To run the experiments for CIFAR-100 with the FedAvg algorithm, use the following command:
python --model_name=<model_name> \
--dataset_name=CIFAR100 \
--add_reg=0 \
--unbalanced_sgm=0 \
--rule=<partition_rule> \
--rule_arg=<dirichlet_value> \
--alg_name=FedAvg \
--mu_mean=0.0 \
--mu_var=0.0 \
--epoch=5 \
--lr_decay_per_round=0.998 \
--learning_rate=0.1 \
For SAM/ASAM experiments, add --opt_method=SAM/ASAM
to the command with FedAvg as the algorithm.
- model_name: cifar100 or ConvNet
- dataset_name: CIFAR100 or TinyImageNet
- add_reg: Flag for adding MAN regularizer
- unbalanced_sgm: Sigma for unbalanced data simulation (0 for none).
- rule: The rule for data partitioning (iid or Dirichlet)
- rule_arg: The argument for the partition rule, typically the concentration parameter for the Dirichlet distribution for non-iid setups
- alg_name: FedAvg/FedDyn/FedDC/FedSpeed
mu_mean: hyperparameter
$\zeta$ (we have used 0.15 for CIFAR100 and 0.1 for Tiny-Imagenet) - mu_var: 0 (not used in our experiments)
- epoch: number of epochs per round
- lr_decay_per_round: learning rate decay per round
- learning_rate: initial learning rate
- com_amount: number of communication rounds
- Before running experiments for Tiny-Imagenet, dataset has to be installed in the code or man_code_sam folder depending on the experiments that need to be run. Use the following command to download the dataset:
gdown 13xbXPCi1LAXuZRNIy6ArkJp79qpwQiIi
- All SAM/ASAM experiments should be run in the man_code_sam directory while the other experiments will be run in the code directory.
- Experiments were conducted with both iid and non-iid data setups.
- Non-iid Data was generated using the Dirichlet distribution (Dir(\delta)).
- A label distribution vector was sampled for each client.
- Lower (\delta) values result in higher label imbalances.
- Number of Clients: 100 clients participated in the experiments.
- Client Selection: 10% of clients were selected at random for each communication round.
- Communication Rounds: Accuracy was measured at the end of 500 communication rounds.
Sensitivity Analysis: Conducted for hyper-parameter (
$\zeta$ ) on global model accuracy.