A straightforward implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification in C++11. I became tired of retyping and retesting the same functionality over and over again, so I decided to place my own little helper here.
- boost::filesystem: For handling all things filesystem paths.
- boost::system:: Required by boost::filesystem.
- boost::test: For testing purposes obviously.
Install with
sudo apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-test-dev
xdg provides free functions that are easy to integrate with existing projects.
#include <xdg.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << xdg::data().home() << std::endl;
std::cout << xdg::config().home() << std::endl;
std::cout << xdg::cache().home() << std::endl;
std::cout << xdg::runtime().dir() << std::endl;
return 0;
The interface xdg::BaseDirSpecification can be used to integrate xdg base directory queries into a code base such that interaction with the xdg::BaseDirSpecification is testable.
#include <xdg.h>
class MyClass
MyClass(const std::shared_ptr<xdg::BaseDirSpecification>& bds) : bds{bds}
void do_something()
// Query the user-specific config directory.
auto path = bds->config().home();
// Do something with the config files.
std::shared_ptr<xdg::BaseDirSpecification> bds;
// In the testing setup, under the assumption of Google Test and Google Mock.
struct MockConfig : public xdg::Config
// ...
struct MockBaseDirSpecification : public xdg::BaseDirSpecification
// ...
TEST(MyClass, do_something_queries_config_home_directory)
using namespace ::testing;
auto config = std::make_shared<NiceMock<MockConfig>>();
EXPECT_CALL(*config, home()).Times(1).ReturnRepeatedly("/tmp");
auto bds = std::make_shared<NiceMock<MockBaseDirSpecification>>();
ON_CALL(*bds, config()).WillByDefault(ReturnRef(*config));
MyClass mc{bds};