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239 lines (149 loc) · 8.31 KB

File metadata and controls

239 lines (149 loc) · 8.31 KB

Hey teachers, during the setup for Windows, some steps are not working as they should:

Error 0x8027025a error when installing Ubuntu on WSL

Or Ubuntu never finishes downloading/installing

wsl -l -v

To confirm the distribution name.

Update the commands below based on your version.

wsl --unregister Ubuntu

And then install using

ubuntu.exe install --ui=none



Error after trying to do rbenv install for Ruby install .bin/readlink no such file or directory

In the step to install Ruby (with rbenv install 2.7.4) the students get an error finishing with : .bin/readlink no such file or directoryI Path was correctly configured so the fix for this is to edit the Settings of the terminal.

Press Ctrl + on a Terminal window. This wil open the terminal settings: The student must replace the line starting with : "startingDirectory": for this line:

"commandline": "wsl.exe ~"

Then save the file, open a new terminal window and then the command to install Ruby should work again.

Not able to enable Hyper-V on Windows Home

The packages required for WSL are not automatically installed.

To download them, please copy the following lines in a text file on desktop and save it with the name hv.bat

     pushd "%~dp0"
     dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hv.txt
     for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hv.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"
     del hv.txt
     Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All /LimitAccess /ALL

After saving, open the file manager (File Explorer) and right mouse button, click the file and choose run as administrator, it will open a Terminal window and it will install many packages to enable the features needed. Once complete it will reboot the machine and then it will be possible to turn on Hyper-v from Programs and Features.

VS Code connection to Ubuntu

It should connect actomatically to WSL-Ubuntu but it doesn't. To fix this, install manually the extension WSL. For that, open VS Code and go to the small square on the left that allows to install extensions. extensions.

There, search for Remote-WSL and install it (image below for reference).

install WSL extension

After that, click on the small computer (menu on the left) to connect Ubuntu to VS Code connect Ubuntu.

Where it says WSL targets, click on the button with a '+' that appears on the right of the name of the Ubuntu distro. add Ubuntu.

Then, the magic operates and VS Code will be connected to Ubuntu.

Issues with ZSH configuration

Also, I have encountered that after the Dotfiles Configuration, students get this error while trying to open VS Code ("Unknown FileSystemError: Error: ELOOP: too many symbolic links encountered").

Unknown FileSystemError: Error: ELOOP: too many symbolic links encountered, open '\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\name.zshrc'

Or they can come after finished the setup with a screen like this ("Zshell Config issue- This is the Z Shell configuration function for new users, zsh-newuser-install. You are seeing this message because you have no zsh startup files the files .zshenv, .zprofile, .zshrc, .zlogin in the directory ~."):

Zshell Config issue- This is the Z Shell configuration function for new users, zsh-newuser-install. You are seeing this message because you have no zsh startup files the files .zshenv, .zprofile, .zshrc, .zlogin in the directory ~. This function can help you with a few settings that should make your use of the shell easier.

To escape this screen tap '0' because afterwards we will get rid of this file.

To remove the "too many links issue, they need to run the following in the terminal (Ubuntu (at this point should be the default if entering from Windows Terminal)):

rm ~/.zshrc
rm ~/.aliases
rm ~/.gitconfig
rm ~/.irbrc
rm ~/.zprofile
rm ~/.rspec
rm ~/.vscode-server/data/Machine/settings.json
rm ~/.Package\ Control.sublime-settings

and then repeat the following commands from the setup.

export GITHUB_USERNAME=`gh api user | jq -r '.login'`

You should see your GitHub username printed. If not, redo the gh auth step. (see below)

Then, check if the student already cloned dotfiles, in that case you can continue with the instalation.

cd ~/code/\$GITHUB_USERNAME/dotfiles

After, run

gh api user/emails | jq -r '.[].email'

Before the next step run

git remote -v

if it shows: upstream [email protected]:lewagon/dotfiles.git (fetch) upstream [email protected]:lewagon/dotfiles.git (push)

it is necessary to remove the upstream with:

git remote rm upstream

and then run the git installer

cd ~/code/\$GITHUB_USERNAME/dotfiles && zsh

This will ask you for the student's name (FirstName LastName, without any special characters) and the student's email and the passphrase.

Please now quit all the opened terminal windows.

If they open the terminal again and is not looking like it should (the classic terminal of students of Le Wagon) they need to redo all the steps from this section again. And again, and again, until it looks as we use it in Le Wagon (Actually, I just have to re-do many times this with 1 student, for the others it was ok with only 1 time.).

gh auth issues.

To fix the issues with "gh auth", for example when the student has this error after running: gh api user/emails | jq -r '.[].email'

error: gh: Not Found (HTTP 404) jq: error (at <stdin>:0): Cannot index string with string "email"

They need to run:

gh auth logout

Say yes to the prompt asking to confirm that they want to logout. Then, copy this line

gh auth login -s 'user:email' -w

without ANY editing.

They need to press ENTER and it will open the browser where they need to put the code that appears in the terminal, then authorize on the browser that Github have access to the things that it says there, and go back to the terminal and press ENTER again.

Check with:

gh auth status

Is ok, if it says Logged in and it says that is using SSH protocol. Like in the image below.

✓ Logged in to as v-natalia (/home/natalia/.config/gh/hosts.yml) ✓ Git operations for configured to use ssh protocol. ✓ Token: ***

Issues with the support for password authentication.

If a student gets this message:

“Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead. remote: Please see for more information. fatal: Authentication failed for’”

The fix is:

gh auth status

If the result says: Git operation for configured to use HTTPS protocol Then change it with:

gh config set git_protocol ssh

Verify with:

gh auth status

The result should be: configured to use ssh protocol

Could not access starting directory \wsl$\Ubuntu\etc error 0x8007010b

If a student has a black terminal with the message Could not access starting directory \\wsl\$\Ubuntu\etc error 0x8007010b

It seems this is a bug on wsl See here, but first verify that the student didn't make a mistake during the setup and putting other name on the starting directory.

To fix it, go to the ubuntu terminal, tap Ctrl+, and then open the Settings JSON file, then locate the line "Starting Directory" as the picture shows, and comment it.

Starting directory

Then add the line:

"commandline": "wsl.exe ~"

and save it. It should be fixed the next time they launch the terminal.