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Archipelago 101 - Core Documentation Guides |
Top 10 guides we recommend you review as you get started working with Archipelago:
Metadata in Archipelago: a long and worthwhile read that covers the fundamentals of Archipelago's architecture and approach to metadata and data
Strawberryfield Formatters: overview of the general setup of an Archipelago Digital Object (ADO) page and the way your ADO JSON metadata and data are output
Primer on Display Modes & How to Create a Webform as an Input Method: deeper look at Display Modes and Form Modes, two ways you'll be interacting with your ADOs most frequently
Twig Templates and Archipelago: a great place to dive into one of Archipelago's best loved feature areas
Archipelago Multi Importer: all about Archipelago's batch ingest and update functionality
Search and Solr Overview: for repositories, it's all about the search
- In-a-nutshell : JSON data to Strawberry Keyname Providers to Solr: essential overview of the pipeline from JSON data into and out of Solr
- Strawberry Key Name Providers, Solr Field, and Facet Configuration: fundamental information for site adminisrators
Advanced Batch Find and Replace: targetted batch updates for your ADO metadata
Strawberry Runners Post-Processing Configuration: background post-processing defaults and options for all your file transformation and data indexing needs
Archipelago Local Deployment Guide: get your own local Archipelago up and running in about 15 minutes
Archipelago Presentations, Events, and Additional Resources: features recordings and links to different Archipelago workshops, conference presentations, and other helpful references
Thank you for reading! Please contact us on our Archipelago Commons Google Group with any questions or feedback.