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162 lines (126 loc) · 24.7 KB

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162 lines (126 loc) · 24.7 KB

It’s that time of year again when we come together to support and celebrate the open source technologies we use and love.

Join the open source celebration and leave a mark on the open source world! Read my open-source journey here.

Open Source Love GitHub license

Register here for Hacktoberfest and make four pull requests (PRs) between October 1-31 to earn a free t-shirt.

I've opened few issues for beginners. Take up any issue and send your first PR! Many beginner-friendly issues on way - Star(watch) this repo for updates. Read my open-source journey here.

PRs Welcome

Repository Issues Pull Requests Forks
inspirational-quotes GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
jobtweets GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Email-Signature-Template GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Hackathon-Timer GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Cookie-Manager GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Quotter GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
SimpleBio GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
HBD GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Hashtagify GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
online-debate-system GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
MiniYouTube GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
TwitterSentimentAnalysis GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
PortScanner GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Water-Monitoring-System GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Map-of-India GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
ProgressiveNewsApp GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
covid19api GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
myFaculty GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Recruitment Portal GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks

Recommended repo for beginners

inspirational-quotes PortScanner SimpleBio HBD

Welcome to the Open Source World! Please find the issues below:

Recommended issue for beginners: Add More Inspirational Quotes

JavaScript Python NodeJS

Repository Link to Issue Language
inspirational-quotes Add More Inspirational Quotes JavaScript
inspirational-quotes Configure ESLint JavaScript
inspirational-quotes Test to avoid repetition of Quotes JavaScript
jobtweets Taking query(#hashtags) as input from user Python
jobtweets [Pie Chart] Graphical representation of the results Python
Email-Signature-Template Add some more template HTML, CSS
Hackathon-Timer Use GitHub webhooks NodeJS
Cookie-Manager Prompt a confirmation before clearing all cookies JavaScript
Cookie-Manager Delete cookies for a single domain JavaScript
Cookie-Manager Display cookies based on the filter i.e. regex(say JavaScript
Cookie-Manager Refactor code in background.js JavaScript
Cookie-Manager [Documentation Missing] Add JSDoc JavaScript
Quotter Auto follower (Follow for Follow) NodeJS
Quotter Adding a feature to DM the quotes to all the followers NodeJS
Quotter .gitignore is missing NodeJS
SimpleBio Add more templates HTML, CSS, JS
HBD Coder's Way of Wishing Happy Birthday Any Language
Hashtagify Suggest #Hashtags for Video JavaScript
online-debate-system UI Improvements HTML, CSS, JS
MiniYouTube Add ESLint React
TwitterSentimentAnalysis [HacktoberFest] UI Improvements PHP
ProgressiveNewsApp Sort news on the basis of popularity and Date published JavaScript
ProgressiveNewsApp UI Improvements CSS
ProgressiveNewsApp Add Date published in News Card HTML, JavaScript
Map Of India Union territories are missing from the Map of India Node.js
Map Of India Add a script to print the National Flag of India 🇮🇳 Node.js
Map Of India Just border of Map of India Node.js
myFaculty List content overflows from the container CSS
myFaculty UI improvisation React
myFaculty Responsive UI CSS
Water Monitoring System UI Enhancements HTML, CSS, JS
Water Monitoring System Project Documentation Markdown
Water Monitoring System Setting up Cloud APIs to send/receive data Node.js, MongoDB
Water Monitoring System Admin Dashboard HTML, CSS, JS
Water Monitoring System Notify stakeholders Node.js
Recruitment Portal Put a timer for quizzes PHP, JavaScript
covid19api Add a query to latest data for COVID-19 cases GraphQL
covid19api Add a query to get particular state data GraphQL

Click here for the complete list of beginner-friendly repositories. Give a shoutout to my DEV article. ❤️ 🤗

Check out below repos:

covid19api Hashtagify COVID19 Water-Monitoring-System

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I'll be adding few more issues. Follow me on GitHub(@vinitshahdeo) to keep yourself updated!

GitHub followers Twitter Follow

if (isAwesome) {
    // thanks in advance :p