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"+i[r].symbol).toString())},Precise:function(e,t,a){a(e=(e=parseFloat(e))/i[t].precision+" "+i[t].symbol)},BlocksToDays:function(e,t){t((e=6*e/86400).toString())},ErasToDays:function(e,i,r){var s=void 0;if(r===t||r===o)s=1;else{if(r!==a&&r!==n)return void console.log("Unknown network type found when attempting to apply 'Human Readable' filter");s=4}i((e/=s).toString())},Percentage:function(e,t){t((e/=1e7).toString())},PermillToPercent:function(e,t){t((e/=1e4).toString())},ArrayLength:function(e,t){t((e=e.split(",").length).toString())}}},78381:(e,t,a)=>{"use strict";a.r(t),a.d(t,{assets:()=>c,contentTitle:()=>d,default:()=>m,frontMatter:()=>l,metadata:()=>h,toc:()=>p});var n=a(87462),o=a(63366),i=(a(67294),a(3905)),r=a(47940),s=["components"],l={id:"learn-staking",title:"Introduction to Staking",sidebar_label:"Introduction to Staking",description:"Overview of Staking and NPoS on Polkadot.",keywords:["staking","stake","nominate","nominating","NPoS","faq"],slug:"../learn-staking"},d=void 0,h={unversionedId:"learn/learn-staking",id:"learn/learn-staking",title:"Introduction to Staking",description:"Overview of Staking and NPoS on Polkadot.",source:"@site/../docs/learn/learn-staking.md",sourceDirName:"learn",slug:"/learn-staking",permalink:"/docs/learn-staking",draft:!1,editUrl:"https://github.com/w3f/polkadot-wiki/edit/master/docs/learn/learn-staking.md",tags:[],version:"current",lastUpdatedBy:"Radha",lastUpdatedAt:1701435833,formattedLastUpdatedAt:"Dec 1, 2023",frontMatter:{id:"learn-staking",title:"Introduction to Staking",sidebar_label:"Introduction to Staking",description:"Overview of Staking and NPoS on Polkadot.",keywords:["staking","stake","nominate","nominating","NPoS","faq"],slug:"../learn-staking"},sidebar:"docs",previous:{title:"Staking",permalink:"/docs/learn-staking-index"},next:{title:"Nomination Pools",permalink:"/docs/learn-nomination-pools"}},c={},p=[{value:"Proof-of-Stake (PoS)",id:"proof-of-stake-pos",level:2},{value:"Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS)",id:"nominated-proof-of-stake-npos",level:2},{value:"Nominating Validators",id:"nominating-validators",level:3},{value:"Eras and Sessions",id:"eras-and-sessions",level:3},{value:"Staking Rewards",id:"staking-rewards",level:3},{value:"Skin in the game when Staking",id:"skin-in-the-game-when-staking",level:3},{value:"Being a Nominator",id:"being-a-nominator",level:2},{value:"Tasks and Responsibilities of a Nominator",id:"tasks-and-responsibilities-of-a-nominator",level:3},{value:"Selection of Validators",id:"selection-of-validators",level:3},{value:"Validator Selection Criteria",id:"validator-selection-criteria",level:4},{value:"Network Providers",id:"network-providers",level:4},{value:"Keeping Track of Nominated Validators",id:"keeping-track-of-nominated-validators",level:4},{value:"Stash Account and Staking Proxy",id:"stash-account-and-staking-proxy",level:3},{value:"Claiming Staking Rewards",id:"claiming-staking-rewards",level:3},{value:"Slashing",id:"slashing",level:3},{value:"Chilling",id:"chilling",level:3},{value:"Fast Unstake",id:"fast-unstake",level:3},{value:"Why and Why not to Stake?",id:"why-and-why-not-to-stake",level:2},{value:"Pros of Staking",id:"pros-of-staking",level:3},{value:"Cons of Staking",id:"cons-of-staking",level:3},{value:"Unbonding Period Length",id:"unbonding-period-length",level:4},{value:"How many Validators?",id:"how-many-validators",level:2},{value:"Why am I not receiving rewards?",id:"why-am-i-not-receiving-rewards",level:2},{value:"Staking FAQ",id:"staking-faq",level:2},{value:"Resources",id:"resources",level:2}],u={toc:p},k="wrapper";function m(e){var t=e.components,l=(0,o.Z)(e,s);return(0,i.kt)(k,(0,n.Z)({},u,l,{components:t,mdxType:"MDXLayout"}),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"New to Staking?",type:"tip"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Explore Polkadot with a secure and user-friendly wallets listed on the\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://www.polkadot.network/ecosystem/wallets/"},"Polkadot website")," and start your staking journey\nor explore more information about staking on\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkadot.network/staking/"},"Polkadot's Staking Page"),". Discover the new\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://staking.polkadot.network/#/overview"},"Staking Dashboard")," that makes staking much easier and\ncheck this\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000182104"},"extensive article list")," to\nhelp you get started. The dashboard supports ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/ledger"},"Ledger")," devices natively and\ndoes not require an extension or wallet as an interface.")),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Stake through Nomination Pools",type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"The minimum amount required to become an active nominator and earn rewards may change from era to\nera.\nIt is currently ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.staking.minimumActiveStake",defaultValue:502e10,filter:"humanReadable",mdxType:"RPC"})),".\n","\nIf you have less DOT than the minimum active\nnomination and still want to participate in staking, you can join the nomination pools. You can now\nstake on Polkadot natively with just\n",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.nominationPools.minJoinBond",filter:"humanReadable",defaultValue:1e10,mdxType:"RPC"})),"\n","\nin the nomination pools and earn staking rewards. For additional information, check out\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkadot.network/blog/nomination-pools-are-live-stake-natively-with-just-1-dot/"},"this blog post"),".\nCheck the wiki doc on ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-nomination-pools"},"nomination pools")," for more information.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Here you will learn about what staking is, why it is important and how it works on\nPolkadot."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"proof-of-stake-pos"},"Proof-of-Stake (PoS)"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Blockchain networks use ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#why-do-we-need-consensus"},"consensus")," mechanisms to\nfinalize blocks on the chain. Consensus is the process of agreeing on something, in this case, the\nprogression of the blockchain or how blocks are added to the chain. Consensus consists of two\nactions:"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"li"},"Block production"),", i.e. the way multiple blocks candidates are produced, and"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"li"},"Block finality"),", i.e. the way only one block out of many candidates is selected and added to\nthe canonical chain (see ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#probabilistic-vs-provable-finality"},"this")," article\nfor more information about finality).")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) are well-known mechanisms used to reach consensus in a\nsecure and trustless way on public blockchains, where there are many participants who do not know\neach other (and probably never will). In PoW, network security relies on the fact that the miners\nwho are responsible for adding blocks to the chain must compete to solve difficult mathematic\npuzzles to add blocks - a solution that has been criticized for the wastage of energy. For doing\nthis work, miners are typically rewarded with tokens."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"In PoS networks like Polkadot the security of\nthe network depends on the amount of capital locked on the chain: the more the capital locked, the\nlower the chance of an attack on the network, as the attacker needs to incur a heavy loss to\norchestrate a successful attack (more on this later on). The process of locking tokens on the chain\nis called ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"staking"),"."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Similar to the miners in PoW networks, PoS networks have ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"validators"),", but they do not have to\ncompete with each other to solve mathematical puzzles. They are instead pre-selected to produce the\nblocks based on the stake backing them. Token holders can lock funds on the chain and for doing so,\nthey are getting ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"staking rewards"),". There is thus an economic incentive for token holders to\nbecome active participants who contribute to the economic security and stability of the network. PoS\nnetworks in general are therefore more inclusive than PoW networks, as participants do not need to\nhave either technical knowledge about blockchain technology or experience in running mining\nequipment."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,'PoS ensures that everybody participating in the staking process has "skin in the game" and thus can\nbe held accountable. In case of misbehavior, participants in the staking process can be punished or\n',(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"slashed"),", and depending on the gravity of the situation, their stake can be partly or fully\nconfiscated by the network. It is not in a staker's economic interest to orchestrate an attack and\nrisk losing tokens. Any rational actor staking on the network would want to get rewarded, and the\nPoS network rewards good behavior and punishes bad behavior."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"nominated-proof-of-stake-npos"},"Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS)"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Polkadot implements\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#nominated-proof-of-stake"},"Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS)"),", a relatively novel\nand sophisticated mechanism to select the validators who are allowed to participate in its\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus"},"consensus")," protocol. NPoS encourages\nDOT holders to participate as ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"nominators"),"."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Any potential validators can indicate their intention to be a validator candidate. Their candidacies\nare made public to all nominators, and a nominator, in turn, submits a list of up to\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.maxNominations",defaultValue:16,mdxType:"RPC"}),"\n","\ncandidates that it supports, and the network will automatically distribute the stake among\nvalidators in an even manner so that the economic security is maximized. In the next era, a certain\nnumber of validators having the most DOT backing\nget elected and become active. For more information about the election algorithm go to\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-phragmen"},"this")," page on the wiki or\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/protocols/NPoS/Paper"},"this")," research article. As a\nnominator, a minimum of\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.staking.minNominatorBond",defaultValue:25e11,filter:"humanReadable",mdxType:"RPC"}),"\n","\nis required to submit an intention to nominate, which can be thought of as registering to be a\nnominator. Note that in NPoS the stake of both nominators and validators can be slashed. For an\nin-depth review of NPoS see\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/protocols/NPoS/Overview"},"this")," research article."),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Minimum Nomination to Receive Staking Rewards",type:"caution"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Although the minimum nomination intent is\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.staking.minNominatorBond",defaultValue:25e11,filter:"humanReadable",mdxType:"RPC"}),",\n","\nit does not guarantee staking rewards. The nominated amount has to be greater than\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-nominator#minimum-active-nomination-to-receive-staking-rewards"},"minimum active nomination"),",\nwhich is a dynamic value that can be much higher than\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.staking.minNominatorBond",defaultValue:25e11,filter:"humanReadable",mdxType:"RPC"}),".\n","\nThis dynamic value depends on the amount of DOT\nbeing staked, in addition to the selected nominations.")),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"nominating-validators"},"Nominating Validators"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Nominating on Polkadot requires 2 actions:"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Locking tokens on-chain."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Selecting a set of validators, to whom these locked tokens will automatically be allocated to.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"How many tokens you lock up is completely up to you - as are the validators you wish to select. The\naction of locking tokens is also known as ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"bonding"),". You can also refer to your locked tokens as\nyour bonded tokens, or staked tokens. Likewise, selecting validators is also known as backing or\nnominating validators. These terms are used interchangeably by the community. From now on locked\ntokens will be referred to as bonded tokens."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Once the previous 2 steps are completed and you are nominating, your bonded tokens could be\nallocated to one or more of your selected validators, and this happens every time the active\nvalidator set changes. This validator set is updated every era on\nPolkadot."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Unlike other staking systems, Polkadot\nautomatically chooses which of your selected validators will be backed by your bonded tokens.\nSelecting a group of validators increases your chances of consistently backing at least one who is\nactive. This results in your bonded tokens being allocated to validators more often, which means\nmore network security and more rewards. This is in strong contrast to other staking systems that\nonly allow you to back one validator; if that validator is not active, you as a staker will also not\nbe. Polkadot's nomination model solves this."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Polkadot uses tools ranging from election\ntheory to game theory to discrete optimization, to develop an efficient validator selection process\nthat offers fair representation and security, thus avoiding uneven power and influence among\nvalidators. The election algorithms used by\nPolkadot are based on the Proportional\nJustified Representation (PJR) methods like ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-phragmen"},"Phragmen"),". For more information\nabout PJR methods visit ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/protocols/NPoS/Overview"},"this"),"\nresearch article."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"eras-and-sessions"},"Eras and Sessions"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The stake from nominators is used to increase the number of tokens held by such candidates,\nincreasing their chance of being selected by the election algorithm for block production during a\nspecific ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"era"),". An era is a period of 24 hours\nduring which an ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"active set")," of validators is producing blocks and performing other actions on the\nchain. This means that not all validators are in the active set and such set changes between eras.\nEach era is divided into 6 epochs or ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"sessions")," during which validators are assigned as block\nproducers to specific time frames or ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"slots"),". This means that validators know the slots when they\nwill be required to produce a block within a specific session, but they do not know all the slots\nwithin a specific era. Having sessions adds a layer of security because it decreases the chance of\nhaving multiple validators assigned to a slot colluding to harm the network."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"staking-rewards"},"Staking Rewards"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Validators who produce a block are rewarded with tokens, and they can share rewards with their\nnominators. Both validators and nominators can stake their tokens on chain and receive staking\nrewards at the end of each era. The staking system pays out rewards equally to all validators\nregardless of stake. Thus, having more stake in a validator does not influence the amount of block\nrewards it receives. This avoids the centralization of power to a few validators. There is a\nprobabilistic component in the calculation of rewards, so they may not be exactly equal for all\nvalidators. In fact, during each era validators can earn ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"era points")," by doing different tasks on\nchain. The more the points, the higher the reward for a specific era. This promotes validators'\nactivity on chain. To know more about era points, and how and on which basis they are distributed\nvisit the ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout"},"dedicated page"),". Distribution of the\nrewards is pro-rata to all stakers after the validator's commission is deducted."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"skin-in-the-game-when-staking"},"Skin in the game when Staking"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The security of PoS networks depends on the amount of staked tokens. To successfully attack the\nnetwork, a malicious actor would need to accrue a large number of tokens or would need different\nparticipants to collude and act maliciously. If there is an attack in the case of NPoS, both the\nvalidator(s) and nominators will be slashed resulting in their stake being partially or fully\nconfiscated by the network and then deposited to the treasury. There is little interest for a\nrational network participant to act in a harmful way because NPoS ensures that all participants can\nbe held accountable for their bad actions. In NPoS, validators are paid equal rewards regardless of\nthe amount of stake backing them, thus avoiding large payouts to few large validators which might\nlead to centralization."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"being-a-nominator"},"Being a Nominator"),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"tasks-and-responsibilities-of-a-nominator"},"Tasks and Responsibilities of a Nominator"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Validators.")," Since validator slots are limited, most of those who wish to stake their\nDOT and contribute to the economic security of\nthe network will be nominators, thus here we focus on the role of nominators. However, it is worth\nmentioning that validators do most of the heavy lifting: they run the validator nodes and manage\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/security/keys/session"},"session keys"),", produce new block\ncandidates in ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#block-production-babe"},"BABE"),", vote and come to consensus in\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#finality-gadget-grandpa"},"GRANDPA"),", validate the state transition function of\nparachains, and possibly some other responsibilities regarding data availability and\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-xcm"},"XCM"),". For more information, you can take a look at the\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-validator"},"validator docs")," to understand what you need to do as a validator. If you want\nto become a validator you can consult\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-polkadot"},"this")," guide."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Nominators.")," Nominators have far fewer responsibilities than validators. These include selecting\nvalidators and monitoring their performance, keeping an eye on changing commission rates (a\nvalidator can change commission at any time), and general health monitoring of their validators'\naccounts. Thus, while not being completely set-it-and-forget-it, a nominator's experience is\nrelatively hands-off compared to that of a validator, and even more with\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-nomination-pools"},"nomination pools"),". For more information, you can take a look at the\nnominator ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-nominator"},"guide")," to understanding your responsibilities as a nominator."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"If you want to become a nominator, see\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-nominate-polkadot"},"this")," guide. If you are a beginner and\nwould like to securely stake your tokens using the Polkadot-JS UI, refer to\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000168057-how-do-i-stake-nominate-on-polkadot-"},"this"),"\nsupport article.\n"),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Polkadot Staking Dashboard",type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"The ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://staking.polkadot.network/dashboard/#/overview"},"Staking Dashboard")," provides a more\nuser-friendly alternative to staking. See the instructions in\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000182133-how-to-use-the-staking-dashboard-staking-your-dot"},"this"),"\nsupport article to learn how to stake with the dashboard.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Pools."),' Pools are "built" on top of NPoS to provide a very low barrier to entry to staking,\nwithout sacrificing Polkadot\'s strict security model.'),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"selection-of-validators"},"Selection of Validators"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The task of choosing validators is not simple, as it should take into account nominator reward and\nrisk preferences. Ideally one aims to maximize the reward-to-risk ratio by maximizing rewards and\nminimizing risks, with sometimes having to compromise between the two, as minimizing risks might\ndecrease rewards as well. Nominators should pay attention, especially to six criteria when\nnominating validators (not in order of importance):"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"recent history of the era points earned across eras"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"validator's self stake (shows skin in the game)"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"total stake backing the validator (which is the sum of self stake and the stake coming from\nnominators)"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"commission fees (i.e. how much validators charge nominators)"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"verified identity"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"previous slashes")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The diagram below shows how the selection of those criteria affects the reward-to-risk ratio."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,(0,i.kt)("img",{alt:"rewards and risks diagram",src:a(89303).Z,width:"1920",height:"800"})),(0,i.kt)("h4",{id:"validator-selection-criteria"},"Validator Selection Criteria"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"To maximize rewards and minimize risk, one could select those validators that:"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"have era points above average (because they will get more rewards for being active),"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"have the total stake backing the validator below the average active validator stake (because they\nwill pay out more rewards per staked DOT),"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"have high own stake (because if slashed they have something to lose),"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"have low commission fees but not 0% (because it makes sense that for doing the heavy lifting,\nvalidators ask for a small commission),"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"have on-chain registered identity (because it adds a layer of trust and possibly provides access\nto their website and contact details),"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"and have not been slashed (meaning that their on-chain behavior is genuine).")),(0,i.kt)("h4",{id:"network-providers"},"Network Providers"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"For successful operation, a Validator node should always be ensured to meet the required\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"../maintain/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-polkadot#reference-hardware"},"software, hardware, and network bandwidth specifications"),".\nUnderstandably, most of the validator nodes run on cloud service providers that guarantee high\nhardware specifications and high levels of availability and connectivity. Keep in mind that a\nvalidator in the active set is supposed to be fully online and available for producing blocks. If\nthe active validator node goes offline due to network interruptions or a power outage, that\nvalidator might be subject to\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"./learn-staking-advanced#unresponsiveness"},"slashing due to unresponsiveness"),". As\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus#block-production-babe"},"Polkadot's block production mechanism")," is reasonably\nresilient to a small proportion of validators going offline, no slashing is imposed until 10% of the\nvalidators in the active set go offline. Hence, if multiple nodes are running on a single cloud\nservice provider and go offline simultaneously due to an outage or due to a change in their terms\nand conditions policy regarding the support of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) operations, the offline\nvalidators and all the nominators backing them can be slashed up 7% of their stake on Polkadot.\nHence, it is recommended that you check if you are nominating the validator nodes that are running\non cloud service providers, and if they do, check if they allow for Proof-of-Stake operations."),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Checking Validators using Network Providers",type:"tip"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"You can connect your stash account to the ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkawatch.app/"},"Polkawatch app"),". The app will\nshow your rewards earned in the past 60 eras divided by network provider and country. You will be\nable to see networks used by each validator and verify if your validators are using providers who\nsupport PoS. This is also a great tool to explore how decentralized your nominations are and act\naccordingly.")),(0,i.kt)("h4",{id:"keeping-track-of-nominated-validators"},"Keeping Track of Nominated Validators"),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Nominators must periodically check their validators",type:"caution"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Nominating is ",(0,i.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"not"),' a "set and forget" operation. The whole NPoS system is dynamic and nominators\nshould periodically monitor the performance and reputation of their validators. Failing to do so\ncould result in applied slashes and/or rewards not being paid out, possibly for a prolonged period.')),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Although the theory can be used as a general guideline, in practice it is more complicated and\nfollowing the theory might not necessarily lead to the desired result. Validators might have the\ntotal stake backing them below average, low commission and above average era points in one era and\nthen have a different profile in the next one. Selection based the criteria like on-chain identity,\nslash history and low commission make the staking rewards deterministic. But some criteria vary more\nthan others, with era points being the most variable and thus one of the key probabilistic\ncomponents of staking rewards. Part of this probability is directly related to the fact that a\nvalidator can produce blocks for a parachain (i.e. para-validators) or the relay chain, with\npara-validators earning more era points per unit time (see\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout#era-points"},"this")," page for more information). The\nrole can switch between sessions, and you can look at\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/staking"},"the staking tab on the Polkadot-JS UI")," to know which\nvalidator is producing blocks for the relay chain or parachains."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"It is not recommended to change nominations because of the low era points of a validator in a single\nera. Variability in rewards due to the era points should level out over time. If a validator\nconsistently gets era points below average, it makes sense to nominate a better-performing validator\nfor the health of the network and increased staking rewards. See\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000150130-how-do-i-know-which-validators-to-choose-"},"this"),"\nsupport article to understand in detail how to select the set of validators to nominate."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"stash-account-and-staking-proxy"},"Stash Account and Staking Proxy"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Two different accounts can be used to securely manage your funds while staking."),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Stash:")," This account holds funds bonded for staking, but delegates all staking functions to a\nstaking proxy account. You may actively participate in staking with a stash private key kept in a\ncold wallet like Ledger, meaning it stays offline all the time. Having a staking proxy will allow\nyou to sign all staking-related transactions with the proxy instead of using your Ledger device.\nThis will allow you:"),(0,i.kt)("ul",{parentName:"li"},(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"to avoid carrying around your Ledger device just to sign staking-related transactions, and"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"to and to keep the transaction history of your stash clean"))),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Staking Proxy:")," This account acts on behalf of the stash account, signaling decisions about\nnominating and validating. It can set preferences like commission (for validators) and the staking\nrewards payout account. The earned rewards can be bonded (locked) immediately for bonding on your\nstash account, which would effectively compound the rewards you receive over time. You could also\nchoose to have them deposited to a different account as a free (transferable) balance. If you are\na validator, it can also be used to set your ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-cryptography"},"session keys"),". Staking\nproxies only need sufficient funds to pay for the transaction fees."))),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{type:"warning"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},'Never leave a high balance on a proxy account which are usually "hot" as their private key is stored\non the device (PC, phone) and it is always exposed to the internet for potential hacks and scams. It\nis good practice to deposit rewards on the stash account or to send them to another account on a\ncold wallet.')),(0,i.kt)("p",null,(0,i.kt)("img",{alt:"staking",src:a(4080).Z,width:"1920",height:"800"})),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"This hierarchy of separate keys for stash and staking accounts was designed to add a layer of\nprotection to nominators and validator operators. The more often one exposes and uses a private key,\nthe higher its vulnerability for hacks or scams. So, if one uses a key for multiple roles on a\nblockchain network, it is likely that the account can get compromised. Note that the damage linked\nto stolen private keys is different depending on the type of account derivation. In the case of soft\nderivation, all derived accounts are compromised. More information about account derivation can be\nfound ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-accounts/#derivation-paths"},"here"),"."),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"For Ledger users staking directly on Ledger Live, currently, there is no option to use separate\nstash and staking proxy accounts."),(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Ledger devices are now supported in ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://www.subwallet.app/download.html"},"SubWallet")," and\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://talisman.xyz/"},"Talisman")," extension. Users can import their Ledger accounts in the extension\nand use them as a stash in staking. You can find more information about SubWallet, Talisman and\nother wallets that officially secured funding from the treasury\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/wallets-and-extensions"},"here"),".")),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"claiming-staking-rewards"},"Claiming Staking Rewards"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,""),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Rewards are calculated per era (approximately six hours on Kusama and twenty-four hours on\nPolkadot). These rewards are calculated based on era points, which have a probabilistic component.\nIn other words, there may be slight differences in your rewards from era to era, and even amongst\nvalidators in the active set at the same time. These variations should cancel out over a long enough\ntimeline. See the page on ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout"},"Validator Payout Guide"),"."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The distribution of staking rewards to the nominators is not automatic and needs to be triggered by\nsomeone. Typically the validators take care of this, but anyone can permissionlessly trigger rewards\npayout for all the nominators whose stake has backed a specific validator in the active set of that\nera. Staking rewards are kept available for 84 eras. The following calculation can be used to\napproximate this length in days on Polkadot:"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"",(0,i.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"84 eras")," \xd7 ",(0,i.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"24 hours in a single era")," \xf7 ",(0,i.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"24 hours in a day")," = ",(0,i.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"84 days"),"\n","","","",""),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"For more information on why this is so, see the page on ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-staking-advanced"},"simple payouts"),"."),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Payouts",type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Payouts are unclaimed rewards waiting to be paid out to both validators and nominators. If you go to\nthe Staking payouts page on ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/staking"},"Polkadot-JS"),", you will see a\nlist of all validators that you have nominated in the past 84 eras and for which you have not yet\nreceived a payout. The payout page is visible only to stakers."),(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Each validator as well as their nominators have the option to trigger the payout for all unclaimed\neras. Note that this will pay everyone who was nominating that validator during those eras.\nTherefore, you may not see anything in this tab, yet still have received a payout if somebody\n(generally, but not necessarily, another nominator or the validator operator) has triggered the\npayout for that validator for that era.")),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Time limit to claim staking rewards",type:"warning"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"If nobody claims your staking rewards within 84 eras, then you will not be able to claim them and\nthey will be lost. Additionally, if the validator unbonds all their own stake, any pending payouts\nwill also be lost. Since unbonding takes\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"\n","\ndays, nominators should check if they have pending payouts at least this often.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Rewards can be directed to the same account used to sign the payout or to a completely unrelated\naccount. It is also possible to top-up / withdraw some bonded tokens without having to un-stake all\nstaked tokens."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"If you wish to know if you received a payout, you will have to check via a block explorer. See\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000168954-how-can-i-see-my-staking-rewards-"},"the relevant Support page"),"\nfor details. For specific details about validator payouts, please see\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout"},"this guide"),"."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"slashing"},"Slashing"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Slashing will happen if a validator misbehaves (e.g. goes offline, attacks the network, or runs\nmodified software) in the network. They and their nominators will get slashed by losing a percentage\nof their bonded/staked DOT."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Any slashed DOT will be added to the ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-treasury"},"Treasury"),". The rationale for this (rather\nthan burning or distributing them as rewards) is that slashes may then be reverted by the Council by\nsimply paying out from the Treasury. This would be useful in situations such as faulty slashes. In\nthe case of legitimate slashing, it moves tokens away from malicious validators to those building\nthe ecosystem through the normal Treasury process."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Validators with a larger total stake backing them will get slashed more harshly than less popular\nones, so we encourage nominators to shift their nominations to less popular validators to reduce\ntheir possible losses."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"It is important to realize that slashing only occurs for active validations for a given nominator,\nand slashes are not mitigated by having other inactive or waiting nominations. They are also not\nmitigated by the validator operator running separate validators; each validator is considered its\nown entity for purposes of slashing, just as they are for staking rewards."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"In rare instances, a nominator may be actively nominating several validators in a single era. In\nthis case, the slash is proportionate to the amount staked to that specific validator. With very\nlarge bonds, such as parachain liquid staking accounts, a nominator has multiple active nominations\nper era (Acala's LDOT nominator typically has 7-12 active nominations per era). Note that you cannot\ncontrol the percentage of stake you have allocated to each validator or choose who your active\nvalidator will be (except in the trivial case of nominating a single validator). Staking allocations\nare controlled by the ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-phragmen"},"Phragm\xe9n algorithm"),"."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,'Once a validator gets slashed, it goes into the state as an "unapplied slash". You can check this\nvia\n',(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Frpc.polkadot.io#/staking/slashes"},"Polkadot-JS UI"),".\nThe UI shows it per validator and then all the affected nominators along with the amounts. While\nunapplied, a governance proposal can be made to reverse it during this period\n(",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","\ndays). After the grace period, the slashes are applied."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The following levels of offense are\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/security/slashing/amounts"},"defined"),". However, these\nparticular levels are not implemented or referred to in the code or in the system; they are meant as\nguidelines for different levels of severity for offenses. To understand how slash amounts are\ncalculated, see the equations in the section below."),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Level 1: isolated ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-staking-advanced/#unresponsiveness"},"unresponsiveness"),", i.e. being\noffline for an entire session. Generally no slashing, only ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"#chilling"},"chilling"),"."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Level 2: concurrent unresponsiveness or isolated\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-staking-advanced/#equivocation"},"equivocation"),", slashes a very small amount of the\nstake and chills."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Level 3: misconducts unlikely to be accidental, but which do not harm the network's security to\nany large extent. Examples include concurrent equivocation or isolated cases of unjustified voting\nin ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-consensus"},"GRANDPA"),". Slashes a moderately small amount of the stake and chills."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Level 4: misconduct that poses serious security or monetary risk to the system, or mass collusion.\nSlashes all or most of the stake behind the validator and chills.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"If you want to know more details about slashing, please look at our\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/security/slashing/amounts"},"research page"),"."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"chilling"},"Chilling"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Chilling is the act of stepping back from any nominating or validating. It can be done by a\nvalidator or nominator at any time, taking effect in the next era. It can also specifically mean\nremoving a validator from the active validator set by another validator, disqualifying them from the\nset of electable candidates in the next NPoS cycle."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Chilling may be voluntary and validator-initiated, e.g. if there is a planned outage in the\nvalidator's surroundings or hosting provider, and the validator wants to exit to protect themselves\nagainst slashing. When voluntary, chilling will keep the validator active in the current session,\nbut will move them to the inactive set in the next. The validator will not lose their nominators."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"When used as part of a punishment (initiated externally), being chilled carries an implied penalty\nof being un-nominated. It also disables the validator for the remainder of the current era and\nremoves the offending validator from the next election."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Polkadot allows some validators to be\ndisabled, but if the number of disabled validators gets too large,\nPolkadot will trigger a new validator election\nto get a full set. Disabled validators will need to resubmit their intention to validate and\nre-garner support from nominators."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,'For more on chilling, see the "',(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-chill"},"How to Chill"),'" page on\nthis wiki.'),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"fast-unstake"},"Fast Unstake"),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Fast Unstaking feature is live!",type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"If you accidentally bonded your DOT or your\nbonded DOT never backed any active validator, you\ncan now unbond them immediately.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"If your bonded balance did not back any validators in the last\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","\ndays, you are eligible to perform fast unstaking. The\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://staking.polkadot.network/#/overview"},"staking dashboard")," will automatically check if you\nqualify. For more information, visit the\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000169433-can-i-transfer-dot-without-unbonding-and-waiting-28-days-"},'"Fast Unstake" section in this support article'),"."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"why-and-why-not-to-stake"},"Why and Why not to Stake?"),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"pros-of-staking"},"Pros of Staking"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Earn rewards for contributing to the network's security through staking."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Low barrier of entry through ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-nomination-pools"},"Nomination Pools"),"."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Can choose up-to\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.maxNominations",defaultValue:16,mdxType:"RPC"}),"\nvalidators which can help to decentralize the network through the sophisticated\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#nominated-proof-of-stake"},"NPoS system")),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"10% inflation/year of the tokens is primarily intended for staking rewards.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"When the system staking rate matches with the ideal staking rate, the entire inflation of the\nnetwork is given away as the staking rewards.\nUp until now, the network has been following an inflation model that excludes the metric of active parachains.\nThe ideal staking rate is a dynamic value - as the number of active parachains influences the\navailable liquidity that is available to secure the network."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Any divergence from the ideal staking rate will result in the distribution of a proportion of the\nnewly minted tokens through inflation to go to the treasury. Keep in mind that when the system's\nstaking rate is lower than the ideal staking rate, the annual nominal return rate will be higher,\nencouraging more users to use their tokens for staking. On the contrary, when the system staking\nrate is higher than the ideal staking rate, the annual nominal return will be less, encouraging some\nusers to withdraw. For in-depth understanding, check the\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-staking-advanced#inflation"},"inflation")," section on the Wiki."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"cons-of-staking"},"Cons of Staking"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Tokens will be locked for about\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","\ndays on Polkadot. No rewards will be earned\nduring the unbonding period."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Possible punishment in case of the active validator found to be misbehaving (see\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"#slashing"},"slashing"),")."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Lack of liquidity i.e. You would not be able to use the tokens for participating in crowdloans or\ntransfer them to different account etc.")),(0,i.kt)("h4",{id:"unbonding-period-length"},"Unbonding Period Length"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The unbonding period provides a safety net for slashing offenses identified in\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/security/slashing/npos#slashing-in-past-eras"},"past eras"),",\nwhich can hold the respective validators and their nominators accountable. The\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","-day\nunbonding period is crucial in mitigating ex post facto slashing, particularly in guarding against\nlong-range attacks. When a client encounters a chain finalized by\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus#finality-gadget-grandpa"},"GRANDPA")," that originates more than\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","\ndays in the past, it lacks the security of slashing protection."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Essentially, this period establishes a cadence for synchronizing with the chain or acquiring a\ncheckpoint within a timeframe that engenders trust. It's worth noting that while the choice of a\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","-day\nperiod is somewhat arbitrary, it unquestionably provides a higher level of security compared to a\nshorter period."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"how-many-validators"},"How many Validators?"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Polkadot currently has\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.staking.validatorCount",defaultValue:297,mdxType:"RPC"}),"\n","\nvalidators. The top bound on the number of validators has not been determined yet, but should only\nbe limited by the bandwidth strain of the network due to peer-to-peer message passing."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The estimate of the number of validators that Polkadot will have at maturity is around 1000.\nKusama is already operating at this threshold."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"why-am-i-not-receiving-rewards"},"Why am I not receiving rewards?"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Nominating on Polkadot is not a set-and-forget\naction. Nominators need to monitor their nominations and ensure they are eligible to receive staking\nrewards. Otherwise, they would be risking their funds to secure the chain with no reward. If you are\nbonding significantly more than the Minimum Active Bond and yet not receiving rewards, your\nnominations are all waiting, or your active validator has 100% commission. However, if you bond\nfunds close to the Minimum Active Bond, there could be several possibilities for not receiving\nstaking rewards. The table below can be used to troubleshoot why you might not be receiving staking\nrewards using Polkadot-JS UI."),(0,i.kt)("table",null,(0,i.kt)("thead",{parentName:"table"},(0,i.kt)("tr",{parentName:"thead"},(0,i.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Nomination Status"),(0,i.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"What's happening?"),(0,i.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Causes"),(0,i.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"What to do?"))),(0,i.kt)("tbody",{parentName:"table"},(0,i.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Nominated validators are all in waiting status."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Your stake has not been assigned to any of the nominated validators. You cannot earn rewards, nor be slashed in that era."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},'Waiting validators are not in the active set in the current era and the stake backing them is not used to secure the network. In simple words, NPoS "does not see them".'),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Change your nominations. Try to select validators (with reasonable commission) that have high chances to end up in the active set.")),(0,i.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"You have some inactive, and some waiting nominations."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},'Validators shown as "Inactive" in your staking dashboard are still in the active set and are producing blocks in the current era, but your stake has not been assigned to any of them. You will not earn rewards if your stake is not backing an active validator. In this case, you cannot be slashed either.'),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"td"},"Scenario 1:")," You have bonded less than the Minimum Active Bond. ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"td"},"Scenario 2:")," You have more than the Minimum Active Bond, but your account is at the tail end of the ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"td",href:"/docs/learn-staking-advanced#bags-list"},"bags list")," and within your bag there are acounts with less stake than you, in front of you."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"td"},"Scenario 1:")," Try bonding more funds. ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"td"},"Scenario 2:")," Try to put your account in front of the accounts with less stake than you. Instructions available ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"td",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000181018-i-have-more-than-the-minimum-bonded-but-i-m-not-getting-rewards"},"here"))),(0,i.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"You have one active validator."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Active validators are producing blocks in the current era, and your stake has been assigned to them. Even if you are not earning rewards, you can be slashed."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Your validator is oversubscribed, meaning that it has more than 512 nominators (ranked by stake), and your stake is less than that of those nominators."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"You can try to select validators that are not oversubscribed but in the long term you might want to bond more funds (even more than the Minimum Active Bond) to increase the chance of earning rewards also with oversubscribed validators.")))),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Join a Nomination Pool",type:"tip"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"By joining a ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-nomination-pools"},"nomination pool")," that is active and earning rewards, you\ncan start earning staking rewards with as low as 1 DOT. The nomination pools typically have a\ndedicated pool operator who ensures that the pool's stake is always backing an active validator and\nis receiving rewards.")),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"You can find information about why you might not receive staking rewards on\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000170805-why-am-i-not-getting-staking-rewards-"},"this support page"),".")),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"staking-faq"},"Staking FAQ"),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"See\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000181959-staking-faq-s"},"this support page"),"\nfor the FAQs about staking.")),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"resources"},"Resources"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"https://medium.com/web3foundation/how-nominated-proof-of-stake-will-work-in-polkadot-377d70c6bd43"},"How Nominated Proof of Stake will work in Polkadot")," -\nBlog post by Web3 Foundation researcher Alfonso Cevallos covering NPoS in Polkadot."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-secure-validator"},"Validator setup"))),(0,i.kt)("hr",null),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Polkadot-JS Guides",type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"If you are an advanced user, see the\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"./learn-guides-staking-index"},"Polkadot-JS guides about staking"),".")))}m.isMDXComponent=!0},89303:(e,t,a)=>{"use strict";a.d(t,{Z:()=>n});const n=a.p+"assets/images/reward-risk-fee9f991186d4097ca3d3f0a713f4ad4.png"},4080:(e,t,a)=>{"use strict";a.d(t,{Z:()=>n});const n=a.p+"assets/images/stash-and-staking-proxy-ea4d09387a4b56d1349ee896427d9f1d.png"},46601:()=>{}}]); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/1646726c.f57cce91.js b/assets/js/1646726c.f57cce91.js deleted file mode 100644 index 76ff4799ffc1..000000000000 --- a/assets/js/1646726c.f57cce91.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -(self.webpackChunk=self.webpackChunk||[]).push([[2169],{47940:(e,t,a)=>{"use strict";a.d(t,{Z:()=>p});var n=a(74165),o=a(15861),i=a(67294),r=a(87152),s=a(30967),l=a(67425);function d(e,t,a){return h.apply(this,arguments)}function h(){return(h=(0,o.Z)((0,n.Z)().mark((function e(t,a,o){var i,l,d,h,c;return(0,n.Z)().wrap((function(e){for(;;)switch(e.prev=e.next){case 0:i=void 0,l=void 0,e.t0=t,e.next="polkadot"===e.t0?5:"kusama"===e.t0?7:"statemine"===e.t0?9:"statemint"===e.t0?11:13;break;case 5:return i="wss://rpc.polkadot.io",e.abrupt("break",14);case 7:return i="wss://kusama-rpc.polkadot.io/",e.abrupt("break",14);case 9:return i="wss://statemine-rpc.polkadot.io/",e.abrupt("break",14);case 11:return i="wss://statemint-rpc.polkadot.io/",e.abrupt("break",14);case 13:console.log("Unknown socket url provided, no connection made.");case 14:if(void 0!==i){e.next=18;break}return e.abrupt("return");case 18:return d=new r.U(i),e.next=21,s.G.create({provider:d});case 21:h=e.sent,(c=a.split(".")).forEach((function(e){e in h&&(h=h[e])})),e.t1=c[0],e.next="consts"===e.t1?27:"query"===e.t1?29:34;break;case 27:return l=h.toString(),e.abrupt("break",35);case 29:return e.next=31,h();case 31:return l=(l=e.sent).toString(),e.abrupt("break",35);case 34:console.log("Unknown path prefix ("+c[0]+") in "+a);case 35:return e.abrupt("return",l);case 36:case"end":return e.stop()}}),e)})))).apply(this,arguments)}function c(e,t,a,n){switch(t){case"humanReadable":(0,l.HumanReadable)(e,a,n);break;case"precise":(0,l.Precise)(e,a,n);break;case"blocksToDays":(0,l.BlocksToDays)(e,n);break;case"erasToDays":(0,l.ErasToDays)(e,n,a);break;case"percentage":(0,l.Percentage)(e,n);break;case"permillToPercent":(0,l.PermillToPercent)(e,n);break;case"arrayLength":(0,l.ArrayLength)(e,n);break;default:return void console.log("Ignoring unknown filter type")}}const p=function(e){var t=e.network,a=e.path,r=e.defaultValue,s=e.filter,l=void 0===s?void 0:s,h=(0,i.useState)(""),p=h[0],u=h[1];return t=t.toLowerCase(),(0,i.useEffect)((function(){void 0!==l?c(r.toString(),l,t,u):u(r.toString());var e=void 0;switch(t){case"polkadot":e="wss://rpc.polkadot.io";break;case"kusama":e="wss://kusama-rpc.polkadot.io/";break;case"statemine":e="wss://statemine-rpc.polkadot.io/";break;case"statemint":e="wss://statemint-rpc.polkadot.io/";break;default:console.log("Unknown network provided, "+t)}if(void 0===e)console.log("Failed to connect to a valid websocket, applying default");else{var i=function(){var e=(0,o.Z)((0,n.Z)().mark((function e(){var o;return(0,n.Z)().wrap((function(e){for(;;)switch(e.prev=e.next){case 0:return e.next=2,d(t,a,u);case 2:if(void 0!==(o=e.sent)){e.next=7;break}return e.abrupt("return");case 7:void 0!==l?c(o,l,t,u):u(o);case 8:case"end":return e.stop()}}),e)})));return function(){return e.apply(this,arguments)}}();try{i()}catch(s){console.log(s)}}}),[]),p}},67425:e=>{var t="polkadot",a="kusama",n="statemine",o="statemint",i={polkadot:{precision:1e10,symbol:"DOT"},kusama:{precision:1e12,symbol:"KSM"},statemint:{precision:1e10,symbol:"DOT"},statemine:{precision:1e12,symbol:"KSM"}};e.exports={HumanReadable:function(e,r,s){var l=void 0;if(r===t||r===o)l=3;else{if(r!==a&&r!==n)return void console.log("Unknown network type found when attempting to apply 'Human Readable' filter");l=6}e=parseFloat(e),s((e=Number.isInteger(e/i[r].precision)?e/i[r].precision+" "+i[r].symbol:(e/i[r].precision).toFixed(l)+" "+i[r].symbol).toString())},Precise:function(e,t,a){a(e=(e=parseFloat(e))/i[t].precision+" "+i[t].symbol)},BlocksToDays:function(e,t){t((e=6*e/86400).toString())},ErasToDays:function(e,i,r){var s=void 0;if(r===t||r===o)s=1;else{if(r!==a&&r!==n)return void console.log("Unknown network type found when attempting to apply 'Human Readable' filter");s=4}i((e/=s).toString())},Percentage:function(e,t){t((e/=1e7).toString())},PermillToPercent:function(e,t){t((e/=1e4).toString())},ArrayLength:function(e,t){t((e=e.split(",").length).toString())}}},78381:(e,t,a)=>{"use strict";a.r(t),a.d(t,{assets:()=>c,contentTitle:()=>d,default:()=>m,frontMatter:()=>l,metadata:()=>h,toc:()=>p});var n=a(87462),o=a(63366),i=(a(67294),a(3905)),r=a(47940),s=["components"],l={id:"learn-staking",title:"Introduction to Staking",sidebar_label:"Introduction to Staking",description:"Overview of Staking and NPoS on Polkadot.",keywords:["staking","stake","nominate","nominating","NPoS","faq"],slug:"../learn-staking"},d=void 0,h={unversionedId:"learn/learn-staking",id:"learn/learn-staking",title:"Introduction to Staking",description:"Overview of Staking and NPoS on Polkadot.",source:"@site/../docs/learn/learn-staking.md",sourceDirName:"learn",slug:"/learn-staking",permalink:"/docs/learn-staking",draft:!1,editUrl:"https://github.com/w3f/polkadot-wiki/edit/master/docs/learn/learn-staking.md",tags:[],version:"current",lastUpdatedBy:"Filippo",lastUpdatedAt:1701187212,formattedLastUpdatedAt:"Nov 28, 2023",frontMatter:{id:"learn-staking",title:"Introduction to Staking",sidebar_label:"Introduction to Staking",description:"Overview of Staking and NPoS on Polkadot.",keywords:["staking","stake","nominate","nominating","NPoS","faq"],slug:"../learn-staking"},sidebar:"docs",previous:{title:"Staking",permalink:"/docs/learn-staking-index"},next:{title:"Nomination Pools",permalink:"/docs/learn-nomination-pools"}},c={},p=[{value:"Proof-of-Stake (PoS)",id:"proof-of-stake-pos",level:2},{value:"Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS)",id:"nominated-proof-of-stake-npos",level:2},{value:"Nominating Validators",id:"nominating-validators",level:3},{value:"Eras and Sessions",id:"eras-and-sessions",level:3},{value:"Staking Rewards",id:"staking-rewards",level:3},{value:"Skin in the game when Staking",id:"skin-in-the-game-when-staking",level:3},{value:"Being a Nominator",id:"being-a-nominator",level:2},{value:"Tasks and Responsibilities of a Nominator",id:"tasks-and-responsibilities-of-a-nominator",level:3},{value:"Selection of Validators",id:"selection-of-validators",level:3},{value:"Validator Selection Criteria",id:"validator-selection-criteria",level:4},{value:"Network Providers",id:"network-providers",level:4},{value:"Keeping Track of Nominated Validators",id:"keeping-track-of-nominated-validators",level:4},{value:"Stash Account and Staking Proxy",id:"stash-account-and-staking-proxy",level:3},{value:"Claiming Staking Rewards",id:"claiming-staking-rewards",level:3},{value:"Slashing",id:"slashing",level:3},{value:"Chilling",id:"chilling",level:3},{value:"Fast Unstake",id:"fast-unstake",level:3},{value:"Why and Why not to Stake?",id:"why-and-why-not-to-stake",level:2},{value:"Pros of Staking",id:"pros-of-staking",level:3},{value:"Cons of Staking",id:"cons-of-staking",level:3},{value:"Unbonding Period Length",id:"unbonding-period-length",level:4},{value:"How many Validators?",id:"how-many-validators",level:2},{value:"Why am I not receiving rewards?",id:"why-am-i-not-receiving-rewards",level:2},{value:"Staking FAQ",id:"staking-faq",level:2},{value:"Resources",id:"resources",level:2}],u={toc:p},k="wrapper";function m(e){var t=e.components,l=(0,o.Z)(e,s);return(0,i.kt)(k,(0,n.Z)({},u,l,{components:t,mdxType:"MDXLayout"}),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"New to Staking?",type:"tip"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Explore Polkadot with a secure and user-friendly wallets listed on the\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://www.polkadot.network/ecosystem/wallets/"},"Polkadot website")," and start your staking journey\nor explore more information about staking on\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkadot.network/staking/"},"Polkadot's Staking Page"),". Discover the new\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://staking.polkadot.network/#/overview"},"Staking Dashboard")," that makes staking much easier and\ncheck this\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000182104"},"extensive article list")," to\nhelp you get started. The dashboard supports ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/ledger"},"Ledger")," devices natively and\ndoes not require an extension or wallet as an interface.")),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Stake through Nomination Pools",type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"The minimum amount required to become an active nominator and earn rewards may change from era to\nera.\nIt is currently ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.staking.minimumActiveStake",defaultValue:3269785922095,filter:"humanReadable",mdxType:"RPC"})),".\n","\nIf you have less DOT than the minimum active\nnomination and still want to participate in staking, you can join the nomination pools. You can now\nstake on Polkadot natively with just\n",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.nominationPools.minJoinBond",filter:"humanReadable",defaultValue:1e10,mdxType:"RPC"})),"\n","\nin the nomination pools and earn staking rewards. For additional information, check out\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkadot.network/blog/nomination-pools-are-live-stake-natively-with-just-1-dot/"},"this blog post"),".\nCheck the wiki doc on ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-nomination-pools"},"nomination pools")," for more information.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Here you will learn about what staking is, why it is important and how it works on\nPolkadot."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"proof-of-stake-pos"},"Proof-of-Stake (PoS)"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Blockchain networks use ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#why-do-we-need-consensus"},"consensus")," mechanisms to\nfinalize blocks on the chain. Consensus is the process of agreeing on something, in this case, the\nprogression of the blockchain or how blocks are added to the chain. Consensus consists of two\nactions:"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"li"},"Block production"),", i.e. the way multiple blocks candidates are produced, and"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"li"},"Block finality"),", i.e. the way only one block out of many candidates is selected and added to\nthe canonical chain (see ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#probabilistic-vs-provable-finality"},"this")," article\nfor more information about finality).")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) are well-known mechanisms used to reach consensus in a\nsecure and trustless way on public blockchains, where there are many participants who do not know\neach other (and probably never will). In PoW, network security relies on the fact that the miners\nwho are responsible for adding blocks to the chain must compete to solve difficult mathematic\npuzzles to add blocks - a solution that has been criticized for the wastage of energy. For doing\nthis work, miners are typically rewarded with tokens."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"In PoS networks like Polkadot the security of\nthe network depends on the amount of capital locked on the chain: the more the capital locked, the\nlower the chance of an attack on the network, as the attacker needs to incur a heavy loss to\norchestrate a successful attack (more on this later on). The process of locking tokens on the chain\nis called ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"staking"),"."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Similar to the miners in PoW networks, PoS networks have ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"validators"),", but they do not have to\ncompete with each other to solve mathematical puzzles. They are instead pre-selected to produce the\nblocks based on the stake backing them. Token holders can lock funds on the chain and for doing so,\nthey are getting ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"staking rewards"),". There is thus an economic incentive for token holders to\nbecome active participants who contribute to the economic security and stability of the network. PoS\nnetworks in general are therefore more inclusive than PoW networks, as participants do not need to\nhave either technical knowledge about blockchain technology or experience in running mining\nequipment."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,'PoS ensures that everybody participating in the staking process has "skin in the game" and thus can\nbe held accountable. In case of misbehavior, participants in the staking process can be punished or\n',(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"slashed"),", and depending on the gravity of the situation, their stake can be partly or fully\nconfiscated by the network. It is not in a staker's economic interest to orchestrate an attack and\nrisk losing tokens. Any rational actor staking on the network would want to get rewarded, and the\nPoS network rewards good behavior and punishes bad behavior."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"nominated-proof-of-stake-npos"},"Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS)"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Polkadot implements\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#nominated-proof-of-stake"},"Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS)"),", a relatively novel\nand sophisticated mechanism to select the validators who are allowed to participate in its\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus"},"consensus")," protocol. NPoS encourages\nDOT holders to participate as ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"nominators"),"."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Any potential validators can indicate their intention to be a validator candidate. Their candidacies\nare made public to all nominators, and a nominator, in turn, submits a list of up to\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.maxNominations",defaultValue:16,mdxType:"RPC"}),"\n","\ncandidates that it supports, and the network will automatically distribute the stake among\nvalidators in an even manner so that the economic security is maximized. In the next era, a certain\nnumber of validators having the most DOT backing\nget elected and become active. For more information about the election algorithm go to\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-phragmen"},"this")," page on the wiki or\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/protocols/NPoS/Paper"},"this")," research article. As a\nnominator, a minimum of\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.staking.minNominatorBond",defaultValue:1e12,filter:"humanReadable",mdxType:"RPC"}),"\n","\nis required to submit an intention to nominate, which can be thought of as registering to be a\nnominator. Note that in NPoS the stake of both nominators and validators can be slashed. For an\nin-depth review of NPoS see\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/protocols/NPoS/Overview"},"this")," research article."),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Minimum Nomination to Receive Staking Rewards",type:"caution"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Although the minimum nomination intent is\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.staking.minNominatorBond",defaultValue:1e12,filter:"humanReadable",mdxType:"RPC"}),",\n","\nit does not guarantee staking rewards. The nominated amount has to be greater than\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-nominator#minimum-active-nomination-to-receive-staking-rewards"},"minimum active nomination"),",\nwhich is a dynamic value that can be much higher than\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.staking.minNominatorBond",defaultValue:1e12,filter:"humanReadable",mdxType:"RPC"}),".\n","\nThis dynamic value depends on the amount of DOT\nbeing staked, in addition to the selected nominations.")),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"nominating-validators"},"Nominating Validators"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Nominating on Polkadot requires 2 actions:"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Locking tokens on-chain."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Selecting a set of validators, to whom these locked tokens will automatically be allocated to.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"How many tokens you lock up is completely up to you - as are the validators you wish to select. The\naction of locking tokens is also known as ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"bonding"),". You can also refer to your locked tokens as\nyour bonded tokens, or staked tokens. Likewise, selecting validators is also known as backing or\nnominating validators. These terms are used interchangeably by the community. From now on locked\ntokens will be referred to as bonded tokens."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Once the previous 2 steps are completed and you are nominating, your bonded tokens could be\nallocated to one or more of your selected validators, and this happens every time the active\nvalidator set changes. This validator set is updated every era on\nPolkadot."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Unlike other staking systems, Polkadot\nautomatically chooses which of your selected validators will be backed by your bonded tokens.\nSelecting a group of validators increases your chances of consistently backing at least one who is\nactive. This results in your bonded tokens being allocated to validators more often, which means\nmore network security and more rewards. This is in strong contrast to other staking systems that\nonly allow you to back one validator; if that validator is not active, you as a staker will also not\nbe. Polkadot's nomination model solves this."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Polkadot uses tools ranging from election\ntheory to game theory to discrete optimization, to develop an efficient validator selection process\nthat offers fair representation and security, thus avoiding uneven power and influence among\nvalidators. The election algorithms used by\nPolkadot are based on the Proportional\nJustified Representation (PJR) methods like ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-phragmen"},"Phragmen"),". For more information\nabout PJR methods visit ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/protocols/NPoS/Overview"},"this"),"\nresearch article."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"eras-and-sessions"},"Eras and Sessions"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The stake from nominators is used to increase the number of tokens held by such candidates,\nincreasing their chance of being selected by the election algorithm for block production during a\nspecific ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"era"),". An era is a period of 24 hours\nduring which an ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"active set")," of validators is producing blocks and performing other actions on the\nchain. This means that not all validators are in the active set and such set changes between eras.\nEach era is divided into 6 epochs or ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"sessions")," during which validators are assigned as block\nproducers to specific time frames or ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"slots"),". This means that validators know the slots when they\nwill be required to produce a block within a specific session, but they do not know all the slots\nwithin a specific era. Having sessions adds a layer of security because it decreases the chance of\nhaving multiple validators assigned to a slot colluding to harm the network."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"staking-rewards"},"Staking Rewards"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Validators who produce a block are rewarded with tokens, and they can share rewards with their\nnominators. Both validators and nominators can stake their tokens on chain and receive staking\nrewards at the end of each era. The staking system pays out rewards equally to all validators\nregardless of stake. Thus, having more stake in a validator does not influence the amount of block\nrewards it receives. This avoids the centralization of power to a few validators. There is a\nprobabilistic component in the calculation of rewards, so they may not be exactly equal for all\nvalidators. In fact, during each era validators can earn ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"era points")," by doing different tasks on\nchain. The more the points, the higher the reward for a specific era. This promotes validators'\nactivity on chain. To know more about era points, and how and on which basis they are distributed\nvisit the ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout"},"dedicated page"),". Distribution of the\nrewards is pro-rata to all stakers after the validator's commission is deducted."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"skin-in-the-game-when-staking"},"Skin in the game when Staking"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The security of PoS networks depends on the amount of staked tokens. To successfully attack the\nnetwork, a malicious actor would need to accrue a large number of tokens or would need different\nparticipants to collude and act maliciously. If there is an attack in the case of NPoS, both the\nvalidator(s) and nominators will be slashed resulting in their stake being partially or fully\nconfiscated by the network and then deposited to the treasury. There is little interest for a\nrational network participant to act in a harmful way because NPoS ensures that all participants can\nbe held accountable for their bad actions. In NPoS, validators are paid equal rewards regardless of\nthe amount of stake backing them, thus avoiding large payouts to few large validators which might\nlead to centralization."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"being-a-nominator"},"Being a Nominator"),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"tasks-and-responsibilities-of-a-nominator"},"Tasks and Responsibilities of a Nominator"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Validators.")," Since validator slots are limited, most of those who wish to stake their\nDOT and contribute to the economic security of\nthe network will be nominators, thus here we focus on the role of nominators. However, it is worth\nmentioning that validators do most of the heavy lifting: they run the validator nodes and manage\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/security/keys/session"},"session keys"),", produce new block\ncandidates in ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#block-production-babe"},"BABE"),", vote and come to consensus in\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#finality-gadget-grandpa"},"GRANDPA"),", validate the state transition function of\nparachains, and possibly some other responsibilities regarding data availability and\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-xcm"},"XCM"),". For more information, you can take a look at the\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-validator"},"validator docs")," to understand what you need to do as a validator. If you want\nto become a validator you can consult\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-polkadot"},"this")," guide."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Nominators.")," Nominators have far fewer responsibilities than validators. These include selecting\nvalidators and monitoring their performance, keeping an eye on changing commission rates (a\nvalidator can change commission at any time), and general health monitoring of their validators'\naccounts. Thus, while not being completely set-it-and-forget-it, a nominator's experience is\nrelatively hands-off compared to that of a validator, and even more with\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-nomination-pools"},"nomination pools"),". For more information, you can take a look at the\nnominator ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-nominator"},"guide")," to understanding your responsibilities as a nominator."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"If you want to become a nominator, see\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-nominate-polkadot"},"this")," guide. If you are a beginner and\nwould like to securely stake your tokens using the Polkadot-JS UI, refer to\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000168057-how-do-i-stake-nominate-on-polkadot-"},"this"),"\nsupport article.\n"),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Polkadot Staking Dashboard",type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"The ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://staking.polkadot.network/dashboard/#/overview"},"Staking Dashboard")," provides a more\nuser-friendly alternative to staking. See the instructions in\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000182133-how-to-use-the-staking-dashboard-staking-your-dot"},"this"),"\nsupport article to learn how to stake with the dashboard.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Pools."),' Pools are "built" on top of NPoS to provide a very low barrier to entry to staking,\nwithout sacrificing Polkadot\'s strict security model.'),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"selection-of-validators"},"Selection of Validators"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The task of choosing validators is not simple, as it should take into account nominator reward and\nrisk preferences. Ideally one aims to maximize the reward-to-risk ratio by maximizing rewards and\nminimizing risks, with sometimes having to compromise between the two, as minimizing risks might\ndecrease rewards as well. Nominators should pay attention, especially to six criteria when\nnominating validators (not in order of importance):"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"recent history of the era points earned across eras"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"validator's self stake (shows skin in the game)"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"total stake backing the validator (which is the sum of self stake and the stake coming from\nnominators)"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"commission fees (i.e. how much validators charge nominators)"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"verified identity"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"previous slashes")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The diagram below shows how the selection of those criteria affects the reward-to-risk ratio."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,(0,i.kt)("img",{alt:"rewards and risks diagram",src:a(89303).Z,width:"1920",height:"800"})),(0,i.kt)("h4",{id:"validator-selection-criteria"},"Validator Selection Criteria"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"To maximize rewards and minimize risk, one could select those validators that:"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"have era points above average (because they will get more rewards for being active),"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"have the total stake backing the validator below the average active validator stake (because they\nwill pay out more rewards per staked DOT),"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"have high own stake (because if slashed they have something to lose),"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"have low commission fees but not 0% (because it makes sense that for doing the heavy lifting,\nvalidators ask for a small commission),"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"have on-chain registered identity (because it adds a layer of trust and possibly provides access\nto their website and contact details),"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"and have not been slashed (meaning that their on-chain behavior is genuine).")),(0,i.kt)("h4",{id:"network-providers"},"Network Providers"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"For successful operation, a Validator node should always be ensured to meet the required\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"../maintain/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-polkadot#reference-hardware"},"software, hardware, and network bandwidth specifications"),".\nUnderstandably, most of the validator nodes run on cloud service providers that guarantee high\nhardware specifications and high levels of availability and connectivity. Keep in mind that a\nvalidator in the active set is supposed to be fully online and available for producing blocks. If\nthe active validator node goes offline due to network interruptions or a power outage, that\nvalidator might be subject to\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"./learn-staking-advanced#unresponsiveness"},"slashing due to unresponsiveness"),". As\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus#block-production-babe"},"Polkadot's block production mechanism")," is reasonably\nresilient to a small proportion of validators going offline, no slashing is imposed until 10% of the\nvalidators in the active set go offline. Hence, if multiple nodes are running on a single cloud\nservice provider and go offline simultaneously due to an outage or due to a change in their terms\nand conditions policy regarding the support of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) operations, the offline\nvalidators and all the nominators backing them can be slashed up 7% of their stake on Polkadot.\nHence, it is recommended that you check if you are nominating the validator nodes that are running\non cloud service providers, and if they do, check if they allow for Proof-of-Stake operations."),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Checking Validators using Network Providers",type:"tip"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"You can connect your stash account to the ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkawatch.app/"},"Polkawatch app"),". The app will\nshow your rewards earned in the past 60 eras divided by network provider and country. You will be\nable to see networks used by each validator and verify if your validators are using providers who\nsupport PoS. This is also a great tool to explore how decentralized your nominations are and act\naccordingly.")),(0,i.kt)("h4",{id:"keeping-track-of-nominated-validators"},"Keeping Track of Nominated Validators"),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Nominators must periodically check their validators",type:"caution"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Nominating is ",(0,i.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"not"),' a "set and forget" operation. The whole NPoS system is dynamic and nominators\nshould periodically monitor the performance and reputation of their validators. Failing to do so\ncould result in applied slashes and/or rewards not being paid out, possibly for a prolonged period.')),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Although the theory can be used as a general guideline, in practice it is more complicated and\nfollowing the theory might not necessarily lead to the desired result. Validators might have the\ntotal stake backing them below average, low commission and above average era points in one era and\nthen have a different profile in the next one. Selection based the criteria like on-chain identity,\nslash history and low commission make the staking rewards deterministic. But some criteria vary more\nthan others, with era points being the most variable and thus one of the key probabilistic\ncomponents of staking rewards. Part of this probability is directly related to the fact that a\nvalidator can produce blocks for a parachain (i.e. para-validators) or the relay chain, with\npara-validators earning more era points per unit time (see\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout#era-points"},"this")," page for more information). The\nrole can switch between sessions, and you can look at\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/staking"},"the staking tab on the Polkadot-JS UI")," to know which\nvalidator is producing blocks for the relay chain or parachains."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"It is not recommended to change nominations because of the low era points of a validator in a single\nera. Variability in rewards due to the era points should level out over time. If a validator\nconsistently gets era points below average, it makes sense to nominate a better-performing validator\nfor the health of the network and increased staking rewards. See\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000150130-how-do-i-know-which-validators-to-choose-"},"this"),"\nsupport article to understand in detail how to select the set of validators to nominate."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"stash-account-and-staking-proxy"},"Stash Account and Staking Proxy"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Two different accounts can be used to securely manage your funds while staking."),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Stash:")," This account holds funds bonded for staking, but delegates all staking functions to a\nstaking proxy account. You may actively participate in staking with a stash private key kept in a\ncold wallet like Ledger, meaning it stays offline all the time. Having a staking proxy will allow\nyou to sign all staking-related transactions with the proxy instead of using your Ledger device.\nThis will allow you:"),(0,i.kt)("ul",{parentName:"li"},(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"to avoid carrying around your Ledger device just to sign staking-related transactions, and"),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"to and to keep the transaction history of your stash clean"))),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Staking Proxy:")," This account acts on behalf of the stash account, signaling decisions about\nnominating and validating. It can set preferences like commission (for validators) and the staking\nrewards payout account. The earned rewards can be bonded (locked) immediately for bonding on your\nstash account, which would effectively compound the rewards you receive over time. You could also\nchoose to have them deposited to a different account as a free (transferable) balance. If you are\na validator, it can also be used to set your ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-cryptography"},"session keys"),". Staking\nproxies only need sufficient funds to pay for the transaction fees."))),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{type:"warning"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},'Never leave a high balance on a proxy account which are usually "hot" as their private key is stored\non the device (PC, phone) and it is always exposed to the internet for potential hacks and scams. It\nis good practice to deposit rewards on the stash account or to send them to another account on a\ncold wallet.')),(0,i.kt)("p",null,(0,i.kt)("img",{alt:"staking",src:a(4080).Z,width:"1920",height:"800"})),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"This hierarchy of separate keys for stash and staking accounts was designed to add a layer of\nprotection to nominators and validator operators. The more often one exposes and uses a private key,\nthe higher its vulnerability for hacks or scams. So, if one uses a key for multiple roles on a\nblockchain network, it is likely that the account can get compromised. Note that the damage linked\nto stolen private keys is different depending on the type of account derivation. In the case of soft\nderivation, all derived accounts are compromised. More information about account derivation can be\nfound ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-accounts/#derivation-paths"},"here"),"."),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"For Ledger users staking directly on Ledger Live, currently, there is no option to use separate\nstash and staking proxy accounts."),(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Ledger devices are now supported in ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://www.subwallet.app/download.html"},"SubWallet")," and\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://talisman.xyz/"},"Talisman")," extension. Users can import their Ledger accounts in the extension\nand use them as a stash in staking. You can find more information about SubWallet, Talisman and\nother wallets that officially secured funding from the treasury\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/wallets-and-extensions"},"here"),".")),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"claiming-staking-rewards"},"Claiming Staking Rewards"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,""),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Rewards are calculated per era (approximately six hours on Kusama and twenty-four hours on\nPolkadot). These rewards are calculated based on era points, which have a probabilistic component.\nIn other words, there may be slight differences in your rewards from era to era, and even amongst\nvalidators in the active set at the same time. These variations should cancel out over a long enough\ntimeline. See the page on ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout"},"Validator Payout Guide"),"."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The distribution of staking rewards to the nominators is not automatic and needs to be triggered by\nsomeone. Typically the validators take care of this, but anyone can permissionlessly trigger rewards\npayout for all the nominators whose stake has backed a specific validator in the active set of that\nera. Staking rewards are kept available for 84 eras. The following calculation can be used to\napproximate this length in days on Polkadot:"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"",(0,i.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"84 eras")," \xd7 ",(0,i.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"24 hours in a single era")," \xf7 ",(0,i.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"24 hours in a day")," = ",(0,i.kt)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"84 days"),"\n","","","",""),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"For more information on why this is so, see the page on ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-staking-advanced"},"simple payouts"),"."),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Payouts",type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Payouts are unclaimed rewards waiting to be paid out to both validators and nominators. If you go to\nthe Staking payouts page on ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/staking"},"Polkadot-JS"),", you will see a\nlist of all validators that you have nominated in the past 84 eras and for which you have not yet\nreceived a payout. The payout page is visible only to stakers."),(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"Each validator as well as their nominators have the option to trigger the payout for all unclaimed\neras. Note that this will pay everyone who was nominating that validator during those eras.\nTherefore, you may not see anything in this tab, yet still have received a payout if somebody\n(generally, but not necessarily, another nominator or the validator operator) has triggered the\npayout for that validator for that era.")),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Time limit to claim staking rewards",type:"warning"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"If nobody claims your staking rewards within 84 eras, then you will not be able to claim them and\nthey will be lost. Additionally, if the validator unbonds all their own stake, any pending payouts\nwill also be lost. Since unbonding takes\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"\n","\ndays, nominators should check if they have pending payouts at least this often.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Rewards can be directed to the same account used to sign the payout or to a completely unrelated\naccount. It is also possible to top-up / withdraw some bonded tokens without having to un-stake all\nstaked tokens."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"If you wish to know if you received a payout, you will have to check via a block explorer. See\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000168954-how-can-i-see-my-staking-rewards-"},"the relevant Support page"),"\nfor details. For specific details about validator payouts, please see\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout"},"this guide"),"."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"slashing"},"Slashing"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Slashing will happen if a validator misbehaves (e.g. goes offline, attacks the network, or runs\nmodified software) in the network. They and their nominators will get slashed by losing a percentage\nof their bonded/staked DOT."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Any slashed DOT will be added to the ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-treasury"},"Treasury"),". The rationale for this (rather\nthan burning or distributing them as rewards) is that slashes may then be reverted by the Council by\nsimply paying out from the Treasury. This would be useful in situations such as faulty slashes. In\nthe case of legitimate slashing, it moves tokens away from malicious validators to those building\nthe ecosystem through the normal Treasury process."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Validators with a larger total stake backing them will get slashed more harshly than less popular\nones, so we encourage nominators to shift their nominations to less popular validators to reduce\ntheir possible losses."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"It is important to realize that slashing only occurs for active validations for a given nominator,\nand slashes are not mitigated by having other inactive or waiting nominations. They are also not\nmitigated by the validator operator running separate validators; each validator is considered its\nown entity for purposes of slashing, just as they are for staking rewards."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"In rare instances, a nominator may be actively nominating several validators in a single era. In\nthis case, the slash is proportionate to the amount staked to that specific validator. With very\nlarge bonds, such as parachain liquid staking accounts, a nominator has multiple active nominations\nper era (Acala's LDOT nominator typically has 7-12 active nominations per era). Note that you cannot\ncontrol the percentage of stake you have allocated to each validator or choose who your active\nvalidator will be (except in the trivial case of nominating a single validator). Staking allocations\nare controlled by the ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-phragmen"},"Phragm\xe9n algorithm"),"."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,'Once a validator gets slashed, it goes into the state as an "unapplied slash". You can check this\nvia\n',(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Frpc.polkadot.io#/staking/slashes"},"Polkadot-JS UI"),".\nThe UI shows it per validator and then all the affected nominators along with the amounts. While\nunapplied, a governance proposal can be made to reverse it during this period\n(",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","\ndays). After the grace period, the slashes are applied."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The following levels of offense are\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/security/slashing/amounts"},"defined"),". However, these\nparticular levels are not implemented or referred to in the code or in the system; they are meant as\nguidelines for different levels of severity for offenses. To understand how slash amounts are\ncalculated, see the equations in the section below."),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Level 1: isolated ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-staking-advanced/#unresponsiveness"},"unresponsiveness"),", i.e. being\noffline for an entire session. Generally no slashing, only ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"#chilling"},"chilling"),"."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Level 2: concurrent unresponsiveness or isolated\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-staking-advanced/#equivocation"},"equivocation"),", slashes a very small amount of the\nstake and chills."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Level 3: misconducts unlikely to be accidental, but which do not harm the network's security to\nany large extent. Examples include concurrent equivocation or isolated cases of unjustified voting\nin ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-consensus"},"GRANDPA"),". Slashes a moderately small amount of the stake and chills."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Level 4: misconduct that poses serious security or monetary risk to the system, or mass collusion.\nSlashes all or most of the stake behind the validator and chills.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"If you want to know more details about slashing, please look at our\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/security/slashing/amounts"},"research page"),"."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"chilling"},"Chilling"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Chilling is the act of stepping back from any nominating or validating. It can be done by a\nvalidator or nominator at any time, taking effect in the next era. It can also specifically mean\nremoving a validator from the active validator set by another validator, disqualifying them from the\nset of electable candidates in the next NPoS cycle."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Chilling may be voluntary and validator-initiated, e.g. if there is a planned outage in the\nvalidator's surroundings or hosting provider, and the validator wants to exit to protect themselves\nagainst slashing. When voluntary, chilling will keep the validator active in the current session,\nbut will move them to the inactive set in the next. The validator will not lose their nominators."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"When used as part of a punishment (initiated externally), being chilled carries an implied penalty\nof being un-nominated. It also disables the validator for the remainder of the current era and\nremoves the offending validator from the next election."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Polkadot allows some validators to be\ndisabled, but if the number of disabled validators gets too large,\nPolkadot will trigger a new validator election\nto get a full set. Disabled validators will need to resubmit their intention to validate and\nre-garner support from nominators."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,'For more on chilling, see the "',(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-chill"},"How to Chill"),'" page on\nthis wiki.'),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"fast-unstake"},"Fast Unstake"),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Fast Unstaking feature is live!",type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"If you accidentally bonded your DOT or your\nbonded DOT never backed any active validator, you\ncan now unbond them immediately.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"If your bonded balance did not back any validators in the last\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","\ndays, you are eligible to perform fast unstaking. The\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://staking.polkadot.network/#/overview"},"staking dashboard")," will automatically check if you\nqualify. For more information, visit the\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000169433-can-i-transfer-dot-without-unbonding-and-waiting-28-days-"},'"Fast Unstake" section in this support article'),"."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"why-and-why-not-to-stake"},"Why and Why not to Stake?"),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"pros-of-staking"},"Pros of Staking"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Earn rewards for contributing to the network's security through staking."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Low barrier of entry through ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-nomination-pools"},"Nomination Pools"),"."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Can choose up-to\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.maxNominations",defaultValue:16,mdxType:"RPC"}),"\nvalidators which can help to decentralize the network through the sophisticated\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/learn-consensus/#nominated-proof-of-stake"},"NPoS system")),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"10% inflation/year of the tokens is primarily intended for staking rewards.")),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"When the system staking rate matches with the ideal staking rate, the entire inflation of the\nnetwork is given away as the staking rewards.\nUp until now, the network has been following an inflation model that excludes the metric of active parachains.\nThe ideal staking rate is a dynamic value - as the number of active parachains influences the\navailable liquidity that is available to secure the network."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Any divergence from the ideal staking rate will result in the distribution of a proportion of the\nnewly minted tokens through inflation to go to the treasury. Keep in mind that when the system's\nstaking rate is lower than the ideal staking rate, the annual nominal return rate will be higher,\nencouraging more users to use their tokens for staking. On the contrary, when the system staking\nrate is higher than the ideal staking rate, the annual nominal return will be less, encouraging some\nusers to withdraw. For in-depth understanding, check the\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-staking-advanced#inflation"},"inflation")," section on the Wiki."),(0,i.kt)("h3",{id:"cons-of-staking"},"Cons of Staking"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Tokens will be locked for about\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","\ndays on Polkadot. No rewards will be earned\nduring the unbonding period."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Possible punishment in case of the active validator found to be misbehaving (see\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"#slashing"},"slashing"),")."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Lack of liquidity i.e. You would not be able to use the tokens for participating in crowdloans or\ntransfer them to different account etc.")),(0,i.kt)("h4",{id:"unbonding-period-length"},"Unbonding Period Length"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The unbonding period provides a safety net for slashing offenses identified in\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://research.web3.foundation/Polkadot/security/slashing/npos#slashing-in-past-eras"},"past eras"),",\nwhich can hold the respective validators and their nominators accountable. The\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","-day\nunbonding period is crucial in mitigating ex post facto slashing, particularly in guarding against\nlong-range attacks. When a client encounters a chain finalized by\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-consensus#finality-gadget-grandpa"},"GRANDPA")," that originates more than\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","\ndays in the past, it lacks the security of slashing protection."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Essentially, this period establishes a cadence for synchronizing with the chain or acquiring a\ncheckpoint within a timeframe that engenders trust. It's worth noting that while the choice of a\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"consts.staking.bondingDuration",defaultValue:28,filter:"erasToDays",mdxType:"RPC"}),"","-day\nperiod is somewhat arbitrary, it unquestionably provides a higher level of security compared to a\nshorter period."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"how-many-validators"},"How many Validators?"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Polkadot currently has\n",(0,i.kt)(r.Z,{network:"polkadot",path:"query.staking.validatorCount",defaultValue:297,mdxType:"RPC"}),"\n","\nvalidators. The top bound on the number of validators has not been determined yet, but should only\nbe limited by the bandwidth strain of the network due to peer-to-peer message passing."),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"The estimate of the number of validators that Polkadot will have at maturity is around 1000.\nKusama is already operating at this threshold."),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"why-am-i-not-receiving-rewards"},"Why am I not receiving rewards?"),(0,i.kt)("p",null,"Nominating on Polkadot is not a set-and-forget\naction. Nominators need to monitor their nominations and ensure they are eligible to receive staking\nrewards. Otherwise, they would be risking their funds to secure the chain with no reward. If you are\nbonding significantly more than the Minimum Active Bond and yet not receiving rewards, your\nnominations are all waiting, or your active validator has 100% commission. However, if you bond\nfunds close to the Minimum Active Bond, there could be several possibilities for not receiving\nstaking rewards. The table below can be used to troubleshoot why you might not be receiving staking\nrewards using Polkadot-JS UI."),(0,i.kt)("table",null,(0,i.kt)("thead",{parentName:"table"},(0,i.kt)("tr",{parentName:"thead"},(0,i.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Nomination Status"),(0,i.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"What's happening?"),(0,i.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Causes"),(0,i.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"What to do?"))),(0,i.kt)("tbody",{parentName:"table"},(0,i.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Nominated validators are all in waiting status."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Your stake has not been assigned to any of the nominated validators. You cannot earn rewards, nor be slashed in that era."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},'Waiting validators are not in the active set in the current era and the stake backing them is not used to secure the network. In simple words, NPoS "does not see them".'),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Change your nominations. Try to select validators (with reasonable commission) that have high chances to end up in the active set.")),(0,i.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"You have some inactive, and some waiting nominations."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},'Validators shown as "Inactive" in your staking dashboard are still in the active set and are producing blocks in the current era, but your stake has not been assigned to any of them. You will not earn rewards if your stake is not backing an active validator. In this case, you cannot be slashed either.'),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"td"},"Scenario 1:")," You have bonded less than the Minimum Active Bond. ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"td"},"Scenario 2:")," You have more than the Minimum Active Bond, but your account is at the tail end of the ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"td",href:"/docs/learn-staking-advanced#bags-list"},"bags list")," and within your bag there are acounts with less stake than you, in front of you."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"td"},"Scenario 1:")," Try bonding more funds. ",(0,i.kt)("strong",{parentName:"td"},"Scenario 2:")," Try to put your account in front of the accounts with less stake than you. Instructions available ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"td",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000181018-i-have-more-than-the-minimum-bonded-but-i-m-not-getting-rewards"},"here"))),(0,i.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"You have one active validator."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Active validators are producing blocks in the current era, and your stake has been assigned to them. Even if you are not earning rewards, you can be slashed."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"Your validator is oversubscribed, meaning that it has more than 512 nominators (ranked by stake), and your stake is less than that of those nominators."),(0,i.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:"center"},"You can try to select validators that are not oversubscribed but in the long term you might want to bond more funds (even more than the Minimum Active Bond) to increase the chance of earning rewards also with oversubscribed validators.")))),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Join a Nomination Pool",type:"tip"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"By joining a ",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"/docs/learn-nomination-pools"},"nomination pool")," that is active and earning rewards, you\ncan start earning staking rewards with as low as 1 DOT. The nomination pools typically have a\ndedicated pool operator who ensures that the pool's stake is always backing an active validator and\nis receiving rewards.")),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"You can find information about why you might not receive staking rewards on\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000170805-why-am-i-not-getting-staking-rewards-"},"this support page"),".")),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"staking-faq"},"Staking FAQ"),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"See\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000181959-staking-faq-s"},"this support page"),"\nfor the FAQs about staking.")),(0,i.kt)("h2",{id:"resources"},"Resources"),(0,i.kt)("ul",null,(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"https://medium.com/web3foundation/how-nominated-proof-of-stake-will-work-in-polkadot-377d70c6bd43"},"How Nominated Proof of Stake will work in Polkadot")," -\nBlog post by Web3 Foundation researcher Alfonso Cevallos covering NPoS in Polkadot."),(0,i.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"li",href:"/docs/maintain-guides-secure-validator"},"Validator setup"))),(0,i.kt)("hr",null),(0,i.kt)("admonition",{title:"Polkadot-JS Guides",type:"info"},(0,i.kt)("p",{parentName:"admonition"},"If you are an advanced user, see the\n",(0,i.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"./learn-guides-staking-index"},"Polkadot-JS guides about staking"),".")))}m.isMDXComponent=!0},89303:(e,t,a)=>{"use strict";a.d(t,{Z:()=>n});const n=a.p+"assets/images/reward-risk-fee9f991186d4097ca3d3f0a713f4ad4.png"},4080:(e,t,a)=>{"use strict";a.d(t,{Z:()=>n});const 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How to report a bug

Please follow the instructions at web3.foundation/security-report/.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-client-index.html b/docs/build-client-index.html index 3da91b57df0c..4ceb9d3797da 100644 --- a/docs/build-client-index.html +++ b/docs/build-client-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-dapp.html b/docs/build-dapp.html index 446aecc890d7..67ef78b4e84c 100644 --- a/docs/build-dapp.html +++ b/docs/build-dapp.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ see the tooling page for a detailed overview of different SDKs and libraries that are available.

Frameworks & Toolkits

For front-end applications, several options exist for interfacing with Substrate-based chains (parachains, relay chains, etc.) and smart contracts. These often will interact with the RPC of a Substrate node:

Promise and RxJS APIs around Polkadot and Substrate-based chains via RPC calls. It is dynamically generated based on what the Substrate runtime provides regarding metadata. Full documentation & examples available here.
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-data.html b/docs/build-data.html index 56f3de5fd6c7..91a6bef46ac1 100644 --- a/docs/build-data.html +++ b/docs/build-data.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ for details on how to access the data.

Polkadot-based Explorers

As you can imagine, blockchain explorers also offer data analytics through an interface where users can examine common data points.

Some block explorers in the Polkadot ecosystem are listed on the tools page.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-guide.html b/docs/build-guide.html index d7e57f8131f7..30e4a3ede725 100644 --- a/docs/build-guide.html +++ b/docs/build-guide.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ (parachains, relay chains, etc.) and smart contracts. These often will interact with the RPC of a Substrate node.

Please visit the full documentation for developing dApps and other general client-side development resources.

For a complete list of tools, please take a look here: Tools, APIs, and Languages

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-hackathon.html b/docs/build-hackathon.html index c4d82c0f63d7..f60b067440d7 100644 --- a/docs/build-hackathon.html +++ b/docs/build-hackathon.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ that can be a feature of you hackathon or suggested prerequisite for those joining to use.

Support / Contact

If you have any questions regarding organizing a hackathon, please free feel to contact us by email or ask us via Element chat.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-hrmp-channels.html b/docs/build-hrmp-channels.html index 3e417e57a751..c4d8d153429a 100644 --- a/docs/build-hrmp-channels.html +++ b/docs/build-hrmp-channels.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ encourage the community to vote on this, highlighting the benefits for your chain, use cases enabled with this submission, among other things. After the enactment period is over, both chains will authorize the channel.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-index.html b/docs/build-index.html index a11340e59819..8e7690078ada 100644 --- a/docs/build-index.html +++ b/docs/build-index.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ are building.


  • Grants - Information regarding grants and funding sources available in the Polkadot ecosystem.


Polkadot Contracts Proposals (PCPs) are standards for smart contracts in the Polkadot ecosystem.


- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-integrate-assets.html b/docs/build-integrate-assets.html index 373e2753a31c..3e666b04cc9c 100644 --- a/docs/build-integrate-assets.html +++ b/docs/build-integrate-assets.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ can be claimed).

A great resource to learn more about Error Management in XCM is the Polkadot blog post from Gavin Wood, XCM Part III: Execution and Error Management.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-integration.html b/docs/build-integration.html index c78e2c76ae72..9f46159749dc 100644 --- a/docs/build-integration.html +++ b/docs/build-integration.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ transactions. Parity and Web3 Foundation will be able to provide the best support if you use these tools.

If your team would like support, join some of our community channels or contact support@polkadot.network.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-light-clients.html b/docs/build-light-clients.html index 0cd0c98676ea..baf940edd0f9 100644 --- a/docs/build-light-clients.html +++ b/docs/build-light-clients.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ end-users to interact with applications connected to multiple blockchains or connect their own blockchains to applications that support it.


Substrate Connect will auto-detect whether a user is using the extension. If not, the Wasm light client will be created in-page for them.


- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-network-index.html b/docs/build-network-index.html index 9e2102a0c266..3321c08fa52d 100644 --- a/docs/build-network-index.html +++ b/docs/build-network-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-network-overview.html b/docs/build-network-overview.html index 94ad609e0364..2446c4993c58 100644 --- a/docs/build-network-overview.html +++ b/docs/build-network-overview.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ here.

For other programmatic ways of interacting with these networks (including PolkadotJS), please view the Node Interactions page.

Testnet Faucets

Almost all tesnets either have a web-based interface for getting test currency or a Matrix room which you can post !drip <ADDRESS>

See here for all available faucets and how to obtain testnet tokens.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-node-interaction.html b/docs/build-node-interaction.html index cdbaafc6507c..c6629180da94 100644 --- a/docs/build-node-interaction.html +++ b/docs/build-node-interaction.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ block by the block author.




// ...



The JS number type is a 53 bit precision float

There is no guarantee that the numerical values in the response will have a numerical type. Any numbers larger than 2**53-1 will have a string type.

Submitting a Transaction

Submit a serialized transaction using the transaction endpoint with an HTTP POST request.

import requests
import json

url = ''
tx_headers = {'Content-type' : 'application/json', 'Accept' : 'text/plain'}
response = requests.post(
data='{"tx": "0xed0...000"}', # A serialized tx.
tx_response = json.loads(response.text)

If successful, this endpoint returns a JSON with the transaction hash. In case of error, it will return an error report, e.g.:

"error": "Failed to parse a tx" | "Failed to submit a tx",
"cause": "Upstream error description"
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-node-management.html b/docs/build-node-management.html index 30a82d6d55dc..07e6df2749d7 100644 --- a/docs/build-node-management.html +++ b/docs/build-node-management.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ has a monitor node metrics tutorial which uses this endpoint.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-open-source.html b/docs/build-open-source.html index 358f184114be..ba73099505c9 100644 --- a/docs/build-open-source.html +++ b/docs/build-open-source.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ the tech stack.

❗ All technologies listed above need to be open-source. Ideally, the links lead directly to the code.

Note: You will need a GitHub account to suggest changes or open issues. If you do not have one, you may sign up for free.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-oracle.html b/docs/build-oracle.html index 1dd4624f1c4d..03cc3f3d7d13 100644 --- a/docs/build-oracle.html +++ b/docs/build-oracle.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ ecosystem develops and oracle parachains begin to appear, this article will be updated with a comparison of the different solutions and the benefits and drawbacks that each provide.

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For more information on how parathread per-block auctions work, see the more detailed parathread page.


- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-protocol-index.html b/docs/build-protocol-index.html index 52b1d3299ca4..36f9c520017a 100644 --- a/docs/build-protocol-index.html +++ b/docs/build-protocol-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-protocol-info.html b/docs/build-protocol-info.html index fc077042ae60..1c102a0d4da6 100644 --- a/docs/build-protocol-info.html +++ b/docs/build-protocol-info.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ to cancel a runtime upgrade. Using a finalized depth of ten blocks should be safe.

Note that block production and finality are isolated processes in Polkadot, and the chain can have a long unfinalized head.

Do users need to interact with any smart contracts?

No, users interact directly with the chain's logic.

Does Polkadot have state rent?

No, Polkadot uses the existential deposit to prevent dust accounts and other economic mechanisms like locking or reserving tokens for operations that utilize state.

What is an external source to see the current chain height?

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-smart-contracts.html b/docs/build-smart-contracts.html index f976b85ee8e5..60d3aee0d5b9 100644 --- a/docs/build-smart-contracts.html +++ b/docs/build-smart-contracts.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Substrate and Polkadot StackExchange to ask their questions. As always, keep up to date with Polkadot and Kusama by following the social channels.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-storage.html b/docs/build-storage.html index 42298d4ce6bd..54b1f6143711 100644 --- a/docs/build-storage.html +++ b/docs/build-storage.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ directory info will not be visible if you switch to a new browser or clear the browser cache. The storage module allows you to export file directory info from the current browser and import it to the new browser.

manage file dir


These above images are taken from this pull request

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-tools-index.html b/docs/build-tools-index.html index c3dc4254d314..2c732e605526 100644 --- a/docs/build-tools-index.html +++ b/docs/build-tools-index.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Squid Archive Registry
  • Polka-store - A tool which scans a Substrate chain and stores balance-relevant transactions in an SQLite database.
  • Substrate-graph - A compact indexer for Substrate based nodes providing a GraphQL interface.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/build-transaction-construction.html b/docs/build-transaction-construction.html index 264ca6ac58af..c97c552cf8e1 100644 --- a/docs/build-transaction-construction.html +++ b/docs/build-transaction-construction.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ author_submitAndWatchExtrinsic, the latter of which will subscribe you to events to be notified as a transaction gets validated and included in the chain.


    Some addresses to use in the examples. See Subkey documentation.

    $ subkey --network polkadot generate
    Secret phrase `pulp gaze fuel ... mercy inherit equal` is account:
    Secret seed: 0x57450b3e09ba4598 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 219756eeba80bb16
    Public key (hex): 0x2ca17d26ca376087dc30ed52deb74bf0f64aca96fe78b05ec3e720a72adb1235
    Account ID: 0x2ca17d26ca376087dc30ed52deb74bf0f64aca96fe78b05ec3e720a72adb1235
    SS58 Address: 121X5bEgTZcGQx5NZjwuTjqqKoiG8B2wEAvrUFjuw24ZGZf2

    $ subkey --network polkadot generate
    Secret phrase `exercise auction soft ... obey control easily` is account:
    Secret seed: 0x5f4bbb9fbb69261a ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 4691ed7d1130fbbd
    Public key (hex): 0xda04de6cd781c98acf0693dfb97c11011938ad22fcc476ed0089ac5aec3fe243
    Account ID: 0xda04de6cd781c98acf0693dfb97c11011938ad22fcc476ed0089ac5aec3fe243
    SS58 Address: 15vrtLsCQFG3qRYUcaEeeEih4JwepocNJHkpsrqojqnZPc2y
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/builders-program.html b/docs/builders-program.html index 4c3d7f7d1e3c..bfd0ea41035c 100644 --- a/docs/builders-program.html +++ b/docs/builders-program.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ form of tooling, UI, middleware, bridges, and more.

    Application track

    This track supports builders who are building on top of Substrate-based chains.

    Check out the official Substrate Builders Program site for more information and steps on how to apply.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/community-index.html b/docs/community-index.html index bca338348604..51275ae1113b 100644 --- a/docs/community-index.html +++ b/docs/community-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/community.html b/docs/community.html index 8c0ef8f5be22..528639248e01 100644 --- a/docs/community.html +++ b/docs/community.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ development and where there's room for your contributions.
  • Teams Building on Polkadot - Community maintained list of teams building on Polkadot and/or Substrate. (Note that this may contain inaccuracies, as it's unofficial).
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/contributing.html b/docs/contributing.html index 3060b044d833..a39db2ebfbfd 100644 --- a/docs/contributing.html +++ b/docs/contributing.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ the official crowdin knowledge base as well.

    The following shows an example in Arabic. You can type in your desired translation for each section in the provided area, while using the suggestions generated by the crowdin built-in translator.

    Make sure to save your translation.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/contributors.html b/docs/contributors.html index 47125a667fdf..3f7617f78f3a 100644 --- a/docs/contributors.html +++ b/docs/contributors.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ for the Polkadot protocol. He contributed in creating written content and example applications that demonstrate how to use these new technologies.

    You can now find Logan leading efforts to define the prediction market space at Zeitgeist.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/dashboards-index.html b/docs/dashboards-index.html index 1d499da4126a..f419abdbfb5a 100644 --- a/docs/dashboards-index.html +++ b/docs/dashboards-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/dev-heroes.html b/docs/dev-heroes.html index b6069aef442c..d0178e8079a1 100644 --- a/docs/dev-heroes.html +++ b/docs/dev-heroes.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ open source technology stack list and contribute with a pull request, an issue, or find and fix bugs.

  • Create content: Write a blog post, record a video tutorial, and write a Twitter thread. Share about your latest coding success, something you learned and are excited about.

  • Speak at events: Do a workshop or talk at meetups and conferences.

  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/explore-index.html b/docs/explore-index.html index 53d5594bafdf..ad995cf241fb 100644 --- a/docs/explore-index.html +++ b/docs/explore-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/faq.html b/docs/faq.html index 181abfafc241..5e44beec9479 100644 --- a/docs/faq.html +++ b/docs/faq.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ fee calculation page in the Substrate documentation for more detailed information.

    Answered by Gav series

    The "Answered by Gav" series is a collection of posts uploaded to Reddit of questions that have been asked in the Polkadot Watercooler Riot channel and answered by Polkadot founder Gavin Wood.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/general-index.html b/docs/general-index.html index a3097a73b98a..8c63d931da15 100644 --- a/docs/general-index.html +++ b/docs/general-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/getting-started.html b/docs/getting-started.html index 66655e0157c7..e4f1f6020d24 100644 --- a/docs/getting-started.html +++ b/docs/getting-started.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ about Polkadot.
  • Sample Applications - Sample applications that are built on or currently being built for Polkadot.
  • Contributing Guide - Rules for contributing to the wiki.
  • Polkadot Knowledge Base - Troubleshooting resources for specific errors and problems.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/glossary.html b/docs/glossary.html index c5e2f3413907..b74f86c0c79b 100644 --- a/docs/glossary.html +++ b/docs/glossary.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ transaction weights and fees.


    Cryptographic proof statements of data validity.

    Whitelist Pallet

    Allows one Origin to escalate the privilege level of another Origin for a certain operation. In terms of OpenGov, it allows the Fellowship to authorise a new origin (which we will call Whitelisted-Root) to be executed with Root-level privileges.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/governance-apps.html b/docs/governance-apps.html index c6f17d4d858c..83b46cc7ebe7 100644 --- a/docs/governance-apps.html +++ b/docs/governance-apps.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ node, ensuring real-time accuracy.

    Dive into the world of Polkadot governance with Polkassembly and be an active part of the future! For deeper insights or specific tutorials, please refer to the official documentation at https://docs.polkassembly.io.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/grants.html b/docs/grants.html index c5e650030ee0..186f1e9a8dd6 100644 --- a/docs/grants.html +++ b/docs/grants.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Foundation has considered new ways to distribute KSM for people who need KSM to build.

    If you are interested in obtaining KSM for building or research, you can apply through the Treasury or receive a tip for doing something cool in the community.

    Other Grant Programs

    Below is a list of other grant programs in the Polkadot/Substrate ecosystem.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/how-to-dyor.html b/docs/how-to-dyor.html index e27f3461b468..776ad8997807 100644 --- a/docs/how-to-dyor.html +++ b/docs/how-to-dyor.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ aims to bring to the ecosystem.

    This does not fall under fact-checking and verifying claims, but it is important to mention: fully understanding what something does and its prospective impact is an integral part of making an informed decision, so do not overlook it.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/kusama-adversarial-cheatsheet.html b/docs/kusama-adversarial-cheatsheet.html index e7753f298b8f..a2031f0a2e50 100644 --- a/docs/kusama-adversarial-cheatsheet.html +++ b/docs/kusama-adversarial-cheatsheet.html @@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ - +

    Adversarial Cheatsheet

    Expect things to break on Kusama. To help you break some things, take a look at the following threat model.

    Hacker wants to …Security promise that should prevent the hackHacking IncentiveHacking DamageHacking value details
    Double spend tokens via getting the clients to accept a different chainIntegrity (System-wide)HighHighIf attackers are able to double spend tokens, they are able to get services without paying for them. This gives them a high monetary incentive to execute the attack.
    Cause system to mint tokens to his own accountIntegrity (System-wide) MediumLow - MediumIf an attacker is able to craft transactions that mint tokens to their account, then this provides a high monetary incentive to execute this attack.
    Validate malicious blocks to double spend tokensAvailability (System-wide) HighMediumIf an attacker is able to double spend tokens, they are able to get services without paying for them. This gives them a high monetary incentive to execute the attack.
    Undermine consensus mechanism to split chainIntegrity (System-wide)HighHigh"If an attacker is able to double spend tokens, they are able to get services without paying for them. This gives them a high monetary incentive to execute the attack. Betting on decrease in value of the cryptocurrency or competitors want to damage the reputation, so that the value of their blockchain increases.
    Tamper/manipulate blockchain history to invalidate transactions (e.g. a voting result)Integrity (System-wide)MediumMedium - HighAttacker can rollback undesired transactions by intentionally invalidating the block where transaction has happened. Attacker can force a governance decision (or even an on-chain update) that favors them.
    Undermine blockchain or consensus mechanism to damage the ecosystem's reputationAvailability (System-wide)HighHighBetting on decrease in value of the cryptocurrency or competitors want to damage the reputation, so that the value of their blockchain increases
    CensorshipAvailability (System-wide)MediumHighHackers are able to block undesirable types of transactions (e.g. industry competitor transactions or referendum votes). This could be achieved by colluding with other stakeholders or by otherwise obtaining more voting power.
    Deanonymize usersConfidentiality (Node)MediumMediumParties that want to de-anonymize users can use the information to oppress the opposition (e.g. political activists).
    Steal token from nodeIntegrity (Node)HighHighAttackers that are able to steal tokens from nodes can claim assets for themselves, which gives them a high monetary incentive to execute the attack.
    Steal token from node by leaking credentialsConfidentiality (Node)HighHighAttackers that are able to steal tokens from nodes can claim assets for themselves, which gives them a high monetary incentive to execute the attack.
    Prevent node from accessing the Polkadot networkAvailability (Node)LowLow - MediumRun a targeted denial-of-service attack out of revenge, monetary interests (in case of a competing coin exchange, etc.).
    Defraud other participantsIntegrity (Node)MediumLow - MediumAttacker can abuse other participants’ misunderstanding of Polkadot's security guarantees to defraud them. Also, if the reward for calling out bad behavior can be set up so that it is higher than the according punishment, a set of self-handled nodes can be set up to generate a source cycle. Other participants are not needed for this attack.
    Defraud other participantsIntegrity (System-wide)HighHighAn attacker could abuse bugs in Polkadot's economic system to defraud other participants. For example, an attacker could exploit a logic bug to not pay transaction fees.
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/kusama-bug-bounty.html b/docs/kusama-bug-bounty.html index d6c10c0a8217..fe13658ef53f 100644 --- a/docs/kusama-bug-bounty.html +++ b/docs/kusama-bug-bounty.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ not to be disruptive or harmful to our users or us. Otherwise, your actions might be interpreted as an attack rather than an effort to be helpful.

    How to report a bug

    Please follow the instructions at web3.foundation/security-report/.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/kusama-claims.html b/docs/kusama-claims.html index 9efc57554afc..d747d2b1d32c 100644 --- a/docs/kusama-claims.html +++ b/docs/kusama-claims.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Polkadot Support page.

    Third Party Claims Processes

    We do not recommend using a third-party app or process to perform your claim or acquire KSM.

    Claiming using a third-party process can lead to the loss of your allocation; therefore, we cannot recommend using any third-party apps to do so. Manually specifying your transaction data, as specified in our claims process, is the only way to be certain you will receive your allocation.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/kusama-coc.html b/docs/kusama-coc.html index a593b9b7a08d..f67e5e9f4bd3 100644 --- a/docs/kusama-coc.html +++ b/docs/kusama-coc.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ on feedback from the Kusama participants and/or the Polkadot community.


    Please understand that this network is, despite its success, an experiment with potential flaws, so it’s appreciated that community members help report any sort of exploits directly to the team before sharing publicly. Please see the bug bounty program.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/kusama-community.html b/docs/kusama-community.html index 98f21767e75e..cc9190c45eb4 100644 --- a/docs/kusama-community.html +++ b/docs/kusama-community.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ for technical questions on building with Substrate.
  • Smart Contracts & Parity Ink! - A room to discuss developing Substrate smart contracts using Parity Ink!
  • Social

    Blogs and tutorials


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/kusama-getting-started.html b/docs/kusama-getting-started.html index 05ca2f7ff309..fe34b79f7f7c 100644 --- a/docs/kusama-getting-started.html +++ b/docs/kusama-getting-started.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ here.

    While Kusama does not support smart contracts natively, building apps on it is still possible (e.g. RMRK.app). If you're interested in diving deeper into proper development, however, check out the builders guide.

    Additional Resources:

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/kusama-index.html b/docs/kusama-index.html index ad31c766e426..c063083373e0 100644 --- a/docs/kusama-index.html +++ b/docs/kusama-index.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@


    Polkadot's Canary Network

    Kusama is a canary network for Polkadot; an earlier release of the code that is available first and holds real economic value. For developers, Kusama is a proving ground for runtime upgrades, on-chain governance, and parachains.

    No Promises.

    Kusama has a dedicated Wiki guide. Click on the image below to access it.

    Kusama Guide
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/kusama-parameters.html b/docs/kusama-parameters.html index 9064d8fbc42e..3e9922369474 100644 --- a/docs/kusama-parameters.html +++ b/docs/kusama-parameters.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ redirected into the Society's treasury to fund growth.


    KSM have 12 decimals of precision. In other words, 1e12 (1_000_000_000_000, or one trillion) Plancks make up a single KSM.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/kusama-social-recovery.html b/docs/kusama-social-recovery.html index bac313bb16de..fa2e493ae3c8 100644 --- a/docs/kusama-social-recovery.html +++ b/docs/kusama-social-recovery.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ either go through the council or submit a public proposal. To learn more about governance, see here.

    Further Reading

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/kusama-timeline.html b/docs/kusama-timeline.html index 2a00f7f6576b..ec70d3d9f7ab 100644 --- a/docs/kusama-timeline.html +++ b/docs/kusama-timeline.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ forkless upgradability provided by Substrate, chaos continues, and in the spirit of chaos, more teams are eager to deploy on Kusama. The path of Kusama deployment has paved the way to Polkadot's parachains as the technology became proven.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-DOT.html b/docs/learn-DOT.html index 6fb30a4762f0..29e9660ff341 100644 --- a/docs/learn-DOT.html +++ b/docs/learn-DOT.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ through the Treasury. Alternatively, they can be obtained on the open market.

    Polkadot Mainnet DOT

    Polkadot Mainnet DOT are not freely given away. If you purchased DOT in the original 2017 offering, you may claim them via the Polkadot claims process. Alternatively, they are available on the open market.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-account-abstraction.html b/docs/learn-account-abstraction.html index ff1a8a55132f..d12286a9e59a 100644 --- a/docs/learn-account-abstraction.html +++ b/docs/learn-account-abstraction.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Bader Youssef - "Abstracting Away Account Abstraction on Polkadot"
  • Parity Blog Post by Joe Petrowski - "Building a Hot Wallet with Substrate Primitives"
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-account-advanced.html b/docs/learn-account-advanced.html index d0ff88f4f5ed..9eed30aa3b6d 100644 --- a/docs/learn-account-advanced.html +++ b/docs/learn-account-advanced.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ directly in the browser on the new one.

    This has been tested on Brave and Chrome, but not other browsers.

    1. Go to Polkadot-JS Apps
    2. Go to JavaScript console on the browser (Available in Developer Tools)
    3. Type in the command:
    1. Copy and paste the returned string to a text editor and save the file.
    2. Check that the string you pasted begins and ends with a tick mark ('). If not, add one to the beginning and end.
    3. Save and send that file with the copied string to the new computer.
    4. On the new computer, go to Polkadot-JS Apps
    5. Open the Javascript console on the browser (Available in Developer Tools)
    6. Set a variable raw equal to the string from the text file
    raw = ... copy-pasted json from original computer ...
    1. Run the following code on the console:
    accounts = JSON.parse(raw);
    for (var key in accounts) {
    if (accounts.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
    val = JSON.stringify(accounts[key]).replace(/\\/g,'').slice(1,-1);
    console.log(key + " -> " + val);
    localStorage.setItem(key, val);
    1. Refresh Polkadot-JS App browser and check the Accounts and Addresses pages. All of your accounts and addresses should now be available.
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-account-multisig.html b/docs/learn-account-multisig.html index f041617c23f0..d71bd63d633d 100644 --- a/docs/learn-account-multisig.html +++ b/docs/learn-account-multisig.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ the entities designated as the recipients come together in a new multisig under a matching threshold, they will immediately have access to these tokens.

    Polkadot-JS Guides

    If you are an advanced user, see the Polkadot-JS guides about multi-signature accounts.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-accounts.html b/docs/learn-accounts.html index 261d2d2d265c..a981f65ec1ed 100644 --- a/docs/learn-accounts.html +++ b/docs/learn-accounts.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ is not given for free. In the example, we created a governance proxy, and the reserved funds for this are 0.0668 KSM.
    Polkadot-JS Guides

    If you are an advanced user, see the Polkadot-JS guides about accounts.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-advanced-index.html b/docs/learn-advanced-index.html index 1f5fe54b8420..01cbf86da233 100644 --- a/docs/learn-advanced-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-advanced-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-architecture-index.html b/docs/learn-architecture-index.html index 6a38da817087..0f9743e95966 100644 --- a/docs/learn-architecture-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-architecture-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-architecture.html b/docs/learn-architecture.html index 1642137808fe..57b0a4af274a 100644 --- a/docs/learn-architecture.html +++ b/docs/learn-architecture.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ verify their validity (and later, their availability).

    Whiteboard Series

    For a video overview of the architecture of Polkadot watch the video below for the whiteboard interview with W3F researcher Alistair Stewart:

    Architecture Overview

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-archive-index.html b/docs/learn-archive-index.html index 1f64e81a4433..e0ffa0417f7d 100644 --- a/docs/learn-archive-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-archive-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-assets-index.html b/docs/learn-assets-index.html index 9cfd5fbc8555..cd1b4451ec9d 100644 --- a/docs/learn-assets-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-assets-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-assets.html b/docs/learn-assets.html index 764e8cc3a2b7..bd9ee91689f6 100644 --- a/docs/learn-assets.html +++ b/docs/learn-assets.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ create a 2-of-2 multisig from two pure proxies, and then set members from each group as proxies to those two accounts.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-async-backing.html b/docs/learn-async-backing.html index 44b9f23614ea..a10af320a472 100644 --- a/docs/learn-async-backing.html +++ b/docs/learn-async-backing.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Asynchronous Backing (Shallow)
  • Chapter 6.15. from PBA lecture material: Asynchronous Backing (Deep)
  • Polkadot Blog Post - Asynchronous Backing: Elevating Polkadot's Performance and Scale
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-auction.html b/docs/learn-auction.html index 5d17024614a2..f6701f5f2296 100644 --- a/docs/learn-auction.html +++ b/docs/learn-auction.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ W3F research page on parachain allocation that goes more in depth to the mechanism
  • Research Update: The Case for Candle Auctions - W3F breakdown and research update about candle auctions
  • Front-Running, Smart Contracts, and Candle Auctions W3F Research team discusses how to remedy current blockchain auction setbacks with candle auctions
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-balance-transfers.html b/docs/learn-balance-transfers.html index 1f92695bb066..2b59b64996a3 100644 --- a/docs/learn-balance-transfers.html +++ b/docs/learn-balance-transfers.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ probably not the reason for your tokens having existing references.

    Existing Non-Native Assets

    Currently, Polkadot does not use the Assets Pallet, so this is probably not the reason for your tokens having existing references.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-basics-index.html b/docs/learn-basics-index.html index d0fc91df401f..49cf1f76771c 100644 --- a/docs/learn-basics-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-basics-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-bridges.html b/docs/learn-bridges.html index 3a2e38de0a32..1d27facfaadf 100644 --- a/docs/learn-bridges.html +++ b/docs/learn-bridges.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Edgeware chain (a Substrate-based chain) - now defunct and not maintained, but a good example.
  • XCLAIM - XCLAIM is a framework for achieving trustless and efficient cross-chain exchanges using cryptocurrency-backed assets.
  • Celer cBridge - a bridge to transfer assets from Ethereum & Binance Smart Chain to the Astar Polkadot EVM.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-collator.html b/docs/learn-collator.html index 4ce3dc20441c..ba9c2397797c 100644 --- a/docs/learn-collator.html +++ b/docs/learn-collator.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Cumulus repository. More information can be found under the Cumulus section on the build parachain page.

    Guides and Tools

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-comparisons-avalanche.html b/docs/learn-comparisons-avalanche.html index a1e65aee1540..0723fe3e59af 100644 --- a/docs/learn-comparisons-avalanche.html +++ b/docs/learn-comparisons-avalanche.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ need a recommended minimum of 5 validators, which make the costs of launch predictable. Avalanche has plans to implement shared security, interoperability, composability and on-chain governance features which are already offered by Polkadot.


    1. The Avalanche Platform Whitepaper
    2. The Avalanche Consensus Whitepaper
    3. The AVAX Token Dynamics Paper
    4. Nakomoto vs Snow consensus
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-comparisons-cosmos.html b/docs/learn-comparisons-cosmos.html index 646d82c019a9..e784bef04034 100644 --- a/docs/learn-comparisons-cosmos.html +++ b/docs/learn-comparisons-cosmos.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ chain must trust the sending chain. Thus, each blockchain in the Cosmos network has its independent security mechanisms. They're independently secured and do not rely on the security of other blockchains or the hub.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-comparisons-ethereum-2.html b/docs/learn-comparisons-ethereum-2.html index 07f53ac0bb36..a087f274d9da 100644 --- a/docs/learn-comparisons-ethereum-2.html +++ b/docs/learn-comparisons-ethereum-2.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ enacted autonomously via forkless upgrades.
  • Validator selection mechanisms differ as Polkadot can provide strong availability and validity guarantees with fewer validators per shard.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-comparisons-index.html b/docs/learn-comparisons-index.html index 88d87afe7918..8d093ce5876d 100644 --- a/docs/learn-comparisons-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-comparisons-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-comparisons-kusama.html b/docs/learn-comparisons-kusama.html index dd103efb24c1..b1e6d70d7d06 100644 --- a/docs/learn-comparisons-kusama.html +++ b/docs/learn-comparisons-kusama.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ the future, we’re also likely to see Kusama bridged to Polkadot for cross-network interoperability. Web3 Foundation remains committed to both networks going forward, providing crucial support and guidance to teams building for the ecosystem.

    Explore more

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-comparisons-rollups.html b/docs/learn-comparisons-rollups.html index 771a3a86f2d0..3d9b4b85f1a9 100644 --- a/docs/learn-comparisons-rollups.html +++ b/docs/learn-comparisons-rollups.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ transition data.

    Despite these drawbacks, Polkadot remains upgradable through forkless upgrades, which allows the protocol to be easily upgradable to stay in line with future technological advances.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-comparisons.html b/docs/learn-comparisons.html index 70b357d8851d..f6e15fcc2c8a 100644 --- a/docs/learn-comparisons.html +++ b/docs/learn-comparisons.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Chain, and as the number of validators in the active set on Polkadot are increased, more parachains can be supported.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-components-index.html b/docs/learn-components-index.html index 02ed99267616..e6dea5c54801 100644 --- a/docs/learn-components-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-components-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-consensus.html b/docs/learn-consensus.html index 453f5bfbf87b..4b7dd3f66d85 100644 --- a/docs/learn-consensus.html +++ b/docs/learn-consensus.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ with Bill Laboon.
  • Block Production and Finalization in Polkadot: Understanding the BABE and GRANDPA Protocols - An academic talk by Bill Laboon, given at MIT Cryptoeconomic Systems 2020, describing Polkadot's hybrid consensus model in-depth.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-controller.html b/docs/learn-controller.html index 9bfe1abcc70c..5428c2a2a453 100644 --- a/docs/learn-controller.html +++ b/docs/learn-controller.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ used less often and usually signed by the stash.


    From a practical perspective, there were two accounts, and we needed to remember two passwords. From a security perspective, the party who wanted to control our staking actions was required to control two accounts.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-crowdloans.html b/docs/learn-crowdloans.html index 154fb52e7f9c..b3616a4c9e9a 100644 --- a/docs/learn-crowdloans.html +++ b/docs/learn-crowdloans.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Apps page.

    Here is an example of the crowdloans in play during the very first Kusama auction.

    crowdloan dashboard

    Furthermore, check out this video on How to Participate in Crowdloans for steps on how to access available crowdloans on PolkadotJS apps.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-cryptography.html b/docs/learn-cryptography.html index f35f56e608f0..fdaf5154fef0 100644 --- a/docs/learn-cryptography.html +++ b/docs/learn-cryptography.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ make passive attacks much harder if such a backdoor exists.

    However an alternative exists in the form of Curve25519. This algorithm has been proposed in 2006 by DJB [Curve25519]. Its main strengths are its speed, its constant-time run time (and resistance against side-channel attacks), and its lack of nebulous hard-coded constants.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-extrinsics.html b/docs/learn-extrinsics.html index f656fdf8f354..c883f7cc3c82 100644 --- a/docs/learn-extrinsics.html +++ b/docs/learn-extrinsics.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ without the possibility of verifying it.

    Defense against Attacks


    If you can't verify the extrinsic or you suspect you are signing something different than what you intended, don't sign it!

    To avoid being victim of an attack:

    • Use only trusted extensions, sites and software in general.
    • Use cold storage options (Ledger, Signer) and verify on them. Trust what these devices tell you over what is shown in the app or the browser extension.
    • Update Signer metadata only from trusted sources (or do it yourself).
    • Accept metadata updates for the extension only from trusted apps.
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-future-implementations-index.html b/docs/learn-future-implementations-index.html index 2889500156c5..171dd63fe556 100644 --- a/docs/learn-future-implementations-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-future-implementations-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-governance.html b/docs/learn-governance.html index 3fa133c3506e..d771398efd80 100644 --- a/docs/learn-governance.html +++ b/docs/learn-governance.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ case for why the change should be made.


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-accounts-index.html b/docs/learn-guides-accounts-index.html index 9702a8a3a52c..c98823d9bc5b 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-accounts-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-accounts-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-accounts-multisig.html b/docs/learn-guides-accounts-multisig.html index 3d48b74dc6e3..214e1977234b 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-accounts-multisig.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-accounts-multisig.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Check the "How to use a multisig account" in the support docs on how to decode the multisig call data.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-accounts-proxy-pure.html b/docs/learn-guides-accounts-proxy-pure.html index 1936d060fe53..e270cacad9e2 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-accounts-proxy-pure.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-accounts-proxy-pure.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ address but does not impact the pure proxy address. In Scenario Two, if signatories behind the pure proxies change, the address of the multisig stays the same. However, changing the number of signatories and threshold would not be possible.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-accounts-proxy.html b/docs/learn-guides-accounts-proxy.html index b2f035faf4f3..4ced644ac550 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-accounts-proxy.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-accounts-proxy.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ automatically ask for Charly's signature. Thus one proxy call will trigger the second one because Charly's is the only any proxy of P-C, and P-C cannot sign anything. While if we want to use Bob's account we will need to submit all three proxy calls.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-accounts.html b/docs/learn-guides-accounts.html index 0ca14cadda7c..1afe7b5cd432 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-accounts.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-accounts.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ encrypting/decrypting your wallet. If you cannot load a JSON file, please use the latest version of the wallet software. If you cannot load it, ensure that the wallet software uses the newest version of the Polkadot API.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-assets-create.html b/docs/learn-guides-assets-create.html index 79c7a3527858..c1c11814aeae 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-assets-create.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-assets-create.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ an ID that has already been taken. After all the details are entered, click on the next button.

    Add Asset Metadata

    • Choose the admin, issuer and the freezer accounts for your asset and click on the create button.

    Asset managing accounts

    • Sign and submit the transaction (If you like to verify the transaction details before signing, you can click on the dropdown button pointed by the arrow in the snapshot below).

    Sign asset creating transaction

    If the transaction is successful, you should see the asset and its details displayed in the Network > Assets page on the Asset Hub.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-assets-index.html b/docs/learn-guides-assets-index.html index de198b6fd573..f20032509f83 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-assets-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-assets-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-assets-ledger.html b/docs/learn-guides-assets-ledger.html index b465d13b784c..ae90526effa8 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-assets-ledger.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-assets-ledger.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ here.
  • Transfer the desired amount as described above. If you want to send exactly the amount you want to teleport, don't forget take into account the fees for teleporting that will be deducted in the next step.
  • Teleport your tokens following the instructions you will find here.
  • Teleporting to a Ledger account from a non-Ledger account doesn't require these extra steps.


    If you need support, please visit the Polkadot Support page.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-bounties.html b/docs/learn-guides-bounties.html index 671987da7e5f..136dffe1ffc6 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-bounties.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-bounties.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ delay elapsed, follow the guidelines in the video tutorial below to learn how to claim a child bounty reward. Note that the extrinsic to claim the child bounty reward is permissionless, and anyone can initiate the claim on behalf of the beneficiary.

    Claim Child Bounty Reward

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-identity.html b/docs/learn-guides-identity.html index 762e72484794..bd77c2d531f0 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-identity.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-identity.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ minimumDeposit.

    Submitting a proposal

    At this point, DOT holders can endorse the motion. With enough endorsements, the motion will become a referendum, which is then voted on. If it passes, users will be able to request judgement from this registrar.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-index.html b/docs/learn-guides-index.html index 70ee31288122..3e6f50e5272e 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-ledger.html b/docs/learn-guides-ledger.html index 64a513c99f54..5a2f4830c499 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-ledger.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-ledger.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ extrinsics are available in the light version. The following repository by Zondax lists the currently supported Democracy extrinsics on the full ledger.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-polkadot-opengov.html b/docs/learn-guides-polkadot-opengov.html index 4c5bc30a0631..b554e4d9911d 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-polkadot-opengov.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-polkadot-opengov.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ have been met. Failing to submit the decision deposit within a -day period will lead to a referendum timeout.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-staking-index.html b/docs/learn-guides-staking-index.html index 9dc85f054b8e..c02bfaa4113b 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-staking-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-staking-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-staking-pools.html b/docs/learn-guides-staking-pools.html index 90d57a163b25..ebe580f3e377 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-staking-pools.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-staking-pools.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Polkadot-JS UI Extrinsic Tab and issue the following extrisics:

    • nominationPools.claimPayoutOthers extrinsic specifying ALICE's account. This will claim the rewards as a free balance on ALICE's account.


    • nominationPools.bondExtraOthers extrinsic specifying ALICE's account and the option to bond:
      • the free balance currently available in ALICE's account (FreeBalance) or
      • the pool rewards (Rewards) unclaimed by ALICE.


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-staking.html b/docs/learn-guides-staking.html index b87b247858a2..b60cd417d540 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-staking.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-staking.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ which will list all the pending payouts for your stashes.


    To then claim your reward, select the "Payout all" button. This will prompt you to select your stash accounts for payout.


    Once you are done with payout, another screen will appear asking for you to sign and submit the transaction.


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-treasury.html b/docs/learn-guides-treasury.html index cf30c7799c55..87c8a5a00bd6 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-treasury.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-treasury.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ -day timeout
  • Once the referendum ends you can claim the preimage and decision deposits back
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-guides-vault.html b/docs/learn-guides-vault.html index 6dca56e66c98..8347e0a0018f 100644 --- a/docs/learn-guides-vault.html +++ b/docs/learn-guides-vault.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ chain and version is the version of the metadata.

    Add the renamed files to the /public/qr folder within the Metadata Portal repository.

    Run Portal

    Open the terminal within the Metadata Portal repository and run make updater. Then run make collector; this will create the _latest.apng files for each of the chains (removed by the command make cleaner). Finally, run yarn start to load the metadata portal on your localhost.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-identity.html b/docs/learn-identity.html index f3459622ac84..1010d84d9547 100644 --- a/docs/learn-identity.html +++ b/docs/learn-identity.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ is required for every sub-account.

    Polkadot-JS Guides

    If you are an advanced user, see the Polkadot-JS guides about account identity.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-implementations.html b/docs/learn-implementations.html index 2467aa06cec0..192278a5cb09 100644 --- a/docs/learn-implementations.html +++ b/docs/learn-implementations.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ collection of tools, interfaces, and libraries for Polkadot and Substrate.

    Other implementations that have received grants

    While the ecosystem continues to grow rapidly, the continued development of alternative implementations will only make Polkadot stronger. Consider becoming a contributor to the ecosystem, and learn about the how you can receieve a grant for your development.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-index.html b/docs/learn-index.html index 6db299a62ec2..c8e9c3220402 100644 --- a/docs/learn-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-inflation.html b/docs/learn-inflation.html index 6e475e80a921..1a1b3d57443f 100644 --- a/docs/learn-inflation.html +++ b/docs/learn-inflation.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ incentivizing them to stake more tokens on the network. On the contrary, staking rewards drop if staked tokens exceed the ideal staking rate. This results from the change in the percentage of staking rewards that go to the Treasury.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-launch.html b/docs/learn-launch.html index 0a742bcd6ee6..df0e7d5b6fbe 100644 --- a/docs/learn-launch.html +++ b/docs/learn-launch.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ block number 1_205_128 on August 18, 2020, at 16:39 UTC.

    Core Functionality

    After five years of research and development and a multi-stage launch that began in May 2020, Polkadot launch was completed on December 18, 2021, with all auction-winning parachains producing blocks on the network.

    Check out these resources for further information:

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-nft-pallets.html b/docs/learn-nft-pallets.html index fd4a9e89d8c5..327a0beb82b9 100644 --- a/docs/learn-nft-pallets.html +++ b/docs/learn-nft-pallets.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ balance-keeping chain for both fungible and non-fungibles.

    These NFTs can be viewed and interacted with on RMRK's Singular platform, by switching the top right menu from Kusama to the Asset Hub.


    They can also be interacted with directly through the extrinsics tab of the Asset Hub:


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-nft-projects.html b/docs/learn-nft-projects.html index 0df7b6f28818..9055a7c0991b 100644 --- a/docs/learn-nft-projects.html +++ b/docs/learn-nft-projects.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ on, rather than entering the NFT space themselves as an end-product.

    Unique Network aims to make their marketplace technology open-source and whitelabel-friendly. In theory, it should be trivial to set up a new marketplace for your project using Unique's technology. Unique network aims to be a parachain on Polkadot, and Quartz is their Kusama counterpart.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-nft.html b/docs/learn-nft.html index ff9073466ee4..ff7d186de9f1 100644 --- a/docs/learn-nft.html +++ b/docs/learn-nft.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ RMRK hackathon for porting RMRK NFTs into simplified IOUs on EVM chains


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-nomination-pools.html b/docs/learn-nomination-pools.html index 691a47a1446b..3268bfccade2 100644 --- a/docs/learn-nomination-pools.html +++ b/docs/learn-nomination-pools.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ in the nomination pools and earn staking rewards. For additional information, see this blog post. Check the wiki doc on nomination pools for more information.

    NominatingJoining a Pool
    Minimum 250 DOT to nominate.Minimum 1 DOT to be a member.
    Rewards can be compounded automatically or sent to any account.Rewards can be manually claimed to the pool member's account and be bonded in the pool again to compound them.
    If the active validator gets slashed, all active nominators are subjected to slashing, also those that do not receive rewards due to the oversubscription issue.If the active validator gets slashed, all pool members are subjected to slashing.
    Can bond and stake DOT indefinitely.Can bond and stake DOT until the pool exists.
    Unbonding period of 28 days. Can switch validators without unbonding.Unbonding period of 28 days. Need to unbond before switching to a different pool.
    Maximum uncapped.Maximum uncapped.
    Should bond more than the minimum active nomination in an era to be eligible to earn staking rewards, although it can depend on multiple other factors outlined in the linked document.A nomination pool earns rewards in an era if it satisfies all the conditions mentioned for the nominator (as the nomination pool is just a nominator from the NPoS system perspective).
    Staked tokens can be used for participation in Governance.Staked tokens cannot be used for participation in Governance.
    Rewards payout can be triggered permissionlessly by anyone (typically done by the validator).The pool member must claim the rewards.
    Bonded funds remain in your account.Bonded funds are transferred to a pool account which is administered by the network protocol and is not accessible to anyone else. See System Accounts for more information.
    Nominator manages the list of staked validators (up to 16).Nominations managed by the pool operator.
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-nominator.html b/docs/learn-nominator.html index 031df5eaad38..26b87577169d 100644 --- a/docs/learn-nominator.html +++ b/docs/learn-nominator.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ Polkadot JS Apps > Network > Staking > Targets page.

    Minimum Active Nomination


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-parachains-faq.html b/docs/learn-parachains-faq.html index 9e1fdaba75e8..261fa6cbbdfe 100644 --- a/docs/learn-parachains-faq.html +++ b/docs/learn-parachains-faq.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ initiate an auction, however, Root origin (via referendum) is needed to cancel an auction. Here is a proposal that gives a glimpse of what goes into planning auctions schedule - Proposed Polkadot Auction Schedule 2022.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-parachains-index.html b/docs/learn-parachains-index.html index 492fd049b4d9..abc2793cbe3a 100644 --- a/docs/learn-parachains-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-parachains-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-parachains-protocol.html b/docs/learn-parachains-protocol.html index 3dab237c4816..fccf9aa8a2a7 100644 --- a/docs/learn-parachains-protocol.html +++ b/docs/learn-parachains-protocol.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ Parity analyst Joe Petrowski expounds on the validity checks that a parachain block must pass in order to progress the parachain.
  • Availability and Validity - Paper by the W3F Research Team that specifies the availability and validity protocol in detail.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-parachains.html b/docs/learn-parachains.html index 5127d93268c8..464c9a0238f1 100644 --- a/docs/learn-parachains.html +++ b/docs/learn-parachains.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ its own. The Relay Chain provides security to attached parachains, but also provides a guarantee of secure message-passing between them."
  • The Path of a Parachain Block - A technical walk-through of how parachains interact with the Relay Chain.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-parathreads.html b/docs/learn-parathreads.html index 77cad8bd9a79..874cfb73fab5 100644 --- a/docs/learn-parathreads.html +++ b/docs/learn-parathreads.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ produce new blocks when they need to.

    Parathreads help ease the sharp stop of the parachain slot term by allowing parachains that are still doing something useful to produce blocks, even if it is no longer economically viable to rent a parachain slot.


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-participants-index.html b/docs/learn-participants-index.html index 668875cb5ddb..7b94fe7288e6 100644 --- a/docs/learn-participants-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-participants-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-phragmen.html b/docs/learn-phragmen.html index 26cec8fa09aa..ae6cf5057c3f 100644 --- a/docs/learn-phragmen.html +++ b/docs/learn-phragmen.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ This paper by Brill et al. is the source for the simple Phragmén method, along with proofs about its properties.
  • Offline Phragmén - Script to generate the Phragmén validator election outcome before the start of an era.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-polkadot-host.html b/docs/learn-polkadot-host.html index cf9a7cd46393..9179c7276dcb 100644 --- a/docs/learn-polkadot-host.html +++ b/docs/learn-polkadot-host.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Host is referred to as the Executor. For additional technical implementation details, check out this section of the Polkadot Spec.


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-index.html b/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-index.html index fa77e37c50d7..44991d7e7e9d 100644 --- a/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-origins.html b/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-origins.html index 1370acfb0c9c..375a24417fce 100644 --- a/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-origins.html +++ b/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-origins.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@

    Big Spender

    Origin able to spend up to 1000000 DOT from the treasury at once.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-treasury.html b/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-treasury.html index 50e3f180da55..bdd857ed7aa1 100644 --- a/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-treasury.html +++ b/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov-treasury.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ allocation of funds and as part of a nested iteration of the bounty mechanism.

    Child Bounties

    Child bounties are spawned from parent bounties. Child bounties are used to access funds directly from the parent bounty without going through an OpenGov referendum.

    Polkadot-JS Guides

    If you are an advanced user, see the Polkadot-JS guides about bounties and treasury.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov.html b/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov.html index fe0cdfb87abe..f31ee54f3258 100644 --- a/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov.html +++ b/docs/learn-polkadot-opengov.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ small deposit (which will be returned once they become members). Their candidacy will go through a referendum to be approved to become a member.


    Polkadot-JS Guides

    If you are an advanced user, see the Polkadot-JS guides about OpenGov.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-polkadotjs-index.html b/docs/learn-polkadotjs-index.html index 004c11ee1546..7d9cbba652b1 100644 --- a/docs/learn-polkadotjs-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-polkadotjs-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-proxies-pure.html b/docs/learn-proxies-pure.html index fe8f6f2d9ead..4836f4f7aad7 100644 --- a/docs/learn-proxies-pure.html +++ b/docs/learn-proxies-pure.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ corporate-level management where the chance of replacing someone within a multisig can be high. Pure proxies allow keeping the same multisig when the signatories change.
    Polkadot-JS Guides

    If you are an advanced user, see the Polkadot-JS guides about pure proxy accounts.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-proxies.html b/docs/learn-proxies.html index 5f807ce37418..76254b180ed1 100644 --- a/docs/learn-proxies.html +++ b/docs/learn-proxies.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@

    Polkadot-JS Guides

    If you are an advanced user, see the Polkadot-JS guides about proxy accounts. You can find information about creating and removing proxies, and more.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-redenomination.html b/docs/learn-redenomination.html index 89aea5fe545b..644bbf8a7b7d 100644 --- a/docs/learn-redenomination.html +++ b/docs/learn-redenomination.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Ecosystem Redenomination Guide for recommendations.

    Please reach out to support@polkadot.network if you need any assistance in making sure your software is compatible with the redenomination.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-runtime-upgrades.html b/docs/learn-runtime-upgrades.html index f14047576ffe..f7c6b3a8b96d 100644 --- a/docs/learn-runtime-upgrades.html +++ b/docs/learn-runtime-upgrades.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ may be up to the last block before execution, but it will not work if this is missing.
  • democracy(Executed) events for actual execution. In the case of a runtime upgrade, there will also be a system(CodeUpdated) event.
  • You can also monitor Polkassembly for discussions on on-chain proposals and referenda.

    * E.g. via pallets/democracy/storage/ReferendumInfoOf?key1=index&at=blockNumber on Sidecar.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-sassafras.html b/docs/learn-sassafras.html index 1f2e77c670aa..b1ac4f4222bf 100644 --- a/docs/learn-sassafras.html +++ b/docs/learn-sassafras.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ with time-constant intervals. The protocol utilizes zk-SNARKs to construct a ring-VRF and is a work in progress.

    This page will be updated as progress ensues.


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-scams.html b/docs/learn-scams.html index 18d58cf31583..01e12bf92dfe 100644 --- a/docs/learn-scams.html +++ b/docs/learn-scams.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ for steps you should take to prevent further loss and contact Polkadot Support from the same page. Finally, make sure to read the present article carefully to learn how to avoid falling victim in the future.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-spree.html b/docs/learn-spree.html index 321aed9765eb..7720a4bc830c 100644 --- a/docs/learn-spree.html +++ b/docs/learn-spree.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ instances, and the next state root of the instance. They do this validation by checking it against the validate function as provided by the SPREE module API. Collators are expected to be able to provide this information to progress their parachains.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-staking-advanced.html b/docs/learn-staking-advanced.html index ea785ada0844..91dd5383cc4f 100644 --- a/docs/learn-staking-advanced.html +++ b/docs/learn-staking-advanced.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ which is a fixed amount.

    Further Resources

    If you want to run a staking miner on your validator, refer to the repository provided in the resources section below.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-staking-index.html b/docs/learn-staking-index.html index e4df10ea37f1..e2e4fb5fba20 100644 --- a/docs/learn-staking-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-staking-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-staking.html b/docs/learn-staking.html index e71334e72861..22548addf52a 100644 --- a/docs/learn-staking.html +++ b/docs/learn-staking.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ this support page for the FAQs about staking.


    Polkadot-JS Guides

    If you are an advanced user, see the -Polkadot-JS guides about staking.

    - +Polkadot-JS guides about staking.

    + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-system-chains.html b/docs/learn-system-chains.html index 22455786e77c..97592a4a8ea1 100644 --- a/docs/learn-system-chains.html +++ b/docs/learn-system-chains.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ isolation provided by parachains.

    See the Bridges page for information on the latest bridge projects. Currently, a Bridge Hub parachain is in development that will be a portal for trust-minimized bridges to other networks.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-teleport.html b/docs/learn-teleport.html index 8dc85ab9eceb..2bc5509f82d9 100644 --- a/docs/learn-teleport.html +++ b/docs/learn-teleport.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ condition will result in a change in the asset's total issuance (in the case of fungible tokens) or a complete loss/duplication of an NFT.

    Teleporting Tokens using the Polkadot-JS UI


    If you do not see "Accounts > Teleport" in [Polkadot-JS UI], the source chain that you have selected does not support teleportation yet.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-transaction-fees.html b/docs/learn-transaction-fees.html index 16c2cc3567c0..8807fbd0ccf0 100644 --- a/docs/learn-transaction-fees.html +++ b/docs/learn-transaction-fees.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ how reasonable they find the timestamp. In Polkadot, it must be within some acceptable range of their own system clocks.

    Learn More

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-transactions-index.html b/docs/learn-transactions-index.html index 2aec4f56ad72..012dbf71a8ad 100644 --- a/docs/learn-transactions-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-transactions-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-treasury.html b/docs/learn-treasury.html index ae0aaca49051..fca6c2508920 100644 --- a/docs/learn-treasury.html +++ b/docs/learn-treasury.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ taking place. The time delay then allows chain participants time to respond. The response may take the form of governance measures or - in the most extreme cases a liquidation of their holdings and a migration to a minority fork. However, the possibility of this scenario is quite low.

    Further Reading

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-validator.html b/docs/learn-validator.html index b258fded9096..b8690a606686 100644 --- a/docs/learn-validator.html +++ b/docs/learn-validator.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ statistics.
  • YieldScan - Staking yield maximization platform, designed to minimize effort.
  • Subscan Validators Page - Displays information on the current validators - not as tailored for validators as the other sites.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-video-tutorials.html b/docs/learn-video-tutorials.html index d60de6aeebe7..edb16824bbd3 100644 --- a/docs/learn-video-tutorials.html +++ b/docs/learn-video-tutorials.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-wasm.html b/docs/learn-wasm.html index 622a970bb24e..ab9986c11fa0 100644 --- a/docs/learn-wasm.html +++ b/docs/learn-wasm.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ spec.
  • Wasmi - WebAssembly interpreter written in Rust.
  • Parity Wasm - WebAssembly serialization/deserialization in Rust.
  • Wasm utils - Collection of Wasm utilities used in Parity and Wasm contract development.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-xcm-index.html b/docs/learn-xcm-index.html index 49da44890347..f0f32bf14a81 100644 --- a/docs/learn-xcm-index.html +++ b/docs/learn-xcm-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-xcm-instructions.html b/docs/learn-xcm-instructions.html index b18bb8bca25d..47349e13f60d 100644 --- a/docs/learn-xcm-instructions.html +++ b/docs/learn-xcm-instructions.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ system and may not be transferred. It may only be unlocked with the receipt of the UnlockAsset instruction from this chain.

  • RequestUnlock(MultiAsset, MultiLocation) - Send an UnlockAsset instruction to the locker for the given asset.

  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-xcm-pallet.html b/docs/learn-xcm-pallet.html index 38c38dba02f5..3eb6c38497b5 100644 --- a/docs/learn-xcm-pallet.html +++ b/docs/learn-xcm-pallet.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ calculates the total fee based on the number of instructions.

    The Trader used to calculate the weight (time for computation in consensus) to include in the message. Fee calculation in XCM is highly configurable and, for this reason, subjective to whichever configuration is in place.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-xcm-transport.html b/docs/learn-xcm-transport.html index 47d3e3dbe115..a4fabe04d4d1 100644 --- a/docs/learn-xcm-transport.html +++ b/docs/learn-xcm-transport.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ asset transfer as intended.

    The collator now hands this block to the validator, which itself will verify that this message was processed. If the message was processed and all other aspects of the block are valid, the validator will include this block for parachain B into the Relay Chain.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-xcm-usecases.html b/docs/learn-xcm-usecases.html index 59f046be4718..c94de82ca08c 100644 --- a/docs/learn-xcm-usecases.html +++ b/docs/learn-xcm-usecases.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ destination's sovereign account, and sends this instruction onwards to the destination. The destination receives the instruction and processes it, minting the derivative assets as a result of the process.

    1. DepositAsset

    The destination deposits the derivative assets minted to the receiving account.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-xcm.html b/docs/learn-xcm.html index eecb495296a1..c558beaaf109 100644 --- a/docs/learn-xcm.html +++ b/docs/learn-xcm.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Technical audit report by Quarkslab prepared for Parity.

  • XCM pallet code - The pallet that contains XCM logic from the Polkadot code repository

  • XCM Config & Pallet-XCM | Polkadot Deep Dives - A technical deep dive into pallet-xcm and the XCM configuration.

  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn-xcvm.html b/docs/learn-xcvm.html index aded1b68de7c..2b84d36e973e 100644 --- a/docs/learn-xcvm.html +++ b/docs/learn-xcvm.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ a MultiLocation.

    Simulating XCVM using the xcm-simulator

    Within the Polkadot repository exists the xcm-simulator, which allows developers to experiment with building, executing, and simulating various XCM use scenarios.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm.html b/docs/learn/xcm.html index fa0074aa6c7c..d9d36f67aa7b 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/config-deep-dive.html b/docs/learn/xcm/config-deep-dive.html index 887af8fc62e2..80456586451e 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/config-deep-dive.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/config-deep-dive.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Statemine, or Trappist for examples of how to implement the xcm-executor config.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-fees.html b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-fees.html index 9d7a9ef130e1..9fc89d6d17af 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-fees.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-fees.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ and charging execution fees.

    XCM pallet

    FRAME pallets, like the XCM pallet, specify weights for each extrinsic they expose. That means that when interacting with pallets that deal with XCM, there will be an additional fee at the beginning for calling the extrinsic locally.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-multiasset.html b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-multiasset.html index 58f4ea91a7d8..79c3cec3340e 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-multiasset.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-multiasset.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ MultiAssets and WildMultiAsset allowing either a wildcard or a list of definite (i.e. not wildcard) assets to be specified.

    pub enum MultiAssetFilter {
    /// Specify the filter as being everything contained by the given `MultiAssets` inner.
    /// Specify the filter as the given `WildMultiAsset` wildcard.



    For more information about the MultiLocations used to define concrete assets, see MultiLocation and Junction.

    // Location Relay Chain
    // 100 Native Asset (three ways)
    MultiAsset {id: Concrete(MultiLocation {parents: 0, interior: Here}), fun: Fungible(100u128)};
    MultiAsset {id: Here.into(), fun: 100.into()};
    let _: MultiAsset = (Here, 100u128).into();

    // 100 Parachain's Native Asset
    let _: MultiAsset = (X1(Parachain(1000)), 100u128).into();
    // 100 Fungible assets in Parachain 1000 with id 1234
    let _: MultiAsset = (X2(Parachain(1000), GeneralIndex(1234)), 100u128).into();
    // Non Fungible asset with asset class 1234 containing only one nft instance in Parachain 1000
    let _: MultiAsset = (X2(Parachain(1000), GeneralIndex(1234)), Undefined).into();
    // Non Fungible asset with asset class 1234 and AssetInstance 1 in Parachain 1000
    let _: MultiAsset = (X2(Parachain(1000), GeneralIndex(1234)), Index(1)).into();


    let a1: MultiAssets = MultiAssets::from(vec![MultiAsset {id: Here.into(), fun: 100u128.into()}]);
    let b1: MultiAssets = (Here, 100u128).into();
    assert_eq!(a1, b1);

    let a2: MultiAssetFilter = a1.into();
    let b2 = MultiAssetFilter::Definite((Here, 100u128).into());
    assert_eq!(a2, b2);

    let a3 = MultiAssetFilter::Wild(WildMultiAsset::All);
    let b3: MultiAssetFilter = All.into();
    assert_eq!(a3, b3);
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-summary.html b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-summary.html index e023e0555840..c8ccdb1b947f 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-summary.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-summary.html @@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-xcvm.html b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-xcvm.html index 03ee0fb9255f..2b08484eaa95 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-xcvm.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals-xcvm.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals.html b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals.html index 03e995955b67..08d892b71a6d 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-example.html b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-example.html index dfb9c3914fb0..8773fcaed8eb 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-example.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-example.html @@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ - +


    In this example we show different MultiLocations for the system hierarchy in the image below. Example

    From the perspective of RelayA

    // ParaA
    let _: MultiLocation = Parachain(1000).into();
    // AccountId32 in Parachain A
    let _: MultiLocation = (Parachain(1000), AccountId32 { network: RELAY_A_NETWORK, id: [0u8; 32]}).into();
    // Asset in Parachain A
    let _: MultiLocation = (Parachain(1000), PalletInstance(1), GeneralIndex(1)).into();
    // Ethereum based account on Parachain B
    let _: MultiLocation = (Parachain(2000), AccountKey20 { network: RELAY_A_NETWORK, key: [0u8; 20] }).into();
    // Smart Contract
    let _: MultiLocation = (Parachain(2000), PalletInstance(1), AccountKey20 { network: RELAY_A_NETWORK, key: [0u8; 20] }).into();
    // RelayB
    let _: MultiLocation = (Parent, GlobalConsensus(RELAY_B_NETWORK)).into();
    // NFT on Parachain C
    let _: MultiLocation = (Parent, GlobalConsensus(RELAY_B_NETWORK), Parachain(1000), GeneralIndex(1)).into();

    From the perspective of Parachain C

    // Relay A
    let _: MultiLocation = Parent.into();
    // Plurality Example. Many more BodyId/BodyPart combos imaginable
    let _: MultiLocation = (Parent, Plurality { id: BodyId::Index(0), part: BodyPart::Members { count: 10 } }).into();
    // Account in Relay
    let _: MultiLocation = (Parent, AccountId32 { network: None, id: [0u8; 32] }).into();

    From the perspective of the Smart Contract

    // Asset in Parachain A
    let _: MultiLocation = (Parent, Parent, Parachain(1000), PalletInstance(1), GeneralIndex(1)).into();

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-junctions.html b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-junctions.html index bc3287d28103..aee05639019f 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-junctions.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-junctions.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ relay chain from the perspective of the Polkadot relay chain as {parents: 1, interior: GlobalConsensus(Kusama)}. An example use case could be routing XCMs between global consensus networks using bridges.

    Multiple ways to create a MultiLocation

    // Current Location
    MultiLocation {parents: 0, interior: Here};
    MultiLocation::new(0, Here);
    let _: MultiLocation = Here.into();

    // Parent Location
    MultiLocation {parents: 1, interior: Here};
    let _: MultiLocation = Parent.into();

    // Conversion
    MultiLocation { parents: 2, interior: X2(Parachain(1), GeneralIndex(1))};
    let _: MultiLocation = (Parent, Parent, Parachain(1), GeneralIndex(1)).into();
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-summary.html b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-summary.html index 69582e388411..c4bc9bd1d0e2 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-summary.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation-summary.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ .. are followed by some number of Junctions, all separated by /. The X1 and X2 variants are expressing the number of Junctions that we step down in the hierarchical structure (see Junctions for an explanation).

    // From: RelayA
    // To: ParaB
    // Location: Parachain(2000)
    MultiLocation {parents: 0, interior: X1(Parachain(2000))};
    // To: Account in ParaA
    // Location: Parachain(1000)/AccountId32(0x00..)
    MultiLocation {
    parents: 0,
    interior: X2(
    AccountId32{network: None, id: [0u8; 32]}

    // From: ParaB
    // To: RelayA
    // Location: ../Here
    MultiLocation {parents: 1, interior: Here};
    // To: Account in ParaA
    // Location: ../Parachain(1000)/AccountId32(0x00..)
    MultiLocation {
    parents: 1,
    interior: X2(
    AccountId32{network: None, id: [0u8; 32]}

    What's next:

    • More information about junctions
    • More MultiLocation examples
    • Expressing assets using Multilocations: [MultiAsset][../multiasset.md]
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation.html b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation.html index d19a43abc6c4..1e0d468332ca 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/fundamentals/multilocation.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/introduction.html b/docs/learn/xcm/introduction.html index 5e9cc6ff4221..dbe2fd2a3ef2 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/introduction.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/introduction.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ open an issue. If you want to contribute to the format, check out the RFC process.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-assets.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-assets.html index 05356f1d8f92..f4af14dd09f1 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-assets.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-assets.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ relay chain. The assets are trapped because an error is thrown and the execution is halted. Parachain A claims the trapped assets and receives a report of the holding register.

    Parachain A sends the following message to the relay chain. The message errors because of the Trap instruction, so all assets in the Holding Register are trapped.

    let message = Xcm(vec![
    WithdrawAsset((Here, 10 * CENTS).into()),
    BuyExecution { fees: (Here, CENTS).into(), weight_limit: WeightLimit::Unlimited },
    Trap(0), // <-- Errors
    DepositAsset { // <-- Not executed because of error.
    assets: All.into(),
    beneficiary: AccountId32 {
    network: Some(parachain::RelayNetwork::get()),
    id: ALICE.into()

    Parachain A claims the assets, reports them to itself and deposits them in the Account of Alice.

    let claim_message = Xcm(vec![
    ClaimAsset { assets: (Here, 10 * CENTS).into(), ticket: Here.into() },
    ReportHolding {
    response_info: QueryResponseInfo {
    destination: Parachain(1).into(),
    query_id: QUERY_ID,
    max_weight: Weight::from_parts(1_000_000_000, 64*64) },
    assets: All.into()
    DepositAsset {
    assets: All.into(),
    beneficiary: AccountId32 {
    network: Some(parachain::RelayNetwork::get()),
    id: ALICE.into()
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-channels.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-channels.html index e9a83f9d9b2d..785b46a709d7 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-channels.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-channels.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ network), you would call with network: NetworkId::Kusama and destination: X1(Parachain(1000)). Alternatively, to export a message for execution on Polkadot, you would call with network: NetworkId:: Polkadot and destination: Here.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-expectations.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-expectations.html index 09e0970c7849..60b74a54af86 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-expectations.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-expectations.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ the error handler, when a specific error is thrown.

        ExpectError(Option<(u32, Error)>)


    For the full example, check here.

    ExpectError(Some((1, XcmError::VersionIncompatible))),
    ReportError(QueryResponseInfo {
    destination: Parachain(1).into(),
    query_id: QUERY_ID,
    max_weight: Weight::from_all(0),
    // Pallet index is wrong, so throws `PalletNotFound` error.
    ExpectPallet {
    index: 100,
    name: "Balances".into(),
    module_name: "pallet_balances".into(),
    crate_major: 4,
    min_crate_minor: 0,


    The ExpectTransactStatus instruction throws an ExpectationFalse error if the transact status register does not equal the expected transact status.


    For the full example, check here. The transact status is reported to Parachain(1) if the call in the Transact errors.

    SetErrorHandler(Xcm(vec![ReportTransactStatus(QueryResponseInfo {
    destination: Parachain(1).into(),
    query_id: QUERY_ID,
    max_weight: Weight::from_all(0),
    Transact {
    origin_kind: OriginKind::SovereignAccount,
    require_weight_at_most: Weight::from_parts(INITIAL_BALANCE as u64, 1024 * 1024),
    call: call.encode().into(),
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-fees.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-fees.html index f266c406d441..2a632d7e1dc3 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-fees.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-fees.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ throws an error, the error handler will be called and the weight for all the instructions that weren't executed is refunded. For the full example, check our repo.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-holding.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-holding.html index e4818d533745..8ab9700315a9 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-holding.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-holding.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ results could differ.

    The Assets in the exchange in Parachain(1). This is a custom exchange implementation just for testing purposes.

    let assets_in_exchange = vec![(Parent, 10 * CENTS).into()];

    The message that is send:

    let message = Xcm(vec![
    WithdrawAsset((Here, 10 * CENTS).into()),
    BuyExecution { fees: (Here, CENTS).into(), weight_limit: WeightLimit::Unlimited },
    // Maximal field set to true.
    ExchangeAsset {
    give: Definite((Here, 5 * CENTS).into()),
    want: (Parent, 5 * CENTS).into(),
    maximal: true,
    DepositAsset {
    assets: AllCounted(2).into(),
    beneficiary: AccountId32 {
    network: Some(parachain::RelayNetwork::get()),
    id: ALICE.into(),

    Alice receives 5 CENTS worth of native assets (Here) and 5 CENTS worth of relay chain derivative assets (Parent).

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-locks.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-locks.html index dfb1b66c2c99..3f41370caa9e 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-locks.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-locks.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ pallet-balances: 10.
    ParaA::execute_with(|| {
    let message = Xcm(vec![
    LockAsset { asset: (Here, 10 * CENTS).into(), unlocker: (Parachain(2)).into() },
    LockAsset { asset: (Here, 5 * CENTS).into(), unlocker: (Parachain(3)).into() },
    assert_ok!(ParachainPalletXcm::send_xcm(Here, Parent, message.clone()));

    Relay::execute_with(|| {
    vec![BalanceLock { id: *b"py/xcmlk", amount: 10 * CENTS, reasons: Reasons::All }]
    1. Parachain B and C receive the NoteUnlockable instruction.
    ParaB::execute_with(|| {
    vec![Xcm(vec![NoteUnlockable {
    owner: (Parent, Parachain(1)).into(),
    asset: (Parent, 10 * CENTS).into()

    ParaC::execute_with(|| {
    vec![Xcm(vec![NoteUnlockable {
    owner: (Parent, Parachain(1)).into(),
    asset: (Parent, 5 * CENTS).into()
    1. Parachain A sends a RequestUnlock instruction to Parachain B for 8 CENTS.
    ParaA::execute_with(|| {
    let message = Xcm(vec![RequestUnlock {
    asset: (Parent, 8 * CENTS).into(),
    locker: Parent.into(),

    assert_ok!(ParachainPalletXcm::send_xcm(Here, (Parent, Parachain(2)), message.clone()));
    1. Parachain B Unlocks a part of the funds by sending an UnlockAsset to the relay chain. we check the lock in the balances-pallet. Unlockers: B, C; Funds registered in pallet-xcm: 2, 5. Lock set in pallet-balances: 5.
    Relay::execute_with(|| {
    vec![BalanceLock { id: *b"py/xcmlk", amount: 5 * CENTS, reasons: Reasons::All }]
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-origin.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-origin.html index ff644bc8fbf4..85eab3573c96 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-origin.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-origin.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ for certain values of X (thereby allowing sibling chains to use the same account IDs) or Parachain(X)/ (allowing a Relay-chain to use the account IDs native to its child parachains) or just Parent/ (allowing parachains to use AccountIds of the Relay-chain).

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-queries.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-queries.html index 259b724aaa98..654864ac7e44 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-queries.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-queries.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ specified destination.



    For the full example, check here. Dispatches a call on the consensus system receiving this Xcm and reports back the status of the Transact Status Register.

    Transact {
    origin_kind: OriginKind::SovereignAccount,
    require_weight_at_most: Weight::from_parts(INITIAL_BALANCE as u64, 1024 * 1024),
    call: remark.encode().into(),
    ReportTransactStatus(QueryResponseInfo {
    destination: Parachain(1).into(),
    query_id: QUERY_ID,
    max_weight: Weight::from_all(0),
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-register.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-register.html index 8752050ce76b..1f5178c1714e 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-register.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-register.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ and error handler instruction are executed. These instructions are executed regardless of whether an error occurred.



    The ClearError instruction clears the Error Register by setting it to None.



    The ClearTransactStatus instruction sets the Transact Status Register to its default, cleared, value.


    SetTopic([u8; 32])

    The SetTopic instruction sets the Topic Register.



    The ClearTopic instruction clears the Topic Register.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-summary.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-summary.html index 3d23c7cb81ab..27401000f032 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-summary.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-summary.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-transact.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-transact.html index 9a745c4463d6..e9ba6eadcd51 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-transact.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-transact.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Parachain(1). This function requires the origin to be root. We enable the root origin for the relay chain by setting ParentAsSuperuser for the OriginConverter config type.

    let call = parachain::RuntimeCall::Balances(
    pallet_balances::Call::<parachain::Runtime>::set_balance {
    who: ALICE,
    new_free: 5 * AMOUNT,
    new_reserved: 0,

    let message = Xcm(vec![
    WithdrawAsset((Here, AMOUNT).into()),
    BuyExecution { fees: (Here, AMOUNT).into(), weight_limit: WeightLimit::Unlimited },
    Transact {
    origin_kind: OriginKind::Superuser,
    require_weight_at_most: Weight::from_parts(INITIAL_BALANCE as u64, 1024 * 1024),
    call: call.encode().into(),

    Example 2

    For the full example, check the repo.

    In this example, as Parachain(1), we create an NFT collection on the relay chain and we then mint an NFT with ID 1. The admin for the nft collection is parachain(1). The call looks as follows:

    let create_collection = relay_chain::RuntimeCall::Uniques(
    pallet_uniques::Call::<relay_chain::Runtime>::create {
    collection: 1u32,
    admin: parachain_sovereign_account_id(1),

    The owner of the NFT is Alice. The nft mint call looks as follows:

    let mint = relay_chain::RuntimeCall::Uniques(
    pallet_uniques::Call::<relay_chain::Runtime>::mint {
    collection: 1u32,
    item: 1u32,
    owner: ALICE,

    The xcm message contains the following instructions:

    1. Withdraw native assets from the Parachain(1)'s sovereign account.
    2. Buy weight with these assets.
    3. Create a collection with as admin and owner the sovereign account of Parachain(1).
    4. Mints an NFT in the collection with item ID 1 and as owner Alice.
    let message = Xcm(vec![
    WithdrawAsset((Here, AMOUNT).into()),
    BuyExecution { fees: (Here, AMOUNT).into(), weight_limit: WeightLimit::Unlimited },
    Transact {
    origin_kind: OriginKind::SovereignAccount,
    require_weight_at_most: Weight::from_parts(INITIAL_BALANCE as u64, 1024 * 1024),
    call: create_collection.encode().into(),
    Transact {
    origin_kind: OriginKind::SovereignAccount,
    require_weight_at_most: Weight::from_parts(INITIAL_BALANCE as u64, 1024 * 1024),
    call: mint.encode().into(),


    Check out the following instructions that interact with the Transact Status Register:

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-version.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-version.html index e4b328259e68..33ba9df2bffa 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey-version.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey-version.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ send back its currently AdvertisedVersion and will keep the subscribed location up to date when the version changes. The subscribed location can unsubscribe to version changes by sending the UnsubscribeVersion instruction.

    SubscribeVersion {
    query_id: QueryId,
    max_response_weight: Weight,


    Check out the example.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey.html index a17e0249d743..c922fd581231 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - +
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-reserve.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-reserve.html index 524722a71cb7..70c275e81964 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-reserve.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-reserve.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ It's the sender the one who doesn't need to trust the destination, since it'll ever only be minting derivatives anyway, the sender/reserve controls the real assets and issuance.

    Next steps

    Next, we'll talk about a very important topic we mentioned before but skipped in this chapter, paying fees for the effects our XCMs have.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-summary.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-summary.html index f09f792b7faa..d0ffa4517f78 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-summary.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-summary.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ paying for execution and depositing the rest to another account on the same system. The full example can be seen in the repo.

    Transferring between systems

    But what if you want to make a transfer from one system to another? There are two ways of doing this:

    • Asset teleportation
    • Reserve-backed transfers

    We'll be discussing both in the following chapters.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-teleport.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-teleport.html index fc08669fc1a9..61a543e01280 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-teleport.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers-teleport.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ another system. We could do so with the following program:

    let message = Xcm(vec![
    WithdrawAsset((GeneralIndex(1), 42u32).into()),
    InitiateTeleport {
    assets: All.into(),
    dest: Parachain(1).into(),
    xcm: Xcm(vec![DepositAsset {
    assets: All.into(),
    beneficiary: Junction::AccountId32 {
    id: ALICE.into(),
    network: None,

    Very little changes, in fact, only the MultiAsset we're referencing changes, like we would expect. All the teleportation logic stays the same. The example assumes an NFT with index 42 inside a collection with index 1.

    Next steps

    We'll look at reserve-backed transfers next.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers.html b/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers.html index ec85fbef5f4f..b172ea44b4bd 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/journey/transfers.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/overview-architecture.html b/docs/learn/xcm/overview-architecture.html index f6c54aa3a9c6..e952c9d824a2 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/overview-architecture.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/overview-architecture.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ about later. It's the glue between XCM and FRAME, which is highly used in the Polkadot ecosystem.


    The simulator allows for testing XCMs fast, without needing to boot up several different nodes in a network, or test in production. It's a very useful tool which we'll use throughout this document to build and test different XCMs.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/overview-format.html b/docs/learn/xcm/overview-format.html index 0f08b05e7e34..8e272401df77 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/overview-format.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/overview-format.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ changes. XCM communicates intentions; the actual interpretation and behaviour of each instruction in an XCM is defined by target's XCVM implementation.

    Both simple and more complex scenarios can be expressed, and developers are encouraged to design and implement diverse cross-consensus communication solutions.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/overview-intro.html b/docs/learn/xcm/overview-intro.html index 5d842b13546d..bb18588180ca 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/overview-intro.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/overview-intro.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ propose changes, which end up in newer versions, the current one being v3. To keep up with the development of the format, or to propose changes, go to the XCM format repository.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/overview-summary.html b/docs/learn/xcm/overview-summary.html index 0ce3835db26d..b6f128bde65a 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/overview-summary.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/overview-summary.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ interactions between them. XCM is meant to be used by developers to package these interactions into their runtime logic before exposing that functionality to end users.

    This chapter will cover what XCM is, what it isn't, and why it matters before exploring the different components that make up the XCM ecosystem.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/overview-xcvm.html b/docs/learn/xcm/overview-xcvm.html index 9f3f6f735225..e5aa2e83eb8d 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/overview-xcvm.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/overview-xcvm.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ putting them in and taking them from this register. This register is used by several of the instructions we will look at later, including DepositAsset and WithdrawAsset.

    For more information on other registers, see the All XCVM Registers section.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/overview.html b/docs/learn/xcm/overview.html index 80fa10dc5460..5c69fb43ecf1 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/overview.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/overview.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-first-look.html b/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-first-look.html index 57c8e1d25a33..36a00598bd02 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-first-look.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-first-look.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ examples for every instruction in the journey through XCM chapter. First, it's important to learn the fundamentals, MultiLocation, MultiAsset, and other concepts in XCM. We'll talk about those next.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-simulator.html b/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-simulator.html index 5c564dd72731..ac72a28795dd 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-simulator.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-simulator.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ actually test your XCM-powered solution. We'll get into tools and best practices for testing in the testing chapter.

    We'll use the simulator throughout the documentation to show different XCMs in action. In the next section we will take a first look at an XCM.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-summary.html b/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-summary.html index 2baab942bbc9..816621f343bd 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-summary.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart-summary.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ installation guide.

    Running the Examples

    All examples in the documentation are located in the repository. Follow these steps to run the first-look example. First clone the repository:

    git clone git@github.com:paritytech/xcm-docs.git
    cd xcm-docs/examples

    To run the first-look example, run the following line:

    cargo test -p xcm-examples para_a_simple_transfer -- --nocapture

    It should show you the following output:

    running 1 test
    test first_look::tests::para_a_simple_transfer ... ok

    test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 1 filtered out; finished in 0.01s
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart.html b/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart.html index f038531a2e9e..389ab6f39d7a 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/quickstart.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/reference-glossary.html b/docs/learn/xcm/reference-glossary.html index 59542d464999..f3f5af52c24a 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/reference-glossary.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/reference-glossary.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ through the relay chain.

    HRMP (Horizontal Message Passing)

    Transport-layer protocol that allows a parachain to send messages to a sibling parachain going through the relay chain. It's a precursor to XCMP, also known as XCMP-lite. It uses a mixture of UMP and VMP.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/reference-xcvm-registers.html b/docs/learn/xcm/reference-xcvm-registers.html index 5e399fc54660..d6c9b304064a 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/reference-xcvm-registers.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/reference-xcvm-registers.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/references.html b/docs/learn/xcm/references.html index 790f208d8bf0..160040d8de5c 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/references.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/references.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/learn/xcm/testing.html b/docs/learn/xcm/testing.html index 27db9837b67b..951817a97071 100644 --- a/docs/learn/xcm/testing.html +++ b/docs/learn/xcm/testing.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ messaging infrastructure as live networks, as the transport mechanism is being mocked out. Also, consensus related events are not tested, like disputes, staking and iamonline events. To test for these events, parachains can use E2E tests.

    End-to-End testing

    There are two frameworks being used in the ecosystem to do e2e testing:

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ledger.html b/docs/ledger.html index 8f59ea0513a8..820470aadeaa 100644 --- a/docs/ledger.html +++ b/docs/ledger.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ automatically detect the developer release and give the option to install the previous stable release.
    Polkadot-JS Guides

    If you are an advanced user, see the Polkadot-JS guides about Ledger.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-bootnode.html b/docs/maintain-bootnode.html index d79b12b41762..0970f16a98e1 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-bootnode.html +++ b/docs/maintain-bootnode.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ port 30311:


    server {
    listen 30312 ssl http2 default_server;
    server_name dot-bootnode.stakeworld.io;
    root /var/www/html;

    ssl_certificate "<your_cert";
    ssl_certificate_key "<your_key>";

    location / {
    proxy_buffers 16 4k;
    proxy_buffer_size 2k;
    proxy_pass http://localhost:30311;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
    proxy_set_header Host $host;


    Testing Bootnode Connection

    If we have the above node running with DNS name dot-bootnode.stakeworld.io, proxied with a valid certificate and node-id 12D3KooWAb5MyC1UJiEQJk4Hg4B2Vi3AJdqSUhTGYUqSnEqCFMFg then the following commands should give you a: "syncing 1 peers".


    You can add -lsub-libp2p=trace on the end to get libp2p trace logging for debugging purposes.


    polkadot --chain polkadot --base-path /tmp/node --name "Bootnode testnode" --reserved-only --reserved-nodes "/dns/dot-bootnode.stakeworld.io/tcp/30310/p2p/12D3KooWAb5MyC1UJiEQJk4Hg4B2Vi3AJdqSUhTGYUqSnEqCFMFg" --no-hardware-benchmarks


    polkadot --chain polkadot --base-path /tmp/node --name "Bootnode testnode" --reserved-only --reserved-nodes "/dns/dot-bootnode.stakeworld.io/tcp/30311/ws/p2p/12D3KooWAb5MyC1UJiEQJk4Hg4B2Vi3AJdqSUhTGYUqSnEqCFMFg" --no-hardware-benchmarks


    polkadot --chain polkadot --base-path /tmp/node --name "Bootnode testnode" --reserved-only --reserved-nodes "/dns/dot-bootnode.stakeworld.io/tcp/30312/wss/p2p/12D3KooWAb5MyC1UJiEQJk4Hg4B2Vi3AJdqSUhTGYUqSnEqCFMFg" --no-hardware-benchmarks
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-endpoints.html b/docs/maintain-endpoints.html index 1bf06a5156ed..298aa0544d54 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-endpoints.html +++ b/docs/maintain-endpoints.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ provide additional services such as higher rate limits, potentially more reliable and scalable service, and additional metrics.


    The list of third party RPC endpoints above for Polkadot and Kusama is directly fetched from Polkdot-JS UI

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-errors.html b/docs/maintain-errors.html index c8c2fec9d3a9..13b8bf7bccde 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-errors.html +++ b/docs/maintain-errors.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ will wait to be executed at the correct place in the nonce sequence OR it will get discarded due to some other error (ex. the validity period expires).*

    Error Table

    The below table is a reference to the errors that exists in Polkadot. It is generated from the runtime's metadata.

    System (0)
    InvalidSpecName (0)The name of specification does not match between the current runtime and the new runtime.
    SpecVersionNeedsToIncrease (1)The specification version is not allowed to decrease between the current runtime and the new runtime.
    FailedToExtractRuntimeVersion (2)Failed to extract the runtime version from the new runtime. Either calling Core_version or decoding RuntimeVersion failed.
    NonDefaultComposite (3)Suicide called when the account has non-default composite data.
    NonZeroRefCount (4)There is a non-zero reference count preventing the account from being purged.
    Scheduler (1)
    FailedToSchedule (0)Failed to schedule a call
    NotFound (1)Cannot find the scheduled call.
    TargetBlockNumberInPast (2)Given target block number is in the past.
    RescheduleNoChange (3)Reschedule failed because it does not change scheduled time.
    Balances (5)
    VestingBalance (0)Vesting balance too high to send value
    LiquidityRestrictions (1)Account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal
    Overflow (2)Got an overflow after adding
    InsufficientBalance (3)Balance too low to send value
    ExistentialDeposit (4)Value too low to create account due to existential deposit
    KeepAlive (5)Transfer/payment would kill account
    ExistingVestingSchedule (6)A vesting schedule already exists for this account
    DeadAccount (7)Beneficiary account must pre-exist
    Authorship (6)
    InvalidUncleParent (0)The uncle parent not in the chain.
    UnclesAlreadySet (1)Uncles already set in the block.
    TooManyUncles (2)Too many uncles.
    GenesisUncle (3)The uncle is genesis.
    TooHighUncle (4)The uncle is too high in chain.
    UncleAlreadyIncluded (5)The uncle is already included.
    OldUncle (6)The uncle isn't recent enough to be included.
    Staking (7)
    NotController (0)Not a controller account.
    NotStash (1)Not a stash account.
    AlreadyBonded (2)Stash is already bonded.
    AlreadyPaired (3)Controller is already paired.
    EmptyTargets (4)Targets cannot be empty.
    DuplicateIndex (5)Duplicate index.
    InvalidSlashIndex (6)Slash record index out of bounds.
    InsufficientValue (7)Can not bond with value less than minimum balance.
    NoMoreChunks (8)Can not schedule more unlock chunks.
    NoUnlockChunk (9)Can not rebond without unlocking chunks.
    FundedTarget (10)Attempting to target a stash that still has funds.
    InvalidEraToReward (11)Invalid era to reward.
    InvalidNumberOfNominations (12)Invalid number of nominations.
    NotSortedAndUnique (13)Items are not sorted and unique.
    AlreadyClaimed (14)Rewards for this era have already been claimed for this validator.
    OffchainElectionEarlySubmission (15)The submitted result is received out of the open window.
    OffchainElectionWeakSubmission (16)The submitted result is not as good as the one stored on chain.
    SnapshotUnavailable (17)The snapshot data of the current window is missing.
    OffchainElectionBogusWinnerCount (18)Incorrect number of winners were presented.
    OffchainElectionBogusWinner (19)One of the submitted winners is not an active candidate on chain (index is out of range in snapshot).
    OffchainElectionBogusCompact (20)Error while building the assignment type from the compact. This can happen if an index is invalid, or if the weights overflow.
    OffchainElectionBogusNominator (21)One of the submitted nominators is not an active nominator on chain.
    OffchainElectionBogusNomination (22)One of the submitted nominators has an edge to which they have not voted on chain.
    OffchainElectionSlashedNomination (23)One of the submitted nominators has an edge which is submitted before the last non-zero slash of the target.
    OffchainElectionBogusSelfVote (24)A self vote must only be originated from a validator to ONLY themselves.
    OffchainElectionBogusEdge (25)The submitted result has unknown edges that are not among the presented winners.
    OffchainElectionBogusScore (26)The claimed score does not match with the one computed from the data.
    OffchainElectionBogusElectionSize (27)The election size is invalid.
    CallNotAllowed (28)The call is not allowed at the given time due to restrictions of election period.
    IncorrectHistoryDepth (29)Incorrect previous history depth input provided.
    IncorrectSlashingSpans (30)Incorrect number of slashing spans provided.
    Session (9)
    InvalidProof (0)Invalid ownership proof.
    NoAssociatedValidatorId (1)No associated validator ID for account.
    DuplicatedKey (2)Registered duplicate key.
    NoKeys (3)No keys are associated with this account.
    Grandpa (11)
    PauseFailed (0)Attempt to signal GRANDPA pause when the authority set isn't live (either paused or already pending pause).
    ResumeFailed (1)Attempt to signal GRANDPA resume when the authority set isn't paused (either live or already pending resume).
    ChangePending (2)Attempt to signal GRANDPA change with one already pending.
    TooSoon (3)Cannot signal forced change so soon after last.
    InvalidKeyOwnershipProof (4)A key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
    InvalidEquivocationProof (5)An equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
    DuplicateOffenceReport (6)A given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported.
    ImOnline (12)
    InvalidKey (0)Non existent public key.
    DuplicatedHeartbeat (1)Duplicated heartbeat.
    Democracy (14)
    ValueLow (0)Value too low
    ProposalMissing (1)Proposal does not exist
    BadIndex (2)Unknown index
    AlreadyCanceled (3)Cannot cancel the same proposal twice
    DuplicateProposal (4)Proposal already made
    ProposalBlacklisted (5)Proposal still blacklisted
    NotSimpleMajority (6)Next external proposal not simple majority
    InvalidHash (7)Invalid hash
    NoProposal (8)No external proposal
    AlreadyVetoed (9)Identity may not veto a proposal twice
    NotDelegated (10)Not delegated
    DuplicatePreimage (11)Preimage already noted
    NotImminent (12)Not imminent
    TooEarly (13)Too early
    Imminent (14)Imminent
    PreimageMissing (15)Preimage not found
    ReferendumInvalid (16)Vote given for invalid referendum
    PreimageInvalid (17)Invalid preimage
    NoneWaiting (18)No proposals waiting
    NotLocked (19)The target account does not have a lock.
    NotExpired (20)The lock on the account to be unlocked has not yet expired.
    NotVoter (21)The given account did not vote on the referendum.
    NoPermission (22)The actor has no permission to conduct the action.
    AlreadyDelegating (23)The account is already delegating.
    Overflow (24)An unexpected integer overflow occurred.
    Underflow (25)An unexpected integer underflow occurred.
    InsufficientFunds (26)Too high a balance was provided that the account cannot afford.
    NotDelegating (27)The account is not currently delegating.
    VotesExist (28)The account currently has votes attached to it and the operation cannot succeed until these are removed, either through unvote or reap_vote.
    InstantNotAllowed (29)The instant referendum origin is currently disallowed.
    Nonsense (30)Delegation to oneself makes no sense.
    WrongUpperBound (31)Invalid upper bound.
    MaxVotesReached (32)Maximum number of votes reached.
    InvalidWitness (33)The provided witness data is wrong.
    TooManyProposals (34)Maximum number of proposals reached.
    Council (15)
    NotMember (0)Account is not a member
    DuplicateProposal (1)Duplicate proposals not allowed
    ProposalMissing (2)Proposal must exist
    WrongIndex (3)Mismatched index
    DuplicateVote (4)Duplicate vote ignored
    AlreadyInitialized (5)Members are already initialized!
    TooEarly (6)The close call was made too early, before the end of the voting.
    TooManyProposals (7)There can only be a maximum of MaxProposals active proposals.
    WrongProposalWeight (8)The given weight bound for the proposal was too low.
    WrongProposalLength (9)The given length bound for the proposal was too low.
    TechnicalCommittee (16)
    NotMember (0)Account is not a member
    DuplicateProposal (1)Duplicate proposals not allowed
    ProposalMissing (2)Proposal must exist
    WrongIndex (3)Mismatched index
    DuplicateVote (4)Duplicate vote ignored
    AlreadyInitialized (5)Members are already initialized!
    TooEarly (6)The close call was made too early, before the end of the voting.
    TooManyProposals (7)There can only be a maximum of MaxProposals active proposals.
    WrongProposalWeight (8)The given weight bound for the proposal was too low.
    WrongProposalLength (9)The given length bound for the proposal was too low.
    ElectionsPhragmen (17)
    UnableToVote (0)Cannot vote when no candidates or members exist.
    NoVotes (1)Must vote for at least one candidate.
    TooManyVotes (2)Cannot vote more than candidates.
    MaximumVotesExceeded (3)Cannot vote more than maximum allowed.
    LowBalance (4)Cannot vote with stake less than minimum balance.
    UnableToPayBond (5)Voter can not pay voting bond.
    MustBeVoter (6)Must be a voter.
    ReportSelf (7)Cannot report self.
    DuplicatedCandidate (8)Duplicated candidate submission.
    MemberSubmit (9)Member cannot re-submit candidacy.
    RunnerSubmit (10)Runner cannot re-submit candidacy.
    InsufficientCandidateFunds (11)Candidate does not have enough funds.
    NotMember (12)Not a member.
    InvalidCandidateCount (13)The provided count of number of candidates is incorrect.
    InvalidVoteCount (14)The provided count of number of votes is incorrect.
    InvalidRenouncing (15)The renouncing origin presented a wrong Renouncing parameter.
    InvalidReplacement (16)Prediction regarding replacement after member removal is wrong.
    Treasury (19)
    InsufficientProposersBalance (0)Proposer's balance is too low.
    InvalidIndex (1)No proposal or bounty at that index.
    ReasonTooBig (2)The reason given is just too big.
    AlreadyKnown (3)The tip was already found/started.
    UnknownTip (4)The tip hash is unknown.
    NotFinder (5)The account attempting to retract the tip is not the finder of the tip.
    StillOpen (6)The tip cannot be claimed/closed because there are not enough tippers yet.
    Premature (7)The tip cannot be claimed/closed because it's still in the countdown period.
    UnexpectedStatus (8)The bounty status is unexpected.
    RequireCurator (9)Require bounty curator.
    InvalidValue (10)Invalid bounty value.
    InvalidFee (11)Invalid bounty fee.
    PendingPayout (12)A bounty payout is pending. To cancel the bounty, you must unassign and slash the curator.
    Claims (24)
    InvalidEthereumSignature (0)Invalid Ethereum signature.
    SignerHasNoClaim (1)Ethereum address has no claim.
    SenderHasNoClaim (2)Account ID sending tx has no claim.
    PotUnderflow (3)There's not enough in the pot to pay out some unvested amount. Generally implies a logic error.
    InvalidStatement (4)A needed statement was not included.
    VestedBalanceExists (5)The account already has a vested balance.
    Vesting (25)
    NotVesting (0)The account given is not vesting.
    ExistingVestingSchedule (1)An existing vesting schedule already exists for this account that cannot be clobbered.
    AmountLow (2)Amount being transferred is too low to create a vesting schedule.
    Identity (28)
    TooManySubAccounts (0)Too many subs-accounts.
    NotFound (1)Account isn't found.
    NotNamed (2)Account isn't named.
    EmptyIndex (3)Empty index.
    FeeChanged (4)Fee is changed.
    NoIdentity (5)No identity found.
    StickyJudgement (6)Sticky judgement.
    JudgementGiven (7)Judgement given.
    InvalidJudgement (8)Invalid judgement.
    InvalidIndex (9)The index is invalid.
    InvalidTarget (10)The target is invalid.
    TooManyFields (11)Too many additional fields.
    TooManyRegistrars (12)Maximum amount of registrars reached. Cannot add any more.
    AlreadyClaimed (13)Account ID is already named.
    NotSub (14)Sender is not a sub-account.
    NotOwned (15)Sub-account isn't owned by sender.
    Proxy (29)
    TooMany (0)There are too many proxies registered or too many announcements pending.
    NotFound (1)Proxy registration not found.
    NotProxy (2)Sender is not a proxy of the account to be proxied.
    Unproxyable (3)A call which is incompatible with the proxy type's filter was attempted.
    Duplicate (4)Account is already a proxy.
    NoPermission (5)Call may not be made by proxy because it may escalate its privileges.
    Unannounced (6)Announcement, if made at all, was made too recently.
    Multisig (30)
    MinimumThreshold (0)Threshold must be 2 or greater.
    AlreadyApproved (1)Call is already approved by this signatory.
    NoApprovalsNeeded (2)Call doesn't need any (more) approvals.
    TooFewSignatories (3)There are too few signatories in the list.
    TooManySignatories (4)There are too many signatories in the list.
    SignatoriesOutOfOrder (5)The signatories were provided out of order; they should be ordered.
    SenderInSignatories (6)The sender was contained in the other signatories; it shouldn't be.
    NotFound (7)Multisig operation not found when attempting to cancel.
    NotOwner (8)Only the account that originally created the multisig is able to cancel it.
    NoTimepoint (9)No timepoint was given, yet the multisig operation is already underway.
    WrongTimepoint (10)A different timepoint was given to the multisig operation that is underway.
    UnexpectedTimepoint (11)A timepoint was given, yet no multisig operation is underway.
    WeightTooLow (12)The maximum weight information provided was too low.
    AlreadyStored (13)The data to be stored is already stored.
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-async-backing.html b/docs/maintain-guides-async-backing.html index 7e94ffa2311e..1316234266aa 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-async-backing.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-async-backing.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Relay block number is kept track of by each parachain in pallet-parachain-system with the storage value LastRelayChainBlockNumber. This value can be obtained and used wherever timing based on block number is needed.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-avoid-slashing.html b/docs/maintain-guides-avoid-slashing.html index b507c070bb92..431417e63ea3 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-avoid-slashing.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-avoid-slashing.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ obtain pristine binaries or source code and to ensure the security of their node:

    1. Always download either source files or binaries from the official Parity repository
    2. Verify the hash of downloaded files.
    3. Use the W3F secure validator setup or adhere to its principles
    4. Ensure essential security items are checked, use a firewall, manage user access, use SSH certificates
    5. Avoid using your server as a general-purpose system. Hosting a validator on your workstation or one that hosts other services increases the risk of maleficence.


    NetworkEraEvent TypeDetailsAction Taken
    Polkadot774Small EquivocationThe validator migrated servers and cloned the keystore folder. The on-chain event can be viewed here.The validator did not submit a request for the slash to be canceled.
    Kusama3329Small EquivocationThe validator operated a test machine with cloned keys; the test machine was online at the same time as the primary, which resulted in a slash. Details can be found here.The validator requested a cancellation of the slash, but the council declined.
    Kusama3995Small EquivocationThe validator noticed several errors, after which the client crashed, and a slash was applied. The validator recorded all events and opened GitHub issues to allow for technical opinions to be shared. Details can be found here.The validator requested to cancel the slash. The council approved the request as they believed the error was not operator related.
    Kusama4543Medium UnresponsivenessA large amount of disputes flooded the network resulting in an application fault. The fault caused the client software to hang and as a result ~197 unique validators become unresponsive. Further details can be found here.The pending slash was cancelled and with runtime 9350 all lost nominations were restored. The application bug was addressed with client version 0.9.36
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-democracy.html b/docs/maintain-guides-democracy.html index b1bdf3ad11b6..564548640aeb 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-democracy.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-democracy.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ a decimal integer. The bitfield stores both the conviction and aye/nay boolean, where the boolean is represented using the MSB of the byte. This would mean that the grouping of the 7 remaining bits is used to store the conviction.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-chill.html b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-chill.html index 265de09d1d0d..7ff60b595092 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-chill.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-chill.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Polkadot is set to None eliminating the upper bound on the number of nominators on the network. Due to this, the chillOther extrinsic on Polkadot network has no effect as the chill threshold will never be met.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-join-council.html b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-join-council.html index 94fb3dd2aab5..76a3507340cf 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-join-council.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-join-council.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ the row "Members".

    council members list

    Now you are able to participate on the council by making motions or voting proposals. To join in on the active discussions, join the Polkadot Direction channel.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-monitor-your-node.html b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-monitor-your-node.html index ac3980ce9b28..cbe684ecd0ab 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-monitor-your-node.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-monitor-your-node.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ here. There are other interesting alerts you may find useful here.

    - name: alert_rules
    - alert: InstanceDown
    expr: up == 0
    for: 5m
    severity: critical
    summary: "Instance [{{ $labels.instance }}] down"
    description: "[{{ $labels.instance }}] of job [{{ $labels.job }}] has been down for more than 1 minute."

    Change the ownership of this file to prometheus instead of root by running:

    sudo chown prometheus:prometheus rules.yml

    To check the rules defined in the "rules.yml" is syntactically correct, run the following command:

    sudo -u prometheus promtool check rules rules.yml

    Finally, restart everything by running:

    sudo systemctl restart prometheus && sudo systemctl restart alertmanager

    Now if one of your target instances down, you will receive an alert on the AlertManager and Gmail like below.


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-nominate-kusama.html b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-nominate-kusama.html index 2617478e3afd..e6a39eb3f24d 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-nominate-kusama.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-nominate-kusama.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Polkascan. Also, you can verify the bonding state under the Staking page on the Polkadot-JS Apps Dashboard.

    Step 3. Nominate a validator

    To nominate a validator, you can execute the following command:

    polkadot-js-api --seed "MNEMONIC_PHRASE" tx.staking.nominate '["VALIDATOR_ADDRESS"]' --ws WS_ENDPOINT
    polkadot-js-api --seed "xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx" tx.staking.nominate '["CmD9vaMYoiKe7HiFnfkftwvhKbxN9bhyjcDrfFRGbifJEG8","E457XaKbj2yTB2URy8N4UuzmyuFRkcdxYs67UvSgVr7HyFb"]' --ws wss://kusama-rpc.polkadot.io/

    After a few seconds, you should see the hash of the transaction and if you would like to verify the nomination status, you can check that on the Polkadot-JS UI as well.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-nominate-polkadot.html b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-nominate-polkadot.html index b3c2436ca7a0..4afc80a2fbe6 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-nominate-polkadot.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-nominate-polkadot.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Polkascan. Also, you can verify the bonding state under the Staking page on the Polkadot-JS Apps Dashboard.

    Step 3. Nominate a validator

    To nominate a validator, you can execute the following command:

    polkadot-js-api --seed "MNEMONIC_PHRASE" tx.staking.nominate '["VALIDATOR_ADDRESS"]' --ws WS_ENDPOINT
    polkadot-js-api --seed "xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx" tx.staking.nominate '["CmD9vaMYoiKe7HiFnfkftwvhKbxN9bhyjcDrfFRGbifJEG8","E457XaKbj2yTB2URy8N4UuzmyuFRkcdxYs67UvSgVr7HyFb"]' --ws wss://rpc.polkadot.io

    After a few seconds, you should see the hash of the transaction, and if you would like to verify the nomination status, you can check that on the Polkadot-JS UI as well.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-stop-validating.html b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-stop-validating.html index c89ca8dc23db..f09a5ee2b54f 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-stop-validating.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-stop-validating.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ transfer your tokens.

    See Unbonding and Rebonding for more details.

    Unbond your tokens

    Unbonding your tokens can be done through the Network > Staking > Account actions page in PolkadotJS Apps by clicking the corresponding stash account dropdown and selecting "Unbond funds". This can also be done through the staking.unbond() extrinsic with the staking proxy account.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-systemd.html b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-systemd.html index 6456687f6c68..3f5e313f5722 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-systemd.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-systemd.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ not recognize votes that didn't make it to disk, and will then cast conflicting votes. Delaying the restart will allow the network to progress past potentially conflicting votes, at which point other nodes will not accept them.

    To enable this to autostart on bootup run:

    systemctl enable polkadot-validator.service

    Start it manually with:

    systemctl start polkadot-validator.service

    You can check that it's working with:

    systemctl status polkadot-validator.service

    You can tail the logs with journalctl like so:

    journalctl -f -u polkadot-validator
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-upgrade.html b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-upgrade.html index 48d3a6357409..21b233f0cbd5 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-upgrade.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-upgrade.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Validator A.
  • Take note of the Session that this extrinsic was executed in.
  • Again, it is imperative that Validator B is kept running until the current session finishes and two further full sessions have elapsed.

    Once this time has elapsed, Validator A will take over. You can safely stop Validator B.

    NOTE: To verify that the Session has changed, make sure that a block in the new Session is finalized. You should see log messages like the ones below to confirm the change:

    2019-10-28 21:44:13 Applying authority set change scheduled at block #450092
    2019-10-28 21:44:13 Applying GRANDPA set change to new set with 20 authorities
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-kusama.html b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-kusama.html index 5c99980ebc9f..37317481eb75 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-kusama.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-kusama.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ validator payout document.

    Run a Kusama Validator

    Running a validator on the Kusama network is identical to running a Polkadot validator. Check out the Polkadot guide on how to setup a validator.

    Make sure to adjust the Polkadot guide to run a Kusama network validator (the instructions will also be available in the Polkadot Validator guide):

    • When starting the node pass --chain=kusama CLI flag
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-polkadot.html b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-polkadot.html index 5e62a08b097f..b51ebe5f4908 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-polkadot.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-polkadot.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ instance, Digital Ocean lists "Mining of Cryptocurrencies" under the Network Abuse section of their Acceptable Use Policy and requires explicit permission to do so. This may extend to other cryptocurrency activity.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-vote-councillor.html b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-vote-councillor.html index 550b02d8d2af..10ad43e9006f 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-vote-councillor.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-vote-councillor.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Polkadot-JS Apps Dashboard.

    Under the "Council overview" tab, click on "Vote".


    Issue the "Unvote all" option.

    When the transaction is included in a block you should have your reserved tokens made liquid again and your vote will no longer be counting for any councillors in the elections starting in the next term.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-secure-validator.html b/docs/maintain-guides-secure-validator.html index 3e6a696d6fd6..4f22de7fbb08 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-secure-validator.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-secure-validator.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ hardware. The provisioning of the validator machine should be automated and defined in code. This code should be kept in private version control, reviewed, audited, and tested.

  • Session keys should be generated and provided in a secure way.

  • Polkadot should be started at boot and restarted if stopped for any reason (supervisor process).

  • Polkadot should run as a non-root user.

  • Monitoring

    • There should be an on-call rotation for managing the alerts.

    • There should be a clear protocol with actions to perform for each level of each alert and an escalation policy.


    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-society-kusama.html b/docs/maintain-guides-society-kusama.html index 5abe46984d7e..1a471370d3a2 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-society-kusama.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-society-kusama.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ extrinsic's parameters go to Element 1 ("proposal") -> "value" -> "params" -> Element 2 ("rules") and copy the value corresponding to the key "value". You can use a hex-to-UTF8 converter to then display the text. Note that the text is formatted with Markdown.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-validator-community.html b/docs/maintain-guides-validator-community.html index 2d76c75b1103..8ad62b07af4a 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-validator-community.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-validator-community.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ monitoring, observability services, staking dashboards, wallets, command-line utilities, or porting implementations to other languages. Additionally, this may also be eligible to be funded via a Web3 Foundation Grant.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout.html b/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout.html index d8f5b33e1793..315390d21a83 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout.html +++ b/docs/maintain-guides-validator-payout.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ brackets ([]) next to each validator. Note that since the validator payment is public knowledge, having a low or non-existent validator payment may attract more stake from nominators, since they know they will receive a larger reward.

    Validator Set Size (v): 4
    Validator 1 Stake (v1) [20% commission]: 18 DOT (9 validator, 9 nominator)
    Validator 2 Stake (v2) [40% commission]: 9 DOT (3 validator, 6 nominator)
    Validator 3 Stake (v3) [10% commission]: 8 DOT (4 validator, 4 nominator)
    Validator 4 Stake (v4) [ 0% commission]: 6 DOT (1 validator, 5 nominator)
    Payout (p): 8 DOT

    Payout for each validator (v1 - v4):
    p / v = 8 / 4 = 2 DOT

    (0.2 * 2) = 0.4 DOT -> validator payment
    (2 - 0.4) = 1.6 -> shared between all stake
    (9 / 18) * 1.6 = 0.8 -> validator stake share
    (9 / 18) * 1.6 = 0.8 -> nominator stake share
    v1 validator total reward: 0.4 + 0.8 = 1.2 DOT
    v1 nominator reward: 0.8 DOT

    (0.4 * 2) = 0.8 DOT -> validator payment
    (2 - 0.8) = 1.2 -> shared between all stake
    (3 / 9) * 1.2 = 0.4 -> validator stake share
    (6 / 9) * 1.2 = 0.8 -> nominator stake share
    v2 validator total reward: 0.8 + 0.4 = 1.2 DOT
    v2 nominator reward: 0.8 DOT

    (0.1 * 2) = 0.2 DOT -> validator payment
    (2 - 0.2) = 1.8 -> shared between all stake
    (4 / 8) * 1.8 = 0.9 -> validator stake share
    (4 / 8) * 1.8 = 0.9 -> nominator stake share
    v3 validator total reward: 0.2 + 0.9 DOT = 1.1 DOT
    v3 nominator reward: 0.9 DOT

    (0 * 2) = 0 DOT -> validator payment
    (2 - 0) = 2.0 -> shared between all stake
    (1 / 6) * 2 = 0.33 -> validator stake share
    (5 / 6) * 2 = 1.67 -> nominator stake share
    v4 validator total reward: 0 + 0.33 DOT = 0.33 DOT
    v4 nominator reward: 1.67 DOT
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-index.html b/docs/maintain-index.html index 5dfff6ee0c41..e0fed75afb90 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-index.html +++ b/docs/maintain-index.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ participate in governance.
  • How to join the Council - Step by step guide for running for the Council.
  • How to vote for a Councillor - Step by step guide for voting for your favorite councillors.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-networks.html b/docs/maintain-networks.html index 248abfe57760..a0f0ca96e979 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-networks.html +++ b/docs/maintain-networks.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ the public Telemetry service.

    You can verify that your node is connected by navigating to the correct network on the dashboard and finding the name of your node.

    There is a built-in search function on the nodes page. Simply start typing keystrokes in the main window to make it available.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-polkadot-parameters.html b/docs/maintain-polkadot-parameters.html index d92512694e93..982b4cc83923 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-polkadot-parameters.html +++ b/docs/maintain-polkadot-parameters.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@

    Term duration1 Day14_400The time for which a validator is in the set after being elected. Note, this duration can be shortened in the case that a validator misbehaves.
    Nomination period1 Day14_400How often a new validator set is elected according to Phragmén's method.
    Bonding duration28 days403_200How long until your funds will be transferrable after unbonding. Note that the bonding duration is defined in eras, not directly by slots.
    Slash defer duration28 days403_200Prevents overslashing and validators "escaping" and getting their nominators slashed with no repercussions to themselves. Note that the bonding duration is defined in eras, not directly by slots.


    Crowdloans and AuctionsTimeSlotsDescription
    Auction duration7 days100_800The total duration of the slot auction, subject to the candle auction mechanism.
    Opening period2 days28_800The opening period of the slot auction.
    Ending period5 days72_000The ending period of the slot auction.
    Parachain SlotTimeSlotsDescription
    Lease period12 weeks1_209_600The length of one lease period in a parachain slot.
    Total slot duration2 years10_512_000The maximum duration a parachain can lease by winning a slot auction (8 lease periods).


    Periods between spends24 days345_600When the treasury can spend again after spending previously.

    Burn percentage is currently 1.00%.


    DOT have 10 decimals of precision. In other words, 10 ** 10 (10_000_000_000 or ten billion) Plancks make up a DOT.

    The denomination of DOT was changed from 12 decimals of precision at block #1,248,328 in an event known as Denomination Day. See Redenomination for details.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-rpc.html b/docs/maintain-rpc.html index 86261f4c898a..a300b8dd3b02 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-rpc.html +++ b/docs/maintain-rpc.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ node. Activate the "Development" toggle and input your node's address - either the domain or the IP address. Remember to prefix with wss://, and if you're using the 443 port, append :443 like so: wss://example.com:443.

    A sync-in-progress chain connected to Polkadot-JS UI

    Now you have a secure remote connect setup for your Substrate node.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-sync.html b/docs/maintain-sync.html index f85e2198e047..a346b344bf29 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-sync.html +++ b/docs/maintain-sync.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ on localhost by default. If you would like to connect to your node's services (rpc, and prometheus) you need to ensure that you run you node with the --rpc-external, and --prometheus-external commands.

    docker run -p 9944:9944 -p 9615:9615 parity/polkadot:v0.9.13 --name "calling_home_from_a_docker_container" --rpc-external --prometheus-external
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/maintain-wss.html b/docs/maintain-wss.html index 97895ff056c8..b848a020941e 100644 --- a/docs/maintain-wss.html +++ b/docs/maintain-wss.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ node. Activate the "Development" toggle and input your node's address - either the domain or the IP address. Remember to prefix with wss:// and if you're using the 443 port, append :443, like so: wss://example.com:443.

    A sync-in-progress chain connected to Polkadot-JS UI

    Now you have a secure remote connect setup for your Substrate node.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/metadata.html b/docs/metadata.html index f06d58d59d35..35b5b0deaa21 100644 --- a/docs/metadata.html +++ b/docs/metadata.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ The dropdown below allows you to update the chain selection to visualize. You can search all sub-categories using the provided search field. The information is categorized by the chains Pallets, RPC and Runtime information.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/multisig-apps.html b/docs/multisig-apps.html index 7cbc4daaba68..fd479a09d275 100644 --- a/docs/multisig-apps.html +++ b/docs/multisig-apps.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ adding and removing signatories or adjusting the threshold is now possible without creating new multisigs and Multix provides an intuitive interface to work with pure proxies.

    The pure proxy setup used by MultiX can be seen on the pure proxy page.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/parachains-apps.html b/docs/parachains-apps.html index 640879f43a87..b19b3b9d9495 100644 --- a/docs/parachains-apps.html +++ b/docs/parachains-apps.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ tokens (LST) “vTokens”, as well as remote exchange, and swapping of vTokens from any chain. The DApp aims to simplify the cross-chain experience by providing a seamless interface for users to interact with vTokens across different chains natively.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/polkadot-direction.html b/docs/polkadot-direction.html index 0946cbcea234..b0a6013c5ff0 100644 --- a/docs/polkadot-direction.html +++ b/docs/polkadot-direction.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ decentralizing the network is ensuring experts on which the maintenance of the system relies upon are incentivized and recruited over time by the Polkadot network and not by organizations within the Polkadot ecosystem. - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/polkadot-v1.html b/docs/polkadot-v1.html index b2015b10c6b2..5d2f68b99ab4 100644 --- a/docs/polkadot-v1.html +++ b/docs/polkadot-v1.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ could become.

    Polkadot is perfecting its implementation through RFCs to continue being a decentralized, secure, ubiquitous computing engine to power the next generation of Web3 applications.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/polkadot-vault.html b/docs/polkadot-vault.html index e386acb0b8be..e322a91408e8 100644 --- a/docs/polkadot-vault.html +++ b/docs/polkadot-vault.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ this article for detailed instructions. If you choose this approach, you should trust the provider you choose.

    Polkadot-JS Guides

    If you are an advanced user, see the Polkadot-JS guides about Polkadot Vault.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/polkadot-vision-index.html b/docs/polkadot-vision-index.html index 5774dd3ef838..143bc78bd407 100644 --- a/docs/polkadot-vision-index.html +++ b/docs/polkadot-vision-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/polkadotjs-ui.html b/docs/polkadotjs-ui.html index 9543c136fec3..1665e858143d 100644 --- a/docs/polkadotjs-ui.html +++ b/docs/polkadotjs-ui.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ nomination pool settings (nomination and roles) and use non-transfer proxies, destroy assets, and much more.

    Beginner's Guide to Polkadot-JS

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/polkadotjs.html b/docs/polkadotjs.html index a1da6727be42..0bcb1d344036 100644 --- a/docs/polkadotjs.html +++ b/docs/polkadotjs.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ of spam prevention, whereas signed transactions are issued by the originator account of a transaction which contains a signature of that account, which will be subject to a fee to include it on the chain.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/programmes-index.html b/docs/programmes-index.html index ba785a43e585..dd951b1d7ef1 100644 --- a/docs/programmes-index.html +++ b/docs/programmes-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/research.html b/docs/research.html index d3f8673f7911..fd3f5a79376e 100644 --- a/docs/research.html +++ b/docs/research.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ – Gives an outline of Nominated Proof of Stake in Polkadot. Author: Alfonzo Cevallos
  • Messaging Protocol Workshop Outcomes – An initiative to design and implement a privacy-preserving communication system for decentralized applications.
  • - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/staking-apps.html b/docs/staking-apps.html index f2372f2dd52e..cb47b9c55f28 100644 --- a/docs/staking-apps.html +++ b/docs/staking-apps.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ (MCDA) as a base for the analytical research. MCDA is an open and transparent approach for evaluating numerous conflicting traits in the decision-making process. For the analysis, validator data is collected at the last block of every session.

    source: https://github.com/turboflakes/apps

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/staking-dashboard.html b/docs/staking-dashboard.html index 217413afc9a8..f3b40fc4f9c7 100644 --- a/docs/staking-dashboard.html +++ b/docs/staking-dashboard.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ feature request. We take your feedback seriously, do not hesitate to contact us.


    Under Network, you can connect to either Polkadot, Kusama, or Westend through public RPC nodes or light clients for a true Web3 experience. For more information about light clients, see this page.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/start-building.html b/docs/start-building.html index 2d95d7bac730..1634ee4ddbde 100644 --- a/docs/start-building.html +++ b/docs/start-building.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ and the original Polkadot Forum post.

    Polkadot SDK


    For more information about building on Polkadot, see the Builder's Guide.

    The Polkadot Software Development Kit (SDK) includes all the tools needed to build on the Polkadot ecosystem. The main repositories include:

    The programming language used for development is Rust.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/stay-safe-index.html b/docs/stay-safe-index.html index b4896c821e2f..4cdfe2fce5e0 100644 --- a/docs/stay-safe-index.html +++ b/docs/stay-safe-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/thousand-contributors.html b/docs/thousand-contributors.html index 27b23b0e303f..509459cdfbab 100644 --- a/docs/thousand-contributors.html +++ b/docs/thousand-contributors.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ the account shared with us.

    Submission reviews

    The review process follows the present pipeline in the 1KC public GitHub project.

    Learn more about the program and its components on the official 1KC repository

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/thousand-validators.html b/docs/thousand-validators.html index af5136381052..c3b8900b5416 100644 --- a/docs/thousand-validators.html +++ b/docs/thousand-validators.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ things time to resolve; if they don't, leave a message in the dedicated matrix room or open an issue on GitHub.
  • The 1000 validators website is not up to date? See these resources for more up-to-date information.
  • Resources

    To extract and display the 1KV Program scores there are various tools listed below.

    ResourceGithub sourceInfo
    Main 1KV sitegithubMain site and 1KV backend.
    SubVT telegram bot for polkadot and kusamagithubTelegram bot with overviews and alerts for various polkadot and kusama related events, including 1KV events.
    SubVT ios and android appgithubSubVT app version for mobile phones.
    Validator earnings overviewgithubOverview of validators' earnings.
    Math Crypto's Insightsgithub1KV-oriented scoring overview of Kusama and Polkadot.
    One-T for polkadot and kusamagithubA performance report bot for the Polkadot and Kusama network with special focus on the 1KV programme.
    One-T parachains overviewgithubOne-T's parachain overview.
    Metaspan's 1KV overviewgithubOverview of 1KV programme, including the newly introduced endpoints, see here for available endpoints.
    Decentradot's 1KV overviewgithubOverview of the 1KV programme, including the newly introduced endpoints.
    Hirish 1KV overviewgithub?Overview of the 1KV Programme.
    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/wallets-and-extensions.html b/docs/wallets-and-extensions.html index 4d2ef252aeaf..b736ca497ac6 100644 --- a/docs/wallets-and-extensions.html +++ b/docs/wallets-and-extensions.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ your accounts on over 150+ Substrate and EVM networks. NFT Management, ledger Support, fiat On-ramp, portfolio tracking. Talisman received funding from Polkadot Treasury [1].

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/wallets-index.html b/docs/wallets-index.html index 3e99e6a6a7df..f90752c14887 100644 --- a/docs/wallets-index.html +++ b/docs/wallets-index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/web3-and-polkadot.html b/docs/web3-and-polkadot.html index 06a835ff687f..38715874a18a 100644 --- a/docs/web3-and-polkadot.html +++ b/docs/web3-and-polkadot.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ - + @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ all blockchains attached to it. For more information, see the Polkadot 1.0 page and the section about XCM and Accords in Polkadot Direction page.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 38c4887af7bd..e8af1cdf834a 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - +

    Learn about Polkadot’s canary network Kusama

    Kusama is Polkadot’s “canary network”, a scalable, multi-chain network for radical innovation and early stage Polkadot deployments. For developers, Kusama is a proving ground for all things Polkadot I.e runtime upgrades, on-chain governance, parachains, parathreads, etc.


    Help improve this wiki

    This wiki was started by and is maintained by Web3 Foundation. It is an open-source-ish project and aims to be the most extensive resource of knowledge on Polkadot and the Polkadot ecosystem.

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/search.html b/search.html index eb436d95737f..e2414599015d 100644 --- a/search.html +++ b/search.html @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + - + \ No newline at end of file