My project idea is to create an app and/or website that finds up-to-date sales items on popular workout lines. It will hold all the prices the clothes have been from the past year, logging the lowest and highest price. The user can follow certain clothes and brands on the application and get notifications on the current price of the item and if the price is expected to go back up or fall further. In addition, the site will track the user's likes and dislikes to tailor the homepage to the style and brands they are looking for as well as recommend similar brands and compare prices on similar items. Searches can be filtered by both size and price range, allowing the user to see if a size is in stock or not within the given price range.
Both men's and women's exercise clothes have been skyrocketing in price over the past few years, as athletic leisure wear has become an everyday clothing style. If you are styling on a budget but still want the best quality clothes and brands, this platform will allow you to buy at a bargain from your favorite athletic brands. This application hopes to save people both time and money on searching for trendy athletic wear.
- A tailored recommendations page based on the user's actions on the site
- A 'heart' function that keeps tabs on items the user likes, notifying them when the price drops
- A 'Hottest Products' page that is based on the number of clicks per item. The more clicks an item has, the high on the list it is
- A 'Best Deals' page including the items whose prices dropped most significantly over the past week
- Languages: C++ or JavaScript
- Possible Frontend: React.JS
- Possible Backend: Firebase
The target audience for this app would be both men and women ages 15+. It would be for lower-income people, such as college students, who want to be trendy but do not have the income to pay full price. Though, people of all incomes could enjoy a good deal.
I would like this project to be a browser extension as well but believe that would not be possible in the time frame given.