diff --git a/svo_ros/launch/frontend/t265_stereo_frontend_imu.launch b/svo_ros/launch/frontend/t265_stereo_frontend_imu.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44aac5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svo_ros/launch/frontend/t265_stereo_frontend_imu.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/svo_ros/launch/t265_vio_stereo.launch b/svo_ros/launch/t265_vio_stereo.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdcb869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svo_ros/launch/t265_vio_stereo.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
diff --git a/svo_ros/param/calib/t265_stereo.yaml b/svo_ros/param/calib/t265_stereo.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bd3c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svo_ros/param/calib/t265_stereo.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+label: "Euroc"
+id: 412eab8e4058621f7036b5e765dfe812
+- camera:
+ label: cam0
+ id: 54812562fa109c40fe90b29a59dd7798
+ line-delay-nanoseconds: 0
+ image_height: 800
+ image_width: 848
+ type: pinhole
+ intrinsics:
+ cols: 1
+ rows: 4
+ data: [277.0445787929248, 277.14615490978844, 420.97809743706387, 392.82001689694226]
+ distortion:
+ type: equidistant
+ parameters:
+ cols: 1
+ rows: 4
+ data: [0.0012262003484254352, 0.041669505142064446, -0.042504671644806195, 0.008307891]
+ T_B_C:
+ cols: 4
+ rows: 4
+ data: [-0.9999765267937457, 0.00020386038077828823, 0.006848671583756485, 0.0029498226056356527,
+ -0.0001673252362911382, -0.9999857559513914, 0.005334781775259225, 0.003687514981641677,
+ 0.006849661581589615, 0.00533351059523526, 0.999962317190477, -0.00923533813344655,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
+- camera:
+ label: cam1
+ id: 54812562fa109c40fe90b29a59dd7723
+ line-delay-nanoseconds: 0
+ image_height: 800
+ image_width: 848
+ type: pinhole
+ intrinsics:
+ cols: 1
+ rows: 4
+ data: [277.8972202765922, 277.897738713966, 421.13881158147956, 390.634827629262]
+ distortion:
+ type: equidistant
+ parameters:
+ cols: 1
+ rows: 4
+ data: [0.011720860001486453, 0.020472230492371325, -0.026529055095152156, 0.0044605227]
+ T_B_C:
+ cols: 4
+ rows: 4
+ data: [-0.9999802158592209, 0.006230654419457367, 0.0008641965351877218, -0.055741114618795086,
+ -0.006226692966309875, -0.9999704286877588, 0.004513318593175735, 0.003714080680358162,
+ 0.0008922919082011314, 0.004507848214558144, 0.9999894415040718, -0.009767379716986362,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
+ delay_imu_cam: 0.0086270629562066
+ max_imu_delta_t: 0.01
+ acc_max: 176.0
+ omega_max: 17
+ sigma_omega_c: 0.01
+ sigma_acc_c: 0.1
+ sigma_omega_bias_c: 0.03
+ sigma_acc_bias_c: 0.1
+ sigma_integration: 0.0
+ g: 9.8082
+ imu_rate: 200
+ velocity: [0.0, 0, 0.0]
+ omega_bias: [0.0, 0, 0.0]
+ acc_bias: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+ velocity_sigma: 2.0
+ omega_bias_sigma: 0.01
+ acc_bias_sigma: 0.1
diff --git a/svo_ros/param/frontend_imu/t265_stereo_imu.yaml b/svo_ros/param/frontend_imu/t265_stereo_imu.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63ec929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svo_ros/param/frontend_imu/t265_stereo_imu.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+pipeline_is_stereo: True
+grid_size: 35
+use_async_reprojectors: True
+use_imu: True
+poseoptim_prior_lambda: 0.0
+img_align_prior_lambda_rot: 0.5
+img_align_prior_lambda_trans: 0.0
+# If set to false, we process the next frame(s) only when the depth update is finished
+use_threaded_depthfilter: False
+# if the number of features are below this number, consider as failure
+quality_min_fts: 40
+# if the number of features reduce by this number for consecutive frames, consider as failure
+max_depth_inv: 0.1
+min_depth_inv: 10.0
+mean_depth_inv: 0.5
+map_scale: 5.0
+kfselect_criterion: FORWARD
+kfselect_numkfs_upper_thresh: 180
+kfselect_numkfs_lower_thresh: 90
+kfselect_min_dist_metric: 0.001
+kfselect_min_angle: 6
+kfselect_min_disparity: 40
+kfselect_min_num_frames_between_kfs: 0
+img_align_est_illumination_gain: true
+img_align_est_illumination_offset: true
+depth_filter_affine_est_offset: true
+depth_filter_affine_est_gain: true
+reprojector_affine_est_offset: true
+reprojector_affine_est_gain: true
+# Disable ceres backend
+# use_ceres_backend: false
+use_ceres_backend: true
diff --git a/svo_ros/param/t265_custom.yaml b/svo_ros/param/t265_custom.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7c0f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svo_ros/param/t265_custom.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+##### Basic parameters #####
+# Automatic initialisation
+automatic_reinitialization: True
+# Pipeline type
+pipeline_is_stereo: True
+# Feature and keyframe number
+# To run faster, you can decrease `max_fts` and `max_n_kfs`, for example:
+# max_fts: 120
+# max_n_kfs: 5
+# max_fts: 120
+# max_n_kfs: 10
+max_fts: 180
+max_map_fts: 300
+# max_fts: 220
+max_n_kfs: 10
+quality_min_fts: 40
+# Map scale when initialized (not used for stereo)
+# Increase if the initial scene depth is larger
+map_scale: 1.5
+# Initial rotation
+T_world_imuinit/qx: 0
+T_world_imuinit/qy: 0
+T_world_imuinit/qz: 0
+T_world_imuinit/qw: 1
+# Keyframe selection
+kfselect_criterion: FORWARD # alterntive: DOWNLOOKING
+# The following kfselect_* ONLY affects FORWARD
+# If the number of features: >upper, no keyframe;