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Webpage Maintenance

Eduardo Ulibarri Toledo edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 5 revisions

Project's Website

The website for the project is currently hosted in: It is a React webpage automatically generated by Docusaurus.

Pushes to the main branch trigger an automatic re-build and re-publish of the page with the latest changes (if any). This is done with the following GitHub action.

Website edition

The website contents are located:

  1. Inside the website folder: Docusaurus configuration files, React pages, header/footer/sidebar contents, etc.
  2. Inside the docs folder: Markdown files, first processed by mdoc and eventually by Docusaurus to create the Web Docs.

Website creation guidelines

Web pages

In order to create new pages, create a JS file inside website/src/pages for Docusaurus to be aware of its existence and assign them a URL based on their location inside the pages folder.

Web docs

Create new pages using markdown syntax inside the docs folder. These pages will be processed by mdoc and assigned a URL inside /docs by docusaurus when running the task docs/docusaurusCreateSite from SBT.

Issues while creating the webpage

In order to use mdoc in combination with docusaurus, this guide was followed. However, minor issues occurred:

  1. The package.json had to be modified to include the script publish-gh-pages.
  2. The Docusaurus config file had to be modified to indicate what the location of the markdown files with the web docs is.