diff --git a/src/wrapper/CollectionsClient.ts b/src/wrapper/CollectionsClient.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d0e425..0000000
--- a/src/wrapper/CollectionsClient.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-import { Collections } from "../api/resources/collections/client/Client";
-import { Client as Items } from "./ItemsClient";
-// Client adapts the base client to permit extra properties in
-// the client.Collections.Items.createItem request.
-export class Client extends Collections {
- constructor(protected readonly _options: Collections.Options) {
- super(_options);
- }
- protected _items: Items | undefined;
- public get items(): Items {
- return (this._items ??= new Items(this._options));
- }
diff --git a/src/wrapper/ItemsClient.ts b/src/wrapper/ItemsClient.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e1a11ca..0000000
--- a/src/wrapper/ItemsClient.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-import urlJoin from "url-join";
-import * as Webflow from "../api";
-import { Items } from "../api/resources/collections/resources/items/client/Client";
-import * as core from "../core";
-import * as environments from "../environments";
-import * as errors from "../errors";
-import * as serializers from "../serialization";
-// Client adapts the base client to permit extra properties in
-// the client.Collections.Items.createItem, createItemLive, and createItemForMultipleLocales request.
-export class Client extends Items {
- constructor(protected readonly _options: Items.Options) {
- super(_options);
- }
- /**
- * Create Item in a Collection. To create items across multiple locales, please use this endpoint. Required scope | `CMS:write`
- * @throws {@link Webflow.BadRequestError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.UnauthorizedError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.NotFoundError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.TooManyRequestsError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.InternalServerError}
- *
- * @example
- * await webflow.collections.items.createItem("collection_id", {
- * id: "42b720ef280c7a7a3be8cabe",
- * cmsLocaleId: "653ad57de882f528b32e810e",
- * lastPublished: "2022-11-29T16:22:43.159Z",
- * lastUpdated: "2022-11-17T17:19:43.282Z",
- * createdOn: "2022-11-17T17:11:57.148Z",
- * isArchived: false,
- * isDraft: false,
- * fieldData: {
- * name: "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster Recipe",
- * slug: "pan-galactic-gargle-blaster"
- * }
- * })
- */
- public async createItem(
- collectionId: string,
- request: Webflow.CollectionItem,
- requestOptions?: Items.RequestOptions
- ): Promise {
- const _response = await core.fetcher({
- url: urlJoin(
- (await core.Supplier.get(this._options.environment)) ?? environments.WebflowEnvironment.Default,
- `collections/${encodeURIComponent(collectionId)}/items`
- ),
- method: "POST",
- headers: {
- Authorization: await this._getAuthorizationHeader(),
- "X-Fern-Language": "JavaScript",
- "X-Fern-SDK-Name": "webflow-api",
- "X-Fern-SDK-Version": "2.4.2",
- "User-Agent": "webflow-api/2.4.2",
- "X-Fern-Runtime": core.RUNTIME.type,
- "X-Fern-Runtime-Version": core.RUNTIME.version,
- },
- contentType: "application/json",
- requestType: "json",
- body: serializers.CollectionItem.jsonOrThrow(request, {
- unrecognizedObjectKeys: "passthrough",
- allowUnrecognizedUnionMembers: true,
- allowUnrecognizedEnumValues: true,
- skipValidation: true,
- }),
- timeoutMs: requestOptions?.timeoutInSeconds != null ? requestOptions.timeoutInSeconds * 1000 : 60000,
- maxRetries: requestOptions?.maxRetries,
- abortSignal: requestOptions?.abortSignal,
- });
- if (_response.ok) {
- return serializers.CollectionItem.parseOrThrow(_response.body, {
- unrecognizedObjectKeys: "passthrough",
- allowUnrecognizedUnionMembers: true,
- allowUnrecognizedEnumValues: true,
- skipValidation: true,
- breadcrumbsPrefix: ["response"],
- });
- }
- if (_response.error.reason === "status-code") {
- switch (_response.error.statusCode) {
- case 400:
- throw new Webflow.BadRequestError(_response.error.body);
- case 401:
- throw new Webflow.UnauthorizedError(_response.error.body);
- case 404:
- throw new Webflow.NotFoundError(_response.error.body);
- case 429:
- throw new Webflow.TooManyRequestsError(
- serializers.TooManyRequestsErrorBody.parseOrThrow(_response.error.body, {
- unrecognizedObjectKeys: "passthrough",
- allowUnrecognizedUnionMembers: true,
- allowUnrecognizedEnumValues: true,
- skipValidation: true,
- breadcrumbsPrefix: ["response"],
- })
- );
- case 500:
- throw new Webflow.InternalServerError(_response.error.body);
- default:
- throw new errors.WebflowError({
- statusCode: _response.error.statusCode,
- body: _response.error.body,
- });
- }
- }
- switch (_response.error.reason) {
- case "non-json":
- throw new errors.WebflowError({
- statusCode: _response.error.statusCode,
- body: _response.error.rawBody,
- });
- case "timeout":
- throw new errors.WebflowTimeoutError();
- case "unknown":
- throw new errors.WebflowError({
- message: _response.error.errorMessage,
- });
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create live Item in a Collection. This Item will be published to the live site. To create items across multiple locales, please use this endpoint. Required scope | `CMS:write`
- *
- * @param {string} collectionId - Unique identifier for a Collection
- * @param {Webflow.CollectionItem} request
- * @param {Items.RequestOptions} requestOptions - Request-specific configuration.
- *
- * @throws {@link Webflow.BadRequestError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.UnauthorizedError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.NotFoundError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.TooManyRequestsError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.InternalServerError}
- *
- * @example
- * await client.collections.items.createItemLive("580e63fc8c9a982ac9b8b745", {
- * id: "42b720ef280c7a7a3be8cabe",
- * cmsLocaleId: "653ad57de882f528b32e810e",
- * lastPublished: "2022-11-29T16:22:43.159Z",
- * lastUpdated: "2022-11-17T17:19:43.282Z",
- * createdOn: "2022-11-17T17:11:57.148Z",
- * isArchived: false,
- * isDraft: false,
- * fieldData: {
- * name: "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster Recipe",
- * slug: "pan-galactic-gargle-blaster"
- * }
- * })
- */
- public async createItemLive(
- collectionId: string,
- request: Webflow.CollectionItem,
- requestOptions?: Items.RequestOptions
- ): Promise {
- const _response = await core.fetcher({
- url: urlJoin(
- (await core.Supplier.get(this._options.environment)) ?? environments.WebflowEnvironment.Default,
- `collections/${encodeURIComponent(collectionId)}/items/live`
- ),
- method: "POST",
- headers: {
- Authorization: await this._getAuthorizationHeader(),
- "X-Fern-Language": "JavaScript",
- "X-Fern-SDK-Name": "webflow-api",
- "X-Fern-SDK-Version": "2.4.2",
- "User-Agent": "webflow-api/2.4.2",
- "X-Fern-Runtime": core.RUNTIME.type,
- "X-Fern-Runtime-Version": core.RUNTIME.version,
- },
- contentType: "application/json",
- requestType: "json",
- body: serializers.CollectionItem.jsonOrThrow(request, {
- unrecognizedObjectKeys: "passthrough",
- allowUnrecognizedUnionMembers: true,
- allowUnrecognizedEnumValues: true,
- skipValidation: true,
- }),
- timeoutMs: requestOptions?.timeoutInSeconds != null ? requestOptions.timeoutInSeconds * 1000 : 60000,
- maxRetries: requestOptions?.maxRetries,
- abortSignal: requestOptions?.abortSignal,
- });
- if (_response.ok) {
- return serializers.CollectionItem.parseOrThrow(_response.body, {
- unrecognizedObjectKeys: "passthrough",
- allowUnrecognizedUnionMembers: true,
- allowUnrecognizedEnumValues: true,
- skipValidation: true,
- breadcrumbsPrefix: ["response"],
- });
- }
- if (_response.error.reason === "status-code") {
- switch (_response.error.statusCode) {
- case 400:
- throw new Webflow.BadRequestError(_response.error.body);
- case 401:
- throw new Webflow.UnauthorizedError(_response.error.body);
- case 404:
- throw new Webflow.NotFoundError(_response.error.body);
- case 429:
- throw new Webflow.TooManyRequestsError(
- serializers.TooManyRequestsErrorBody.parseOrThrow(_response.error.body, {
- unrecognizedObjectKeys: "passthrough",
- allowUnrecognizedUnionMembers: true,
- allowUnrecognizedEnumValues: true,
- skipValidation: true,
- breadcrumbsPrefix: ["response"],
- })
- );
- case 500:
- throw new Webflow.InternalServerError(_response.error.body);
- default:
- throw new errors.WebflowError({
- statusCode: _response.error.statusCode,
- body: _response.error.body,
- });
- }
- }
- switch (_response.error.reason) {
- case "non-json":
- throw new errors.WebflowError({
- statusCode: _response.error.statusCode,
- body: _response.error.rawBody,
- });
- case "timeout":
- throw new errors.WebflowTimeoutError();
- case "unknown":
- throw new errors.WebflowError({
- message: _response.error.errorMessage,
- });
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create single Item in a Collection with multiple corresponding locales. Required scope | `CMS:write`
- *
- * @param {string} collectionId - Unique identifier for a Collection
- * @param {Webflow.BulkCollectionItem} request
- * @param {Items.RequestOptions} requestOptions - Request-specific configuration.
- *
- * @throws {@link Webflow.BadRequestError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.UnauthorizedError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.NotFoundError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.TooManyRequestsError}
- * @throws {@link Webflow.InternalServerError}
- *
- * @example
- * await client.collections.items.createItemForMultipleLocales("580e63fc8c9a982ac9b8b745", {
- * id: "580e64008c9a982ac9b8b754"
- * })
- */
- public async createItemForMultipleLocales(
- collectionId: string,
- request: Webflow.BulkCollectionItem,
- requestOptions?: Items.RequestOptions
- ): Promise {
- const _response = await core.fetcher({
- url: urlJoin(
- (await core.Supplier.get(this._options.environment)) ?? environments.WebflowEnvironment.Default,
- `collections/${encodeURIComponent(collectionId)}/items/bulk`
- ),
- method: "POST",
- headers: {
- Authorization: await this._getAuthorizationHeader(),
- "X-Fern-Language": "JavaScript",
- "X-Fern-SDK-Name": "webflow-api",
- "X-Fern-SDK-Version": "2.4.2",
- "User-Agent": "webflow-api/2.4.2",
- "X-Fern-Runtime": core.RUNTIME.type,
- "X-Fern-Runtime-Version": core.RUNTIME.version,
- },
- contentType: "application/json",
- requestType: "json",
- body: serializers.CollectionItem.jsonOrThrow(request, {
- unrecognizedObjectKeys: "passthrough",
- allowUnrecognizedUnionMembers: true,
- allowUnrecognizedEnumValues: true,
- skipValidation: true,
- }),
- timeoutMs: requestOptions?.timeoutInSeconds != null ? requestOptions.timeoutInSeconds * 1000 : 60000,
- maxRetries: requestOptions?.maxRetries,
- abortSignal: requestOptions?.abortSignal,
- });
- if (_response.ok) {
- return serializers.BulkCollectionItem.parseOrThrow(_response.body, {
- unrecognizedObjectKeys: "passthrough",
- allowUnrecognizedUnionMembers: true,
- allowUnrecognizedEnumValues: true,
- skipValidation: true,
- breadcrumbsPrefix: ["response"],
- });
- }
- if (_response.error.reason === "status-code") {
- switch (_response.error.statusCode) {
- case 400:
- throw new Webflow.BadRequestError(_response.error.body);
- case 401:
- throw new Webflow.UnauthorizedError(_response.error.body);
- case 404:
- throw new Webflow.NotFoundError(_response.error.body);
- case 429:
- throw new Webflow.TooManyRequestsError(
- serializers.TooManyRequestsErrorBody.parseOrThrow(_response.error.body, {
- unrecognizedObjectKeys: "passthrough",
- allowUnrecognizedUnionMembers: true,
- allowUnrecognizedEnumValues: true,
- skipValidation: true,
- breadcrumbsPrefix: ["response"],
- })
- );
- case 500:
- throw new Webflow.InternalServerError(_response.error.body);
- default:
- throw new errors.WebflowError({
- statusCode: _response.error.statusCode,
- body: _response.error.body,
- });
- }
- }
- switch (_response.error.reason) {
- case "non-json":
- throw new errors.WebflowError({
- statusCode: _response.error.statusCode,
- body: _response.error.rawBody,
- });
- case "timeout":
- throw new errors.WebflowTimeoutError();
- case "unknown":
- throw new errors.WebflowError({
- message: _response.error.errorMessage,
- });
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/wrapper/WebflowClient.ts b/src/wrapper/WebflowClient.ts
index 3e36de7..60b4f05 100644
--- a/src/wrapper/WebflowClient.ts
+++ b/src/wrapper/WebflowClient.ts
@@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
import qs from "qs";
import { WebflowClient as FernClient } from "../Client";
-import { OauthScope } from "../api/types";
+import { OauthScope } from "../api/types/OAuthScope";
import * as core from "../core";
import * as errors from "../errors";
-import { Client as Collections } from "./CollectionsClient";
export class WebflowClient extends FernClient {
constructor(protected readonly _options: FernClient.Options) {
- protected _collections: Collections | undefined;
- public get collections(): Collections {
- return (this._collections ??= new Collections(this._options));
- }
* @param clientId The OAuth client ID
* @param state The state
@@ -107,7 +100,9 @@ export class WebflowClient extends FernClient {
body: response.error.rawBody,
case "timeout":
- throw new errors.WebflowTimeoutError();
+ throw new errors.WebflowTimeoutError(
+ "Timeout exceeded when calling POST /oauth/token"
+ );
case "unknown":
throw new errors.WebflowError({
message: response.error.errorMessage,