If you want to add or change anything in this repository, please open an issue with a detailed proposal description or make a PR and implement it yourself. Consider that any change could affect multiple projects depending on it, so please, be careful.
At the time of writing, GitHub doesn't provide any satisfying solution for versioning multiple GitHub actions in a single repository, so changes should be backward compatible. If you plan to add an extensive action that will be actively developed, consider creating its own repository and put a description with a link to it in the vazco/open-standards readme.
The PR could be merged if it has two approvals, no changes requested, and:
- after 2 workdays, if over 50% of Vazco developers give a thumb up
- after 5 workdays, if the number of thumbs up is greater than thumbs down, there are no serious arguments against it (discussion is over)
PR can be declined if:
- after 2 workdays, if over 50% of Vazco developers give a thumb down
- after 5 workdays, if the number of thumbs down is greater than thumbs up
If you're a Vazco member, please notify the whole team via Slack and at the weekly meeting. Also, mention Vazco teams inside the PR description.