"JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services is a Java programming language API spec that provides support in creating web services according to the Representational State Transfer architectural pattern"
This project provides the Starter Code for an JAX-RS web-app, using gradle for building the app (i.e. war file) To add a service, take the com.techcasita.jersey.Echo class as an example. Add a class like that and register it in com.techcasita.jersey.MyApp .. .. build/depply/run and look at the active swagger documentation at http://localhost:8080/jersey/api-docs, which automatiacllly picked up teh service you added.
./gradle build
./gradlew war
The war file is compiled to build/libs/jersey.war
Deploy the war by copying it into a web container such as Tomcat
cp build/libs/jersey.war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/
When deployed into a local Tomcat instance, the index page is
An example:
Swagger Json:
Since there isn't a web.xml file, look for the context name inside the MyApp.java class. The name of the webapp is declared in the build.grade file E.g. Once the jersey.war get deployed onto a app server, you'd access like this: