This module ensures that commonmark-java is supported on Android
- Java 7 or above
- Android SDK 15
- Running emulator or connected android device
- Download Android SDK
- Be sure that SDK Platform 15 and emulator for this platform (system image) are installed. It's recommended to use x86
- Export to PATH:
- Create 2 properties files in commonmark-android-test
# Absolute or relative (./ == /app) path to test reports.
# Version number of commonmark and extensions in maven central.
# Version number of autolink in maven central (not bundled with extension jar).
# Version number of commonmark and extensions in project.
# Version number of autolink for snapshots (not bundled in extension jar).
If you're going to test on device with Android 15 then you can skip downloading emulator.
on Mac/Linux:
./gradlew :app:connectedMavenDebugAndroidTest
on Windows:
.\gradlew :app:connectedMavenDebugAndroidTest
Before running tests you need to run mvn clean install
in the root of
this repository.
on Mac/Linux:
./gradlew :app:connectedSnapshotDebugAndroidTest
on Windows:
.\gradlew :app:connectedSnapshotDebugAndroidTest
on Mac/Linux:
echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t "android-15"
emulator -avd test &
adb wait-for-device
./gradlew :app:clean :app:connectedSnapshotDebugAndroidTest
adb emu kill
on Windows:
echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t "android-15"
start emulator -avd test
adb wait-for-device
gradlew :app:clean :app:connectedSnapshotDebugAndroidTest & adb emu kill
There could be problems with command adb wait-for-device
which could be resolved by adding additional pause before running test.