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1791年,法國科學院的一個委員會受國民議會路易十六的委派,開始建立一套統一的、基於理性的度量衡系統,這將成為公制。[4]成員包括「現代化學之父」安東萬-羅倫·德·拉瓦節及數學家皮耶爾-西蒙·拉普拉斯阿德里安-馬里·勒壤得[5] Public response included resistance, apathy, and sometimes ridicule.[6]委員會在設計長度、體積和質量的相互關係時所遵從的原則,和1668年英國神職人員約翰·威爾金斯在《論正真的文字和哲學語言》()中所提倡的一致。[7][8]他們也根據最早於1670年由法國神職人員提出的方法,利用地球的子午線作為長度的定義基礎。[9][10]1791年3月30日,國民議會採納了委員會的新度量衡系統,並批准在敦刻爾克巴塞羅那之間進行勘察,以確立子午線的長度。1792年7月11日,委員會提出將長度、面積、容積和質量的單位名稱分別定為metre(公尺)、are(公畝)、litre(公升)和grave(公斤的舊名),而這些單位的倍數和分數則用以十進制為基礎的詞頭來表示,如centi表示一百分之一,kilo表示一千倍等等。[11]







  • 國際度量衡大會():每四至六年舉辦一次,由各成員國代表組成,目的是討論國際度量衡委員會有關國際單位制新發展的報告;
  • 國際度量衡委員會():委員為八名有威望的科學家,由國際度量衡大會選出,每年在國際度量衡局召開會議,並對國際度量衡大會提出行政上和技術上的建議;
  • 國際度量衡局():位於法國塞夫爾的一所國際計量學中心,負責保管國際公斤原器,為國際度量衡大會和國際度量衡委員會提供計量服務,亦是它們的秘書處和會議舉辦的場地。其最初的作用是定期將各國的米和公斤原器與國際公斤原器進行比較。








國際物理量系統()是以以下七個基本物理量為基礎的系統:長度質量時間電流熱力學溫度物質的量發光強度。其他物理量,如面積壓力電阻,都可以根據明確、不相互矛盾的公式從這些基本物理量推導得出。國際物理量系統所定義的,是國際單位制單位所量度的物理量。[31]ISO/IEC 80000國際標準對國際物理量系統做了定義,定義於2009年經ISO 80000-1進一步完善。[32]


國際度量衡大會定期頒布一份手冊,闡述國際單位制的定義。[22]其官方版本為法語,與《米制公約》相符。[22]因此,世界各國在對名詞進行不同語言的翻譯時,有一定的自由度,如美國國家標準技術研究所所發佈的針對美式英語的國際度量衡大會文件本地版本(NIST SP 330)。[33]


《國際單位制手冊》所用的「物理量」、「單位」、「因次」等名詞,都出自由計量學聯合導則委員會(JCGM)出版的《國際計量詞彙》。該委員會是一個由八個國際標準組織組成的工作小組,由國際度量衡局局長擔任會長。[35]用於定義國際單位制的物理量和公式,統稱為「國際物理量系統」,列於ISO/IEC 80000物理量與單位國際標準。





單位名稱 單位符號 物理量 定義(部分)[n 38] 因次符號
m 長度 L
公斤[n 39] kg 質量
  • 最初(1793年):最初法文名為grave,定義為在冰點下體積為一立方分米的純的重量(質量)。
  • 目前(1889年):國際公斤原器的質量。
s 時間
  • 最初(中世紀):一天時長的分之一。
  • 過渡(1956年):1900年1月0日曆書時12時算起的回歸年時長的。
  • 目前(1967年):銫-133原子基態的兩個超精細能級之間躍遷所對應的輻射週期時長的倍。
安培 A 電流
  • 最初(1881年):CGS電磁單位制中電流單位的十分之一。CGS電流單位的定義是,在半徑為1厘米、長度為1厘米的圓弧上流通,並在圓心產生1奧斯特電場的電流。[40]
  • 目前(1946年):在真空中相距1米的兩根橫截面為圓形、粗度可忽略不計的無限長平行直導線,各通上相等的恆定電流,當兩根導線之間每米長度所受牛頓時,各導線上的電流定義為1安培。
開爾文 K 熱力學溫度
  • 最初(1743年):攝氏溫標將0 °C和100 °C分別定義為水的熔點沸點
  • 過渡(1954年):273.16 K定義為水的三相點(0.01 °C)。[n 41]
  • 目前(1967年):水的三相點熱力學溫度的。
摩爾 mol 物質的量
  • 最初(1900年):物質的克數等於其分子量時的數量。
  • 目前(1967年):1摩爾物質所含的粒子數量相等於0.012公斤碳-12所含的原子數量。[n 42]
坎德拉 cd 發光強度
  • 最初(1946年):整個輻射體在凝固溫度下的亮度,定義為60新燭光每平方厘米。
  • 目前(1979年):頻率為赫茲的單色光源在特定方向輻射強度為 W/sr時的發光強度。
以上基本單位的最初定義是由以下機構給出: 其他定義都來自國際度量衡大會或國際度量衡委員會,列於《國際單位制手冊》中。





名稱 符號 物理量 以其他SI單位表達 以基本單位表達
弧度 rad m·m−1
球面度 sr 立體角 m2·m−2
赫茲 Hz 頻率 s−1
牛頓 N 重量 kg·m·s−2
帕斯卡 Pa 壓強應力 N/m2 kg·m−1·s−2
焦耳 J 能量熱量 N·m kg·m2·s−2
瓦特 W 功率輻射通量 J/s kg·m2·s−3
庫侖 C 電荷 s·A
伏特 V 電壓電勢差)、電動勢 W/A kg·m2·s−3·A−1
法拉 F 電容 C/V kg−1·m−2·s4·A2
歐姆 Ω 電阻阻抗電抗 V/A kg·m2·s−3·A−2
西門子 S 電阻 A/V kg−1·m−2·s3·A2
單位 Wb 磁通量 V·s kg·m2·s−2·A−1
特斯拉 T 磁通量密度磁場 Wb/m2 kg·s−2·A−1
亨利 H 電感 Wb/A kg·m2·s−2·A−2
攝氏度 °C 溫度(相對於273.15 K) K
流明 lm 光通量 cd·sr cd
勒克斯 lx 照度 lm/m2 m−2·cd
貝克勒爾 Bq 放射性活度 s−1
戈瑞 Gy 致電離輻射吸收劑量 J/kg m2·s−2
西弗 Sv 致電離輻射等效劑量 J/kg m2·s−2
開特 kat 催化活度 mol·s−1
  • 弧度和球面度曾經是具有特殊地位的單位,但現在只當做無因次導出單位看待。[33]
  • 上表的排序方法是,表中所有單位都只建立在位置更前的單位以及基本單位上。



倍數 詞頭名稱 deca hecto kilo mega giga tera peta exa zetta yotta
詞頭符號 da h k M G T P E Z Y
中文(中國大陸) -{十}- -{百}- -{千}- -{兆}- -{吉(咖)}- -{太(拉)}- -{拍(它)}- -{艾(可萨)}- -{泽(它)}- -{尧(它)}-
中文(台灣) -{十}- -{百}- -{千}- -{百萬}- -{吉}- -{兆}- -{拍}- -{艾}- -{皆}- -{佑}-
係數 100 101 102 103 106 109 1012 1015 1018 1021 1024
分數 詞頭名稱 deci centi milli micro nano pico femto atto zepto yocto
詞頭符號 d c m μ n p f a z y
中文(中國大陸) -{分}- -{厘}- -{毫}- -{微}- -{纳(诺)}- -{皮(可)}- -{飞(母托)}- -{阿(托)}- -{仄(普托)}- -{幺(科托)}-
中文(台灣) -{分}- -{厘}- -{毫}- -{微}- -{奈}- -{皮}- -{飛}- -{阿}- -{介}- -{攸}-
係數 100 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−6 10−9 10−12 10−15 10−18 10−21 10−24



  • 可以與SI並用的非SI單位(表6):
  • 在SI下的數值須經實驗得出的非SI單位(表7):
  • 其他非SI單位(表8):
  • 與CGS和CGS高斯單位制相關的非SI單位(表9)



1948年,第9屆國際度量衡大會通過了首份有關米制符號書寫格式的建議書,為今天使用的規則奠定了基礎。[46]這些規則之後又經過國際標準化組織(ISO)及國際電工委員會(IEC)的增訂,現已囊括單位符號和名稱、詞頭符號和名稱、物理量符號的書寫方式以及物理量數值的表達方式。[22]ISO和IEC所發佈的有關SI符號表達方式的規則,都與《國際單位制手冊》中的規則一致。[47],ISO和IEC正在將各自有關物理量及單位的標準整合成單一套標準,最終將成為ISO/IEC 80000標準。有關印刷物理量及單位的標準收錄在ISO 80000-1:2009中。[48]




在英文中,若須表達單位之間相乘,可用連字號或空格(牛頓米寫作「newton-metre」或「newton metre」),並通過改變最後者來形成整個複合單位的眾數(10 newton-metres)。數字與單位符號之間建議加入一個空格(一個25公斤的球體「a 25 kg sphere」)。把單位名稱用作形容詞時,同樣根據英文語法加入一個連字號(一個25公斤的球體「a 25-kilogram sphere」)。[55]







Unit symbols and the values of quantities

Although the writing of unit names is language-specific, the writing of unit symbols and the values of quantities is consistent across all languages and therefore the SI Brochure has specific rules in respect of writing them.[22] The guideline produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)[59] clarifies language-specific areas in respect of American English that were left open by the SI Brochure, but is otherwise identical to the SI Brochure.[53]

General rules

General rules for writing SI units and quantities apply to text that is either handwritten or produced using an automated process:

  • The value of a quantity is written as a number followed by a space (representing a multiplication sign) and a unit symbol; e.g., 2.21 kg, , 22 K. This rule explicitly includes the percent sign (%)[22] and the symbol for degrees of temperature (°C).[22] Exceptions are the symbols for plane angular degrees, minutes, and seconds (°, ′, and ″), which are placed immediately after the number with no intervening space.
  • Symbols are mathematical entities, not abbreviations, and as such do not have an appended period/full stop (.), unless the rules of grammar demand one for another reason, such as denoting the end of a sentence.
  • A prefix is part of the unit, and its symbol is prepended to the unit symbol without a separator (e.g., k in km, M in MPa, G in GHz). Compound prefixes are not allowed.
  • Symbols for derived units formed by multiplication are joined with a centre dot (·) or a non-breaking space; e.g., N·m or N m.
  • Symbols for derived units formed by division are joined with a solidus (/), or given as a negative exponent. E.g., the "metre per second" can be written m/s, m s−1, m·s−1, or . Only one solidus should be used; e.g., kg/(m·s2) and kg·m−1·s−2 are acceptable, but kg/m/s2 is ambiguous and unacceptable.
Acceleration due to gravity.The lowercase letters (neither
Acceleration due to gravity.
The lowercase letters (neither "metres" nor "seconds" were named after people), the space between the value and the units, and the superscript "2" to denote "squared".
  • The first letter of symbols for units derived from the name of a person is written in upper case; otherwise, they are written in lower case. E.g., the unit of pressure is named after Blaise Pascal, so its symbol is written "Pa", but the symbol for mole is written "mol". Thus, "T" is the symbol for tesla, a measure of magnetic field strength, and "t" the symbol for tonne, a measure of mass. Since 1979, the litre may exceptionally be written using either an uppercase "L" or a lowercase "l", a decision prompted by the similarity of the lowercase letter "l" to the numeral "1", especially with certain typefaces or English-style handwriting. The American NIST recommends that within the United States "L" be used rather than "l".
  • Symbols of units do not have a plural form; e.g., 25 kg, not 25 .
  • Uppercase and lowercase prefixes are not interchangeable. E.g., the quantities 1 mW and 1 MW represent two different quantities; the former is the typical power requirement of a hearing aid (1 milliwatt or 0.001 watts), and the latter the typical power requirement of a suburban train (1 megawatt or  watts).
  • The 10th resolution of CGPM in 2003 declared that "the symbol for the decimal marker shall be either the point on the line or the comma on the line." In practice, the decimal point is used in English-speaking countries and most of Asia, and the comma in most of Latin America and in continental European countries.[60]
  • Spaces should be used as a thousands separator () in contrast to commas or periods (1,000,000 or 1.000.000) to reduce confusion resulting from the variation between these forms in different countries.
  • Any line-break inside a number, inside a compound unit, or between number and unit should be avoided. Where this is not possible, line breaks should coincide with thousands separators.
  • Since the value of "billion" and "trillion" can vary from language to language, the dimensionless terms "ppb" (parts per billion) and "ppt" (parts per trillion) should be avoided. No alternative is suggested in the SI Brochure.

Printing SI symbols

Further rulesare specified in respect of production of text using printing presses, word processors, typewriters and the like.

  • Symbols are written in upright (Roman) type (m for metres, s for seconds), so as to differentiate from the italic type used for quantities (m for mass, s for displacement). By consensus of international standards bodies, this rule is applied independent of the font used for surrounding text.
  • In Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language computing (CJK), some of the commonly used units, prefix–unit combinations, or unit–exponent combinations have been allocated predefined single characters taking up a full square. Unicode includes these in its CJK Compatibility and letter-like symbols sub-ranges for back compatibility, without necessarily recommending future usage. These are summarised in Unicode symbols. The cursive ℓ, a letter-like symbol, has been used in a number of countries in addition to China and Japan as a symbol for the litre, but this is not currently recommended by any standards body.
  • In print, the space used as a thousands separator (commonly called a thin space) is typically narrower than that used between words.

Realisation of units

Silicon sphere for the Avogadro project used for measuring the Avogadro constant to a relative standard uncertainty of  or less, held by Achim Leistner.[61]
Silicon sphere for the Avogadro project used for measuring the Avogadro constant to a relative standard uncertainty of or less, held by Achim Leistner.[61]
Metrologists carefully distinguish between the definition of a unit and its realisation. The definition of each base unit of the SI is drawn up so that it is unique and provides a sound theoretical basis on which the most accurate and reproducible measurements can be made. The realisation of the definition of a unit is the procedure by which the definition may be used to establish the value and associated uncertainty of a quantity of the same kind as the unit. A description of the mise en pratique of the base units is given in an electronic appendix to the SI Brochure.[62][22]

The published mise en pratique is not the only way in which a base unit can be determined: the SI Brochure states that "any method consistent with the laws of physics could be used to realise any SI unit."[22] In the current (2016 ) exercise to overhaul the definitions of the base units, various consultative committees of the CIPM have required that more than one mise en pratique shall be developed for determining the value of each unit. In particular:

  • At least three separate experiments be carried out yielding values having a relative standard uncertainty in the determination of the kilogram of no more than and at least one of these values should be better than . Both the Watt balance and the Avogadro project should be included in the experiments and any differences between these be reconciled.[63][64]
  • When the kelvin is being determined, the relative uncertainty of the Boltzmann constant derived from two fundamentally different methods such as acoustic gas thermometry and dielectric constant gas thermometry be better than one part in and that these values be corroborated by other measurements.[65]

Post-1960 changes

The preamble to the Metre Convention read "Desiring the international uniformity and precision in standards of weight and measure, have resolved to conclude a convention ...".[23] Changing technology has led to an evolution of the definitions and standards that has followed two principal strands – changes to SI itself and clarification of how to use units of measure that are not part of SI, but are still nevertheless used on a worldwide basis.

Changes to the SI

Since 1960 the CGPM has made a number of changes to SI. These include:

  • The 13th CGPM (1967) renamed the "degree Kelvin" (symbol °K) to the "kelvin" (symbol K)[22]
  • The 14th CGPM (1971) added the mole (symbol mol) to the list of base units.[66]
  • The 14th GCPM (1971) added the pascal (symbol Pa) for pressure and the siemens (symbol S) for electrical conductance to the list of named derived units.[22]
  • The 15th CGPM (1975) added the becquerel (symbol Bq) for "activity referred to a radionuclide" and the gray (symbol Gy) for ionizing radiation to the list of named derived units[22]
  • In order to distinguish between "absorbed dose" and "dose equivalent", the 16th CGPM (1979) added the sievert (symbol Sv) to the list of named derived units as the unit of dose equivalent.[22]
  • The 16th CGPM (1979) clarified that in a break with convention either the letter "L" or the letter "l" may be used as a symbol for the litre.[22]
Sphygmomanometer – the traditional device that measures blood pressure using mercury in a manometer.  Pressures are recorded in
Sphygmomanometer – the traditional device that measures blood pressure using mercury in a manometer. Pressures are recorded in "millimetres of mercury" – a non-SI unit
  • The 21st CGPM (1999) added the katal (symbol kat) for catalytic activity to the list of named derived units.[22]
  • In its original form (1960), the SI defined prefixes for values ranging from pico- (symbol p) having a value of 10−12 to tera- (symbol T) having a value of 1012. The list was extended at the 12th CGPM (1964),[22] at the 15th CGPM (1975)[22] and at the 19th CGPM (1991)[22] to give the current range of prefixes.
In addition, advantage was taken of developments in technology to redefine many of the base units enabling the use of higher precision techniques.

Retention of non-SI units

Although, in theory, SI can be used for any physical measurement, it is recognised that some non-SI units still appear in the scientific, technical and commercial literature, and will continue to be used for many years to come. In addition, certain other units are so deeply embedded in the history and culture of the human race that they will continue to be used for the foreseeable future.[67] The CIPM has catalogued such units and included them in the SI Brochure so that they can be used consistently.

The first such group comprises the units of time and of angles and certain legacy non-SI metric units. Most of mankind has used the day and its subdivisions as a basis of time with the result that the second, minute, hour and day, unlike the foot or the pound, were the same regardless of where it was being measured. The second has been catalogued as an SI unit, its multiples as units of measure that may be used alongside the SI. The measurement of angles has likewise had a long history of consistent use – the radian, being of a revolution, has mathematical niceties, but it is cumbersome for navigation, hence the retention of the degree, minute and second of arc. The tonne, litre and hectare were adopted by the CGPM in 1879 and have been retained as units that may be used alongside SI units, having been given unique symbols.

Physicists often use units of measure that are based on natural phenomena such as the speed of light, the mass of a proton (approximately one dalton), the charge of an electron and the like. These too have been catalogued in the SI Brochure with consistent symbols, but with the caveat that their physical values need to be measured.

In the interests of standardising health-related units of measure used in the nuclear industry, the 12th CGPM (1964) accepted the continued use of the curie (symbol Ci) as a non-SI unit of activity for radionuclides;[22] the becquerel, sievert and gray were adopted in later years. Similarly, the millimetre of mercury (symbol mmHg) was retained for measuring blood pressure.[22]

Global adoption

SI has become the world's most widely used system of measurement, used in both everyday commerce and science.[69][70] The change to SI had little effect on everyday life in countries that used the metric system – the metre, kilogram, litre and second remained unchanged as did the way in which they were used – most of the changes only affected measurements in the workplace.[71] The CGPM has a role of recommending changes, but no formal role in the enforcement of such changes—another inter-governmental organisation, the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) provides a forum for harmonisation of national standards and legislation in respect of metrology.

Both the degree and rate of adoption of SI varied from country to country—countries that had not adopted the metric system by 1960 and subsequently adopted SI did so directly as part of their metrication programs while others migrated from the CGS system of units to SI. In 1960, the world's largest economy was that of the United States, followed by the United Kingdom, West Germany, France, Japan, China and India.[72] The United States and the United Kingdom were non-metric, France and Germany had been using the metric system for about a century, and China had been using the metric system for 35 years, while India and Japan had adopted the metric system within the preceding five years. Other non-metric countries were those where the United Kingdom or the United States had considerable influence.[73] These differences are brought out in the examples below:

United Kingdom and the former British Empire

Even though the use of metric units was legalised for trade in the UK in 1864, the UK had signed the Metre Convention in 1884 and the UK Parliament had defined the yard and the pound in terms of the metre and the kilogram in 1897, the UK continued to use the imperial system of measure[74] and to export the imperial system of units to the Empire. In 1932, the system of Imperial Preference was set up at the Ottawa Conference. Although Ireland left the Commonwealth in 1948 and South Africa in 1961,[75] both continued their close economic ties with the Commonwealth.[76]

Metrication logo of the Board of Trade
Metrication logo of the Board of Trade
When the SI standard was published in 1960, the only major Commonwealth country to have adopted the metric system was India. In 1863, the first reading of a bill that would have made the metric system compulsory passed its first reading in the House of Commons by 110 votes to 75. The bill, however, failed to make the statute book because of lack of parliamentary time.[11] In 1965, after this and similar false starts the then Federation of British Industry informed the British Government that its members favoured the adoption of the metric system. The rationale behind the request was that 80% of British exports were to countries that used the metric system or that were considering changing to the metric system. The Board of Trade, on behalf of the Government, agreed to support a ten-year metrication programme. The government agreed to a voluntary policy requiring minimal legislation and costs to be borne where they fell. SI would be used from the outset.[77] The rest of the Commonwealth, South Africa and Ireland followed within a few years; in some countries such as South Africa and Australia metrication was mandatory rather than voluntary.[78][79]

By 1980 all apart from the United Kingdom, Canada and Ireland had effectively completed their programs. In the United Kingdom the breakdown of voluntary metrication in the mid-1970s[80] coincided with the United Kingdom's obligations as part of the EEC to adopt the metric system, resulting in legislation to force metrication in certain areas and the Eurosceptic movement adopting an anti-metrication stance and the United Kingdom seeking a number of derogations from the relevant EEC directives. Once the metrication of most consumer goods was completed in 2000, aspects of British life, especially in government, commerce and industry used SI.[80] Although imperial units are widely encountered in unregulated areas such as the press and everyday speech, SI or units approved for use alongside SI are used in most areas where units of measure are regulated. High-profile exceptions include the sale of draught beer, the sale of milk in returnable containers, and United Kingdom road signs. Irish road signs (road distances and speeds) were converted to metric units during the first decade of the 21st century;[81] otherwise, the situation in Ireland is similar to that in the United Kingdom.[82]

Canada has adopted it for most purposes, but imperial units are still legally permitted and remain in common use throughout a few sectors of Canadian society, particularly in the buildings, trades and railways sectors.[83][84]

European Union

In 1960, all the largest industrialised nations that had an established history of using the metric system were members of the European Economic Community (EEC).

In 1972, in order to harmonise units of measure as part of a programme to facilitate trade between member states, the EEC issued directive 71/354/EEC.[85] This directive catalogued units of measure that could be used for "economic, public health, public safety and administrative purposes" and also provided instructions for a transition from the existing units of measure that were in use. The directive replicated the CGPM SI recommendations and in addition pre-empted some of the additions whose use had been recommended by the CIPM in 1969, but had not been ratified by the CGPM. The directive also catalogued units of measure whose status would be reviewed by the end of 1977 (mainly coherent CGS units of measure) and also catalogued units of measure that were to be phased out by the end of 1977, including the use of obsolete names for the sale of timber such as the stere, the use of units of force and pressure that made use of the acceleration due to gravity, the use of non-coherent units of power such as the Pferdestärke (PS), the use of the calorie as a measure of energy and the stilb as a measure of luminance. The directive was silent in respect of units that were specific to one or two countries including the pond, pfund, livre (Dutch, German and French synonyms for 500 g), thereby effectively prohibiting their use as well.

When the directive was revisited during 1977, some of the older units that were being reviewed (such as millimetre of mercury for blood pressure) were retained but others were phased out, thereby broadly aligning the allowable units with SI. The directive was however overhauled to accommodate British and Irish interests in retaining the imperial system in certain circumstances.[86] It was reissued as directive 80/181/EEC. During subsequent revisions, the directive has reflected changes in the definition of SI. The directive also formalised the use of supplementary units, which in 1979 were permitted for a period of ten years. The cut-off date for the use of supplementary units was extended a number of times and in 2009 was extended indefinitely.[87]


India was one of the last countries to start a metrication programme before the advent of SI. When it became independent in 1947, both imperial and native units of measure were in use. Its metrication programme started in 1956 with the passing of the Standards of Weights and Measures Act. Part of the act fixed the value of the seer (a legacy unit of mass) to 0.9331 kg exactly; elsewhere the Act declared that from 1960 all non-metric units of measure were to be illegal.[88]

Four years after the Indian Government announced its metrication programme, SI was published. The result was that the initial metrication programme was a conversion to the CGS system of units and the subsequent adoption of SI has been haphazard. Fifty years later, many of the country's schoolbooks still use CGS or imperial units.[89] Originally the Indian Government had planned to replace all units of measure with metric units by 1960. In 1976 a new Weights and Measures Act replaced the 1956 Act which, amongst other things, required that all weighing devices be approved before being released onto the market place. However, in 2012, it was reported that traditional units were still encountered in small manufacturing establishments and in the marketplace alongside CGS, SI and imperial measures, particularly in the poorer areas.[90]

Banana market stall in Kerala, India – the trader is using hexagonal weights – a shape that is consistent with metric weights, both in India[91] and internationally[68]
Banana market stall in Kerala, India – the trader is using hexagonal weights – a shape that is consistent with metric weights, both in India[91] and internationally[68]
The use of the Indian numbering system of crores () and lakhs (), which do not map onto the SI system of prefixes, is widespread and is often found alongside or in place of the western numbering system.[92]

United States

Logo of the American National Metrication Council, an organisation set up by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to coordinate the country's transition to the metric system.
Logo of the American National Metrication Council, an organisation set up by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to coordinate the country's transition to the metric system.
Even though Congress set up a framework for the use of the metric system in the nineteenth century,[93] the United States continues to use US customary units, based on English measure passed by parliament under the reign of Queen Anne in 1706, for most purposes apart from science and medicine.[94] In Puerto Rico, metric units are widely used due to the vast majority of the population having Spanish heritage.[95]

On 10 February 1964, the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology) issued a statement that it was to use SI except where this would have an obvious detrimental effect. In 1968 Congress authorised the U.S. Metric Study the emphasis of which was to examine the feasibility of adopting SI.[96] The first volume was delivered in 1970.[97] The study recommended that the United States adopt the International System of units,[98] and in 1975 Congress passed the Metric Conversion Act of 1975, which established a national policy of coordinating and planning for the increased use of the metric measurement system in the United States.[99] Metrication was voluntary and to be coordinated by the United States Metric Board (USMB).[100]

Efforts during the Ford and Carter administrations to force metrication were seized on by many newspaper editorialists as being dictatorial.[5] Public response included resistance, apathy, and sometimes ridicule.[101] The underlying reasons for this response include a relative uniformity of weights and measures (though, notably, US liquid measure differed by about 20% from British Imperial measure, which was adopted throughout the British Empire in 1824) inherited from the United Kingdom in 1776, a homogeneous economy and the influence of business groups and populists in Congress caused the country to look at the short-term costs associated with the change-over, particularly those that would be borne by the consumer rather than long-term benefits of efficiency and international trade. The Metrication Board was disbanded under President Ronald Reagan's direction in 1982.[5]

The 1988 Omnibus Foreign Trade and Competitiveness Act removed international trade barriers and amended the Metric Conversion Act of 1975, designating the metric system as "the Preferred system of weights and measures for United States trade and commerce". The legislation stated that the federal government has a responsibility to assist industry, especially small business, as it voluntarily converts to the metric system of measurement.[102] Exceptions were made for the highway and construction industries; the Department of Transportation planned to require metric units by 2000, but this plan was cancelled by the 1998 highway bill TEA21.[103] However, the US military uses the metric system widely, partly because of the need to work with armed services from other nations.[104] Although overall responsibility for labelling requirements of consumer goods lies with Congress and is therefore covered by federal law, details of labelling requirements for certain commodities are controlled by state law or by other authorities such as the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency and Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.[105] The federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA), originally passed in 1964, was amended in 1992 to require consumer goods directly under its jurisdiction to be labelled in both customary and metric units. Some industries are engaged in efforts to amend this law to allow manufacturers to use only metric labelling.[106] The National Conference on Weights and Measures has developed the Uniform Packaging and Labeling Regulations (UPLR) which provides a standard approach to those sections of packaging law that are under state control. Acceptance of the UPLR varies from state to state – fourteen states accept it by merely citing it in their legislation.[107]

A 2010 Cadillac SRX. All General Motors products are designed using metric units.
A 2010 Cadillac SRX. All General Motors products are designed using metric units.
During the first decade of the 21st century, the EU directive 80/181/EEC had required that dual unit labelling of goods sold within the EU cease by the end of 2009. This was backed up by requests from other nations including Japan and New Zealand to permit metric-only labelling as an aid to trade with those countries.[105] Opinion in the United States was split – a bill to permit metric-only labelling at the federal level was to have been introduced in 2005 but significant opposition from the Food Marketing Institute, representing US grocers, has delayed the introduction of the bill. During a routine decennial review of the directive in 2008, the EU postponed the sunset clause for dual units indefinitely.

Meanwhile, in 1999 the UPLR was amended to permit metric-only labelling and automatically became law in those states that accept UPLR "as is". By 1 January 2009, 48 out of 50 states permit metric-only labelling, either through UPLR or through their own legislation.[105] the use of metric (and therefore SI) units in the United States does not follow any pattern. Dual-unit labelling on consumer goods is mandatory. Some consumer goods such as soft drinks are sold in metric quantities, but milk is sold in customary units. The engineering industry is equally split. The automotive industry is largely metric,[108] but aircraft such as the Boeing 787 Dreamliner were designed using customary units.[109]






  • 除光速以外,為四個物理常數──普朗克常數基本電荷波茲曼常數阿佛加德羅常數──定義固定精確數值。
  • 淘汰國際公斤原器。
  • 修訂公斤、安培、開爾文及摩爾的現用定義。
  • 所有基本單位的定義措辭改為更加精簡,並須反映出著重點從「單位之定義」轉移至「物理常數之定義」。





