Exercise day02: 1- Logon to the cluster @turing.hpc.odu.edu
Ava@Ava-PC MINGW64 ~/courses/21sp_advgenomics (master)
$ ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Mon Feb 1 10:21:58 2021 from
[jwhal002@turing1 ~]$
2- Make a directory in your course workspace called data
[jwhal002@turing1 john]$ mkdir data
3- Make a directory called exercises in your data directory
[jwhal002@turing1 data]$ mkdir exercises
4- execute a pwd command and start a log of your commands with a header for today's date in your README.md github logfile in your workspace
[jwhal002@turing1 exercises]$ pwd
5- cp the Exercise2.fasta.gz and Exercise2.fastq.tar.gz files into your exercises directory from the
/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/assignments_exercises/day02 directory
[jwhal002@turing1 exercises]$ cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/assignments_exercises/day02/Exercise2* .
6- unzip and untar the files
[jwhal002@turing1 exercises]$ gunzip Exercise2.fasta.gz
[jwhal002@turing1 exercises]$ tar -xvzf Exercise2.fastq.tar.gz
8- calculate how many sequences are in each file and add these results to your notebook file
[jwhal002@turing1 exercises]$ grep -c '>' Exercise2.fasta
[jwhal002@turing1 exercises]$ wc -l Exercise2.fastq
245216 Exercise2.fastq
[jwhal002@turing1 exercises]$ echo 245216/4 |bc
9- cp the avg_cov_len_fasta_advbioinf.py from the /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts directory into your class scripts directory
[jwhal002@turing1 exercises]$ cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/avg_cov_len_fasta_advbioinf.py ../../scripts/
10- start an interactive compute session and re-navigate to your exercises directory
[jwhal002@turing1 exercises]$ salloc salloc: Pending job allocation 9271631
salloc: job 9271631 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 9271631 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 9271631
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 exercises]$
11- run the avg_cov_len_fasta_DJB.py script on your Exercise2.fasta file by typing the path to the script followed by the Exercise2.fasta file name
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-005 exercises]$ ../../scripts/avg_cov_len_fasta_advbioinf.py Exercise2.fasta
The total number of sequences is 138
The average sequence length is 126640
The total number of bases is 17476447
The minimum sequence length is 1122
The maximum sequence length is 562680
The N50 is 187037
Median Length = 92612
contigs < 150bp = 0
contigs >= 500bp = 138
contigs >= 1000bp = 138
contigs >= 2000bp = 135
13- push your notebook file to your github page
Ava@Ava-PC MINGW64 ~/courses/21sp_advgenomics/21sp_johns_advgenomics_log (main)
$ git add README.md
Ava@Ava-PC MINGW64 ~/courses/21sp_advgenomics/21sp_johns_advgenomics_log (main)
$ git commit -m 'updating readme'
1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 11 deletion(-)
Ava@Ava-PC MINGW64 ~/courses/21sp_advgenomics/21sp_johns_advgenomics_log (main)
$ git push -u origin main
Logon failed, use ctrl+c to cancel basic credential prompt.
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 797 bytes | 797.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), completed with 1 local object.
To https://github.com/whalenjc/21sp_johns_advgenomics_log.git
22798ce..140f434 main -> main
Branch 'main' set up to track remote branch 'main' from 'origin'.
1- Write an sbatch script to cp the files /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/originalfastqs/ into your own data directory John-HADB02
[jwhal002@coreV2-25-072 data]$ nano DBcopylane02.sh
2- Add the content of your sbatch script to your logfile
[jwhal002@coreV2-25-072 data]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV2-25-072 data]$ cat DBcopylane02.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o DBcopylane02.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=DBcopylane02
cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/originalfastqs/HADB02* .
[jwhal002@coreV2-25-072 data]$
3- submit the slurm script (sbatch scripname.sh) and verify that it's working (by squeue -u yourusername multiple times and checking the destination directory to make sure the files are being created)
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 data]$ sbatch DBcopylane02.sh
Submitted batch job 9271688
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 data]$ squeue -u jwhal002
9271688 main DBcopyla jwhal002 R 0:02 1 coreV2-25-047
9271631 main sh jwhal002 R 1:34:06 1 coreV1-22-016
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 data]$
4- Make sure this is all documented on your github notebook 5- Write a sbatch script to gunzip all the fastq.gz files in your data directory
[jwhal002@coreV2-25-072 data]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV2-25-072 data]$ cat DBgunziplane02.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o DBgunziplane02.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=DBgunziplane02
gunzip *fastq.gz
[jwhal002@coreV2-25-072 data]$ sbatch DBgunziplane02.sh
Submitted batch job 9270464
6- Push your notebook file to your github page (document everything on your github notebook, drink a beer, and realize that all that work was just to get the data organized to start looking at it!)
day03 homework
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 john]$ pwd
- cp the /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/assignments_exercises/day03 directory (and files) to your sandbox
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 john]$ cp -r /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/assignments_exercises/day03/ .
- mkdir a fastq directory in your data directory and mv all the .fastq files into this directory
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 john]$ cd data
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 data]$ mkdir fastq
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 data]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 data]$ mv *fastq.gz ./fastq/
- cp the renamingtable_complete.txt from the day03 directory into your fastq directory and the /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/renamer_advbioinf.py script into your sandbox scripts folder and less the new script and check out the usage statement
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 data]$ cp ../day03/renamingtable_complete.txt fastq/
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 data]$ cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/renamer_advbioinf.py ../scripts/
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 data]$ less -s ../scripts/renamer_advbioinf.py
- run the renamer_advbioinf.py script in your fastq folder using the renamingtable_complete.txt as practice and verify the output to the screen by hand
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 data]$ cd fastq/
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ ../../scripts/renamer_advbioinf.py renamingtable_complete.txt
mv HADB02-A_S33_L003_R1_001.fastq VA_W_02_14.fastq
mv HADB02-B_S34_L003_R1_001.fastq VA_B_02_14.fastq
mv HADB02-C_S35_L003_R1_001.fastq RI_W_02_14.fastq
mv HADB02-D_S36_L003_R1_001.fastq RI_B_02_14.fastq
mv HADB02-E_S37_L003_R1_001.fastq VA_W_02_22.fastq
mv HADB02-F_S38_L003_R1_001.fastq VA_B_02_22.fastq
mv HADB02-G_S39_L003_R1_001.fastq RI_W_02_22.fastq
mv HADB02-H_S40_L003_R1_001.fastq RI_B_02_22.fastq
mv HADB02-I_S41_L003_R1_001.fastq VA_W_02_18.fastq
mv HADB02-J_S42_L003_R1_001.fastq VA_B_02_18.fastq
mv HADB02-K_S43_L003_R1_001.fastq RI_W_02_18.fastq
mv HADB02-L_S44_L003_R1_001.fastq RI_B_02_18.fastq
mv HADB02-M_S45_L003_R1_001.fastq VA_W_09_SNP.fastq
mv HADB02-N_S46_L003_R1_001.fastq VA_B_08_SNP.fastq
mv HADB02-O_S47_L003_R1_001.fastq RI_W_09_SNP.fastq
mv HADB02-P_S48_L003_R1_001.fastq RI_B_09_SNP.fastq
- Uncomment the last line of the renaming script in your scripts folder that starts with os.popen and comment out the next to last line that starts with print
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ nano renamer_advbioinf.py [jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ cat renamer_advbioinf.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
####usage renamer.py renamingtable
#### this script take the entries in the first column of table and renames (mv's) them to files with the names in the second column
import sys
import os
for line in fin:
if linecount>=2:
# print 'mv %s %s' %(cols[0], cols[1])
os.popen('mv %s %s' %(cols[0], cols[1]))
- write a sbatch script and submit it to rename all the .fastq files according to the renaming table using your renamer_advbioinf.py script
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ cat john_renamer.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o john_renamer.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=fastqrenamer
renamer_advbioinf.py renamingtable_complete.txt
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ sbatch john_renamer.sh
Submitted batch job 9271704
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ squeue -u jwhal002
9271704 main fastqren jwhal002 PD 0:00 1 (Priority)
9271631 main sh jwhal002 R 2:06:23 1 coreV1-22-016
- Make sure this is all documented on your github page
Ava@Ava-PC MINGW64 ~/courses/21sp_advgenomics/21sp_johns_advgenomics_log (main)
$ pwd
Ava@Ava-PC MINGW64 ~/courses/21sp_advgenomics/21sp_johns_advgenomics_log (main)
$ git add README.md
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in README.md.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory
Ava@Ava-PC MINGW64 ~/courses/21sp_advgenomics/21sp_johns_advgenomics_log (main)
$ git commit -m 'updating readme'
[main 2f6d26b] updating readme
1 file changed, 138 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Ava@Ava-PC MINGW64 ~/courses/21sp_advgenomics/21sp_johns_advgenomics_log (main)
$ git push -u origin main
Logon failed, use ctrl+c to cancel basic credential prompt.
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 3.28 KiB | 839.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
To https://github.com/whalenjc/21sp_johns_advgenomics_log.git
140f434..2f6d26b main -> main
Branch 'main' set up to track remote branch 'main' from 'origin'.
- The naming convention for the files is as follows:
- There are 2 sources: Virginia and Rhode Island
- There are 2 symbiotic states: Brown and White
- Next, you're going to start the process of adapter clipping and quality trimming all the renamed .fastq files in batches, by lane
- cp the script /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/Trimclipfilterstatsbatch_advbioinf.py into your scripts directory
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/Trimclipfilterstatsbatch_advbioinf.py ../../scripts/
- Less/head the new script and check out the usage statement
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ head -5 ../../scripts/Trimclipfilterstatsbatch_advbioinf.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Written by Dan Barshis
import sys, os
- cp the /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/assignments_exercises/day03/adapterlist_advbioinf.txt into the working directory with your fastq files
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ cp /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/assignments_exercises/day03/adapterlist_advbioinf.txt .
- Make a sbatch script for the Trimclipfilter... script and run it on your fastq files
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$ cat TestTrimClip.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o jcw_testTrimclip.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=jcwTrimTest
../../scripts/Trimclupfilterstatsbatch_advbioinf.py adapterlist_advbioinf.txt *.fastq
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-016 fastq]$
[jwhal002@coreV2-25-035 fastq]$ sbatch FullTrimClip.sh
Submitted batch job 9271757
- This will take a while (like days)
- Now might be a good time to update everything on your github
1-Add your trimclipstats.txt output to the full class datafile /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/Fulltrimclipstatstable.txt using the following steps
1a-run /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/Schafran_trimstatstable_advbioinf_clippedtrimmed.py -h to examine usage
[jwhal002@coreV2-22-007 fastq]$ /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/Schafran_trimstatstable_advbioinf_clippedtrimmed.py -h
Written by Peter Schafran [email protected] 5-Oct-2015
This script takes a stats output file from fastx_clipper and converts it into a table.
Usage: Schafran_trimstatstable.py [-c, -v, -h] inputfile.txt outputfile.txt
Options (-c and -v must be listed separately to run together):
-h Display this help message
-c Use comma delimiter instead of tabs
-v Verbose mode (print steps to stdout)
1b-Run the script on your data with the outputfilename YOURNAME_trimclipstatsout.txt
[jwhal002@coreV2-22-007 filteringstats]$ /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/Schafran_trimstatstable_advbioinf_clippedtrimmed.py trimclipstats.txt jcw_trimclipstatsout.txt
1c-Add YOURNAME_trimclipstatsout.txt to the class file by running tail -n +2 YOURNAME_trimclipstatsout.txt >> /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/Fulltrimclipstatstable.txt
[jwhal002@coreV2-22-007 filteringstats]$ tail -n +2 jcw_trimclipstatsout.txt >> /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/Fulltrimclipstatstable.txt
2-Now we're going to map our reads back to our assembly using 3-write a sbatch script to do the following commands in sequence on your _clippedtrimmedfilterd.fastq datafiles from your lane of data
[jwhal002@coreV2-22-007 QCFastqs]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV2-22-007 QCFastqs]$ cat bowtielane2.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o jcwbowtie2.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=jcwbow
module load bowtie2/2.2.4
for i in *_clippedtrimmed.fastq; do bowtie2 --rg-id ${i%_clippedtrimmed.fastq} \
--rg SM:${i%_clippedtrimmed.fastq} \
--very-sensitive -x /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/18AdvBioinf/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/refassembly/ast_hostsym -U $i \
> ${i%_clippedtrimmedfilterd.fastq}.sam; done
[jwhal002@coreV2-22-007 QCFastqs]$ sbatch bowtielane2.sh
Submitted batch job 9272171
4-Submit and add everything to your logfile
Homework day05 (document all this in your logfile, don't forget to pwd before each entry to remind yourself where you were working): 1-Team up with a partner for this one and work only on a combined set of data for your two lanes of sequences 2-Run the Trinity denovo assembler on your clippedtrimmed.fastq files for your two lanes together 3-Modify the below sbatch script (note the differences in the header compared to the previous one)
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-002 QCFastqs]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-002 QCFastqs]$ cat jcw_trinity.sh
#! /bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o jcw_trinity.txt
#SBATCH -n 32
#SBATCH -p himem
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=jcw_trinity
module load container_env trinity
crun Trinity --seqType fq --max_memory 768G --normalize_reads --single RI_B_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_05_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_05_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_B_09_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,RI_W_09_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_B_08_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq,VA_W_09_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq --CPU 32
4-Check https://trinityrnaseq.github.io/ for usage info 5-Submit your trinity script
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-002 QCFastqs]$ sbatch jcw_trinity.sh
1- start an interactive session via salloc and run the /cm/shared/apps/trinity/2.0.6/util/TrinityStats.pl script on your Trinity.fasta output from your assembly
[jwhal002@coreV2-22-028 djbtestassembly]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV2-22-028 djbtestassembly]$ ls
[jwhal002@coreV2-22-028 djbtestassembly]$ /cm/shared/apps/trinity/2.0.6/util/TrinityStats.pl Trinity.fasta
## Counts of transcripts, etc.
Total trinity 'genes': 20980
Total trinity transcripts: 21992
Percent GC: 46.21
Stats based on ALL transcript contigs:
Contig N10: 1178
Contig N20: 694
Contig N30: 514
Contig N40: 414
Contig N50: 347
Median contig length: 273
Average contig: 356.95
Total assembled bases: 7850006
## Stats based on ONLY LONGEST ISOFORM per 'GENE':
Contig N10: 1027
Contig N20: 643
Contig N30: 486
Contig N40: 397
Contig N50: 336
Median contig length: 271
Average contig: 347.72
Total assembled bases: 7295061
2- compare this with the output from avg_cov_len_fasta_advbioinf.py on our class reference assembly (/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/refassembly/15079_Apoc_hostsym.fasta) and add both to your logfile
[jwhal002@turing1 fastq]$ /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/avg_cov_len_fasta_advbioinf.py /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/refassembly/15079_Apoc_hostsym.fasta
The total number of sequences is 15079
The average sequence length is 876
The total number of bases is 13210470
The minimum sequence length is 500
The maximum sequence length is 10795
The N50 is 881
Median Length = 578
contigs < 150bp = 0
contigs >= 500bp = 15079
contigs >= 1000bp = 3660
contigs >= 2000bp = 536
3- less or head your bowtie2 job output file to look at your alignment statistics and calculate the following from the information:
[jwhal002@turing1 QCFastqs]$ tail jcwbowtie2.txt
1228 (8.21%) aligned 0 times
367 (2.45%) aligned exactly 1 time
13363 (89.34%) aligned >1 times
91.79% overall alignment rate
167481650 reads; of these:
167481650 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
12023876 (7.18%) aligned 0 times
7634379 (4.56%) aligned exactly 1 time
147823395 (88.26%) aligned >1 times
92.82% overall alignment rate
a-the mean percent "overall alignment rate"
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ grep "overall alignment rate" jcwbowtie2.txt | cut -d "%" -f 1
b-the mean percent reads "aligned exactly 1 time"
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ grep "aligned exactly 1 time" jcwbowtie2.txt | cut -d "%" -f 1 | cut -d "(" -f 2
c-the mean number of reads "aligned exactly 1 time"
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ grep "aligned exactly 1 time" jcwbowtie2.txt | cut -d " " -f 5
d-the mean percent reads "aligned >1 times"
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ grep "aligned >1 time" jcwbowtie2.txt | cut -d "%" -f 1 | cut -d "(" -f 2
hint use grep and paste into excel
4- add your statistics as single rows to the shared table /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/alignmentstatstable.txt as tab-delimited text in the following order: LaneX_yourinitials b-the mean percent "overall alignment rate" c-the mean percent reads "aligned exactly 1 time" d-the mean number of reads "aligned exactly 1 time" e-the mean percent reads "aligned >1 times"
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ pwd /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/john/data/fastq/QCFastqs [jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ nano alignstatsjcw2.txt
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ cat alignstatsjcw2.txt >> /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/alignmentstatstable.txt
5- Data cleanup and archiving: a-mv your Trinity.fasta file from your trinity_out_dir to a folder called testassembly in your data directory
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ mkdir testassembly ../../
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ mv djbtestassembly/Trinity.fasta ../../testassembly/
b-set up a sbatch script to:
rm -r YOURtrinity_out_dir
rm -r YOURoriginalfastqs
rm -r YOURfilteringstats # as long as you've already appended your filteringstats output to the class table as part of homework_day04.txt
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ nano rmfiles.sh
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 fastq]$ cat rmfiles.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o rmfiles.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=rming
rm -r /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/john/data/fastq/QCFastqs/21sampleassembly_trinity_out_dir
rm -r /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/john/data/fastq/originalfastqs
rm -r /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/john/data/fastq/filteringstats
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 fastq]$ sbatch rmfiles.sh
Submitted batch job 9272889
6- submit a blast against sprot from your testassembly folder using the following command
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 testassembly]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 testassembly]$ nano jcw_blast2sprot.sh
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 testassembly]$ cat jcw_blast2sprot.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o jcw_blast2prot.txt
#SBATCH -n 6
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=b2p
module load container_env blast
blastx -query Trinity.fasta -db /cm/shared/apps/blast/databases/uniprot_sprot_Sep2018 -out blastx.outfmt6 \
-evalue 1e-20 -num_threads 6 -max_target_seqs 1 -outfmt 6
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 testassembly]$ sbatch jcw_blast2sprot.sh
Submitted batch job 9272890
7- head one of your .sam files to look at the header
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ head RI_B_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq.sam
@HD VN:1.0 SO:unsorted
@SQ SN:AstrangiaT1FW_1 LN:4823
@SQ SN:AstrangiaT1FW_10 LN:1096
@SQ SN:AstrangiaT1FW_11 LN:2560
@SQ SN:AstrangiaT1FW_12 LN:2686
@SQ SN:AstrangiaT1FW_13 LN:629
@SQ SN:AstrangiaT1FW_15 LN:582
@SQ SN:AstrangiaT1FW_16 LN:502
@SQ SN:AstrangiaT1FW_17 LN:1492
@SQ SN:AstrangiaT1FW_18 LN:1197
8- grep -v '@' your.sam | head to look at the sequence read lines, why does this work to exclude the header lines?
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ grep -v "@" RI_B_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq.sam | head
9- in an interactive session run /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/get_explain_sam_flags_advbioinf.py on 2-3 of your .sam files using * to select 2-3 at the same time.
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-024 QCFastqs]$ /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/get_explain_sam_flags_advbioinf.py *2_14*.sam
['0', '4', '16']
0 :
4 :
read unmapped
16 :
read reverse strand
['0', '4', '16']
0 :
4 :
read unmapped
16 :
read reverse strand
['0', '4', '16']
0 :
4 :
read unmapped
16 :
read reverse strand
['0', '4', '16']
0 :
4 :
read unmapped
16 :
read reverse strand
10- we need to run the read sorting step required for SNP calling, so if you have time, set up and run the following script on your .sam files to finish before Wednesday:
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-001 QCFastqs]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-001 QCFastqs]$ nano bamandsort.sh
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-001 QCFastqs]$ cat bamandsort.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o jcwbamandsort.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=jcwbambam
module load samtools/1
for i in *.sam; do `samtools view -bS $i > ${i%.sam}_UNSORTED.bam`; done
for i in *UNSORTED.bam; do samtools sort $i > ${i%_UNSORTED.bam}.bam
samtools index ${i%_UNSORTED.bam}.bam
[jwhal002@coreV1-22-001 QCFastqs]$ sbatch bamandsort.sh
Submitted batch job 9273039
assess the quality of your assembly, cleanup data, start genotyping:
1- Run the following command on your sprot output file to process into the contig length/match format that trinity examines
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-040 testassembly]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-040 testassembly]$ nano blastparse.sh
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-040 testassembly]$ cat blastparse.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o jcw_blastx.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --mail-user=jwhal002.odu.edu
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=jcwblastx
/cm/shared/apps/trinity/2.0.6/util/analyze_blastPlus_topHit_coverage.pl djbblastx.outfmt6 Trinity.fasta /cm/shared/apps/blast/databases/uniprot_sprot_Sep2018.fasta
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-040 testassembly]$ sbatch blastparse.sh
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-040 testassembly]$ cat jcw_blastx.txt
Error: Couldn't open 15079_Apoc_hostsym.fasta
#hit_pct_cov_bin count_in_bin >bin_below
100 143 143
90 52 195
80 77 272
70 87 359
60 110 469
50 133 602
40 219 821
30 395 1216
20 726 1942
10 674 2616
2- Rm UNSORTED.bam
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-040 QCFastqs]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-040 QCFastqs]$ nano rmunsortbam.sh
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-040 QCFastqs]$ sbatch rmunsortbam.sh
Submitted batch job 9276498
3- Run the following to start genotyping your SNPs for filtering next class
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-040 QCFastqs]$ nano freebayessubref.sh [jwhal002@coreV3-23-040 QCFastqs]$ cat freebayessubref.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o freebayessubref.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=freeb
module load dDocent
freebayes --genotype-qualities -f /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/john/data/testassembly/Trinty.fasta *.fastq.bam > jcwmergedfastqs.vcf
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-040 QCFastqs]$ sbatch freebayessubref.sh
Submitted batch job 9276575
Day08-VCF Filtering
1- Clean up your datcd ../../a directory by: -Making a SAMS folder and mv all your .sam files into that directory
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-003 QCFastqs]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-003 QCFastqs]$ mkdir ../../SAMS
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-003 QCFastqs]$ mv *.sam ../../SAMS/
-Make a BAMS folder and mv all your .bam files and .bam.bai files into that directory
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-003 QCFastqs]$ mkdir ../../BAMS
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-003 QCFastqs]$ mv *.bam *.bam.bai ../../BAMS/
-rm your _unfiltered.vcf files if you have any
-rm your .fastq files
-Make a VCF folder in your data directory and mv your YOURNAMEmergedfastqs.vcf into this directory (if your freebayes job didn't complete then skip this step)
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-003 QCFastqs]$ mkdir ../../VCF
2- Start an interactive session via salloc 3- cp the /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/VCF/mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf to your VCF folder
4- Determine the number of individuals and variant sites in the class vcf file (and yours if it worked) using: /cm/shared/apps/vcftools/0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf
5- cp the /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/VCF/GoodCoralGenelistForVCFSubsetter.txt into your directory with your .vcf files
6- Run our host vcf extractor on your merged vcf file using the following syntax:
/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvBioinf/scripts/21Sp_vcfsubsetter_advbioinf.py GoodCoralGenelistForVCFSubsetter.txt mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf
7- Compare the number of variant sites in your three files (YOURNAMEmergedfastqs.vcf, mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf, and mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset.vcf) using: /cm/shared/apps/vcftools/0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf
8- Work through the VCF filtering tutorial until the following step:
Now that we have a list of individuals to remove, we can feed that directly into VCFtools for filtering.
vcftools --vcf raw.g5mac3dp3.recode.vcf --remove lowDP.indv --recode --recode-INFO-all --out raw.g5mac3dplm
1- Run one of the following sets of prescribed filters on your mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset.vcf, note these are fairly conservative filters ##Half the class run the following /cm/shared/apps/vcftools/0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset.vcf --maf 0.015 --max-alleles 2 --max-missing 0.5 --minQ 30 --minGQ 20 --minDP 3 --remove-indels --hwe 0.01 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out 18718_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_ClassFilters
[jwhal002@turing1 VCF]$ pwd
[jwhal002@turing1 VCF]$ /cm/shared/apps/vcftools/0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf --maf 0.015 --max-alleles 2 --max-missing 0.5 --minQ 30 --minGQ 20 --minDP 3 --remove-indels --hwe 0.01 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out 18718_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_ClassFilters
VCFtools - v0.1.12b
(C) Adam Auton and Anthony Marcketta 2009
Parameters as interpreted:
--vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly.vcf
--maf 0.015
--max-alleles 2
--minDP 3
--minGQ 20
--hwe 0.01
--minQ 30
--max-missing 0.5
--out 18718_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_ClassFilters
After filtering, kept 40 out of 40 Individuals
Outputting VCF file...
After filtering, kept 33181 out of a possible 1214003 Sites
Run Time = 37.00 seconds
##the other half run the filters we used from the paper /cm/shared/apps/vcftools/0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset.vcf --max-missing 0.5 --mac 3 --minQ 30 --minDP 10 --max-alleles 2 --maf 0.015 --remove-indels --recode --recode-INFO-all --out 1578_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_HEAFilters
2- Make a population file containing two columns with no header, tab delimited text the first column should be the individual name and the second column the population to which that individual belongs
[jwhal002@turing1 VCF]$ cut -f 1 out.imiss | tail -n +2
[jwhal002@turing1 VCF]$ cat popnames.txt
RI_W_06_merged RI_W
RI_W_07_merged RI_W
VA_B_03_merged VA_B
RI_W_02_merged RI_W
RI_W_04_merged RI_W
VA_W_09_SNP_clipped VA_W
RI_B_08_SNP_clipped RI_B
VA_W_08_SNP_clipped VA_W
VA_B_08_SNP_clipped VA_B
VA_W_02_merged VA_W
VA_B_07_merged VA_B
RI_B_05_merged RI_B
VA_W_06_merged VA_W
VA_W_04_merged VA_W
VA_W_01_merged VA_W
VA_B_10_SNP_clipped VA_B
VA_B_06_merged VA_B
VA_W_05_merged VA_W
RI_B_09_SNP_clipped RI_B
VA_W_10_SNP_clipped VA_W
RI_W_08_SNP_clipped RI_W
RI_B_06_merged RI_B
RI_W_10_SNP_clipped RI_W
RI_B_04_merged RI_B
VA_W_03_merged VA_W
RI_B_07_merged RI_B
RI_W_05_merged RI_W
RI_W_09_SNP_clipped RI_W
VA_B_01_merged VA_B
VA_B_09_SNP_clipped VA_B
RI_B_10_SNP_clipped RI_B
RI_W_01_merged RI_W
RI_B_01_merged RI_B
VA_B_04_merged VA_B
RI_B_02_merged RI_B
RI_W_03_merged RI_W
VA_B_02_merged VA_B
VA_W_07_merged VA_W
VA_B_05_merged VA_B
RI_B_03_merged RI_B
3- Convert your filtered .vcf file to genepop format using the following command:
/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/vcftogenepop_advbioinf.py YOURFILTERED.vcf YOUR_PopFile.txt
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-004 VCF]$ /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/vcftogenepop_advbioinf.py 18718_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_ClassFilters.recode.vcf popfile.txt
Indivs with genotypes in vcf file: RI_W_06_merged RI_W_07_merged VA_B_03_merged RI_W_02_merged RI_W_04_merged VA_W_09_SNP_clipped RI_B_08_SNP_clipped VA_W_08_SNP_clipped VA_B_08_SNP_clipped VA_W_02_merged VA_B_07_merged RI_B_05_merged VA_W_06_merged VA_W_04_merged VA_W_01_merged VA_B_10_SNP_clipped VA_B_06_merged VA_W_05_merged RI_B_09_SNP_clipped VA_W_10_SNP_clipped RI_W_08_SNP_clipped RI_B_06_merged RI_W_10_SNP_clipped RI_B_04_merged VA_W_03_merged RI_B_07_merged RI_W_05_merged RI_W_09_SNP_clipped VA_B_01_merged VA_B_09_SNP_clipped RI_B_10_SNP_clipped RI_W_01_merged RI_B_01_merged VA_B_04_merged RI_B_02_merged RI_W_03_merged VA_B_02_merged VA_W_07_merged VA_B_05_merged RI_B_03_merged
44 11717 11717 11717 11717 40
4- SCP your YOURFILE_allfilters.recode_subset_genepop.gen file to your laptop
$ scp [email protected]:/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxe
nepop.gen ~/courses/21sp_advgenomics/
5- Switch to the adegenet_PCAs.R script and follow through the steps to produce some of the figures.
> setwd("/Users/Ava/courses/21sp_advgenomics")
> datafile<-read.genepop('18718_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_ClassFilters.recode_genepop.gen', ncode=2)
Converting data from a Genepop .gen file to a genind object...
File description: AllSNPs
> sum(is.na(datafile$tab))
[1] 332532
> datafile #shows info
/// GENIND OBJECT /////////
// 40 individuals; 11,717 loci; 23,434 alleles; size: 10.7 Mb
// Basic content
@tab: 40 x 23434 matrix of allele counts
@loc.n.all: number of alleles per locus (range: 2-2)
@loc.fac: locus factor for the 23434 columns of @tab
@all.names: list of allele names for each locus
@ploidy: ploidy of each individual (range: 2-2)
@type: codom
@call: read.genepop(file = "18718_mergedfastq_HEAAstrangiaAssembly_subset_ClassFilters.recode_genepop.gen",
ncode = 2)
// Optional content
@pop: population of each individual (group size range: 10-10)
> YOURdata<-scaleGen(datafile, NA.method='mean')
> X<-YOURdata
> Y<-as.factor(substring(pop(datafile),1,4))
> pca1 <- dudi.pca(X,cent=F, scale=F, scannf=F, nf=3)
> #color symbols, pop names
> pdf("YOURINITIALS_ColorPCA1v2.pdf")
> col <- c("blue","red", "green", "black")
> s.class(pca1$li, Y,xax=1,yax=2, col=transp(col,.6), axesell=F, cstar=0, cpoint=3, grid=FALSE)
> title("PCA of DJB_data\naxes 1-2")
> dev.off()
null device
1- Work through the adegenet_PCAs.R script and follow through the steps to produce some of the figures.
###run step 2 as an sbatch .sh script because it will take a while to finish 2- cd into your SAMS folder containing your .sams and run the following as an sbatch script on your sam files to generate read mapping counts from each individual file: /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/countxpression_SB_advbioinf.py *.sam
[jwhal002@coreV2-25-002 SAMS]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV2-25-002 SAMS]$ /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/countxpression_SB_advbioinf.py *.sam
3- Once your job from step 1 is finished, start an salloc session and run the following on your outputted _counts.txt files: /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/ParseExpression2BigTable_advbioinf.py /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/host_genelist.txt YOURNAMEFullCounts_summed.txt NoMatch *_counts.txt
[jwhal002@coreV2-25-017 SAMS]$ /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/scripts/ParseExpression2BigTable_advbioinf.py /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/host_genelist.txt jcwFullCounts_summed.txt NoMatch *_counts.txt
Hits not matchedRI_B_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 RI_B_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 RI_B_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 RI_B_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 RI_B_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 RI_B_09_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 RI_W_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 RI_W_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 RI_W_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 RI_W_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 RI_W_06_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 RI_W_09_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 VA_B_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 VA_B_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 VA_B_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 VA_B_06_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=1698 VA_B_08_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 VA_W_02_14_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 VA_W_02_18_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 VA_W_02_22_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381 VA_W_09_SNP_clippedtrimmed.fastq_counts.txt=13381
4- scp YOURNAMEFullCounts_summed.txt to your laptop
Ava@Ava-PC MINGW64 ~/courses/21sp_advgenomics/assignments_exercises/day10 (main)
$ scp [email protected]:/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/john/data/SAMS/jcwFullCo
unts_summed.txt ./
[email protected]'s password:
jcwFullCounts_summed.txt 100% 2112KB 4.0MB/s 00:00
5- edit the first line of YOURNAMEFullCounts_summed.txt to remove the _counts.txt_UniqueTotReads from each sample name to just retain the actual informative part of the sample name (e.g., RI_W_06_18)
find what:\t(\w\w_\w_\d\d_...)\w*.\w*.\w* replace with:\t\1
1- create an sbatch script to rm -r your sandbox/YOURNAME directory
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-046 sandboxes]$ pwd
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-046 sandboxes]$ cat jcw_sandbox_rm.sh
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -o jcw_sandbox_rm.txt
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=jcw_sandy_rm
rm -r ./john
2- submit your sbatch script and add the entry to your logfile/readme
[jwhal002@coreV3-23-046 sandboxes]$ sbatch jcw_sandbox_rm.sh
3- scp your github logfile to the /cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/archive with the name LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_readme.md
Ava@Ava-PC MINGW64 ~/courses/21sp_advgenomics/21sp_johns_advgenomics_log (main)
$ scp README.md [email protected]:/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/archive
[email protected]'s password:
README.md 100% 42KB 182.6KB/s 00:00
4- scp the following files to your local computer scp [email protected]:/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/refassembly/15079_Apoc_hostsym.fasta ./ scp [email protected]:/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/classdata/Astrangia_poculata/refassembly/15079_Apoc_hostsym.fasta.fai ./ scp [email protected]:/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/dan/data/BAMS/RI_B_01/RI_B_01.bam ./ scp [email protected]:/cm/shared/courses/dbarshis/21AdvGenomics/sandboxes/dan/data/BAMS/RI_B_01/RI_B_01.bam.bai ./ 5- launch IGV on your local machine and load in 15079_Apoc_hostsym.fasta as the "genome" and RI_B_01.bam as the input file