Here live templates can be found for:
- A strong type wrapping a
[short-cut: strongstr] - A strong type wrapping a value type [short-cut: strongval]
- A comparable strong type wrapping a
[short-cut: cmpstrongstr] - A comparable strong type wrapping a value type [short-cut: cmpstrongval]
The "comparable" types differ from the non-comparable types in that they implement
and IComparable
as well as IEquatable<>
The strong_types.DotSettings
template file needs to imported into ReSharper.
This can be done from the ReSharper Templates Explorer found in Visual Studio via
ReSharper -> Tools -> Templates Explorer.
Navigate to the Live Templates tab in the explorer, click on the "Import..." icon and select the
The templates will appear in the "Winton" category.
You should now be able to access the code snippets in a C# file via the short-cuts named above.