- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
Software requirements:
- Docker
- Visual Studio Code or equivalent software
Account admin:
- Account admin: admin123 - password: 123456
- Manager Account: vienhoanglong - password: 123456
- Employee Account: lehienluong - password: 123456
Account phpmyadmin:
- Use: root
- Password: root
- Step 1: Open the folder 51800433_VienHoangLong_51800382
- Step 2: Open Windows PowerSell and cd to the path to save the file 51800433_VienHoangLong_51800382
- Step 3: Type docker-compose up -d (Note: Need to open docker before running)
- Step 4: Open any browser type: localhost:8080 to run the program | localhost: 8888 to access the database