Licensed under GPL v3 (the "License"); you may not use this library except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
The goal of HidProxWeigand is to provide a hardware abstraction of an HID or other Weigand-compatible RFID proximity card reader. The card is read using the pulses received from the 2 data lines on the reader (DATA 0 and DATA 1) via attached interrupts. The pulses are received and stored in a buffer. The buffer is then processed to determine if a card was read.
Each reader you add to the system will require at least 2 inputs to read a card and at least to interrupts (one for each input). Depending on what Arduino (or Arduino-compatible board) you are using may limit what interrupts are available to you. As of this writing, the following is a list of known platforms and their available interrupts:
- AVR ATmega1280 and ATmega2560-based: 6 interrupts = 3 possible readers.
- AVR ATmega168, ATmega168P, and ATmega328P: 2 interrupts = 1 possible reader.
- AVR ATmega32U4-based: 5 interrupts = 2 possible readers.
- Other than above, the library will assume the system is running on some other platform that allows each input to have an interrupt such as the Zero, Due, MKR1000, 101, etc.
Each reader also typically has 3 outputs: buzzer, green LED, and red LED. The reader outputs are not handled by this library and should be implemented as desired in your sketch. However, the ProxReaderInfo structure supports an event callback that can be fired when a card is read and then how you want those outputs to behave and can be handled in that callback method.
To use the library in your sketch: Add the library header to your sketch. Declare a global ProxReaderInfo structure reference for each reader attached to the system, declare a card read handler method for each of those. You also want to declare an interrupt handler method with no parameters for each interrupt being used. In your setup() method, set each global ProxReaderInfo reference to the return of addReader() and pass in both input pins and the card read handler method. In your interrupt handlers, you should call the appropriate handler method for the input. Also in setup(), call HidProxWeigand_AttachReaderInterrupts() to attach the declared interrupt handlers for both inputs needed by the reader. The following is the code for the basic example in the examples folder:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "HidProxWeigand.h"
#define RDR_INT0 0 // Reader interrupt for DATA 0.
#define RDR_INT1 1 // Reader interrupt for DATA 1.
#define PIN_DATA0 2 // The pin to use for DATA 0.
#define PIN_DATA1 3 // The pin to use for DATA 1.
ProxReaderInfo* reader1; // Card reader 1.
// Callback for handling card reads.
void cardReadHandler(ProxReaderInfo* reader) {
Serial.print(F("Card read: "));
// Here you can add logic to see if the card that was read was actually
// valid or whatever. For example: reading stored card numbers from EEPROM
// and looking for a match. Ideal for access control applications.
// This would also be where you would want to change state of the buzzer
// and LEDs on the reader.
// Handle interrupt for DATA 0.
void handleInterrupt0() {
if (reader1 != NULL) {
// Handle interrupt for DATA 1.
void handleInterrupt1() {
if (reader1 != NULL) {
void setup() {
while (!Serial) {
// Create the reader and attach it to the system.
reader1 = HidProxWeigand.addReader(PIN_DATA0, PIN_DATA1, cardReadHandler);
// Attach interrupt handlers for reader 1.
HidProxWeigand_AttachReaderInterrupts(RDR_INT0, RDR_INT1, handleInterrupt0, handleInterrupt1);
void loop() {
// Process any cards that have been read.
If you are using PlatformIO (https://platformio.org/), you can simply run the following command:
platformio lib install HidProxWeigand
Otherwise, download the zip from https://github.com/cyrusbuilt/HidProxWeigand/archive/master.zip then extract its contents to a folder called "HidProxWeigand" and then move that folder to your libraries folder.