)
-- [Config Generator APIs](../../catalogs/api-reference-config-generator)
+- Config Deployer APIs
+- Config Generator APIs
diff --git a/en/docs/catalogs/apk-conf.md b/en/docs/catalogs/apk-conf.md
index b8b86bc61..e66abbd23 100644
--- a/en/docs/catalogs/apk-conf.md
+++ b/en/docs/catalogs/apk-conf.md
@@ -161,4 +161,4 @@ This document serves as a comprehensive guide, detailing all the parameters rele
- The table above represents the JSON schema fields and their descriptions.
- Additional details about each field and schema can be found in the JSON schema itself.
-- APK Config Language Support Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension can be used to validate the apk-conf file.
+- The APK Config Language Support Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension can be used to validate the apk-conf file.
diff --git a/en/docs/catalogs/kubernetes-crds.md b/en/docs/catalogs/kubernetes-crds.md
index 2ce3fb1b1..063b95460 100644
--- a/en/docs/catalogs/kubernetes-crds.md
+++ b/en/docs/catalogs/kubernetes-crds.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# APK Kubernetes CRD Catalog
-WSO2 API management for Kubernetees now offers comprehensive support for the [Kubernetes Gateway API specification](https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/). This support signifies a significant advancement in our API management for Kubernetees solution, enhancing our compatibility and integration capabilities within Kubernetes environments.
+WSO2 API management for Kubernetees now offers comprehensive support for the Kubernetes Gateway API specification. This support signifies a significant advancement in our API management for Kubernetees solution, enhancing our compatibility and integration capabilities within Kubernetes environments.
-WSO2 API management for Kubernetes also supports the [metaresources and policy attachment specifications](https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/references/policy-attachment/#supported-resources) defined by the Kubernetes Gateway API. These specifications provide a standardized approach to extending and configuring the behavior of objects within the Gateway API.
+WSO2 API management for Kubernetes also supports the metaresources and policy attachment specifications defined by the Kubernetes Gateway API. These specifications provide a standardized approach to extending and configuring the behavior of objects within the Gateway API.
The diagram below displays the CRDs used within the WSO2 APK.
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ The diagram below displays the CRDs used within the WSO2 APK.
The catalogs of the CRDs, including examples and the configuration definitions, can be found below.
-- [API](../../catalogs/crds/api_types)
-- [HTTPRoute](../../catalogs/samples/http-route)
-- [Authentication](../../catalogs/crds/authentication_types)
-- [Backend](../../catalogs/crds/backend_types)
-- [BackendJWT](../../catalogs/crds/backendjwt_types)
-- [APIPolicy](../../catalogs/crds/apipolicy_types)
-- [Interceptor Service](../../catalogs/crds/interceptorservice_types)
-- [RateLimitPolicy](../../catalogs/crds/ratelimitpolicy_types)
-- [Scope](../../catalogs/crds/scope_types)
-- [TokenIssuer](../../catalogs/crds/tokenIssuer_types)
-- [AIProvider](../../catalogs/crds/aiprovider_types)
-- [AIRateLimitPolicy](../../catalogs/crds/airatelimitpolicy_types)
-- [Application](../../catalogs/crds/application_types)
-- [Application_Mapping](../../catalogs/crds/application_mapping_types)
-- [Subscription](../../catalogs/crds/subscription_types)
-- [GQL_Route](../../catalogs/crds/gql_routes_types)
-- [GRPC_Route](../../catalogs/samples/grpc-route)
+- API
+- HTTPRoute
+- Authentication
+- Backend
+- BackendJWT
+- APIPolicy
+- Interceptor Service
+- RateLimitPolicy
+- Scope
+- TokenIssuer
+- AIProvider
+- AIRateLimitPolicy
+- Application
+- ApplicationMapping
+- Subscription
+- GQLRoute
+- GRPCRoute
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/en/docs/catalogs/samples/grpc-route.md b/en/docs/catalogs/samples/grpc-route.md
index b9bace97c..1c3a03e2f 100644
--- a/en/docs/catalogs/samples/grpc-route.md
+++ b/en/docs/catalogs/samples/grpc-route.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This is the resource where you define resources of your API. This GRPCRoute is linked to the API by referring to this resource name from the API resource.
-Refer the [Kubernetes Gateway API documentation](https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/reference/spec/#gateway.networking.k8s.io%2fv1.GRPCRoute) for more information on how to configure GRPCRoute.
+Refer to the Kubernetes Gateway API documentation for more information on how to configure GRPCRoute.
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: GRPCRoute
diff --git a/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-ai-apis.md b/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-ai-apis.md
index 5c55864b0..75d33a4d2 100644
--- a/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-ai-apis.md
+++ b/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-ai-apis.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-1. Follow the same guide to create an AI API as in the [AI API Creation Guide](../../../create-api/create-and-deploy-apis/ai/create-ai-api-using-rest-api/).
+1. Follow the same guide to create an AI API as in the AI API Creation Guide.
2. Update the organization of the generated CRs to match the super tenant organization name in the WSO2 API Manager or You can generate K8s resources by setting the organization as a zip file from config-deployer service using below command.
=== "Sample Request"
diff --git a/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-graphql-apis.md b/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-graphql-apis.md
index 61da521c2..a7e22791c 100644
--- a/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-graphql-apis.md
+++ b/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-graphql-apis.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-1. Follow the same guide to create a GraphQL API as in the [GraphQL API Creation Guide](../../../create-api/create-and-deploy-apis/graphql/create-graphql-api-using-rest-api/).
+1. Follow the same guide to create a GraphQL API as in the GraphQL API Creation Guide.
2. Update the organization of the generated CRs to match the super tenant organization name in the WSO2 API Manager or You can generate K8s resources by setting the organization as a zip file from config-deployer service using below command.
=== "Sample Request"
diff --git a/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-rest-apis.md b/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-rest-apis.md
index 619b602e6..8fd95f689 100644
--- a/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-rest-apis.md
+++ b/en/docs/control-plane/api-management/control-plane-create-and-deploy-rest-apis.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-1. Follow the same guide to create a REST API as in the [REST API Creation Guide](../../../create-api/create-and-deploy-apis/rest/create-rest-api-using-rest-api/).
+1. Follow the same guide to create a REST API as in the REST API Creation Guide.
2. Update the organization of the generated CRs to match the super tenant organization name in the WSO2 API Manager or You can generate K8s resources by setting the organization as a zip file from config-deployer service using below command.
=== "Sample Request"
diff --git a/en/docs/control-plane/apim-apk-agent-deploy.md b/en/docs/control-plane/apim-apk-agent-deploy.md
index f3ceef247..9229950b5 100644
--- a/en/docs/control-plane/apim-apk-agent-deploy.md
+++ b/en/docs/control-plane/apim-apk-agent-deploy.md
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
## Configuring APIM-APK Agent
-Agent can be configured in both ways.
+The agent can be configured in the following ways.
1. API Manager as the control plane for APK
2. APK as a gateway to API Manager
### Common Configurations
-1. Configure Control Plane(APIM) related configuration in APIM-APK Agent.
+1. Configure Control Plane(APIM) related configuration in APIM-APK Agent
- Add following configuration to values.yaml file to provide control plane related configs to APIM-APK Agent. Here, need to provide the host of the APIM-APK Agent.
+ Add the following configuration to the values.yaml file to provide control plane related configs to APIM-APK Agent. Here, the host of the APIM-APK Agent should be provided.
``` yaml
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ Agent can be configured in both ways.
eventListeningEndpoints: amqp://admin:admin@apim-wso2am-cp-1-service.apk.svc.cluster.local:5672?retries='10'&connectdelay='30'
- 2. Configure Dataplane(APK Gateway) related configuration in APIM-APK Agent.
+ 2. Configure Dataplane (APK Gateway) related configuration in APIM-APK Agent
- Add following configuration to values.yaml file to provide dataplane related configs to APIM-APK Agent. Here, need to provide the host of the APK Gateway.
+ Add the following configuration to the values.yaml file to provide dataplane related configs to APIM-APK Agent. Here, the host of the APK Gateway should be provided.
``` yaml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Agent can be configured in both ways.
### API Manager as the control plane for APK
-1. Change the following configuration mode as below.
+1. Change the mode of the agent configuration as shown below.
``` yaml
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Agent can be configured in both ways.
### APK as a gateway to API Manager
-1. Change the following configuration mode as below.
+1. Change the mode of the agent configuration as shown below.
``` yaml
diff --git a/en/docs/control-plane/apim-deploy.md b/en/docs/control-plane/apim-deploy.md
index 5c9047d3a..d165c930f 100644
--- a/en/docs/control-plane/apim-deploy.md
+++ b/en/docs/control-plane/apim-deploy.md
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ gateway:
1. Configure supported gateway types in API Manager.
- Add following configuration to deployment.toml file to provide supported gateway types to API Manager. Here, need to provide the supported gateway types as `APK`.
+ Add the following configuration to the deployment.toml file to provide supported gateway types to API Manager. Here, need to provide the supported gateway types as `APK`.
=== "Both"
``` toml
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ gateway:
2. Change the default gateway environment if APK Only scenario.
- Add following configuration to deployment.toml file to provide APK gateway as the default gateway environment to API Manager. Here, need to provide the default gateway type as `APK` and other relevant configurations.
+ Add the following configuration to the deployment.toml file to provide APK gateway as the default gateway environment to API Manager. Here, need to provide the default gateway type as `APK` and other relevant configurations.
``` toml
diff --git a/en/docs/control-plane/apk-as-gateway-in-apim/apk-as-gateway-in-apim-overview.md b/en/docs/control-plane/apk-as-gateway-in-apim/apk-as-gateway-in-apim-overview.md
index 38d4d5c2e..95c084fb7 100644
--- a/en/docs/control-plane/apk-as-gateway-in-apim/apk-as-gateway-in-apim-overview.md
+++ b/en/docs/control-plane/apk-as-gateway-in-apim/apk-as-gateway-in-apim-overview.md
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The APIM APK Agent is a component that connects the WSO2 API Manager (APIM) cont
- API Marketplace: Provide a marketplace for discovering and consuming APIs.
- Integration with WSO2 APK Gateway: Integrate with the APK Gateway for deploying APIs and managing traffic.
-You can refer the [Control Plane API Management Overview](../apk-as-gateway-in-apim/api-management/control-plane-api-management-overview.md) for more details on the supported and unsupported features.
+You can refer the Control Plane API Management Overview for more details on the supported and unsupported features.
## Next Steps
diff --git a/en/docs/control-plane/apk-as-gateway-in-apim/apk-as-gateway-in-apim-qsg.md b/en/docs/control-plane/apk-as-gateway-in-apim/apk-as-gateway-in-apim-qsg.md
index a13781d0a..2fbcb0517 100644
--- a/en/docs/control-plane/apk-as-gateway-in-apim/apk-as-gateway-in-apim-qsg.md
+++ b/en/docs/control-plane/apk-as-gateway-in-apim/apk-as-gateway-in-apim-qsg.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Setup WSO2 API Manager 4.4.0 in K8s cluster using Helm Charts.
!!! Note
- Please refer to the [Advanced Configuration for APIM](../apim-deploy.md) for more information.
+ Please refer to the Advanced Configuration for APIM for more information.
### Setup WSO2 APK Dataplane 1.2.0
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Setup WSO2 API Manager 4.4.0 in K8s cluster using Helm Charts.
!!! Note
- Please refer to the Advanced Configuration for APK for more information.
+ Please refer to the Advanced Configuration for APK for more information.
### Setup WSO2 APIM-APK Agent 1.2.0
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Setup WSO2 API Manager 4.4.0 in K8s cluster using Helm Charts.
!!! Note
- Please refer to the [Advanced Configuration for agent](../apim-apk-agent-deploy.md) for more information.
+ Please refer to the Advanced Configuration for Agent for more information.
### Verify the deployment
diff --git a/en/docs/control-plane/apk-deploy.md b/en/docs/control-plane/apk-deploy.md
index a81ef375a..adcba9b17 100644
--- a/en/docs/control-plane/apk-deploy.md
+++ b/en/docs/control-plane/apk-deploy.md
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
## Configuring APK Data Plane
-Agent can be configured in both ways.
+The agent can be configured in the following ways.
1. API Manager as the control plane for APK
2. APK as a gateway to API Manager
### API Manager as the control plane for APK
-1. APK realated Configurations.
+1. APK related configurations
- Add following configuration to values.yaml file.
+ Add the following configuration to the values.yaml file.
``` yaml
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ Agent can be configured in both ways.
### APK as a gateway to API Manager
-1. Configure Control Plane related configuration in Common Controller.
+1. Configure Control Plane related configuration in Common Controller
- Add following configuration to common-log-conf file to provide control plane related configs to common-controller. Here, need to provide the host of the APIM-APK Agent.
+ Add the following configuration to the common-log-conf file to provide control plane related configs to common-controller. Here, the host of the APIM-APK Agent should be provided.
``` yaml
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Agent can be configured in both ways.
2. Disable Hostname Verification for JWKS endpoint in APK Gateway.(Optional)
- Add following configuration to disable SSL/hostname verification to JWKS validation call in enforcer in log-conf.yaml.
+ Add the following configuration to disable SSL/hostname verification to JWKS validation call in enforcer in log-conf.yaml.
``` yaml
diff --git a/en/docs/control-plane/control-plane-configuration.md b/en/docs/control-plane/control-plane-configuration.md
index 47ae6c160..f97c3a289 100644
--- a/en/docs/control-plane/control-plane-configuration.md
+++ b/en/docs/control-plane/control-plane-configuration.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
1. Configure supported gateway types in API Manager.
- Add following configuration to deployment.toml file to provide supported gateway types to API Manager. Here, need to provide the supported gateway types as `APK`.
+ Add the following configuration to the deployment.toml file to provide supported gateway types to API Manager. Here, need to provide the supported gateway types as `APK`.
=== "Both"
``` toml
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
2. Change the default gateway environment if APK Only scenario.
- Add following configuration to deployment.toml file to provide APK gateway as the default gateway environment to API Manager. Here, need to provide the default gateway type as `APK` and other relevant configurations.
+ Add the following configuration to the deployment.toml file to provide APK gateway as the default gateway environment to API Manager. Here, need to provide the default gateway type as `APK` and other relevant configurations.
``` toml
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
### Configuring APK
-1. Configure Control Plane related configuration in Common Controller.
+1. Configure Control Plane related configuration in Common Controller
-Add following configuration to common-log-conf file to provide control plane related configs to common-controller. Here, need to provide the host of the APIM-APK Agent.
+Add the following configuration to the common-log-conf file to provide control plane related configs to common-controller. Here, the host of the APIM-APK Agent should be provided.
``` yaml
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ Add following configuration to common-log-conf file to provide control plane rel
skipSSLVerification = true
-2. Disable Hostname Verification for JWKS endpoint in APK Gateway.(Optional)
+2. Disable Hostname Verification for JWKS endpoint in APK Gateway (Optional)
-Add following configuration to disable SSL/hostname verification to JWKS validation call in enforcer in log-conf.yaml.
+Add the following configuration to disable SSL/hostname verification to JWKS validation call in enforcer in log-conf.yaml.
``` yaml
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ Add following configuration to disable SSL/hostname verification to JWKS validat
### Configuring APIM-APK Agent
-1. Configure Control Plane(APIM) related configuration in APIM-APK Agent.
+1. Configure Control Plane(APIM) related configuration in APIM-APK Agent
-Add following configuration to values.yaml file to provide control plane related configs to APIM-APK Agent. Here, need to provide the host of the APIM-APK Agent.
+Add the following configuration to the values.yaml file to provide control plane related configs to APIM-APK Agent. Here, the host of the APIM-APK Agent should be provided.
``` yaml
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ Add following configuration to values.yaml file to provide control plane related
eventListeningEndpoints: amqp://admin:admin@apim-wso2am-cp-1-service.apk.svc.cluster.local:5672?retries='10'&connectdelay='30'
-2. Configure Dataplane(APK Gateway) related configuration in APIM-APK Agent.
+2. Configure Dataplane(APK Gateway) related configuration in APIM-APK Agent
-Add following configuration to values.yaml file to provide dataplane related configs to APIM-APK Agent. Here, need to provide the host of the APK Gateway.
+Add the following configuration to the values.yaml file to provide dataplane related configs to APIM-APK Agent. Here, the host of the APK Gateway should be provided.
``` yaml
diff --git a/en/docs/control-plane/deploy-apim-apk-agent.md b/en/docs/control-plane/deploy-apim-apk-agent.md
index 6f68be93c..e902ac8c4 100644
--- a/en/docs/control-plane/deploy-apim-apk-agent.md
+++ b/en/docs/control-plane/deploy-apim-apk-agent.md
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Follow the instructions below to deploy the APIM APK Agent.
!!! Optional
-To commence the installation while making use of the customization capabilities inherent in the `values.yaml` file, follow the subsequent command format. Instructions in [Customize Configurations](../setup/Customize-Configurations.md) will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
+To commence the installation while making use of the customization capabilities inherent in the `values.yaml` file, follow the subsequent command format. Instructions in the customize configurations section will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
=== "Command"
diff --git a/en/docs/control-plane/overview.md b/en/docs/control-plane/overview.md
index 9e2645350..a4bb1ee71 100644
--- a/en/docs/control-plane/overview.md
+++ b/en/docs/control-plane/overview.md
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The APIM APK Agent is a component that connects the WSO2 API Manager (APIM) cont
- API Marketplace: Provide a marketplace for discovering and consuming APIs.
- Integration with WSO2 APK Gateway: Integrate with the APK Gateway for deploying APIs and managing traffic.
-You can refer the Control Plane API Management Overview for more details on the supported and unsupported features.
+You can refer the Control Plane API Management Overview for more details on the supported and unsupported features.
## Next Steps
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-choreo-insights.md b/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-choreo-insights.md
index 80c2122d8..3d729326a 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-choreo-insights.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-choreo-insights.md
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
kubectl create secret generic --from-literal=authToken='' --from-literal=authURL='https://analytics-event-auth.choreo.dev/auth/v1' -n
-2. Follow the instructions outlined in [Customize Configurations](../Customize-Configurations.md). These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file, which you will then use to tailor the analytics configurations to your specific needs.
+2. Follow the instructions outlined in the customize configurations section. These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file, which you will then use to tailor the analytics configurations to your specific needs.
3. Replace `secret-name` in the following configuration with the name of the secret you created in the previous step.
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-elk-stack.md b/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-elk-stack.md
index ff0b5d7e1..4b43c2766 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-elk-stack.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-elk-stack.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Step 1 - Setup APK
-1. Start by following the instructions outlined in [Customize Configurations](../Customize-Configurations.md). These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
+1. Start by following the instructions outlined in the customize configurations section. These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
2. Open the `values.yaml` file, and add the configuration given below to the `gatewayRuntime` section under `dp`.
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-moesif.md b/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-moesif.md
index f8ed13200..7597c0656 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-moesif.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/analytics/configure-analytics-for-moesif.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
kubectl create secret generic --from-literal=moesifToken='' -n
-2. Follow the instructions outlined in [Customize Configurations](../Customize-Configurations.md). These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
+2. Follow the instructions outlined in the customize configurations section. These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
3. Replace ```secret-name``` in the following configuration with the name of the secret you created in the previous step.
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/configure-hpa.md b/en/docs/setup/configure-hpa.md
index e01b858d7..21299663d 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/configure-hpa.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/configure-hpa.md
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Configure Horizontal Pod Autoscaling(HPA) for gateway
-When the traffic to your pods increase, the deployment may need to scale horizontally. Kubernetes allows you to define the resource limits and policy in a way that the deployment can auto scale based on resource usage. You can check the [Kubernetes documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/) for more information on HPA.
+When the traffic to your pods increase, the deployment may need to scale horizontally. Kubernetes allows you to define the resource limits and policy in a way that the deployment can auto scale based on resource usage. You can check the Kubernetes documentation for more information on HPA.
To configure HPA for gateway, follow these steps.
-1. Obtain the `values.yaml` file for your deployment by following the instructions in [Customize Configurations](../setup/Customize-Configurations.md).
+1. Obtain the `values.yaml` file for your deployment by following the instructions in the customize configurations section.
2. Update the following configuration with your required values.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ autoscaling:
targetCPU: 80 # Target CPU utilization percentage for Gateway
-3. Place the modified configuration in your `values.yaml` file under `autoscaling` in the `dp` section, as shown below.
+1. Place the modified configuration in your `values.yaml` file under `autoscaling` in the `dp` section, as shown below.
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/deployment/deployment-patterns-overview.md b/en/docs/setup/deployment/deployment-patterns-overview.md
index 382d06f46..ad055757d 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/deployment/deployment-patterns-overview.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/deployment/deployment-patterns-overview.md
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
This document outlines the recommended deployment patterns for the WSO2 APK. There are three primary deployment patterns for APK
-* [APK Dataplane](apk-data-plane-deployment-patterns.md)
-* [APK Dataplane with API Manager Control Plane](apk-with-apim-cp-deployment-patterns.md)
-* [APK as a Gateway in API Manager](apk-as-gateway-in-apim-deployment-patterns.md)
+- APK Dataplane
+- APK Dataplane with API Manager Control Plane
+- APK as a Gateway in API Manager
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/enterprise-apim-apk-agent-install.md b/en/docs/setup/enterprise-apim-apk-agent-install.md
index aeea5885a..719fb4100 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/enterprise-apim-apk-agent-install.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/enterprise-apim-apk-agent-install.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Install the prerequisitescustomize configurations section will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
=== "Command"
@@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ kubectl get pods
!!! Important
- If pods are not transitioning to running state, please follow the steps in the [FAQs](../../about-apk/FAQs/#q3-why-are-pods-not-transitioning-to-the-running-state-for-a-long-time) to troubleshoot the problem.
+ If the pods are not transitioning to the running state, please follow the steps in the FAQs to troubleshoot the problem.
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/enterprise-apk-install.md b/en/docs/setup/enterprise-apk-install.md
index c41bd0e56..0ef2cdaf7 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/enterprise-apk-install.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/enterprise-apk-install.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Install the prerequisitescustomize configurations section will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file.
=== "Command"
@@ -76,4 +76,4 @@ kubectl get pods
[![Pod Status](../assets/img/get-started/pod-status.png)](../assets/img/get-started/podstatus.png)
!!! Important
- If pods are not transitioning to running state, please follow the steps in the [FAQs](../../about-apk/FAQs/#q3-why-are-pods-not-transitioning-to-the-running-state-for-a-long-time) to troubleshoot the problem.
+ If the pods are not transitioning to the running state, please follow the steps in the FAQs to troubleshoot the problem.
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/auth0-idp.md b/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/auth0-idp.md
index 96b3a9641..cceaf0b34 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/auth0-idp.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/auth0-idp.md
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ You need to add a customize configurations section. These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file. Open the `values.yaml` file.
2. Update the IDP related configurations in the `idp` section.
3. Create a K8s Secret with retrieved `clientId` and `clientSecret` from Step 4 with name `apk-idp-secret`.
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/idp-overview.md b/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/idp-overview.md
index 638bc0415..157e50a2f 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/idp-overview.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/idp-overview.md
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ Identity Providers, which are also referred to as IdPs, store and manage digital
WSO2 APK integrates with IdPs to obtain a token to use the System APIs and also to login to the portal.
-- [Using a Non-production IdP](../non-production-idp)
+- Using a Non-Production IdP
-- [Using Asgardeo as an IdP](../asgardeo-idp)
+- Using Asgardeo as an IdP
-- [Using Auth0 as an IdP](../auth0-idp)
+- Using Auth0 as an IdP
-- [Using Any Third party IdP](../third-party-idp)
+- Using Any Third party IdP
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/third-party-idp.md b/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/third-party-idp.md
index a4889c879..d7a804fd8 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/third-party-idp.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/identity-platform/idp/third-party-idp.md
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ This includes setting the application's settings, such as the application name a
## Step 6 - Update the Helm Chart
- 1. Follow the instructions outlined in [Customize Configurations](../../Customize-Configurations.md). These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file. Open the `values.yaml` file.
+ 1. Follow the instructions outlined in the customize configurations section. These instructions will guide you through the process of acquiring the `values.yaml` file. Open the `values.yaml` file.
2. Update the IDP related configurations in the `idp` section.
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/install.md b/en/docs/setup/install.md
index ecf5924fa..0dddbb550 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/install.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/install.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Before you begin...
-Install the [prerequisites](../../setup/prerequisites) that are required to run WSO2 API Platform For Kubernetes.
+Install the prerequisites that are required to run WSO2 API Platform For Kubernetes.
## Start WSO2 API Platform For Kubernetes
diff --git a/en/docs/setup/production-deployment-guideline.md b/en/docs/setup/production-deployment-guideline.md
index 985c03189..a415ddbb1 100644
--- a/en/docs/setup/production-deployment-guideline.md
+++ b/en/docs/setup/production-deployment-guideline.md
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
This document provide the steps for APK production deployment.
-WSO2 APK can be configured through `values.yaml` file. Please refer to [Customize Configurations](../setup/Customize-Configurations.md) for information on how to use a customized values file for APK deployment. When deploying WSO2 APK in a production environment, we strongly recommend following these guidelines.
+WSO2 APK can be configured through `values.yaml` file. Please refer to the customize configurations section for information on how to use a customized values file for APK deployment. When deploying WSO2 APK in a production environment, we strongly recommend following these guidelines.
## Choose the correct deployment pattern
-Please refer this [document](deployment/deployment-patterns-overview.md) on how to choose the correct pattern for you
+Please refer this document on how to choose the correct pattern for you.
## Change the hostnames and vhosts
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ Servers and their `configs` location in the value.yaml are listed below.
## Remove default IdP
-APK comes with a default IdP which is not production-ready and is only to be used for testing purposes. Disable the default IDP and use a production-ready IDP solution. Please follow these guidelines to [setup the production ready IDP](https://apk.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/setup/identity-platform/idp/idp-overview/)
+APK comes with a default IdP which is not production-ready and is only to be used for testing purposes. Disable the default IDP and use a production-ready IDP solution. Please follow these guidelines to setup the production ready IDP.
-Disable the default IdP by changing the enabled value or idp to `false` in values.yaml.
+Additionally, disable the default IdP by changing the enabled value or idp to `false` in values.yaml.
@@ -190,10 +190,8 @@ Then redeploy the helm chart with the changes in `values.yaml`.
## Configure Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA)
-When the traffic to your pods increase, the deployment may need to scale horizontally. Kubernetes allows you to define the resource limits and policy in a way that the deployment can auto scale based on resource usage. You can check the [Kubernetes documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/) for more information on HPA.
-To configure HPA for gateway, follow this [document.](./configure-hpa.md)
+When the traffic to your pods increase, the deployment may need to scale horizontally. Kubernetes allows you to define the resource limits and policy in a way that the deployment can auto scale based on resource usage. You can check the Kubernetes documentation for more information on HPA.
+To configure HPA for the gateway, follow this document.
In conclusion, following these guidelines is essential for a smooth and secure production deployment of WSO2 APK. By carefully selecting the deployment pattern, customizing hostnames and vhosts, configuring CA-validated public certificates, using a production-grade Redis and autoscaling your deployment to suit your needs, you can ensure a robust environment for your APIs. Additionally, disabling the default IDP and opting for a production-ready solution adds an extra layer of security. By adhering to these best practices, you'll be well-prepared to handle the demands of a production environment. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Happy deploying!
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