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--- a/pages/_meta.json
+++ b/pages/_meta.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"coding_challenge_1": "Coding Challenge 1",
"install_and_run_substrate_node" : "Install and Run Substrate Node",
"client_libraries" : "Thư viện client",
+ "evm_compatible_layer_substrate": "Tích hợp EVM trong Substrate",
"rakiapp": {
"title": "Polkadot Bootcamp - Video ↗",
"type": "page",
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+++ b/pages/evm_compatible_layer_substrate/_meta.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "introduction_to_frontier" : "Giới thiệu Frontier",
+ "introduction_to_moonbeam": "Giới thiệu Moonbeam",
+ "interact_contract_on_moonbeam": "Tương tác contract trên mạng moonbeam"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pages/evm_compatible_layer_substrate/interact_contract_on_moonbeam.mdx b/pages/evm_compatible_layer_substrate/interact_contract_on_moonbeam.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# Tương tác hợp đồng thông minh trên Moonbeam
+## Chuẩn bị các tool hỗ trợ
+### RPC Endpoints và cách thêm network vào Metamask
++ RPC endpoints: https://rpc.api.moonbase.moonbeam.network
++ Chain id: 1287
++ Kết nối metamask: https://docs.moonbeam.network/tokens/connect/metamask/
+### Faucet coins
+### Remix IDE
+### Contract `Storage`
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+contract Storage {
+ uint256 private data;
+ // Store a value
+ function set(uint256 _data) public {
+ data = _data;
+ }
+ // Retrieve the stored value
+ function get() public view returns (uint256) {
+ return data;
+ }
+## Deploy/Interact Contract trên Moonbeam
+### Compile contract
+#### Sử dụng remix
+#### Sử dụng script
+Lưu ý: Cài đặt thư viện
+npm install ethers solc
+ compile.js
+const fs = require("fs");
+const solc = require("solc");
+const source = fs.readFileSync("Storage.sol", "utf8");
+const input = {
+ language: "Solidity",
+ sources: {
+ "Storage.sol": {
+ content: source,
+ },
+ },
+ settings: {
+ outputSelection: {
+ "*": {
+ "*": ["abi", "evm.bytecode"],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+const output = JSON.parse(solc.compile(JSON.stringify(input)));
+const abi = output.contracts["Storage.sol"].Storage.abi;
+const bytecode = output.contracts["Storage.sol"].Storage.evm.bytecode.object;
+fs.writeFileSync("StorageABI.json", JSON.stringify(abi));
+fs.writeFileSync("StorageBytecode.json", bytecode);
+console.log("Contract compiled and ABI/bytecode saved.");
+### Deploy contract
+#### Sử dụng remix
+1. Chọn `injected provider` là Moonbase
+2. Chọn account và Deploy contract
+3. Metamask sẽ pop up và thực hiện deploy
+#### Sử dụng script
+ deploy.js
+const { ethers } = require("ethers");
+const fs = require("fs");
+async function main() {
+ // Load the ABI and bytecode
+ const abi = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("StorageABI.json", "utf8"));
+ const bytecode = fs.readFileSync("StorageBytecode.json", "utf8");
+ // Set up provider and wallet
+ const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("https://rpc.api.moonbase.moonbeam.network");
+ const wallet = new ethers.Wallet("your private key", provider);
+ const contractFactory = new ethers.ContractFactory(abi, bytecode, wallet);
+ const contract = await contractFactory.deploy();
+ console.log("Contract deployed at:", contract.target);
+main().catch((error) => {
+ console.error("Error:", error);
+ process.exit(1);
+Kết quả
+Contract deployed at: 0x7d4567B7257cf869B01a47E8cf0EDB3814bDb963
+### Kiểm tra địa chỉ contract trên explorer
+### Tương tác contract
+#### Sử dụng remix
+Remix IDE sẽ show 2 method `set` (WRITE) và `get` (READ)
+#### Sử dụng script
+ interact.js
+const { ethers } = require("ethers");
+const fs = require("fs");
+async function main() {
+ const abi = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("StorageABI.json", "utf8"));
+ const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("https://rpc.api.moonbase.moonbeam.network");
+ const wallet = new ethers.Wallet("your private key", provider);
+ const contractAddress = "0x7d4567B7257cf869B01a47E8cf0EDB3814bDb963";
+ const storageContract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, wallet);
+ const setTx = await storageContract.set(42);
+ await setTx.wait();
+ console.log("Value set to 42");
+ const value = await storageContract.get();
+ console.log("Stored value:", value.toString());
+main().catch((error) => {
+ console.error("Error:", error);
+ process.exit(1);
+Kết quả:
+Value set to 42
+Stored value: 42
diff --git a/pages/evm_compatible_layer_substrate/introduction_to_frontier.mdx b/pages/evm_compatible_layer_substrate/introduction_to_frontier.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+# Giới thiệu Frontier
+Frontier là tập hợp các thư viện hỗ trợ tích hợp EVM layer trên Substrate một cách nhanh chóng
+Gồm 2 thành phần chính:
++ `pallet-evm`: Deploy và tương tác EVM contract trực tiếp với runtime
++ `pallet-ethereum` và `Ethereum compatible RPC methods`: Hỗ trợ Ethereum compatible RPC , nghĩa là có thể dùng Metamask hoặc các development tool cho EVM contract
+như etherjs, web3js, viem, ...
+Link github: https://github.com/polkadot-evm/frontier
+## Cách tích hợp Ethereum
+### 1. Add `pallet-evm`, `pallet-ethereum`, `pallet-base-fee` vào runtime và implement Config cho Runtime
+ Code
+ ```rust
+ // runtime/src/lib.rs
+ // Create the runtime by composing the FRAME pallets that were previously configured.
+ construct_runtime!(
+ pub enum Runtime {
+ // System support stuff.
+ System: frame_system = 0,
+ ...
+ // Frontier
+ Ethereum: pallet_ethereum = 40,
+ EVM: pallet_evm = 41,
+ EVMChainId: pallet_evm_chain_id = 42,
+ BaseFee: pallet_base_fee = 43,
+ }
+ );
+ ```
+### 2. Thêm self contained unchecked extrinsic
+ Code
+// runtime/src/lib.rs
+/// Unchecked extrinsic type as expected by this runtime.
+pub type UncheckedExtrinsic =
+ fp_self_contained::UncheckedExtrinsic;
+/// Extrinsic type that has already been checked.
+pub type CheckedExtrinsic =
+ fp_self_contained::CheckedExtrinsic;
+impl fp_self_contained::SelfContainedCall for RuntimeCall {
+ type SignedInfo = H160;
+ fn is_self_contained(&self) -> bool {
+ match self {
+ RuntimeCall::Ethereum(call) => call.is_self_contained(),
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
+ fn check_self_contained(&self) -> Option> {
+ match self {
+ RuntimeCall::Ethereum(call) => call.check_self_contained(),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn validate_self_contained(
+ &self,
+ info: &Self::SignedInfo,
+ dispatch_info: &DispatchInfoOf,
+ len: usize,
+ ) -> Option {
+ match self {
+ RuntimeCall::Ethereum(call) => call.validate_self_contained(info, dispatch_info, len),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn pre_dispatch_self_contained(
+ &self,
+ info: &Self::SignedInfo,
+ dispatch_info: &DispatchInfoOf,
+ len: usize,
+ ) -> Option> {
+ match self {
+ RuntimeCall::Ethereum(call) => {
+ call.pre_dispatch_self_contained(info, dispatch_info, len)
+ }
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn apply_self_contained(
+ self,
+ info: Self::SignedInfo,
+ ) -> Option>> {
+ match self {
+ call @ RuntimeCall::Ethereum(pallet_ethereum::Call::transact { .. }) => {
+ Some(call.dispatch(RuntimeOrigin::from(
+ pallet_ethereum::RawOrigin::EthereumTransaction(info),
+ )))
+ }
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+#### UncheckedExtrinsic là gì
+Là format extrinsic (transaction) dưới dạng `bytes` , được encode bởi SCALE Codec từ `Address` , `RuntimeCall`, `Signature`, .. đồng thời kiểm tra một số validation rule như
+spec version, , genesis hash , nonce, ... trước khi user thực hiện extrinsic
+ Code
+ ```rust
+ /// The SignedExtension to the basic transaction logic.
+ pub type SignedExtra = (
+ frame_system::CheckNonZeroSender,
+ frame_system::CheckSpecVersion,
+ frame_system::CheckTxVersion,
+ frame_system::CheckGenesis,
+ frame_system::CheckEra,
+ frame_system::CheckNonce,
+ frame_system::CheckWeight,
+ pallet_transaction_payment::ChargeTransactionPayment,
+ cumulus_primitives_storage_weight_reclaim::StorageWeightReclaim,
+ );
+ ```
+#### CheckedExtrinsic là gì
+`UncheckedExtrinsic` được convert sang `CheckedExtrinsic` trong quá trình đưa transaction vào transaction pool, sau đó đưa vào 1 block
+-> Nghĩa là transaction đã được check trước khi đưa vào block
+-> **Verify first, write last**
+Để tìm hiểu kĩ hơn các bạn có thể tham khảo:
++ https://docs.substrate.io/learn/transaction-types/
++ https://docs.substrate.io/learn/transaction-lifecycle/
+### 3. Thêm Ethereum runtime API ( ETH compatible RPC methods)
+ Code
+impl_runtime_apis! {
+ ...
+ impl fp_rpc::EthereumRuntimeRPCApi for Runtime {
+ fn chain_id() -> u64 {
+ ::ChainId::get()
+ }
+ fn account_basic(address: H160) -> EVMAccount {
+ let (account, _) = pallet_evm::Pallet::::account_basic(&address);
+ account
+ }
+ fn gas_price() -> U256 {
+ let (gas_price, _) = ::FeeCalculator::min_gas_price();
+ gas_price
+ }
+ fn account_code_at(address: H160) -> Vec {
+ pallet_evm::AccountCodes::::get(address)
+ }
+ fn author() -> H160 {
+ >::find_author()
+ }
+ fn storage_at(address: H160, index: U256) -> H256 {
+ let mut tmp = [0u8; 32];
+ index.to_big_endian(&mut tmp);
+ pallet_evm::AccountStorages::::get(address, H256::from_slice(&tmp[..]))
+ }
+ fn call(
+ from: H160,
+ to: H160,
+ data: Vec,
+ value: U256,
+ gas_limit: U256,
+ max_fee_per_gas: Option,
+ max_priority_fee_per_gas: Option,
+ nonce: Option,
+ estimate: bool,
+ access_list: Option)>>,
+ ) -> Result {
+ let config = if estimate {
+ let mut config = ::config().clone();
+ config.estimate = true;
+ Some(config)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let gas_limit = gas_limit.min(u64::MAX.into());
+ let transaction_data = TransactionData::new(
+ TransactionAction::Call(to),
+ data.clone(),
+ nonce.unwrap_or_default(),
+ gas_limit,
+ None,
+ max_fee_per_gas,
+ max_priority_fee_per_gas,
+ value,
+ Some(::ChainId::get()),
+ access_list.clone().unwrap_or_default(),
+ );
+ let (weight_limit, proof_size_base_cost) = pallet_ethereum::Pallet::::transaction_weight(&transaction_data);
+ ::Runner::call(
+ from,
+ to,
+ data,
+ value,
+ gas_limit.unique_saturated_into(),
+ max_fee_per_gas,
+ max_priority_fee_per_gas,
+ nonce,
+ access_list.unwrap_or_default(),
+ false,
+ true,
+ weight_limit,
+ proof_size_base_cost,
+ config.as_ref().unwrap_or(::config()),
+ ).map_err(|err| err.error.into())
+ }
+ fn create(
+ from: H160,
+ data: Vec,
+ value: U256,
+ gas_limit: U256,
+ max_fee_per_gas: Option,
+ max_priority_fee_per_gas: Option,
+ nonce: Option,
+ estimate: bool,
+ access_list: Option)>>,
+ ) -> Result {
+ let config = if estimate {
+ let mut config = ::config().clone();
+ config.estimate = true;
+ Some(config)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let transaction_data = TransactionData::new(
+ TransactionAction::Create,
+ data.clone(),
+ nonce.unwrap_or_default(),
+ gas_limit,
+ None,
+ max_fee_per_gas,
+ max_priority_fee_per_gas,
+ value,
+ Some(::ChainId::get()),
+ access_list.clone().unwrap_or_default(),
+ );
+ let (weight_limit, proof_size_base_cost) = pallet_ethereum::Pallet::::transaction_weight(&transaction_data);
+ ::Runner::create(
+ from,
+ data,
+ value,
+ gas_limit.unique_saturated_into(),
+ max_fee_per_gas,
+ max_priority_fee_per_gas,
+ nonce,
+ access_list.unwrap_or_default(),
+ false,
+ true,
+ weight_limit,
+ proof_size_base_cost,
+ config.as_ref().unwrap_or(::config()),
+ ).map_err(|err| err.error.into())
+ }
+ fn current_transaction_statuses() -> Option> {
+ pallet_ethereum::CurrentTransactionStatuses::::get()
+ }
+ fn current_block() -> Option {
+ pallet_ethereum::CurrentBlock::::get()
+ }
+ fn current_receipts() -> Option> {
+ pallet_ethereum::CurrentReceipts::::get()
+ }
+ fn current_all() -> (
+ Option,
+ Option>,
+ Option>
+ ) {
+ (
+ pallet_ethereum::CurrentBlock::::get(),
+ pallet_ethereum::CurrentReceipts::::get(),
+ pallet_ethereum::CurrentTransactionStatuses::::get()
+ )
+ }
+ fn extrinsic_filter(
+ xts: Vec<::Extrinsic>,
+ ) -> Vec {
+ xts.into_iter().filter_map(|xt| match xt.0.function {
+ RuntimeCall::Ethereum(transact { transaction }) => Some(transaction),
+ _ => None
+ }).collect::>()
+ }
+ fn elasticity() -> Option {
+ Some(pallet_base_fee::Elasticity::::get())
+ }
+ fn gas_limit_multiplier_support() {}
+ fn pending_block(
+ xts: Vec<::Extrinsic>,
+ ) -> (Option, Option>) {
+ for ext in xts.into_iter() {
+ let _ = Executive::apply_extrinsic(ext);
+ }
+ Ethereum::on_finalize(System::block_number() + 1);
+ (
+ pallet_ethereum::CurrentBlock::::get(),
+ pallet_ethereum::CurrentTransactionStatuses::::get()
+ )
+ }
+ }
+### 4. Implement TransactionConverter
+ Code
+pub struct TransactionConverter;
+impl fp_rpc::ConvertTransaction for TransactionConverter {
+ fn convert_transaction(&self, transaction: pallet_ethereum::Transaction) -> UncheckedExtrinsic {
+ UncheckedExtrinsic::new_unsigned(
+ pallet_ethereum::Call::::transact { transaction }.into(),
+ )
+ }
+impl fp_rpc::ConvertTransaction for TransactionConverter {
+ fn convert_transaction(
+ &self,
+ transaction: pallet_ethereum::Transaction,
+ ) -> opaque::UncheckedExtrinsic {
+ let extrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic::new_unsigned(
+ pallet_ethereum::Call::::transact { transaction }.into(),
+ );
+ let encoded = extrinsic.encode();
+ opaque::UncheckedExtrinsic::decode(&mut &encoded[..])
+ .expect("Encoded extrinsic is always valid")
+ }
+### 5. Thêm convert transaction ETH sang Substrate Runtime API
+ Code
+impl_runtime_apis! {
+ ...
+ impl fp_rpc::ConvertTransactionRuntimeApi for Runtime {
+ fn convert_transaction(transaction: EthereumTransaction) -> ::Extrinsic {
+ UncheckedExtrinsic::new_unsigned(
+ pallet_ethereum::Call::::transact { transaction }.into(),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+### 6. Định nghĩa Eth RPC and mapping sync worker ở node
+ Code
+pub type FrontierBackend = fc_db::Backend;
+pub fn db_config_dir(config: &Configuration) -> PathBuf {
+ config.base_path.config_dir(config.chain_spec.id())
+/// Avalailable frontier backend types.
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default, clap::ValueEnum)]
+pub enum BackendType {
+ /// Either RocksDb or ParityDb as per inherited from the global backend settings.
+ #[default]
+ KeyValue,
+ /// Sql database with custom log indexing.
+ Sql,
+/// The ethereum-compatibility configuration used to run a node.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, clap::Parser)]
+pub struct EthConfiguration {
+ /// Maximum number of logs in a query.
+ #[arg(long, default_value = "10000")]
+ pub max_past_logs: u32,
+ /// Maximum fee history cache size.
+ #[arg(long, default_value = "2048")]
+ pub fee_history_limit: u64,
+ #[arg(long)]
+ pub enable_dev_signer: bool,
+ /// The dynamic-fee pallet target gas price set by block author
+ #[arg(long, default_value = "1")]
+ pub target_gas_price: u64,
+ /// Maximum allowed gas limit will be `block.gas_limit * execute_gas_limit_multiplier`
+ /// when using eth_call/eth_estimateGas.
+ #[arg(long, default_value = "10")]
+ pub execute_gas_limit_multiplier: u64,
+ /// Size in bytes of the LRU cache for block data.
+ #[arg(long, default_value = "50")]
+ pub eth_log_block_cache: usize,
+ /// Size in bytes of the LRU cache for transactions statuses data.
+ #[arg(long, default_value = "50")]
+ pub eth_statuses_cache: usize,
+ /// Sets the frontier backend type (KeyValue or Sql)
+ #[arg(long, value_enum, ignore_case = true, default_value_t = BackendType::default())]
+ pub frontier_backend_type: BackendType,
+ // Sets the SQL backend's pool size.
+ #[arg(long, default_value = "100")]
+ pub frontier_sql_backend_pool_size: u32,
+ /// Sets the SQL backend's query timeout in number of VM ops.
+ #[arg(long, default_value = "10000000")]
+ pub frontier_sql_backend_num_ops_timeout: u32,
+ /// Sets the SQL backend's auxiliary thread limit.
+ #[arg(long, default_value = "4")]
+ pub frontier_sql_backend_thread_count: u32,
+ /// Sets the SQL backend's query timeout in number of VM ops.
+ /// Default value is 200MB.
+ #[arg(long, default_value = "209715200")]
+ pub frontier_sql_backend_cache_size: u64,
+pub struct FrontierPartialComponents {
+ pub filter_pool: Option,
+ pub fee_history_cache: FeeHistoryCache,
+ pub fee_history_cache_limit: FeeHistoryCacheLimit,
+pub fn new_frontier_partial(
+ config: &EthConfiguration,
+) -> Result {
+ Ok(FrontierPartialComponents {
+ filter_pool: Some(Arc::new(Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new()))),
+ fee_history_cache: Arc::new(Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new())),
+ fee_history_cache_limit: config.fee_history_limit,
+ })
+/// A set of APIs that ethereum-compatible runtimes must implement.
+pub trait EthCompatRuntimeApiCollection:
+ sp_api::ApiExt
+ + fp_rpc::EthereumRuntimeRPCApi
+ + fp_rpc::ConvertTransactionRuntimeApi
+impl EthCompatRuntimeApiCollection for Api where
+ Api: sp_api::ApiExt
+ + fp_rpc::EthereumRuntimeRPCApi
+ + fp_rpc::ConvertTransactionRuntimeApi
+pub async fn spawn_frontier_tasks(
+ task_manager: &TaskManager,
+ client: Arc>>,
+ backend: Arc>,
+ frontier_backend: FrontierBackend,
+ filter_pool: Option,
+ overrides: Arc>,
+ fee_history_cache: FeeHistoryCache,
+ fee_history_cache_limit: FeeHistoryCacheLimit,
+ sync: Arc>,
+ pubsub_notification_sinks: Arc<
+ fc_mapping_sync::EthereumBlockNotificationSinks<
+ fc_mapping_sync::EthereumBlockNotification,
+ >,
+ >,
+) where
+ RuntimeApi: ConstructRuntimeApi<
+ Block,
+ TFullClient>,
+ >,
+ RuntimeApi: Send + Sync + 'static,
+ RuntimeApi::RuntimeApi: EthCompatRuntimeApiCollection,
+ Executor: NativeExecutionDispatch + 'static,
+ // Spawn main mapping sync worker background task.
+ match frontier_backend {
+ fc_db::Backend::KeyValue(b) => {
+ task_manager.spawn_essential_handle().spawn(
+ "frontier-mapping-sync-worker",
+ Some("frontier"),
+ MappingSyncWorker::new(
+ client.import_notification_stream(),
+ Duration::new(6, 0),
+ client.clone(),
+ backend,
+ overrides.clone(),
+ Arc::new(b),
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ SyncStrategy::Parachain,
+ sync,
+ pubsub_notification_sinks,
+ )
+ .for_each(|()| future::ready(())),
+ );
+ }
+ fc_db::Backend::Sql(b) => {
+ task_manager.spawn_essential_handle().spawn_blocking(
+ "frontier-mapping-sync-worker",
+ Some("frontier"),
+ fc_mapping_sync::sql::SyncWorker::run(
+ client.clone(),
+ backend,
+ Arc::new(b),
+ client.import_notification_stream(),
+ fc_mapping_sync::sql::SyncWorkerConfig {
+ read_notification_timeout: Duration::from_secs(10),
+ check_indexed_blocks_interval: Duration::from_secs(60),
+ },
+ fc_mapping_sync::SyncStrategy::Parachain,
+ sync,
+ pubsub_notification_sinks,
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // Spawn Frontier EthFilterApi maintenance task.
+ if let Some(filter_pool) = filter_pool {
+ // Each filter is allowed to stay in the pool for 100 blocks.
+ const FILTER_RETAIN_THRESHOLD: u64 = 100;
+ task_manager.spawn_essential_handle().spawn(
+ "frontier-filter-pool",
+ Some("frontier"),
+ EthTask::filter_pool_task(client.clone(), filter_pool, FILTER_RETAIN_THRESHOLD),
+ );
+ }
+ // Spawn Frontier FeeHistory cache maintenance task.
+ task_manager.spawn_essential_handle().spawn(
+ "frontier-fee-history",
+ Some("frontier"),
+ EthTask::fee_history_task(
+ client,
+ overrides,
+ fee_history_cache,
+ fee_history_cache_limit,
+ ),
+ );
+### 7. Add eth rpc vào service
+ Code
+ ```rust
+ // Sinks for pubsub notifications.
+ // Everytime a new subscription is created, a new mpsc channel is added to the sink pool.
+ // The MappingSyncWorker sends through the channel on block import and the subscription emits a notification to the subscriber on receiving a message through this channel.
+ // This way we avoid race conditions when using native substrate block import notification stream.
+ let pubsub_notification_sinks: fc_mapping_sync::EthereumBlockNotificationSinks<
+ fc_mapping_sync::EthereumBlockNotification,
+ > = Default::default();
+ let pubsub_notification_sinks = Arc::new(pubsub_notification_sinks);
+ let slot_duration = cumulus_client_consensus_aura::slot_duration(&*client)?;
+ let target_gas_price = eth_config.target_gas_price;
+ // for ethereum-compatibility rpc.
+ parachain_config.rpc_id_provider = Some(Box::new(fc_rpc::EthereumSubIdProvider));
+ let eth_rpc_params = crate::rpc::EthDeps {
+ client: client.clone(),
+ pool: transaction_pool.clone(),
+ graph: transaction_pool.pool().clone(),
+ converter: Some(TransactionConverter),
+ is_authority: parachain_config.role.is_authority(),
+ enable_dev_signer: eth_config.enable_dev_signer,
+ network: network.clone(),
+ sync: sync_service.clone(),
+ frontier_backend: match frontier_backend.clone() {
+ fc_db::Backend::KeyValue(b) => Arc::new(b),
+ fc_db::Backend::Sql(b) => Arc::new(b),
+ },
+ overrides: overrides.clone(),
+ block_data_cache: Arc::new(fc_rpc::EthBlockDataCacheTask::new(
+ task_manager.spawn_handle(),
+ overrides.clone(),
+ eth_config.eth_log_block_cache,
+ eth_config.eth_statuses_cache,
+ prometheus_registry.clone(),
+ )),
+ filter_pool: filter_pool.clone(),
+ max_past_logs: eth_config.max_past_logs,
+ fee_history_cache: fee_history_cache.clone(),
+ fee_history_cache_limit,
+ execute_gas_limit_multiplier: eth_config.execute_gas_limit_multiplier,
+ forced_parent_hashes: None,
+ pending_create_inherent_data_providers: move |_, ()| async move {
+ let current = sp_timestamp::InherentDataProvider::from_system_time();
+ let next_slot = current.timestamp().as_millis() + slot_duration.as_millis();
+ let timestamp = sp_timestamp::InherentDataProvider::new(next_slot.into());
+ let slot = sp_consensus_aura::inherents::InherentDataProvider::from_timestamp_and_slot_duration(
+ *timestamp,
+ slot_duration,
+ );
+ let dynamic_fee = fp_dynamic_fee::InherentDataProvider(U256::from(target_gas_price));
+ Ok((slot, timestamp, dynamic_fee))
+ },
+ };
+ let rpc_builder = {
+ let client = client.clone();
+ let transaction_pool = transaction_pool.clone();
+ let pubsub_notification_sinks = pubsub_notification_sinks.clone();
+ Box::new(move |deny_unsafe, subscription_task_executor| {
+ let deps = crate::rpc::FullDeps {
+ client: client.clone(),
+ pool: transaction_pool.clone(),
+ deny_unsafe,
+ eth: eth_rpc_params.clone(),
+ };
+ crate::rpc::create_full(
+ deps,
+ subscription_task_executor,
+ pubsub_notification_sinks.clone(),
+ )
+ .map_err(Into::into)
+ })
+ };
+ ```
+### 8. Spawn frontier task
+ Code
+ ```rust
+ #[allow(clippy::let_underscore_future)]
+ let _ = spawn_frontier_tasks(
+ &task_manager,
+ client.clone(),
+ backend.clone(),
+ frontier_backend,
+ filter_pool,
+ overrides,
+ fee_history_cache,
+ fee_history_cache_limit,
+ sync_service.clone(),
+ pubsub_notification_sinks,
+ )
+ .await;
+ ```
+## Account
+Frontier hỗ trợ 2 cách convert Substrate Address(H256) sang `H160`
+### Mapping giữa H160 sang H256
+ Code
+/// frontier/frame/evm/src/lib.rs
+/// Trait to be implemented for evm address mapping.
+pub trait AddressMapping {
+ fn into_account_id(address: H160) -> A;
+/// Identity address mapping.
+pub struct IdentityAddressMapping;
+impl> AddressMapping for IdentityAddressMapping {
+ fn into_account_id(address: H160) -> T {
+ address.into()
+ }
+/// Hashed address mapping.
+pub struct HashedAddressMapping(core::marker::PhantomData);
+impl> AddressMapping for HashedAddressMapping {
+ fn into_account_id(address: H160) -> AccountId32 {
+ let mut data = [0u8; 24];
+ data[0..4].copy_from_slice(b"evm:");
+ data[4..24].copy_from_slice(&address[..]);
+ let hash = H::hash(&data);
+ AccountId32::from(Into::<[u8; 32]>::into(hash))
+ }
+### Unified Address
++ Sử dụng Native H160
++ Moonbeam
+## Call eth rpc
+**Lưu ý: Phải chạy parachain evm template** [Cách chạy](../install_and_run_substrate_node/interact_substrate_node.mdx)
+### Lấy chain id
+### Lấy blocknumber hiện tại
+## Tương tác pallet-evm deploy và tương tác evm smart contract
+### Định nghĩa chain id và pre-funds cho evm accounts ở genesis block
++ Chain id và pre-funds evm-account
+ node/src/chain_spec.rs
+// Định nghĩa chain id và evm accounts
+// node/src/chain_spec.rs
+fn testnet_genesis(
+ invulnerables: Vec<(AccountId, AuraId)>,
+ endowed_accounts: Vec,
+ root: AccountId,
+ id: ParaId,
+) -> serde_json::Value {
+ let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
+ map.insert(
+ // Mapping H160 with Alice's Substrate PublicKey
+ H160::from_str("d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558")
+ .expect("internal H160 is valid; qed"),
+ GenesisAccount {
+ balance: U256::from_str("0xfffffffffffffffffffff")
+ .expect("internal U256 is valid; qed"),
+ code: Default::default(),
+ nonce: Default::default(),
+ storage: Default::default(),
+ },
+ );
+ serde_json::json!({
+ "balances": {
+ "balances": endowed_accounts.iter().cloned().map(|k| (k, 1u64 << 60)).collect::>(),
+ },
+ ...
+ "evm": {
+ "accounts": map
+ },
+ "evmChainId":{
+ "chainId":2024
+ }
+ })
+### Compile contract
++ Storage Contract
+ Storage Contract
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+contract Storage {
+ uint256 private data;
+ // Store a value
+ function set(uint256 _data) public {
+ data = _data;
+ }
+ // Retrieve the stored value
+ function get() public view returns (uint256) {
+ return data;
+ }
++ Có thể sử dụng Remix hoặc `solc` , ...
+ Bytecode của Storage Contract
+ ```javascript
+### Deploy evm contract
+Polkadot Explorer -> Developer -> Extrinsics -> evm -> create
+| Param | Giá trị |
+| --- | --- |
+| source | 0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558 |
+| init | raw bytecode hex value |
+| value | 0 |
+| gasLimit | 5000000 |
+| maxFeePerGas | 1000000000 |
+### Lấy contract Address
+### Kiểm tra Storage Code
+### Tương tác contract
+Polkadot Explorer -> Developer -> Extrinsics -> evm -> call
+Lấy input encoded data từ https://abi.hashex.org/ bằng cách import abi json
+Ví dụ Input: `set(40)`
+-> `60fe47b10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000028`
+| Param | Giá trị |
+| --- | --- |
+| source | 0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558 |
+| target | contract address vừa tạo |
+| input | 0x60fe47b10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000028 |
+| value | 0 |
+| gasLimit | 5000000 |
+| maxFeePerGas | 1000000000 |
+### Kiểm tra Onchain Storage
+## Tài liệu tham khảo
++ https://docs.substrate.io/tutorials/integrate-with-tools/evm-integration/
++ https://docs.substrate.io/tutorials/integrate-with-tools/access-evm-accounts/
diff --git a/pages/evm_compatible_layer_substrate/introduction_to_moonbeam.mdx b/pages/evm_compatible_layer_substrate/introduction_to_moonbeam.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..393d520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/evm_compatible_layer_substrate/introduction_to_moonbeam.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Giới thiệu Moonbeam
+## Moonbeam là gì?
++ Là một nền tảng hợp đồng thông minh tương thích với Ethereum được xây dựng trên Polkadot.
++ Cho phép các nhà phát triển triển khai các ứng dụng phi tập trung (DApps) dựa trên Ethereum hiện có với ít thay đổi, cung cấp quá trình chuyển đổi dễ dàng từ Ethereum sang hệ sinh thái Polkadot.
++ Moonbeam mở rộng bộ tính năng cơ bản của Ethereum với các khả năng bổ sung như quản trị trên chuỗi, staking, và tích hợp chuỗi chéo
+## Các đặc trưng của Moonbeam
+### Tương thích với Ethereum
+Moonbeam hỗ trợ Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Web3 API, và các công cụ Ethereum hiện có như MetaMask, Remix, Hardhat,..., giúp các nhà phát triển dễ dàng chuyển ứng dụng của họ sang nền tảng này.
+### Tích hợp chuỗi chéo
++ Moonbeam cho phép tính năng chuỗi chéo với các parachain khác và các mạng bên ngoài, cho phép tài sản và dữ liệu di chuyển giữa các blockchain khác nhau.
++ https://apps.moonbeam.network/moonbeam/mrl
++ https://apps.moonbeam.network/moonbeam/xcm
+### Quản trị trên chuỗi (Onchain Governance)
++ Moonbeam giới thiệu mô hình quản trị trên chuỗi linh hoạt, cho phép cộng đồng ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển của mạng lưới.
++ https://apps.moonbeam.network/moonbeam/open-gov
+### Tài khoản hợp nhất (Unified Account)
+Người dùng có thể sử dụng một địa chỉ H160 duy nhất cho cả tài sản dựa trên Ethereum và Substrate, đơn giản hóa trải nghiệm người dùng
+## Cấu trúc Moonbeam
+Tóm tắt
+1. Web3 RPC Call từ một ứng dụng phi tập trung (DApp) hoặc công cụ phát triển Ethereum hiện có, chẳng hạn như Hardhat, được nhận bởi một node Moonbeam.
+2. Node này có Web3 RPC và Substrate RPC, có nghĩa là bạn có thể sử dụng các công cụ Ethereum hoặc Substrate khi tương tác với một node Moonbeam.
+3. Các RPC Call này được xử lý bởi runtime API Substrate.
+4. Substrate runtime kiểm tra chữ ký và xử lý các transaction từ evm.
+5. Các tương tác smart contract cuối cùng được chuyển đến EVM để thực hiện các chuyển đổi trạng thái (state transition)
+## Moonbeam Ecosystem
+## Tài liệu tham khảo
++ https://docs.moonbeam.network/learn/platform/technology/
++ https://docs.moonbeam.network/learn/platform/why-polkadot/