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DbMigrate Config File

Roman Stumm edited this page Jun 3, 2015 · 1 revision

DBMigrate main configuration file


 The example project contains two configurations:
 setup.xml to show how to setup a new database
 upgrade.xml to demonstrate a configuration for database migration (upgrade)

This configuration is responsible for:

- Optional: Environment variables, usable in sql scripts.
      <map name="env">
        <String name="key" value="value"/>
  Predefined are: DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_SCHEMA, DB_URL, DB_DRIVER, FAIL_ON_ERROR. (described below)
- Optional: System-properties usable in SQL-Scripts
  All JVM-Systemproperties are accessible as environment variables. System properties overrule the values in "env" map! (This behavior has changed since version 2.3.3!)
- Mandatory: Directory, in which the upgrade scripts are:
      <file name="Scripts" dir="test-scripts" file="" relative="false"/>

      dir = Subdirectory
      file = "" this is the way a directory is referenced (otherwise a file is assumed)
      relative = false. true: file is relative to config-root directory (default- config-root is the current directory anyway.)

Important: Scripts that should be executed automatically must start with prefix "up-". You can configure another prefix as well. (described below)

Next part of the file name is a version identifier, which determines the sequence of execution. The version consists of up to 3 numbers, separated by . _ or -.

File may end with .sql, .xml or .groovy.

.xml files can be used to invoke java classes or to describe conditional migration steps. (XML-scripts)

Script name examples: up-1.0.0_hello.sql, up_2_1.sql, up-1-0-1.xml

- Optional: file with database configuration.
<file name="JdbcConfig" file=""/>
 You can provide a properties file (see [JdbcConfig](DBMigrateJdbcConfig))

Or you can use the information from a Datasource (see DBMigrateSpring) Or you configure the database in the "env" section (see "Environment variables")

- Optional: start-version
      <text name="from-version" value="2.0.12"/>
  if not given, start version will be read from the database table DB_VERSION 
- Optional: target-version
      <text name="to-version" value="2.0.15"/>
 if not given, the migration will execute the scripts up to the latest version. (this is what you normally want to do.)

Example migration.xml / upgrade.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config name="migration">

  <!-- Optional: environment variables, can be used inside scripts as ${DB_USER}.
   Predefined keys:
    FAIL_ON_ERROR : if false, allow initial database connection 
       to fail without exiting with an exception. default is: true
    DB_USER       : if exists, overrule user from JdbcConfig
    DB_PASSWORD   : if exists, overrule password from JdbcConfig
    DB_SCHEMA     : if exists, overrule schema name of jdbcUrl from JdbcConfig
    DB_URL        : if exists, overrule jdbcUrl from JdbcConfig
    DB_DRIVER        : if exists, overrule jdbcDriver from JdbcConfig
Note: These 4 variables overrule the configuration in the JdbcConfig file!
  <map name="env">
    <Boolean name="FAIL_ON_ERROR" value="true"/>
    <String name="DB_USER" value="postgres"/>
    <String name="DB_PASSWORD" value="anfang"/>
    <String name="DB_SCHEMA" value="test"/>
    <!--<String name="DB_URL" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test"/>-->

  <!-- Optional. File prefix of script files to execute automatically.
       Filename: prefix version _ rest . ending -->
  <String name="Scripts-Prefix" value="up-"/>

 <!-- Optional. Scripts-Before-All = the source path for scripts to execute
      (before the sequence of migration scripts is executed) -->
  <file name="Scripts-Before-All" dir="upgrade/before-all" file=""/>

  <!-- Scripts = the source path for scripts to scan for -->
  <file name="Scripts" dir="test-scripts" file="" relative="false"/>

  <!-- Optional = the **additional** URLs/Paths where to search for groovy scripts (to be called explicitly with doGroovyScript). 
      can be file or String or text nodes -->
    <list name="GroovyScripts">
        <String dir="cp://scripts1/"/>
        <file dir="cp://scripts2/" file=""/>        

  <!-- Optional. Scripts-After-All = the source path for scripts to execute
      (after the sequence of migration scripts has been executed) -->
  <file name="Scripts-After-All" dir="upgrade/after-all" file=""/>

 <!-- Optional -->
  <file name="JdbcConfig" file=""/>

  <!-- optional:
    CREATE TABLE DB_VERSION (SINCE timestamp, VERSION varchar(100));

    when from-version is not set, determine automatically from database (table: DB_VERSION).
    when from-version is set, versions higher than this (exclusive!) will be executed. -->
  <!--<text name="from-version" value="2.0.12"/>-->

  <!-- optional:
    when to-version is NOT set, execute configs/scripts for ALL LATER versions.
    when to-version is set, it is the last version (inclusive) to be executed. -->
  <!--<text name="to-version" value="2.0.15"/>-->

<!-- optionale map to configure the version table. these are the default settings -->
<!--  <map name="version-meta">
	<String name="table" value="DB_VERSION"/>
        <String name="version" value="version" />
        <String name="since" value="since"/>
        <Boolean name="insert-only" value="false"/>
        <Boolean name="auto-create" value="true"/>
        <Boolean name="auto-version" value="false"/>


= version-meta =

configure where/how to store the database version in the database.

  • table = table name, default = db_version
  • version = column with version number (string), default = version
  • since = optional column. set to "" if you do not need it. stores timestamp of last update/insert of the version (timestamp of migration), default = since
  • insert-only = boolean, default = false. if true, tool inserts new version into db_version (so that you get a version journal)
  • auto-create = boolean, default = true. if true, create db_version table if it does not exist
  • auto-version = boolean, default = false. insert/update the value in db_version after execution of an upgrade script automatically. false: you need to set the version in the script explicitly

= lock-busy: prevent parallel execution =

The configuration "lock-busy" in the "version-meta" section is a new feature, since dbmigrate 2.5.19. It is useful when dbmigrate is installed in a cluster to prevent parallel execution on the same database at the same time. Parallel execution will most likely corrupt the database or fail. The lock-busy behavior writes a row "busy" into the db_version table and deletes when dbmigrate is finished.

Known issue: It requires a unique index (or primary key) on the "version" column of "db_version"!! It does not work with "insert-only" = "true"!!

    <map name="version-meta">
        <Boolean name="auto-version" value="true"/>
        <String name="lock-busy" value="Wait"/>

lock-busy can be one of: No, Fail, Wait. The default behavior is "No".

- No: do not care about parallel runs. The user must himself avoid to run multiple dbmigrate processes at the same database at the same time.
- Wait or Fail:
- Fail: fail when busy
- Wait: wait until not busy anymore, then start
  Defaults for Wait: unlimited attempts, 10 seconds between delay between attempts.

For more information see class com.agimatec.dbmigrate.util.BusyLocker