In this lab we'll create an manage pluggable databases (PDB's) on an existing multitenant container database (CDB). A CDB includes zero, one, or many customer-created PDBs. A PDB is a portable collection of schemas, schema objects, and nonschema objects that appears to an Oracle Net client as a separate database.
The existing database could be running on Kubernetes or any other platform outside of Kubernetes. In this Lab, we will use the database provisioned in Kubernetes in the previous Lab.
In order to be able to handle PDBs in an existing database remotely using the Kubernetes API, first we will have to bind to that database. Oracle database Operator uses Oracle Rest Data Services (ORDS) to do it. ORDS enables database management via API rest, including PDB management.
Estimated Lab Time: 20 minutes
Pluggable Database management operation is performed in the Container Database (CDB) and it includes create, clone, plug, unplug, delete, modify and map operations.
You cannot have an ORDS enabled schema in the container database. To perform the PDB lifecycle management operations, the default CDB administrator credentials must be defined by performing the below steps on the target CDB(s):
Create the CDB administrator user and grant the required privileges. In this lab, the user is C##DBAPI_CDB_ADMIN
- In the SQLPlus session you opened in the previous Lab, run the follow commands editing the password for the C##DBAPI_CDB_ADMIN user:
Tip: We will use multiple credentials in this setup. You can set always the same pwd for all the users in this lab in order to simplify it and avoid using wrong pwd in the wrong place. Of course, it is not recommended for production setups.
-- Create the below users at the database level:
ALTER SESSION SET "_oracle_script"=true;
-- Verify the account status of the below usernames. They should not be in locked status:
col username for a30
col account_status for a30
select username, account_status from dba_users where username in ('ORDS_PUBLIC_USER','C##DBAPI_CDB_ADMIN','APEX_PUBLIC_USER','APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER');
Now we need to open PDB$SEED in RW mode:
You can run the follow command to check existing PDBs status:
Show pdbs;
Now, the CDB is ready to manage PDBs using ORDS Rest API
Oracle DB Operator Multitenant Database controller requires the Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) image for PDB Lifecycle Management in the target CDB
In the top level section of the file, the parameter
refers to the type of database to create, in this case we will be launching a DB in a container running on the Kubernetes cluster, known as a Single Instance Database. Other possible choices are to use an Autonomous DB on OCI, to use a, external Container database, and more. The parametername
defines the oracle dabatase name we'll be creating, as well as the name used to refer to the database via the variouskubectl
commandsapiVersion: kind: SingleInstanceDatabase metadata: name: sidb-test1 namespace: default
defines the name of the secret containing the database password. You can specify to remove this secret after creation for enhanced security using the parameterkeepSecret
.adminPassword: secretName: admin-secret keepSecret: true
section specifies where to pull the database container image from. In this case we use the default image, you could build a custom image and refer to that image instead. The parameterpullSecrets
refers to the name of the secret where we stored the credentials of the container repo, in this case the Oracle Container Repository.image: pullFrom: pullSecrets: oracle-container-registry-secret
The section
defines the type of persistent storage to use. In this case we'll use the classoci
to use an OCI Block Volume. The parameteraccessMode
specifies this is a block volume that can only be mounted on a single node of the cluster. In the next lab we'll be using an NFS volume which can be mounted on multiple nodes at the same time.persistence: size: 100Gi storageClass: "oci" accessMode: "ReadWriteOnce"
And finally the parameter
specifies how many pods we want to have up and running. As this is a block-based volume that can only be mounted on a single node of the cluster we are using 1.replicas: 1
Oracle DB Operator Multitenant Database Controller uses Kubernetes Secrets to store usernames and passwords to manage the life cycle operations of a PDB in the target CDB.
We will create two Kubernetes secrets; one required to connect to the CDB to perform the life cycle operations, and the second one with the sys credentials for the PDB.
All credentials (user name and password) in both secrets must be base64 encoded. In order to get the base64 encoded value for a string, please use the below command like below at the command prompt. The value you get is the base64 encoded value for that string.
In addition to that, in order to use https protocol, all certificates need to be stored using Kubernetes Secret.
echo -n "<string to be encoded using base64>" | base64
- Create the CDB Kubernetes Secret:
This Secret will be use to create and configure the ORDS pod we will use later for the life cycle operations. For this lab we'll use the file cdb_secret.yaml:
# Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: cdb1-secret
namespace: oracle-database-operator-system
type: Opaque
ords_pwd: "d2VsY29tZTE="
sysadmin_pwd: "V0VsY29tZV8xMiMj"
cdbadmin_user: "QyMjREJBUElfQ0RCX0FETUlO"
cdbadmin_pwd: "V0VsY29tZV8xMiMj"
webserver_user: "c3FsX2FkbWlu"
webserver_pwd: "d2VsY29tZTE="
sysadmin_pwd must be the sys pwd you set during the database creation in previous lab cdbadmin_user and cdbadmin_pwd has been set on Task 1 for this lab.
Use default values for ords_pwd, webserver_user and webserver_pwd
You can use the follow command to decode the credentials in this file:
echo -n '<String to be decoded>' | base64 --decode
And replace them with your custom credentials base64 encoded
echo -n "<string to be encoded using base64>" | base64
- Create the PDB Kubernetes Secret:
For this lab we'll use the file pdb_secret.yaml:
# Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: pdb1-secret
namespace: oracle-database-operator-system
type: Opaque
sysadmin_user: "cGRiYWRtaW4="
sysadmin_pwd: "V0VsY29tZV8xMiMj"
- Create the Kubernetes Secret for Certificates
Run the follow commands to create certificates and key on your local host:
genrsa -out ca.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca.key -subj "/C=CN/ST=GD/L=SZ/O=oracle, Inc./CN=oracle Root CA" -out ca.crt
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout tls.key -subj "/C=CN/ST=GD/L=SZ/O=oracle, Inc./CN=cdb-dev-ords" -out server.csr
/usr/bin/echo "subjectAltName=DNS:cdb-dev-ords," > extfile.txt
openssl x509 -req -extfile extfile.txt -days 365 -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out tls.crt
Now use them to create Kubernetes Secret:
kubectl create secret tls db-tls --key="tls.key" --cert="tls.crt" -n oracle-database-operator-system
kubectl create secret generic db-ca --from-file=ca.crt -n oracle-database-operator-system
Note: On successful creation of the certificates secret creation remove files or move to secure storage.
The Oracle Database Operator Multitenant Controller creates the CDB kind as a custom resource that models a target CDB as a native Kubernetes object. This is used only to create Pods to connect to the target CDB to perform PDB-LM operations. These CDB resources can be scaled up and down based on the expected load using replicas
To create a CDB CRD, use the file create_cdb.yaml. Let's see this file:
We will create the CRD "cdb-dev" on the namespace "oracle-database-operator-system"
# Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
kind: CDB
name: cdb-dev
namespace: oracle-database-operator-system
In the specifications, we will provide the connection details for the CDB we want to bind for life cycle operations. Scan name is used only in case we connect to an Oracle RAC. We will set it with the same value than scanName for non-RAC setups.
Finally, we provide the details for the ORDS configuration providing the image details and setting the credentials using the kubernetes secret created in the previous tasks:
cdbName: "DemoDB_dev"
scanName: ""
dbServer: ""
ordsImagePullSecret: "container-registry-secret"
dbPort: 1521
replicas: 1
serviceName: ""
secretName: "cdb-secret"
key: "sysadmin_pwd"
secretName: "cdb-secret"
key: "ords_pwd"
secretName: "cdb-secret"
key: "cdbadmin_user"
secretName: "cdb-secret"
key: "cdbadmin_pwd"
secretName: "cdb-secret"
key: "webserver_user"
secretName: "cdb-secret"
key: "webserver_pwd"
Apply this configuration:
kubectl apply -f cdb-dev.yaml
You can list the pods in the oracle-database-operator-system. It should show the pod for this CDB.
The Oracle Database Operator On-Prem Controller creates the PDB kind as a custom resource that models a PDB as a native Kubernetes object. There is a one-to-one mapping between the actual PDB and the Kubernetes PDB Custom Resource.
Using Oracle DB Operator Multitenant Controller, you can perform the following PDB-LM operations: CREATE, CLONE, MODIFY, DELETE, UNPLUG, PLUG.
- Create a PDB
To create a PDB CRD, use the file create_pdb.yaml. Let's see this file:
We are going to create a PDB CRD called pdb1 in oracle-database-operator-system namespace. We are adding a label in order to know which CDB we will use:
# Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
kind: PDB
name: pdb1
namespace: oracle-database-operator-system
cdb: cdb-dev
We will specify the CDB resource name and the cdbName we set into the CDB custom resource definition:
cdbResName: "cdb-dev"
cdbName: "DemoDB_dev"
pdbName: "pdbnew"
And we will provide the admin name and password from the kubernetes secret we created in previous tasks:
secretName: "pdb1-secret"
key: "sysadmin_user"
secretName: "pdb1-secret"
key: "sysadmin_pwd"
We add some database configuration:
fileNameConversions: "NONE"
totalSize: "1G"
tempSize: "100M"
And we set the action to create
action: "Create"
Now, we can apply the yaml file:
kubetl apply -f create_pdb.yaml
The PDB should be created in the CDB. Let check it. We can use our SQLPlus connection to the CDB to list the PDBs:
Show pdbs;
Or we can use kubectl to list the PDBs managed by the operator:
kubectl get pdbs -n oracle-database-operator-system
Our PDB1 has been created and it is open in read/write mode.
- Clone a PDB
To clone a PDB from an existing one, use the file clone_pdb.yaml.
There are some differences with the create_pdb.yaml file:
- We need to set the source pdb: srcPdbName
- We don't set the admin credentials because the clone will have the same ones than the source.
- The action has changed to CLONE
# Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
kind: PDB
name: pdb1-clone
namespace: oracle-database-operator-system
cdb: cdb-dev
cdbResName: "cdb-dev"
cdbName: "DemoDB_dev"
pdbName: "pdbnewclone"
srcPdbName: "pdbnew"
fileNameConversions: "NONE"
totalSize: "UNLIMITED"
tempSize: "UNLIMITED"
action: "Clone"
Now, you can apply this CDR:
kubectl apply -f clone_pdb.yaml
Now, you can check if the clone has been created using your SQLPlus connection:
Show pdbs;
You can use kubectl to list those PDBs managed by the operator:
kubectl get pdbs -n oracle-database-operator-system
- Delete the cloned PDB
We are going to delete the clone we have created in the previous step. We will use the file delete_clone_pdb.yaml.
- Close and Unplug PDB
You can disassociate or unplug a PDB from a CDB and reassociate or plug the PDB into the same CDB or into another CDB.
In order to unplug a PDB, It must be closed for R/W operations. We will close the PDB we created using the file close_pdb.yaml.
You can use your SQLPlus connection or kubectl get pdbs command to check the PDB status. It should be closed now.
Now, we can proceed to unplug the PDB from the CDB. We will use the file unplug_pdb.yaml.
Now, you can check the PDBs available on the CDB. PDB1 should not be there.
Congratulations, your database is up and running, and you are able to connect to it through Enterprise Manager and Sqlplus ! You may now proceed to the next lab.
- Author - Victor Mendo, December 2022
- Last Updated By/Date - Victor Mendo, December 2022