- Add your own contributions to the next release on the line below this with your name.
- [new] Respect Cache-Control and Expires headers if the cache supports TTL #462 wiseoldduck
- [new] Updated to latest PINCache beta 7. wiseoldduck
- [iOS11] Fix warnings #428 Eke
- [new / beta] Native Support for GIFs and animated WebP #453 garrettmoon
- [new] Add support for getting NSURLSessionMetrics back. #456 garrettmoon
- [removed] Removed support for FLAnimatedImage #453 garrettmoon
- [new] Add support for higher frame rate devices to animated images. #417 garrettmoon
- [fixed] Fixes non-animated GIFs being delivered as an animated image. #434 garrettmoon
- [fixed] Fixes a bug where using PINRemoteImageBasicCache would cause images to be decoded on the main thread. #457 kgaidis
- [cleanup] Remove unused code that supported iOS < 7. #435 Adlai-Holler
- [cleanup] Use NS_ERROR_ENUM to improve Swift import. #440 Adlai-Holler
- [fixed] Fixes nil session manager configuration. #460 garrettmoon
- [new] Support for webp and improved support for GIFs. #411 garrettmoon
- [new] Added back tvOS support through a new target #408 jverdi
- [refactor] Refactor out KVO on NSURLSessionTask to avoid Apple crashes. #410 garrettmoon
- [new] Added a way to specify custom retry logic when network error happens #386
- [new] Improve disk cache migration performance #391 chuganzy, #394 nguyenhuy
- [new] Adds support for using cell vs. wifi in leau of speed for determing which URL to download if speed is unavailable. garrettmoon
- [new] Uses BPS minus time to first byte for deciding which of a set of URLs to download. garrettmoon
- [fixed] Fixes an edge case when image returned with 404 response, we now treat it as image instead of error #399 maxwang
- [fixed] Fixes a deadlock with canceling processor tasks #374 zachwaugh
- [fixed] Fixes a deadlock in the retry system. garrettmoon
- [fixed] Fixes a threadsafety issue in accessing callbacks. garrettmoon
- [fixed] Fixes a crash with resumed downloads when a key is long. garrettmoon
- [new] PINRemoteImageManager now respects the request timeout value of session configuration. garrettmoon
- [new] Updated to latest PINCache beta 5. garrettmoon
- [new] Added support for getting NSURLResponse from a PINRemoteImageManagerResult object. garrettmoon
- [new] Added support (in iOS 10) for skipping cancelation if the estimated amount of time to complete the download is less than the average time to first byte for a host. #364 garrettmoon
- [fixed] Fixes an issue where PINResume would assert because the server didn't return an expected content length.
- [fixed] Fixed bytes per second on download tasks (which could affect if an image is progressively rendered) #360 garrettmoon
- [new] Added request configuration handler to allow customizing HTTP headers per request #355 zachwaugh
- [fixed] Moved storage of resume data to disk from memory. garrettmoon
- [fixed] Hopefully fixes crashes occuring in PINURLSessionManager on iOS 9. garrettmoon
- [new] Have PINProgressiveImage pass back the quality of the current progressive image #185
- [fixed] Images May Be Removed from Disk Cache for Not Being in Memory Cache #186
- [fixed] Remove disk cache call potentially on main thread #167
- [fixed] Nullability specifiers #170
- [fixed] Speling errorrs, unused properties and spacing #172
- [new] Slightly more performant locking #165
- [new] Added support for pulling images synchronously from the cache #162
- [fixed] Non-decoded images no longer cached by OS #161
- [fixed] OS X and Carthage support #164