This microservice is aimed at pulling a video stream from IP camera(any compatible device which supports RTSP) and pushing the stream chunks into the GRPC server running in any network(cloud as well)
Steps to run the project
git clone <project url>
cd <project directory>
npm install
ts-node-dev --respawn --inspect --transpileOnly ./lib/app.ts
Setting up initial configuration
The very first config file is .env , Keep this file in the project root directory
#grpc server url
#ffmpeg installed path in your local machine, use command '$ which ffmpeg' in terminal to get path, use versions > 4.0
#input stream file path local to your machine, specify absolute path
Input rtsp streams for the service is given by inputStreams.json file, we can provide multiple input streams inside the array
"id": "rtspStream_1",
"rtspUrl": "rtsp://localhost:8554/live",
"protocol": "udp",
"frameRate": 30
Server is the gRPC server with its protobuf message structure(.proto) is kept inside the server dir. gRPC service where server is listening and client is streaming mechanism is used(unidirectional stream).
cd server
node grpcServer.js
On running the above setup we can see video stream chunks are being pushed to gRPC server with the stream ID in the payload
Please Note: Client side code and the mechanism to get the video feed on the browser is in progress, will add in the next commits