The execNpm
steps enables you to NPM builds within your pipeline
scripts. The step supports the managed file auto lookup mechanism so you
don't have to configure your own npm artifact manager in every job.
The managed file auto lookup is the core functionality of the
step. It reduces the amount of time that must be spend for
configuring npm builds in larger environments to a minimum.
If you are using node.js/NPM to build frontend stuff within your ci
environment you can use the execNpm
step to automatically provide
- managed configuration file to
environment variable - managed configuration file to
environment variable
Given a company with a GIT server at
, a npmrc
setting with id group1-project1-npmrc
and a npm config with id
stored inside Jenkins as ManagedFile.
When you setup your own pipeline library which uses the pipeline-library
all you have to do is to create the file
with this content:
"pattern": "",
"id": "group1-project1-npmrc",
"name": "group1, project1 npmrc",
"comment": "npmrc for group1/project1"
and a file resources/managedfiles/npm/npm-config-userconfig.json
this content:
"pattern": "",
"id": "group1-project1-npm-config",
"name": "group1, project1 npm config",
"comment": "npmrc for group1/project1"
When you now execute the execNpm
Step with
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(SCM) : [ (SCM_URL) : '' ],
(NPM) : [ (NPM_ARGUMENTS): ['run', 'build'] ]
Npm will be executed with this commandline:
npm run build --userconfig /path/to/user/config --globalconfig / path/to/global/config
Complete list of all configuration options.
All configuration options must be inside the npm
map element to be evaluated and used by the step.
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(NPM) : [
(NPM_ARGUMENTS): [ "run", "build" ],
Constant | ConfigConstants.NPM_ARGUMENTS |
Type | List of String or String |
Default | [] |
The arguments which will be placed after the npm
(NPM_ARGUMENTS) : [ "run", "build" ]
or a String
(NPM_ARGUMENTS) : [ "run build" ]
Constant | ConfigConstants.NPM_EXECUTABLE |
Type | Map or String |
Default | null |
Defines the executable to use. Per default execNpm
expects the executable npm
to be in the PATH