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Roman Stumm edited this page Mar 13, 2015 · 1 revision

Example project to demonstrate annomark

Using the annomark-example project

This is a project that demonstrates the features of "annomark". It creates some classes and xml files based on various annotations.

Some of the features demonstrated by the example project:

  • launch annomark with groovy (!JAMLauncher.groovy)
  • process own annotations (DTO, DTOs)
  • use all templates provided with annomark (POJO, Dozer-mapping, xml-metadata)
  • generate different objects for same class with relationships between them

For SVN and maven2 users

  1. Checkout the annomark-example from Source with SVN.

  2. Build the project mvn clean package

  3. Look into the target/generated/src/main directory

For maven2 users that cannot checkout from SVN

  1. Download and extract

  2. Build the project mvn clean package

  3. Look into the target/generated/src/main directory

Annomark explained

  1. The pom launches a groovy script that contains all instructions and configurations


 <java classname="org.codehaus.gram.Gram" fork="true"
   <classpath refid="maven.test.classpath"/>
   <arg value="${basedir}/src/main/java/com/agimatec"/>
   <arg value="src/main/groovy/JAMLauncher.groovy"/>
  • the first parameter is the source directory to parse
  • the second parameter is the groovy script to launch
  1. The groovy script configures annomark:


import java.util.**;
import com.agimatec.annotations.jam.**;
import com.agimatec.annotations.*;

def dtoClasses = new HashSet();
dtoClasses.addAll(classes.findAll { it.getAnnotation(DTO.class) != null });
dtoClasses.addAll(classes.findAll { it.getAnnotation(DTOs.class) != null });

generator = new JAMDtoGenerator();

generator.addInstruction("java-pojo", "target/generated/src/main/java", null)

// ... more instructions here ...    

  • getAnnotation filters classes by annotations (here: DTO and DTOs). You can use own annotations as well.
  • *JAMDtoGenerator assists in invoking freemarker to generate !DataTransferObjects *
  • refer to documentation of JAMGenInstruction
  1. Study the example
  • *Take a look at the the annotated model classes and experiment with the @DTO, @DTOAttribute annotations if you need !TransferObjects *
  • Create own annotations or own templates to generate the artifacts you need