External libraries should not be used in this project.
Code should be formatted according to GNU Coding Standards.
- The "CamelCase" is not used at all.
- Abbreviations are acceptable.
- Functions should be named only in snake_case.
- Variables should be named in snake_case, or as a short abbreviation:
int row_lenght; // or: int rlen;
- Enums should be named in snake_case and always should be used with
key word:enum my_enum
- Structures should be named in snake_case and always have type alias. In code, structures should be referenced only by their type aliases.
- Type aliases for domain entities should be named in Snake_Case with capital first letters.
typedef struct { ... } My_Mtruct; // or: struct another_struct; typedef struct another_struct Another_Struct;
- Type aliases for util structures may be an abbreviation:
typedef struct { ... } u8str;