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[General Rest Api Information]

Version Description Time Mark
V1.0.0 include some rest api(virtual coin,contracts) and error code list. 2019-03 usable

[Request Parameter Infomation] (Important)

Public request params

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
apiKey unique tag for user N required by authentication of request,apply for the key in website. String
timestamp request timestamp N the paramter will be need in request which need to authenticate, if space of time too long between current and request will be reject. Long
signature signature data N required by authentication of request. String
msgNo request id N just for some api(place order),max length is 50 chars String

Response Information

Base style :

	"info": {},
	"success": true,
	"msg": "",
	"code": "0",
	"params": []

if need page, like:

	"info": {
        "num":xx, // total counts
        "list":[] // data collection 
	"success": true,
	"msg": "",
	"code": "0",
	"params": []

[Data of Signature] (Important)

  • The part just for authentication of request, the pair of apiKey and secretKey can be apply in website (

  • For authentication of request, the request paramters need to be sign by HmacSHA256

  • The prepared signature data is a string which make up of all request parameters which in alphabetic order and join with '&'

  • The signature needs to be in lowercase

    signature example:

    request parameters like:

      "apiKey" : "XXX",
      "version":"V1.0.0" //this parameter are optional.


    String json = “apiKey=XXX&msgNo=1234567890&timestamp=1534892332334&version=V1.0.0”;

    String signature = HmacSHA256.encode (json , secretKey );

    last,the request parameters like:

      "apiKey" : "XXX",
          "signature": signature

[Api Detail]


1. query server time

request url: {base-endpoint}/serverTime

request method: GET

request parameter infomation: none

response example:

"data": 1557134972000,
"success": true,
"msg": "",
"code": "0"

2. config detail

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/config

request method: GET

request parameter infomation: null

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
spotConfig spot config Object
coinConfig coin config Object
contractConfig contract config Object


Field Description Mark Type
name coin name String
fullName full name String
depositStatus can deposit String
withdrawStatus can withdraw String
minWithdraw min withdraw amount String
withdrawFee withdraw fee String
makerFeeRate maker transaction fee String
takerFeeRate taker transaction fee String
minTxAmt min transaction amount String


Field Description Mark Type
symbol String
makerFeeRate maker transaction fee String
takerFeeRate taker transaction fee String


Field Description Mark Type
symbol String
accuracy String[]
percentPrice price range(multiplierDown and multiplierUp), lastPrice*multiplierDown < price < lastPrice*multiplierUp Object

response example:

    "data": {
        "coinConfig": [
                "makerFeeRate": "0.001",
                "minWithdraw": "10",
                "withdrawFee": "0.1",
                "name": "BXA",
                "depositStatus": "0",
                "fullName": "Exchange Alliance",
                "takerFeeRate": "0.001",
                "withdrawStatus": "0"
        "contractConfig": [
                "symbol": "TBTCUSD",
                "makerFeeRate": "-0.00025",
                "takerFeeRate": "0.00075"
        "spotConfig": [
                "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
                "accuracy": [
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1557200664263

[Normal Authentication api]

1. withdraw (need withdraw authentication)

request url: {base-endpoint}/withdraw

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Filed Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
coinType Y e.g BTC,USDT(USDT-ERC20,USDT-OMNI) String
address target wallet address Y String
extendParam memo or tag N String
quantity Y String
mark Y max support for 250 char String

2. transfer asset for inner account (need withdraw authentication) (Deprecated)

request url: {base-endpoint}/transfer

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
coinType Y e.g BTC String
quantity Y String
from from account type(WALLET,SPOT,CONTRACT) Y String
to target account type(WALLET,SPOT,CONTRACT) Y String

3. query depository history

request url: {base-endpoint}/wallet/depositHistory

request method:POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
coin coin type N eg. BTC String
start query start time Y Long
end query end time N end - start should less than or equal 90 day Long
limit response record limit N Default:50,max record size: 50 Integer


Field Description Mark Type
id String
status deposit status 0:fail, 1:success String
coinType eg. BTC String
quantity String
createTime deposit time Long
address if accountName=no, the field may be block deposit address or inner transfer address of exchange, or be memo. String
txid block hash String
acountName default is 'no', or be contract address String

response example:


4. query withdraw history

request uri:{base-endpoint}/wallet/withdrawHistory

request method:POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
coin coin type N eg: BTC String
start query start time Y Long
end query end time N end - start should less than or equal 90 day Long
limit resposne record limit N Default:50,max record size: 50 Integer


Field Description Mark Type
id String
status 0,1,2,3=pending, 7=success,8=fail String
coinType String
quantity String
createTime Long
address String
txid String
withdrawType 0:inner transfer,1: wallet String

response example:


[Normal api for spot]

1. ticker

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/ticker

request method: GET

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Unique tag(ex:ETH-USDT) Y =ALL,get all symbol tickers String


Field Description Mark Type
c last price in the past of 24 hours String
h high price in the past of 24 hours String
l low price in the past of 24 hours String
p price change in the past of hours String
v deal quantity in the past of hours String
s symbol String

response example:

"data": [
        "c": "3700.458408",
        "h": "3700.458408",
        "l": "3700.458408",
        "p": "0.0000",
        "v": "0.00",
        "s": "BTC-USDT"
"success": true,
"msg": "",
"code": "0",
"params": []

2. orderbook

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/orderBook

request method: GET

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Unique tag(ex:ETH-USDT) Y String


Field Description Mark Type
b Bids String[2](first:price, second:quantity)
s Asks String[2](first:price, second:quantity)
ver version number String
symbol String

response example:

"data": {
    "b": [
    "s": [
"success": true,
"msg": "",
"code": "0",
"params": []

3. trade records(last 100)

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/trades

request method: GET

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String


Field Description Mark Type
p deal price String
s trade type buy or sell String
v deal quantity String
t timestamp String
ver String

response example:

"data": [
 "success": true,
 "msg": "",
 "code": "0",
 "params": []

4. kline

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/kline

request method: GET

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String
type kline type Y m1,m3,m5,m15,m30,h1,h2,h4,h6,h8,h12,d1,d3,w1,M1(m=minute,h=hour,d=day,w=week,M=month) String
start start time Y unit: second Long
end end time Y unit: second Long


Field Description Mark Type
c close price String
h hign price String
l low price String
o open price String
s total deal money String
t total deal times String
time timestamp String
v total deal quantity String

response example:

"data": [
 "success": true,
 "msg": "",
 "code": "0",
 "params": []

[Authentication api for spot]

1. create order for virtual coin (need transaction authentication)

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/placeOrder

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String
type order type Y limit(limit price) or market(market price) String
side order side Y buy or sell String
price Y when type is market, the value = -1 String
quantity Y eg.BTC-USDT,normally point at the quantity of BTC,when type=market,side=buy,point at the quantity of USDT, and the quantity should greater than or equal to the minimum trading volume of BTC String
timestamp Y String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
orderId String
symbol String

response example:

"data": {
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []

2. cancel order for virtual coin(need transaction authentication)

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/cancelOrder

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
orderId Y String
symbol Y String

3. query virtual coin asset account

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/assetList

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
coinType coin type N if null, response ALL virtual asset String
assetType asset type (spot,wallet) Y spot for virtual String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
coinType coin type String
count usable amount String
frozen frozen amount String
btcQuantity probably equal BTC String
type type 1=virtual coin,2=legal

response example:

"data": [
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []

4. trade for order detail

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/orderDetail

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
orderId Y String
symbol Y String
page current page N default = 1 String
count current page count N default = 10 String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
num total numbers Long
list trade detail List

response description (List):

Field Description Mark Type
orderId String
orderSign order status deal by taker or maker? String
getCount get String
getCountUnit coin type String
loseCount lose String
loseCountUnit coin type String
price deal price String
priceUnit coin type String
fee deal fee fee String
feeUnit coin type String
time time Long
fsymbol symbol BTC-USDT String
side order side buy or sell String

response example:

"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []

5. query history order list

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/orderList

request method: POST

request parameter information:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
side order side(buy,sell) Y String
symbol Y String
status order status(traded (history order)) Y String
queryRange the range of order(thisweek(in 7 day),thisweekago(before 7 ago)) Y String
page current page N String
count current page count N String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
num total numbers Long
list orde list List

list description:

Field Description Mark Type
orderId String
symbol String
price order price decimal
tradedNum completed quantity Decimal
quantity total quantity Decimal
avgPrice average price Decimal
status order status send,pending,success,cancel String
type order type market,limit String
side order side buy,sell String
createTime order create time Date
tradeTotal Decimal

response example:

"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []

6. query single order

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/singleOrder

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
orderId Y String
symbol Y String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
orderId String
symbol String
price order price decimal
tradedNum completed quantity Decimal
quantity total quantity Decimal
avgPrice average price Decimal
status order status send,pending,success,cancel String
type order type market,limit String
side order side buy,sell String
createTime create time Date
tradeTotal Decimal

response example:

"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []

7. query open order list

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/openOrders

request method: POST

request parameter information:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String
page current page N String
count current page count N String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
num total numbers Long
list orde list List

list description:

Field Description Mark Type
orderId String
symbol String
price order price decimal
tradedNum completed quantity Decimal
quantity total quantity Decimal
avgPrice average price Decimal
status order status send,pending,success,cancel String
type order type market,limit String
side order side buy,sell String
createTime order create time Date
tradeTotal Decimal

response example:

"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []

8. query my trades

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/myTrades

request method: POST

request parameter information:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String
startTime trades start time N if null, will use current timestamp Long
limit N Integer

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
id Long
price BigDecimal
amount BigDecimal
side String
direction String
time Date

response example:

"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []

9.batch cancel order (need transaction authentication)

request url: {base-endpoint}/spot/cancelOrder/batch

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
ids N ids split by "," batch max ids <= 100 for single request, if ids = "" or null or no ids parameter, will cancel all order for symbol. String
symbol Y String

request body example:


10.batch place order(need transaction authentication

request url:{base-endpoint}/spot/placeOrders

request method:POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
multiParams Y Array of single place's order parameters,0 < order's list of size <= 10 String

request body example:


response example:


[Normal api for contract] (Deprecated)

1. orderBook

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/orderBook

request method: GET

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
b Bids split by ":",first is price, second is quantity String
s Asks split by ":",first is price, second is quantity String
type type String

response example:

"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []

2. ticker

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/ticker

request method: GET

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
symbol contract symbol String
type Type String
lastPrice last price String
high high price in the past of 24 hours String
low low price in the past of 24 hours String
volume completed quantity in the past of 24 hours String
change need * 100 String
openValue not completed value String
fundRate0 contract fee change value in the next time String
fundTime0 contract fee change time(million second) in the next time String
adlRanker ADL range String
ver version number String
openInterest String
turnover String

response example:

"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []

[Authentication api for contract] (Deprecated)

1. create order for contract

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/order/create

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
property current is normal Y String
symbol Y ex: BTCUSD String
type Y market or limit String
amount Y must be whole number String
amountDisplay show quantity for ice order Y String
price N don't need if type is market, else must be an integral multiple of tickerPrice. String
side order side Y buy or sell String
postOnly only do maker? Y false or true String
reduceOnly only for reduce position? Y false or true String
timeInForce order time inforce type Y default is GTC, 'GTC'(always valid until cancel), 'FOK'(all completed or cancel), 'IOC'(completed or cancel fast, or part completed) String
leverage leverage value N String
triggerPrice trigger price N when property is trigger. String
benchmarkPrice N String
triggerPriceType N String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
orderId String

response example:

"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"timestamp": 1551346473238,
"params": []

2. cancel order for contract

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/order/cancel

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
orderId Y String

response description: when code = "0" is success

3. edit leverage

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/leverageEdit

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String
leverage new leverage info Y String

request description: when code="0" is success

4. position info

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/position

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
positionId String
symbol String
amount position amount String
margin position margin String
positionValue position value String
leverage String
status position status String
openPositionTime open position time String
flatPositionTime flat position time String
realProfit completed profit String
liquidation force completed price String
side position side String
frozen position frozen String

5. adjust margin

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/margin/update

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String
changeAmount amount change with positive and negative Y String

response description:when code="0" is success

6. query asset account for contract

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/asset/info

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
page Y Int
count Y Int
coinIdLike coin type N String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
pageInfo Object
records Array

pageInfo:(refer to orderList)


Field Description Mark Type
btcValue probably equal BTC String
coinId coin type String
count usable amount String
frozen frozen amount String

7. query user contract info

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/info

request method: POST

request parameter infomation:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
symbol String
leverage leverage number String
fundRate0 String
riskLimit risk limit String

8. query user contract account info

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/account/info

request method: POST

request parameter information:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
coin coin symbol Y String

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
coin coin symbol String
totalAmount total amount String
remainMargin remain margin String
openPositionMargin String
openOrderMarginTotal String
availableAmount available amount String

9. query order list (open order or history order list)

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/orders

request method: POST

request parameter information:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String
type order type(open or history) Y String
page N default 1 Integer
count N default 10 Integer

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
pageInfo Object
records Array


Field Description Mark Type
page Integer
count Integer
pageTotal Integer
recordTotal Integer


Field Description Mark Type
orderId String
symbol String
type order type limit or market String
side order side buy or sell String
price price when type=market is 0 String
amountReal real amount String
amountFill completed amount String
status order status open、cancel、filled、rejected、untrigger String
avgPrice average price String
time create time Long

10. query user contract trades

request url: {base-endpoint}/contract/trades

request method: POST

request parameter information:

Field Description Required(Y or N) Mark Type
symbol Y String
page N default=1 Integer
count N default=10 Integer

response description:

Field Description Mark Type
pageInfo Object
records Array

pageInfo:(refer to orderList)


Field Description Mark Type
symbol String
orderId String
isTaker Boolean
side buy or sell String
fee String
price String
amount String
time String
version Long

[code list]

code msg Description Mark
0 success
9000 missing parameter apiKey or signature is absent
9001 version not matched
9002 verifySignature failed
9004 access denied or request's params absent if access denied, please check your bind ip,api's permission,or account's status
9005 key expired
9006 no server
9007 request invalid check your request timestamp(compare with server time),msgNo's length need to less than or equal 50
9008 api request params error
9999 system error
9010 access denied(ip is invalid) request ip not in your bind's ip whitelist
9011 access denied(no permission) no api's permission
9012 access denied(account is abnormal) account is abnormal
20000 order params error
20002 user asset account abnormal
20003 user asset not enough
20004 order absent
20010 trade pair had been closed
20012 cancel faild,order status changed order's status is succeed or canceled
20043 price accuracy is wrong for placing order check symbol's accuracy from config api
20044 quantity accuracy is wrong for placing order check symbol's accuracy from config api
20048 trade pair not open
20053 need sign protocol in website if place order at first time, need to sign protocol in bithumb global website at trade page, just place one order before using trade's api.
20054 order price out of range check symbol's percentPrice from config api
20056 order quantity out of range the max quantity need to less than 100000000