- Fixed PHP Notice when importing CSV file with attachments.
- Fixed issue with disappearing custom fields when WC product is being updated.
- Fixed issues with importing variable products.
- Fixed PHP notices when importing attachments set as not translatable post type.
- Fixed PHP notices when deleting multiple post imports.
- Fixed issue with not removing images on post update.
- Unique identifier in WPML metabox is prefilled with the value from the previous import.
- Updated rapid add-on framework to version 1.1.1, fixing missing break statement between cases 'file' and 'image' (wpmlai-92)
- Updated rapid add-on framework to version 1.1.0 (wpmlai-85)
- Fixed fatal error while importing images (wpmlai-81)
- Added fix to correctly calculate WC taxonomies after the import (wpmlai-78, wpmlai-71)
- Added support for importing tags and other taxonomies (WPMLAI-67)
- Fixed PHP notices
- Fixed not setting setting _wcml_duplicate_of_variation metakey for variations (WPMLAI-68)
- Fixed interrupted import of variable products in secondary languages (WPMLAI-50)
- Fixed PHP Fatal Error on deleting imports
- Fixed PHP Notices when WPML wizard is not finished
- Updated Unique Key to Unique Identifier field label
- Fixed error while importing terms which translations are same as in original language
- Fixed error while activating when WP All Import absent
- Initial release (previous versions was maintained not by WPML team)