Total Course Time: 1:10:22
Total Time: 18:10
- Lecture 1.1: Setting Up Your Development Environment for WAX Blockchain Development, Time: 03:21
- Lecture 1.2: Navigating the GitHub Repository for WAX Smart Contract Development, Time: 03:47
- Lecture 1.3: Setting Up Your Docker Environment for WAX Blockchain Development, Time: 03:40
- Lecture 1.4: Creating and Configuring a Docker Environment for WAX Blockchain Development, Time: 08:22
Total Time: 19:13
- Lecture 2.1: Starting Docker with our WAX Blockchain, Time: 07:04
- Lecture 2.2: Staring produce new WAX blocks with Nodeos, Time: 04:18
- Lecture 2.3: Creating and managing wallets and Importing eosio keys, Time: 07:51
Total Time: 14:41
- Lecture 3.1: Starting our Token Smart Contract, Time: 04:05
- Lecture 3.2: Setting up the Environment to Start Coding, Time: 04:16
- Lecture 3.3: Small Changes on Our Token Smart Contract, Time: 01:37
- Lecture 3.4: Compiling Our Token Smart Contract using eosio-cpp, Time: 02:42
- Lecture 3.5: Deploying Our First Smart Contract to the Blockchain, Time: 02:01
Total Time: 24:48
- Lecture 4.1: Understanding the Token Smart Contract, Time: 04:42
- Lecture 4.2: Creating and Issuing the GOLD Token, Time: 07:11
- Lecture 4.3: Querying Tables using Cleos and Understanding Scopes, Time: 04:43
- Lecture 4.4: Creating the Wood and Food Tokens, Time: 02:14
- Lecture 4.5: Creating New Wallets and Accounts, Time: 05:47
- Lecture 4.6: Transferring Tokens from One Account to Another and Checking Balances, Time: 04:46
Total Course Time: 1:06:47
Total Time: 17:14
- Lecture 1.1: Creating the Game Smart Contract using eosio-init, Time: 03:33
- Lecture 1.2: Understand the Files Generated by eosio-init, Time: 07:48
- Lecture 1.3: Compiling and Deploying the Game Smart Contract, Time: 04:58
- Lecture 1.4: Calling the First Function on Our Game Smart Contract, Time: 01:43
Total Time: 17:14
- Lecture 2.1: Understand the Block Explorer, Tables, and Functions, Time: 03:45
- Lecture 2.2: Creating Our First Smart Contract Table, the Accounts Table, Time: 09:29
- Lecture 2.3: Creating Our First Action - addaccount, Time: 08:34
Total Time: 16:03
- Lecture 3.1: Creating Our First Action - addaccount, Time: 08:34
- Lecture 3.2: Understand the ABI Files and Deploying Our Smart Contract, Time: 04:28
- Lecture 3.3: Interacting and Testing Our Smart Contract, Time: 03:01
Total Time: 16:16
- Lecture 4.1: Receiving Notifications from Other Smart Contracts, Time: 09:24
- Lecture 4.2: Adding the Received Tokens to the User Balance, Time: 06:52
Total Course Time: 1:26:46
Total Time: 15:05
- Lecture 1.1: Testing the Functions to Transfers Tokens into the Game and Check the Results on the Tables, Time: Processing
- Lecture 1.2: Reducing Our Token from the Account Table by the Requested Amount, Time: 07:08
- Lecture 1.3: Compiling, Deploying, and Testing the Withdraw Action, Time: 02:26
- Lecture 1.4: Calling the Transfer Action from Our Token Smart Contract, Time: 05:31
Total Time: 12:54
- Lecture 2.1: Creating the Tools Table, Time: 04:47
- Lecture 2.2: Creating an Action to Add Tools to Our Game, Time: 04:47
- Lecture 2.3: Adding New Tools to Our Tools Table, Time: 03:20
Total Time: 21:56
- Lecture 3.1: Creating a Multi-Index Table with Secondary Index, Time: 10:02
- Lecture 3.2: Creating an Action to Add New Tools to the Account, Time: 07:10
- Lecture 3.3: Compiling, Deploying, Testing, and Fixing Our addnft Action, Time: 04:44
Total Time: 20:36
- Lecture 4.1: Creating Our Claim Tool and Adding All the Checks for It, Time: 09:47
- Lecture 4.2: Creating Our Change Energy Action, Time: 06:58
- Lecture 4.3: Creating Our Change Tool Durability Action, Time: 03:01
Total Time: 21:11
- Lecture 5.1: Creating a Global Definition for Our Table, Time: 11:28
- Lecture 5.2: Checking if the Tool is Available for Use and Resetting the Availability, Time: 06:17
- Lecture 5.3: Compiling, Deploying, and Testing the Tool Availability and Enforcing It, Time: 03:26
Total Course Time: 1:23:18
Total Time: 16:48
- Lecture 1.1: Creating a New Action to Replenish the Energy Using the In-Game Food Balance, Time: 06:16
- Lecture 1.2: Calculating the Correct Amount of Food to Replenish the Energy and Updating, Time: 01:50
- Lecture 1.3: Compiling, Deploying, and Finding Problems for Your Add Energy Action, Time: 02:45
- Lecture 1.4: Learning How to Debug Smart Contracts and Find and Fix Bugs, Time: 05:57
Total Time: 10:17
- Lecture 2.1: Creating an Action to Mint NFTs, Checking and Deducting the Amounts from the Table, Time: 10:17
Total Time: 05:58
- Lecture 3.1: Refactoring the Code to Reuse Existing Functions, Time: 05:08
- Lecture 3.2: Testing Our Refactor to Reuse Existing Functions, Time: 00:50
Total Time: 16:50
- Lecture 4.1: Creating a New Action to Fix Our Tool, Time: 06:26
- Lecture 4.2: Modifying the Tables to Fix the Tools and Remove the Necessary Balances, Time: 04:43
- Lecture 4.3: Fixing Our Claim Tool Action to Only Allow the Owner to Claim an Asset, Time: 01:14
- Lecture 4.4: Compiling, Deploying, and Testing Our Fix Tool Action, Time: 04:27
Total Time: 10:04
- Lecture 5.1: Creating a New Action to Unstake Tools from the Smart Contract, Time: 04:58
- Lecture 5.2: Listening for Notifications from Atomic Assets Smart Contract, Time: 05:06
Total Time: 24:11
- Lecture 6.1: Importing the Atomic Assets NFT Definitions from Pink Network Repository, Time: 05:08
- Lecture 6.2: Staking the NFTs into Our Smart Contract, Time: 07:06
- Lecture 6.3: Adding atomicdata.hpp and base58.hpp Files to Our Smart Contract, Time: 03:05
- Lecture 6.4: Creating a New Function to Mint New Assets, Time: 02:02
- Lecture 6.5: Calling the Mint Asset Function on the AtomicAssets Smart Contract, Time: 06:50
Total Course Time: 50:38
Total Time: 13:32
- Lecture 1.1: Removing NFTs from Our Game Account, Time: 02:37
- Lecture 1.2: Connecting to the WAX Testnet with Cleos, Time: 04:07
- Lecture 1.3: Creating Accounts in the WAX Testnet, Time: 02:35
- Lecture 1.4: Import the Testnet Keys to Our Local Environment, Time: 04:13
Total Time: 11:32
- Lecture 2.1: Deploying Our Token Smart Contract to the WAX Testnet, Time: 04:02
- Lecture 2.2: Creating and Issuing Our 3 Tokens - GOLD, WOOD, FOOD, Time: 03:25
- Lecture 2.3: Deploying the Game Logic Smart Contract to WAX Testnet, Time: 04:05
Total Time: 11:21
- Lecture 3.1: Importing the Accounts to Anchor Wallet, Time: 01:50
- Lecture 3.2: Understand the Atomic Asset NFT - Collection, Category, and Template, Time: 02:58
- Lecture 3.3: Creating Our First Atomic Asset Collection, Time: 04:39
- Lecture 3.4: Creating Our First Atomic Asset Category, Time: 02:11
- Lecture 3.5: Where to Find the Assets and Details for the NFTs We Will Create, Time: 00:48
Total Time: 10:24
- Lecture 4.1: Adding Our Tools to the Game, Time: 03:37
- Lecture 4.2: Staking a NFT in the Game, Time: 01:56
- Lecture 4.3: Removing a NFT from the Game, But Not Without eosio.code Permission, Time: 02:54
Total Time: 03:34
- Lecture 5.1: Adding the Collection Name and Template ID on the Mint NFT Function, Time: 01:50
- Lecture 5.2: Minting Our Atomic Asset NFT via the Smart Contract, Time: 01:44