We've all played and enjoyed wasting time on the classic computer game, Minesweeper. But come on: two dimensions? How boring! Since the setup and rules for minesweeper are so simple, they could easily be applied to higher dimensions for a more challenging puzzle.
This project aims to take everything great about minesweeper but make it more challenging. Minesweeper's core rules are simple and easy to pick up on, making it a great office time waster. However, after you learn all the ways to deduce where mines are, the game's challenge wears off. If however, there was a whole other dimension where mines could be, players would have to devise new ways of solving the puzzle. This will hopefully create a more rewarding challenge for players.
The game will use a 3D environment to display the mines. Then, for dimensions higher than 3, sliders/some other control method can be added to "shift" into a new cube. The goal would be to get at least to the 5th dimension, and then add more/new ways of play after.
This project could be accomplished with any framework/engine for displaying 3D graphics. Some that come to mind that I've used before are Panda3D for Python or Unity for C#. Anything that can easily display boxes in 3D will work.
Honestly, no one would ever buy this on its own. However, it could be a game shipped with other software like an OS, just like original minesweeper. Then, the game would be played by people looking for a challenging puzzle game they can play in the background.