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Vladimir Mandic edited this page Oct 29, 2021 · 4 revisions


Human configuration is a simple object that can be passed as a constructor and overriden during any human.detect() call

Overview of Config object type:

interface Config {
  backend: string                   // backend engine to be used for processing
  wasmPath: string,                 // root download path for wasm binaries
  debug: boolean,                   // verbose messages to console
  async: boolean,                   // use asynchronous processing within human
  warmup: string,                   // optional warmup of backend engine
  modelBasePath: string,            // root download path for all models
  cacheSensitivity: number;         // threshold for result cache validation
  skipAllowed: boolean;             // *internal* set after cache validation check
  filter: FilterConfig,             // controls input pre-processing
  face: FaceConfig,                 // controls face detection and all modules that rely on detected face
  body: BodyConfig,                 // controls body pose detection
  hand: HandConfig,                 // contros hand and finger detection
  object: ObjectConfig,             // controls object detection
  gesture: GestureConfig;           // controls gesture analysis
  segmentation: SegmentationConfig, // controls body segmentation

Most of configuration options are exposed in the demo application UI:


Configurtion object is large, but typically you only need to modify few values:

  • enabled: Choose which models to use
  • baseModelPath: Update as needed to reflect your application's relative path

for example,

const myConfig = {
  baseModelPath: `[email protected]/dist/human.esm.min.js`,
  segmentation: { enabled: true },
const human = new Human(myConfig);
const result = await human.detect(input);
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