- This week, I completed working gitlabqm enricher and also the gitqm enricher.
- Things got pretty easy as I have a working enricher whose enriched items are consumed by Prosoul, we can perform assessments with them too. 🕺
- I started speeding up the process. We discussed about the possible metrics that can be extracted from the gitlab (vchrombie/gsoc#8) and git (vchrombie/gsoc#9) raw data.
- I worked on implementing all the metrics which were planned. 👾 vchrombie/gsoc#6, PR 👉 chaoss/grimoirelab-elk#902
- gitlabqm: numberCreatedIssues, numberClosedIssues, numberCreatedMerges, numberClosedMerges, numberMergedMerges, numberIssueComments, numberMergeComments
- gitqm: numberCommitsCreated, numberLinesAdded, numberLinesRemoved, numberActions, numberFilesChanged
- Now that we have two enrichers working, I've decided to play with Prosoul using the extracted metrics data. I've executed the raw and enrich tasks using micro-mordred and completed enriching items of around eight projects of GitLab.org. The projects and configurations can be viewed here, configurations gist.
- I have used the Developer QM to perform an assessment. The results were better. 👌
- I also worked on improving the existing dashboard to have a better understanding of the enriched data. I've made a commong dashboard for all the enrichers and added filters to manage the results. 🤹 vchrombie/gsoc#5 (comment)