Shows how to wait for delayed CSS to load before continuing with the test
The static page public/index.html has two CSS resources. The base.css
loads synchronously using a link tag.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="base.css" />
The second app.css
resource loads dynamically using JavaScript
setTimeout(() => {
// now load dynamic style to apply to H1 element
let link = document.createElement('link')
link.rel = 'stylesheet'
link.type = 'text/css'
link.href = 'app.css'
}, 1000)
Normally the functional tests do not check the element style. As long as the button is in the DOM, it can be clicked. But in this case we really would like to wait for the CSS files to load before the test continues.
From the cypress/integration/spec.js we wait for base.css
and app.css
to load before checking if the style from app.css
has been applied to the page elements. The check for app.css
is done by looking at the performance
object that exists in the modern browsers.
// how to check if a resource has been loaded
cy.window().then(win => {
foundResource = win.performance
.find(item =>
From the tests, we can call the above code wrapped in a custom command cy.waitForResource
// cypress/integration/spec.js
it('applies app.css styles', () => {
// red color means the style from "app.css" has been loaded and applied
cy.get('h1', { timeout: 250 }).should('have.css', 'color', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)')
The custom command cy.waitForResource
is written directly in the spec file. Another custom command cy.waitForResources
is coded in cypress/support/index.js
The cypress/integration/spec.js also includes a test that uses cypress-wait-until 3rd party module with custom command cy.waitUntil
to retry finding the performance entry with expected name.
The spec file also shows how to ensure that an image has fully loaded.
describe('loading images', () => {
it('waits for the image to load', () => {
// we can wait for the <img> element to appear
// but the image has not been loaded yet.
cy.get('[alt="delayed image"]').should('be.visible')
// Let's wait for the actual image to load
Alternatively, we can use IMG.naturalWidth
or IMG.naturalHeight
properties which are set when the image loads.
// we can wait for the <img> element to appear
// but the image has not been loaded yet.
cy.get('[alt="delayed image"]')
.and(($img) => {
// "naturalWidth" and "naturalHeight" are set when the image loads
'image has natural width'